Member Reviews

Love the quirky characters that Rose encounters along the way to solving a mystery . Lots of twists, turns and humor!! Great read!!

Rose has turned her back on family money in order to make her own life decisions is trying to decide what she wants her major to be in college so she is taking part-time classes. Rose works for a diner was a waitress to pay her way through college and rent on her small apartment. One day her close friend Axton comes in the diner and asks her to keep his backpack safe. She hides the backpack for him and before she can find out more Axton disappears. Suddenly strange things start to happen in Rose’s life. While trying to find her missing friend which the police don’t seem to believe is really missing Rose stumbles into a world of political corruption and illegal gambling. Can Rose find Axton before she becomes a victim too?
I love this book. This is a very funny fast-paced mystery. I love the characters… Rose although she seems lost in ways she is a very strong person to walk away from family money in order so she can live the life she wants on her own terms. Her octogenarian boss is a hoot, she definitely someone you’d want as a boss.
This is a great first book in a series, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a mystery with a touch of humor. I was provided with an ARC if this book from NetGalley in hopes I would submit a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This is a quick easy read. with an engaging cast of characters and a decent storyline. If you're looking for light entertaining reading, this may be a good choice.

It's okay, I think most people would probably like it. It's just not me. If you like Contemporary, quirky, some profanity, then this is for you.
carolintallahassee 👒

I debated whether to give this book four stars or or five. There were some parts where the main character did more talking instead of getting on with it. Like all her thoughts. Some stuff could've been left out. But it still kept my attention. I'm going to read the next one. It was great with close calls of Rose getting up to no good and worried about getting caught. The last half was so suspenseful I was on the edge of my seat. There was a twist at the end I didn't see coming. I loved the characters, except for Rose's mother. How could anyone feel that way about their child? This is promising to be a great series. There are moments I was laughing out loud. I can't wait to read the next one.

Okay I dont know if it just me but I truly tried to like this book, I really did, I liked the characters, they were fun and fleshed out, but something just did not click with that weird ending. I just am confused... I am a netgalley ARC reader. uhm, what was that??? (WHO was that?)