Member Reviews

As I grew up, the lies my parents told me became pretty obvious. You never know who is reading a review, so I will just say that many holiday traditions and who facilitated them, were not exactly(or even closely) related to what I was told as a child. I thought this book might expose some other 'lies' that I had forgotten, but unfortunately, I didn't recognize/remember my parents( or any adult) every telling me any of the 'lies' in this book. Maybe they are ones the author tells/told his children?
I am not a parent and perhaps that is more the target audience. For me, I just couldn't relate and I just didn't find the book humorous nor was it a trip down memory lane or a conversation starter with friends I grew up with. I will say the illustrations that accompany each 'lie' were very well done.
I think I will buy a copy of Lies We Tell Our Kinds for my best friend, who is a mom. Perhaps she will find some humor when her own little 'monsters' are giving her grief.
I received an e Arc from Animal Media Group through NetGalley.

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This is a cute little book that parents and children will both enjoy. The illustrations are so cute in this book and compliment the "lies" perfectly. I will admit a lot of these I had never heard or used myself. But there are some classics used in the book such as if you cross your eyes they will stay that way. Some of them were really out there such as bats are just birds dressed up for Halloween. Grab a copy of this book and enjoy it with your kids.

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I found this book mildly amusing...very, very mild. The author has taken little white lies that we make up for our kids and illustrated them. I will admit that there were some I had never heard of, so they must be things the author has told his kids. I'm not sure I would recommend running out and buying this one, but it might be something to pass the time while waiting for in a doctor's waiting room.

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Too funny and so true, LIES WE TELL OUR KIDS will have every parent, if they’re honest enough, rolling in the aisles because they can relate! 5/5

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the advance copy, in exchange for my true review.

#LiesWeTellOurKids #NetGalley

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It is quick and enjoyable read. Illustrations are cute and creepy at the same time. Some lies are creepy as well. I've been told some of them too. I really enjoyed it.

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“From acclaimed artist Brett Wagner comes a book about the tall tales that parents tell their kids in the hopes of getting them to do something—eat, sleep, apologize to their sibling, or learn to do something the right way. Fun, heartfelt, and a little bit weird, Lies We Tell Our Kids exposes the not-so-great generational parenting tactic of lying to your child for the greater good!”
Okay so now that I’m thinking about it, I am definitely not the correct age demographic for this little comic book. I don’t see why I couldn’t have enjoyed it then, seeing as I’m an old soul.
I honestly thought this was so dumb. I try to not be too harsh but holy smokes. I really was annoyed while reading it. I get that he was trying to be silly but I don’t think lying to your kids to make your job easier is very kind at all. Obviously, tiny white lies are fine, such as pretending to like your child’s joke, but some of these were just stupid and cruel and could really scare your kid, which then causes more problems. Probably not the best way to go about things.
I, of course, am not a parent myself, and maybe this was supposed to be satire, expanding on the whole ‘lying to your kids’, but I just thought it was ridiculous. Nothing funny about lying. I’ll also add the art was kind of ugly.
Okay that’s enough ranting.

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Not really funny, and most are not really relevant to things I'd ever tell my kids. And "Seals love Clubbing." is just distasteful.

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I received a copy from the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is a quirky, funny book for adults which makes fun of some of the things parents tell their children and things that we’ve been told by our parents. It was nostalgic for me and I definitely got a chuckle from it. The illustrations were great. I love that type of style and it worked in collaboration to bring the point home on how ridiculous some of the little white lies can be. It was a one and done kind of book. I finished it in 15 minutes but I was smiling when I finished it. It’s cute and original.

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I’m sorry, but I did not find the humor in this book; I thought it was genuinely stupid. With the exception of two of them, I’d never even heard of these supposed “lies”. Also, some of the illustrations were kind of cute; however, I thought several were just plain gross.

This is not a book I would recommend to anyone.

All the same, my thanks go out to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for allowing me a review opportunity.

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A grownup book full of old and new tall tales we heard as children and maybe even tell our own. The warnings around gum swallowing, nose picking, eye crossing, and thunder brought back memories and there were lots of new tales I had never heard of which I found interesting. The art work was beautiful, although scary in places. More a book you give your adult siblings with pages folded down marking the family lore than a book you give children.

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Lies We Tell Our Kids is a book of lies that parents have told their kids - and some cute and creepy illustrations of them.  Like George Washington was the first president in space and fish don't sleep so we can. I am not sure how many of these are actually told by parents - but there were a handful that I had heard at one point or another! Really cute book that gave me a few good laughs.

I received a free e-copy of this book in order to write this review, I was not otherwise compensated.

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Lies about the lies I tell my children (come on man, I’m not a monster!)
Going into this I thought it was going to be literal, about the white lies parents tell their kids to either encourage or discourage behavior.
This book was a tall tale compared to what I was expecting. I really hope there aren’t parents out there telling their children these things, and if there are you should be ashamed.
I personally have only heard (not spoken!) one of these things and it was something like: don’t keep your eyes crossed or they will get stuck that way.

2 stars for fun illustrations.

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@NetGalley #partner

Thanks to #NetGalley for the review copy of Lies We Tell Our Kids. All opinions are my own.

I LOVED this book. Each page is a new lie with a picture to accompany it. Many of the lies I definitely heard as a child. A few, I had never heard before, but I'm excited to use it on my own kids. LOL. This was a really cute book and I definitely would recommend it.

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Thanks to netgalley/author/publisher for giving an opportunity to read this book.

Some of the lies are funny, and some are unbelievable. Unless the kids are quite young it would have been hard to get by. All in all, ok read. I picked it partially to see how many i have been told and how many i have told my kid. The ones with chewing gum and eyes crossed are gems that i guess will get passed from generation to generation!

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Lies We Tell Our Kids by Brett Wagner is a lovely, quirky little book with great illustrations. I found myself smiling almost at each page as I read this book. While I hadn’t heard many of these “lies”, I could appreciate the humor of them. It is an easy read and sharable with your kids. This would be a perfect gift for parents. The illustrations are just great!
Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for a pre-publication ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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I thought this was a book with texts and instead it turned out to be funny illustrations! However, I didn't enjoy the illustrations too much, since there were slightly odd and I could not relate to any of the lies these parents tell their children:) Since it isn't a book of illustrations really, I haven't posted a review on my blog for this.

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Good idea, but I found the book itself quite disappointing. I don't remember hearing any of these "lies"/myths as a child.

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Hilarious and funny! Brett gives an overview of the sweet lies that our parents and grand parents provide us to explain events and facts around our world. A nice book to read with young children to demystify their curious world and don't forget to provide them the true answer

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I try to not give negative reviews, but only one of these lies is something I told my children. Some of them are far-fetched and nonsensical. I was intrigued by the cover and premise of this book and ended up quite disappointed.

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A quick book filled with funny lies that parents tend to tell their children... some of which are almost idioms. A perfect coffee table book. I laughed at a few, and think this book could be a fun gift for anyone who has a few middle aged children.

I have received a much appreciated digital copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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