Member Reviews

Although I read this with my Christmas reads, this is not a Christmas story. An Orphan in the Snow is an Historical Fiction book, set during WW2. The story tells of life at Liverpool’s Dr Barnado’s Home. These homes were originally opened to give orphans and street children a place to live safely, but during the war they also housed evacuees. The expression of "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" came to mind as I read this book. It is not as bad as some of the orphan train books, but there is harsh treatment in this story that is rectified by the end. This book centers on June Lavender, who takes a job as the assistant to the matron after the death of her sister. She can no longer live with her father, who was responsible for her death. June is kind hearted and wants to make sure all the children have the best care and treatment. She is up against the hard hearted matron, who has rules in place that she believes are in the best interest of raising strong, non-pampered children, but in truth are punishing them. One child in particular, Lizzie, tugs at June's heart. She is only four and doesn't speak. She has been banished to the nursery and is not even allowed out to eat meals. She is "guarded" by a mean and unhappy young woman, who is making life even more miserable for Lizzie. June defies matron by taking Lizzie outside to play in the snow and finally sees a smile and hears some words. Can June turn this home around and bring kindness and light into the lives of the children?
This was an uplifting story about the power of love, kindness and perseverance. June is a wonderful character, who refuses to cower under the matron. She is able to get many of the staff on her side to support her and report incidence to the managers that come to visit, after their pleas fall on deaf ears when they talk to matron. As we learn about June's past, I quickly understood why she was so adamant that the children be well treated. The children are so sweet. Some are scared and try to hide from the world, some are extremely helpful with the younger children, and some are just kids trying to survive under terrible circumstances. There is also a storyline about June and a pilot she met at a local dance. It didn't overpower the story, but added another realistic element to the book. I loved how this story ended with an uplifting and hopeful conclusion. It touched on several themes including bombings, discrimination, child rearing, family issues, war and it's losses and injuries, and some romance. This was a well-written story that pulled me in from the beginning and kept me interested throughout.

Dr. Barnardo’s homes were prevalent in England before, during and after W.W.II. “An Orphan in the Snow” by Molly Green is one novel in her series telling about one of the homes’ staff and children.
The story begins during W.W. II with June Lavendar’s recollection of her small sister’s death at the hands of her father. Although she is bound to the family to care for her sickly mother, after her death, June heads for her new job at Liverpool’s Dr. Barnardo’s home. On the train, to Liverpool, she bumps into RAF Flight Lieutenant Murray Andrews, thinking at the time how handsome he is, but wanting nothing to do with getting involved with any man.
Her arrival at the home is less than congenial because of the attitude of the Matron, who is called The Fierce One behind her back. June finds that Matron has no compassion or care for those children in her care. In particular, one little girl who has lost her whole family in the bombing does not speak, probably from the trauma of her loss. June tries to befriend her, against the wishes of the Matron and succeeds in helping the little one.
Lt. Andrews is not out of the picture either. He and she meet up again at a dance put on by the soldiers of the nearby camp and the townspeople. Their attraction is obvious, but both are reluctant to commit to anyone at this time of war.
June, in the meantime, is fighting for the children to have a better life than what Matron is providing for them. She makes it her personal business to see that all the children are aware of the fondness that the staff at the home feel for them. She wants them to have at least some semblance of normalcy in the crazy time of war.
I loved this book and have read more in the series by Ms. Green. I felt a part of the times when I read about them in this book. War is a nasty business and the most we can hope for is that the children are cared for. I will look for more novels by this author.

*thank you to Netgalley and Avon Books UK for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
4 stars.
This was SUCH a beautiful read. It was really heart felt and written just beautifully. I was taken in by this story from the very beginning and it was such a joy to read although parts were very hard to read, or mayve im just too sensitive. I really felt connected to type characters which is quite important I think. Its been awhile since ive read a story like this and im so glad I did. Plus the cover I just adore.

A lovely and heartwarming novel set in WW2. I really enjoyed this book by an author new to me. Very well written.

An Orphan in the Snow is a beautifully written historical novel set in war torn England during WWII. It is the story of June Lavender who has escaped her horrible home life with an abusive father to take a job at an Orphanage housing children who have lost their parents due to the war. Her passion is taking care of the children and finding ways to make their lives better in spite of the cold, unfeeling Matron. June struggles to assist three year old Lizzie who has not spoken since her family was killed by a bomb. Her relationship with pilot Murray has its ups and downs as the two try to find a way to make a relationship work amidst all of the strife. It is obvious that the author researched the time as she was able to transport the reader right into 1941 with all of the hardships of the war such as air raids, rationing, and families torn apart. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more books by Molly Green.
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

“An Orphan in the Snow” by Molly Green was a delightful and heartwarming novel. This is my first novel by Ms. Green. She has a definite gift. Her characters are well developed, so much so, that you start to get attached to them. You feel their sadness, their happiness and cheer them on through out the book. This book is a work of historical fiction as it is set during World War II just before, and immediately after the USA joins the allies.
The setting for the book is an orphanage in Liverpool, England. The orphanage takes in children who have been displaced by the war. Either they have lost their homes, families etc. The book delves into the difficult emotional issues these children face at such a young age. One of the main characters, June Lavender, who is hired as the assistant Matron. Ms. Lavender also had a traumatic childhood. Having that kind of childhood has made June the perfect person to deal with these children as she is keenly aware of how they feel. She stands toe to toe with her boss in an effort to bring more love and individual care to these emotionally damaged children.
When I write my review, I do not give an spoilers. I feel sometime reviewers say to much. I will however recommend this book highly. I will look forward to more books by Molly Green. She is a wonderful writer.
I would like to thank NetGalley, Molly Green, and Avon Books, UK for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

An Orphan In The Snow
By Molly Green
Set in the backdrop of war torn WWII England, a young June Lavender takes a job as a matrons assistant in Dr Barnado’s Home for orphans.
Despite constant run-ins with the matron, June develops bonds with the orphans and friendships with the other staff.
A enjoyable read with good cohesion and character development. I received this ARC from Avon Books UK through Netgalley for a honest review.
5 Stars !

This book was a really lovely read and was about Dr Barnados. I would highly recommend this book. Thank you Netgalley and the Publisher

I struggled to get into this one. It's got an interesting backstory, but it's a bit all over the place while at the same time feeling very "grey." Some of that can be attributed to the setting, but it just wasn't my favorite read.

Fantastic historical fiction that will draw you in from the first page. A great read that I really enjoyed.

Her childhood was not an easy one, her father was a violent drunk and her mother died way too young. Haunted by her younger sister's death, June can't take home life anymore and travels from her home to accept at job in Liverpool at Dr Barnardo’s orphanage. June couldn't save her sister from their father's violence but she feels the need to try to help the evacuees and orphans at the orphanage. Matron as she insists on being called is in charge of the orphanage. She hasn't a compassionate bone in her body. There is no talking to her and running an idea by her that suggests a change in something, no compromises. It's her way and that's it. June meets a young man on the bus on the way to Dr Barnardo’s orphanage, Flight Lieutenant Murray Andrews. Is there a chance for a romance to take off for them when bombs are tearing their world apart ? My favorite character of the book was Lizzie. She is a child who has become mute because of a fire wiping out her entire family while she was at her grandparents house. This child is only 3 and has no one except June at the orphanage. She is in everyone's corner and always takes an extra moment to talk to and comfort the children when they need it. Matron meanwhile is just plain mean and believes in harsh discipline. I loved seeing the progress Lizzie made and seeing her come out of her shell and act like a little girl again that is full of excitement all with June's kindness and compassion. As the book progresses I learned some interesting things about Jane's family and Matron. I enjoy reading about children in orphanage's and seeing them get help and have a happy ending.
Pub Date 30 Nov 2017
Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for a review copy in exchange for my honest review.