Member Reviews

I stopped and started this one several times and really wanted to get into it but had a hard time connecting. There were some nice written heated scenes and I enjoyed those. I wanted them to get to their HEA so I read until the end. Ultimately this was a miss for me.

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I loved the characters and the storyline development of this book. It was absolutely one of my favorites so far and I can't wait to delve in to the next one. Way to go.

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2018; St. Martin's Paperbacks
(Review Not on Blog)

Charlotte was left at the altar and still isn't over it, and Dean's till bitter with his ex-wife over the demise of their marriage. Yet, the two work weddings most weekend. Charlotte, a photographer joins Dean's business, a venue that holds weddings and receptions. What is first a distraction from their heartache grows into love. Can the two get over the past and make a future together?

This is a cute sweet romance novel with a bit of an emotional edge. The characters are realistic as is the heartbreak and most of the romance. This is a perfect rainy day read. When you want to stay in and feel all the feels of a contemporary romance. I am down for the rest of the series!

***I received an eARC from the PUBLISHER via NETGALLEY***

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Wedding photographer Charlotte Linley loves her work—even though she hates weddings. Sure, she still holds a grudge after being left at the altar by her high-school sweetheart. But today Charlotte is just happy to have complete control over her career, which is flourishing. Especially since she joined forces with one of the three gorgeous owners of The Stag, a boutique distillery that has become Kansas City’s hottest wedding venue. Dean Troyer, bitter after the end of his own marriage, knows that Charlotte is the real deal—beautiful, talented, and successful. He may flirt with her every time she comes to The Stag but Dean is determined to keep his professional distance. . .particularly now that she’s helping him with his own sister’s wedding. The only problem? The more time Dean spends with Charlotte, the deeper their connection grows. Is this a rom-com cliché or could it be that these two jaded souls in the wedding business have finally found their real-life happily ever after?
The book was really good. I loved both main characters as they went through the story. Both characters were well written. I really enjoyed the plot. I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Not bad not as interesting as the 3rd book. The build up was lackluster to me.

This is a voluntary review and I do not get paid for this review.

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This was a well written book with a backstory for both main characters. Charlotte is relationship shy, while Dean is arrogant and worried about the age difference between them. However the two have an ongoing flirtatious relationship that blossoms into a will they, won’t they relationship.

I found Dean’s obsession with the age difference and his insecurities very frustrating. I also found Charlotte was too forgiving. At times, she’s a strong woman, but she becomes a doormat for Dean. I find this aspect from both characters distasteful preferring strong, confident characters.

Apart from this, I enjoyed this book. It was well written and the flow was good.

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It's really easy for me to gravitate to romances featuring weddings. I really loved all the minor details about the set-up of this series too: the secondary characters, The Stag. And while I thought Charlotte and Dean were cute together, their romance didn't really knock me flat, if you know what I mean.

Charlotte has been hanging around The Stag for a few years, taking pictures of wedding receptions, so she knows Dean in a polite, professional way. Despite trying to maintain her professionalism, she is also highly attracted to him. Dean feels the same way about Charlotte. When Dean asks for Charlotte's help in planning his sister's wedding, it's a no-brainer that she'll say yes.

Some of the conflicts Charlotte and Dean experience -- exes, for example -- seem manufactured and a little contrived. I think readers are missing out a bit in the newness of Charlotte and Dean, the beginning of their relationship, their initial attractions. Maybe that would add the spark of chemistry that's needed for the final third of the book.

Still, I enjoyed Maybe I Do, and I plan to read the second in the series. Maybe This Time.

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Something about this story, the characters and the setting just really worked for me. I enjoyed the romance - sparks and chemistry in abundance, and the plot was fast-paced and held my attention.

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Maybe I Do is just a fantastic read- plain & simple. The characters are so well written, the story is so fun, & the sexy time is HOT!!

Maybe I Do is the first in the Whiskey & Weddings series & I have already pre-ordered the next.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Maybe I Do was really cute, it was fun, and very much a chick lit book. The story flowed pretty well, and the characters were good in their own right. I didn’t feel the connection between them that I needed/wanted, but reading the book as a whole, it’s not a huge deal.

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Maybe I Do has a lot of things going for it: a beautiful setting I’d love to spend time in, a warm and welcoming supporting cast, and a premise I was totally on board for. Nicole McLaughlin charmed the hell out of me with the setting; I wanted to drop in and live in Maple Springs, Kansas. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to love this book, it ended up falling short for me thanks to the romance.

Charlotte is a wedding photographer who is wary about marriage after having been left at the altar by her high school sweetheart. Charlotte is talented, hardworking, and genuinely caring, which makes her easy to like. What I didn’t love about her was that she wants Dean so much that she takes scraps of affection from him, puts up with his push-pull attitude for way too long, and she takes way too long to stand up for herself. Dean is where Maybe I Do crashes and burns. He’s not a bad person, but to me he was a bad hero. Ms. McLaughlin did paint a clear picture of why his disastrous marriage made him insecure. However, though I understood where he came from, his jealousy, insecurities, and tendency to make decisions for Charlotte without actually asking her irritated me. As the story went on, Dean’s fears and doubts became his defining characteristics, which was incredibly unappealing. By the end of the story, I liked Charlotte’s ex (who I wanted to hate) more than I did Dean. Added to that, Dean and Charlotte spent much of the book internal monologuing rather than actually talking to one another. A lack of communication and a disappointing lack of chemistry made this romance fall flat. I had a litany of problems with the romance, but it feels overly harsh to continue. Suffice it to say, it just didn’t work for me.

Even though Maybe I Do wasn’t the book for me, I still want to read the next book in the Whiskey and Weddings series. Charlotte and Dean’s friends were lovely, the Stag was a well-imagined setting, and overall the series has potential.

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I was invited to read this one, and unfortunately it was not for me. I lost focus a lot and couldn't finish this story.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book follows the serial flirtations of Charlotte, a photographer, and Dean, one of the owners of a Whiskey Distillery that also moonlights as a wedding venue. Charlotte and Dean have a positive working relationship, even though at every meeting it is clear that they each want more. Their biggest obstacle - horrible ex experiences that get in the way of wanting a future with another. Even though the flirtations go on (and there are quite a few), neither really act on them so as to not make things awkward when in a professional situations.

However, the tables turn when Deans younger sister (who he basically raised) announces her engagement. As both she and her fiancee are deployed overseas, she needs her older brothers help to plan a wedding for when they come home for a short leave. Dean, knowing that he is over his head, asks Charlotte for her help in the wedding planning thus forcing them to spend extra time together. And, in a predictable move, this time together allows them to explore what all the flirtations hadn't.

There are some twists and turns along the way, and I don't want to give them up, but the two have to be able to let go of the baggage from previous relationships if they want to make what they have work. There are also some surprise appearances from extra characters that have the ability to break them apart.

Overall i really did enjoy this book, and look forward to more in this series as there are two other co-owners that work with Dean, and they are as of this book, still single ;-)

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Nicole McLaughlin has release a brand new series which is a cute romance with a twist of hilarious conversations. It is a enjoyable romance read that it will make you forget what is around you.
Maybe I Do starts off with Charlotte Linley, a very well-known wedding photographer sharing her view on marriage. She has formerly been engaged but it has ended in disaster that she does not like the subject of marriage in the first place. She rather concentrated in her career which is blooming as late especially working with the hotness owners of The Stag. She has been working with them for awhile and she has a mad crush on Dean Troyer. Dean Troyer is the ultimate hotness that she is more willing to be with him but he is totally clueless about it.
Dean Troyer has worked so hard in his lifetime that he can finally enjoy what he loves most. And it definitely comes with its perks which would be the brilliant yet beautiful Charlotte Linley. She is a keeper but their age is kinda factor. There is a big age gap. He does assumes that younger women wants to get marry real quick. And he is done with marriage because he has experiences only betrayal in marriage not truth. But he keeps his opinion to his self since his baby sister is getting marry. And he needs help because he is completely clueless about planning a wedding and he can't ask his ex-wife what so ever which he turns to Charlotte.
It is a big favor to ask for Charlotte but she has no problem with it. She is a kind person that she has no problem in helping out . And their interaction will develop deeper than ever. It is very hot chemistry between them that their scenes are steamy than ever.
Msybe I do will reveal so much truth about marriage that it going to take time to acknowledge what you truly wants than ever which Charlotte and Dean do. Four stars.

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Charlotte and Dean make a great couple, but too much time is spent worrying about the age difference between the two. Almost 12 years is not terrible and it took away from the story. Otherwise, it was an ok read.

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This book hit so many emotions – joy and sorry and happiness.
I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did. Charlotte is down to earth and knows what she wants…but also has some issues that hold her back such as an almost previous marriage and a miscarriage. Dean is a slightly older guy (41 I think) and I really liked that the author didn’t let age become a problem. Well it was a problem for Dean at first and considering some of his past I can see why. But it isn’t like he was 70!
I have to admit there were tears in my eyes a few times when Charlotte talks about the miscarriage and how it impacted her life. And of course Dean has a few issues too (won’t spill all of them!) but what he experienced with his mother growing up was hard. And then a situation with Dean’s sister Alexis. That was a very emotional time.
Now while Charlotte and Dean have known each other for 3 years and they have been crushing on one another for all that time…they do seem to do things a little backwards by jumping into bed before trying that dating thing. But at least the scenes are only somewhat graphic. There is a little bit of “behind closed doors” that I appreciated.
I can’t wait to see what characters will be featured in following books…lots of people that need to be hooked up with someone!

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I have read several books by this author and have loved them all. She has a fantastic way of building up chemistry between her characters and Dean and Charlotte were perfect together. Also, I listened to half of this on audio book and the narration was really good as well. I loved this book and can't wait to read whatever this author writes next.

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Maybe I do is a well written romance. I enjoyed the plot and the characters. The author was new to me and I will be reading more of her work. I recommend this to readers who enjoy losing themselves in a good romance.

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Always the photographer, never the bride. This contemporary romance is the first in a new series from romance author, Nicole McLaughlin. If you like light and fluffy romances with side of whiskey, you might give this a try. But if you're a reader like me who prefers their romances with a little more emotional depth and natural dialogue, then this one may not be for you.

Charlotte's fiancé left her at the alter five years ago, leaving her more than slightly jaded over the idea of love and marriage. Now she spends most of her time lusting over Dean, the hot owner of the Stag. Dean has his own heartbreak story. His marriage ended years ago because he couldn't give his wife what she needed: children. Both are afraid of commitment and more than a little attracted to each other. Sparks fly when Dean and Charlotte end up in an all-to-real fake relationship after lying to Charlotte's ex while planning Dean's sister's wedding.

When I read the synopsis, I was really excited to read this because it's set in a fictionalized suburb of Kansas City, Missouri, which is where I'm from. Second, it involves a slightly angsty complicated romance, which I was sort of craving. While the book may not have been exactly what I was hoping, I did enjoy parts of it. The beginning of the novel was really fun, being a spy on what goes on behind the scenes at a wedding.

The romance itself was underdeveloped and bland. The lack of chemistry between Dean and Charlotte is likely due to the fact that there was way too much telling instead of showing the reader. There were attempts made to manufacture attraction and chemistry through internal dialogue but it ended up doing just the opposite. To complicate things, the dialogue in the novel was stilted and not natural or conversational.

Some readers, may find the characters extremely obtuse and therefore frustrating. Both Dean and Charlotte have been working together for years. By their own admissions they have also had a strong attraction towards each other for just as long. The mutual flirtation wasn't subtle. Yet, for a good quarter or more of the book, both of them doubt that the other could like each other. I get that love can be complicated and confusing, but this romantic cluelessness in this instance seemed a bit far-fetched and more of a plot device to try to create tension.

This was not what I would call a bad book at all. The premise really is quite charming and I loved the distillery setting. I had a hard to completely feeling the romance or connecting to what the author wanted me to.

* Thanks to St. Martin's Press for providing me with an early copy for a review.

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Wedding-themed stories can be a hit or miss, but MAYBE I DO was an enjoyable start to Ms. McLaughlin's new series  and I'm interested in what she has in store for us next. This story had a few surprises for me but I really enjoyed it, maybe because of those surprises. It was cute, fun and sometimes emotional, but very entertaining.

Charlotte Linley may have a successful career as a wedding photographer but she certainly has no illusions about weddings, having been left standing at the altar. One upside to her gig is spending time with the trio at her favorite wedding venue especially the gorgeous Dean Troyer; and while flirting with him may be fun, Charlotte is not looking for a relationship.

Dean has his own scars from his attempt at a happy ever after and is not looking to take another go at it, but he lives for the days he sees Charlotte and when he's drafted to plan his sister's wedding, she's the only one he can think to ask for help from. Every moment spent together makes their feelings for each other even more powerful, but can two people with such baggage as theirs open up to love again with all the risks it comes  with?

I liked the characters a lot. Dean was an older guy and surprisingly was reserved, quiet and quite insecure (with reason), not the confident alpha male you'd expect. Charlotte was more mature in the way she carried herself and managed her business and life than you would expect for her age. She was confident, smart and knew what she wanted. Both of them had a lot to deal with in order to make their relationship succeed and Dean struggled with a lot more. The pairing of a stronger younger woman and the slightly insecure older man was unexpected but totally worked for me. 

My least favorite thing about this story is the exes that just won't go away. It added a layer of drama that was unnecessary in my opinion, especially since Dean and Charlotte already had their own hang-ups to deal with.

I definitely will recommend this book to anyone who wants an enjoyable romance to end the summer.

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