Member Reviews

Favorite Quote:

“I’m afraid you may find me . . . unenticeable at the moment. A perk of reaching your forties.” She yanked her hand up and gently slapped his chest. “Will you stop acting like you’re old? I just had the most amazing sex of my life with the hottest guy I’ve ever met.”

The thing that drew me to this book, was that it is set in/around Kansas City. I have family in that area and so I feel a small sense of pride about it so I was excited to see it in a book. It was such a small focus of the book, but that is okay. There was even a reference to Overland Park and that made me happy.

This was a cute read, but it didn’t blow me away. Caroline, the heroine, is a wedding photographer who was jilted by her then fiance 5 years ago. She is mostly over it. Working in the wedding industry she is surrounded by love. She isn’t jaded, but she doesn’t fully believe she’ll find her man. One of her favorite work venues is a distillery where Dean, our hero is a co-owner. Dean is almost 12 years older than Caroline. He is divorced and has anxiety about whether or not Caroline would be interested in him. Spoiler alert- she is.

They are brought together when Dean’s sister gets engaged and Dean has to plan the wedding. The sister is in the military so even though it sounds like a far fetched plot device, it works. During this planning time, they really get to know each other and let their relationship grow on a deeper level. Dean is definitely more of a beta than alpha and I really enjoyed it. I loved his insecurities about dating, it felt authentic.

Trigger/Spoiler warning of sorts- if miscarriage is something is hard for you to read about, this book is not for you. Nothing happens on the page, only referred to in the past, but it is definitely a theme in this story.

Dean has some stuff from his past that I wanted him to share with Caroline, but he never did. I felt a little let down by this. Dean behaved badly and it was a little easy on the grovel. But I loved that Caroline called Dean out on his shit, here is one example-
“Charlotte, stop,” his voice called behind her. With a groan, she wiped under her eyes and then turned. “What do you possibly need to say to me?” Dean stopped short on the sidewalk. “First of all, I need to say I’m an asshole. I haven’t handled things well, but . . . I’ve had a lot going on.” “Yeah. You have. And I guess I thought it might have been my place to help you with that. But if not, that really tells me all I need to know.”
This was a solid read for me. She lightly and carefully sets up at least one other couple, I will probably read the next one. I really enjoyed the older (than the heroine), beta-y hero who struggles a bit with his confidence. The heroine was kind and relatable as well. And of course I enjoyed the setting of Kansas City.

Grade: C+

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I enjoy her books, they are always entertaining. This was sweet, and sometime emotional read. Like all couple Charlotte and Dean, had to go thru some up and down together to be able to have a life together, I felt Dean struggled the most. On to the next one.

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I’ve been so excited about this book, not only because it’s the start of a new Nicole McLaughlin series, but because I can’t seem to get enough from her and I will read anything she writes. Her stories are always so fun to read but they always have what I consider a perfect amount of romance + serious + emotion laced throughout them for what I’m looking for at the time. They’re always perfect for me and I always find myself smiling while I read.

The story of Dean and Charlotte is no exception. I loved it. My feelings ranged from thrilled at various parts to my eyes tearing up at a part of the story that deals with one of Dean’s family members. I also felt pretty angry at the people that Dean and Charlotte were involved with in relationships before this book. And holy Batman, there is a photography scene involving a motorcycle that is just — wow.

Dean is a 41-year-old previously married man who has been crushing on 29-year-old wedding photographer Charlotte for the past few years. Dean is co-owner at a successful distillery and wedding reception venue in the Kansas City area, so he and Charlotte end up working together often. The two flirt almost constantly and get along very well. And Charlotte has a mad crush on him too.

I absolutely love the tension between Dean and Charlotte. I love that Charlotte isn’t afraid to be the first to flirt, but she is still classy without being too forward. Of course, there are some obstacles once these two begin to move ahead with their relationship, but these things eventually work themselves out in true romance-novel fashion.

I love that Dean shows his vulnerability when he feels like the age divide could be a problem. In the beginning, Charlotte thinks that his age is the bulk of his concern; she continues to show Dean that she is interested. In truth, Dean is hiding more behind this age concern. Both have issues that they need to work through — plus a couple of outside obstacles concerning family and community members. I really felt like all of this brings a slightly more emotional feeling to the story than I was expecting. It wasn’t a heavy story or anything, but I wasn’t expecting some of these issues to read their heads (fertility vs infertility, deployment, for example). I think these things are handled really well in terms of tying into the tone of the story and I was increasingly invested as the story continued.

The secondary cast is great in this story. I think I can see where the next couple of books may be headed. (Possibly? It’s fun to try and guess.) Dean’s best friends and distillery co-owners are a lot of fun, and I love his sister Alex. As much as liked the secondary cast, both Dean and Charlotte have people from their past that show up in this story – this is something that I don’t typically love. While neither ex-person is a threat to Dean and Charlotte, I was still incredibly annoyed with these two people every time they were on the pages. I just wanted them to GO AWAY. Perhaps this is because of the emotional traumas they caused Dean and Charlotte in the past, but more likely this is because I just wanted no barriers to their fledgling relationship.

Also, sidenote: I love the backdrop of a whiskey distillery for this series. There is plenty about the distillation process and the marketing of the product, etc in the story. Because this is something that enjoy in my real life, I loved that it was included in the story. As usual, I’m already dying to get my hands on the next new story from Nicole McLaughlin. Her stories are just some of my absolute favorites.

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Maybe I Do was my first book by Nicole McLaughlin and I readily admit that it was the gorgeous cover that drew my attention. I am a sucker for a wedding dress. I was hopeful that the book (and eventually the series) would turn out to be much like Nora Robert's wedding planner series, and yet I am happy to report that it's really not. I love that it's surrounding the MEN at the wedding location, and all of them are quite appealing.

This was a really charming story. I love the wedding setting (or really any work setting, restaurant, wedding planners, hotel, etc.) Charlotte and Dean have been flirting for ages, and both assume the other isn't really interested. They have a 12 year age difference, and while this bothers Charlotte not one tiny bit, it bothers Dean quite a lot. They address this issue head on, along with the surrounding issues to being a decade older, and I feel like it is resolved really well. The tension between them (always my favorite part) is outstanding, and that alone makes me want to read the next in the series. There's a lot of stuff going on in the plot- Charlotte's ex, Dean's sister's upcoming wedding, a co-worker with pregnancy complications- and somehow none of it feels awkward. I admit, I stopped reading for a while about 3/4 through when I could see a big horrible thing playing out, something that many authors handle poorly, and was very pleased to see it handled like mature adults.

If you're looking for a new author, with a strong sexy story, I think you won't go wrong here.

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Copied from my review on

"Maybe I Do" is the first book in the "Whiskey and Weddings" series that can basically be summed up as, in Book 1, dealing with both love lost, love found, and endings and new beginnings.

While that sounds simplistic, the writing was not at all trite. The first book is the story of Dean and Charlotte. Charlotte is a 29-year-old photographer who does many a wedding shoot at Dean's business, The Stag, which offers wedding receptions to financially assist with Dean's passion, making whiskey.

Charlotte and Dean have a regular flirtation going on. Charlotte has lusted after Dean for eons. Dean seems to reciprocate, but he is, unlike many other romance heroes, on the quiet/a bit shy side, which I found refreshing. Dean also has an issue with pursuing Charlotte since he is 12 years older. Charlotte has ambivalent feelings about weddings/marriage, ironically, having been left at the altar five years prior by her ex. Which makes her main bread and butter ironic.

But Charlotte has other photographic interests, including shoots for romance-novel covers, and it is here she makes a move on shy Dean, whom she manages to talk into using as her male model. Things remain murky, but fate takes a hand when his younger half-sister, Alexis (by 15 years), deployed in the military, asks her brother to plan her wedding to a fellow serviceman, which would be held while they are on leave. Out of his element, Dean turns to Charlotte for help.

In the course of planning, Charlotte and Dean go from resisting their attraction to falling in love head on. But past baggage complicates matters as Dean deals with an important issue that destroyed his first marriage and could derail his budding romance with Charlotte. And his attitude is further complicated due to his own mother abandoning his father to marry a younger man, leading to Dean's resentment. Dean must decide whether he can conquer his inadequacy and fears and risk a future with Charlotte.

Simultaneously, Charlotte must also finally face her ghosts from five years ago once her ex suddenly reenters her life, first via his engaged brother, then in a more prominent - and surprising - fashion. She must also come to terms with a devastating event that she had kept from that time, having not even told her family about.

The combined baggage - which I will not specify, so you can find out for yourselves - adds depth to Dean and Charlotte. And while this baggage digs up past ghosts and exes, as with Charlotte's, I appreciate that no one is this book is a mustache-twirling villain nor sickly-sweet saints. Everyone is human, with good points and bad. And I admire that Ms. McLaughlin doesn't fall into such clichés and deals with all of these characters with a sense of maturity alongside touches of insecurity and whimsy.

As for Dean and Charlotte's chemistry? Hot. Sexy. Yet sweet. I took to these two right away and was rooting for them to get out of their own way, get past their insecurities, and give in to one another.

As it is Book 1, we are also introduced to Dean's business partners, T.J. and Jake, as well as Jen, the bartender turned receptionist, Lauren, a fellow photographer, and friend of Charlotte's, and various pastry chefs and family members. We are given just enough history of these other people to entice us for future stories.

The book also touches upon the unusual details of whiskey making, so it is even a touch educational as well as fun!

This was my first book by Nicole McLaughlin. I'm pleased to be able to honestly say that it will not be my last, and I look forward to the other books in this series. This was provided to me by Netgalley in exchange for an *honest* review. Just happy I was able to give praise where it was due!

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This is not the first book by Nicole McLaughlin that I've read and up to now, I've really enjoyed them all. "Maybe I do" is no exception. I seldom put the book down once I'd started reading it. It was sweet to see Dean and Charlotte finally, finally (and very slowly) succumb to the attraction between them. Their chemistry is amazing and every time they didn't end up together or at least talking about getting together I was a bit frustrated. And I would have loved to tell them a thing or two.
Two people whose track records are not that great when it comes to relationships, try to find their way to each other. One of them was left at the altar and the other one, well, let's just say that that marriage wasn't that great either.
Nevertheless, those two are simply drawn to each other and with the aid of a photo shoot or two, a wedding to plan and some exes to fend off, they finally, finally acknowledge their feelings. When things get really rough and my stack of hankies was much needed, everything threatens to fall apart.
Will those two be able to work through it?

I loved those really amazing, well-developed and complex characters as much as the wonderful story and the style.This book is easy to read and pulls you in right from the beginning. All in all another wonderful book by Nicole MacLaughlin that I can definitely recommend.

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As a reader who is admittedly and unashamedly addicted to series it’s always a pleasure and a puzzle when I begin a brand new series. The pleasure is obvious, the puzzle is whether these characters, this world will pull me in for the remainder of the series. After one story I can already tell you that I’ll be following the Whiskey and Weddings series up until the end. I like this world, the people in it are the kind of people and situations I enjoy reading about – and if you also love series, then this is one you should check out.

Charlotte was once left at the alter. That kind of betrayal and hurt tends to stick with you, perhaps even changing how you see romance in any form for ever. And it is totally ironic that now Charlotte is a wedding photographer. She captures all the beautiful, memorable moments for other brides… but never intends to become one herself. She’s not above flirting with a handsome sexy guy, but that’s all it’s ever going to be… until she met her match in stubbornness and determination to remain single.

Dean stood at the alter once. Watched his bride walk down the aisle to him… too bad his marriage didn’t end in that happy ever after that most couples plan for. One divorce later and he’s quite willing to date a beautiful, intriguing woman like Charlotte – but that’s as far as it’s ever going to go. Being a partner in a wedding venue type of business is as close as he intends to come to weddings ever again. One wedding photographer woman, one wedding drinks and location man just might equal a happy ending for both… if they can get past their stubbornness, and their fears.

Maybe I Do has all the elements that make an entertaining, charming romance. It’s not easy to allow yourself to trust others or yourself after a betrayal, but sometimes the reward of someone who loves you for a lifetime are well worth the risks. I’d recommend this story to any Romance reader, and I’ll definitely be following this series.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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i really enjoyed maybe i do by nicole mclaughlin. it's the first book in her whiskey and weddings series, and gets off to a good start with charlotte and dean's story. they've been flirting for years. he's one of the co-owners of the stag distillery, which doubles as a wedding venue. and she's a photographer who specializes in weddings and sexy book covers.

dean is an older hero, though at 41, and given my current age (i'm not 40, yet) it doesn't seem so old. even though a lot of fuss is made about his age. and she's 29, which is younger than him, but also doesn't seem so young. so in some ways it felt like there was a big deal made about this 12 year age gap that wasn't such a big deal at least not given the kind of people dean and charlotte were. both charlotte and dean had big life experiences behind them when they meet, and both had suffered their fair share of loss. so why not give in to the wanting they both feel? why not let that sexual tension break over them and bring them some bliss?

dean puts up a lot of barriers to exploring anything, in part because he is trying to protect himself and charlotte from hurting. one thing that dean hasn't told charlotte is that it is extremely unlikely he will ever be able to father children. and his infertility issues and the resulting insecurities kind of drag down the romance. maybe it's because i have dealt with infertility, but it's one of my least favorite things to read about. i understand that it's a real world obstacle and can be a dealbreaker for many people. but i hate it when that kind of reality befalls my romance characters. i loved everything else about this story, and the characters already had enough baggage to deal with that this one extra thing made me kind of sad.

and you know, i know that there are many ways to have children, it doesn't always have to be biological. but i shouldn't have to be managing my own feelings about infertility when i'm trying to escape the hard stuff. this is very much a me problem, and honestly, when i finished this book i was on such an emotional high that i was ready to give it five stars.

dean is totally swoonworthy. he's a good person, kind, forgiving, honest about his own faults. it's no wonder that charlotte is head over heels for him. all of the characters in this novel are so well drawn, you see where the series potential lies, and i kind of can't wait for more. weddings have a way of heightening emotions and this plays well into the stories mclaughlin wants to tell.

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The second I saw the cover of Maybe I Do I knew I needed to read it. In fact, until I started it I had no clue what it was about. Crazy I know! But for some reason I just had to read it.

It turns out that I had very mixed emotions about this one. To the point I'm not even sure what I want to tell you guys. Have you ever read a book and when you're finished you aren't sure how you felt about it? Well that's how I'm feeling now. I just don't know!

I will try my best though because this is a review so I do need to say something. Here goes!

I will start with the fact that I did like the idea of the story. It seems weddings, more the planning part, has become popular. I've found myself reading more than one book that is along the same lines. It works for me since I like that them.

I guess my issue is with Charlotte & Dean. As friends they work. I like how they act together, they have a good friendship appeal. It's when you get to the romantic side that they fall apart. I didn't feel like they felt that way about each other. Getting their sexy-on with each other didn't seem like a thing. Weird I know because this is a romance and I did feel like the author was writing a romance, just...I don't know!

I could deal with all their many issues. I don't mind past relationship issues. At times that can make a good story. It's just sometimes I felt the story was more about their issues then the new romance they were starting.

I told you I was having issues writing this review.

It's not like I didn't at times enjoy the story because I really did. It was just something I can't name. I think what I'll do is when it's around the time that the next one comes out I will read this one again. Maybe it was when I read it that was the problem. We will find out when I try it again. I have until February when the next one comes out so I've got some time.

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3.5 stars. I was looking forward to this seeing as I have read 2 books by Nicole McLaughlin. This was the third book I'd read by her, after All I Ask (Man Enough #1) and Along Came Us (Man Enough #2).

Charlotte is a wedding photographer in the town of Maple Springs. I really admire the dedication she shows in her job and the shooting photos for book covers work she does as an extra sounds interesting, too.

Dean works at the local boutique distillery. The Stag, a venue used for many a wedding party in the town. They have been flirting for 3 years, although to me, much of this flirting seems pretty subtle.

The book is slow to start with, then things get hot and sexy at a photo shoot between Dean and Charlotte, I did want them to get on, despite the age gap. Charlotte is 29 and Dean's 41. He ends up helping her out with his sister's wedding plans, although she is not a wedding planner. I found it was fun getting to know her and Dean, although I thought they were a little formal together. I also liked Dean's drive to help Charlotte plan his sisters wedding,and the fact wedding planning is new to Charlotte. I thought that was a nice touch. The preparations and anticipation before the various weddings in the book drew me in and were very exciting.

Dean is hard to read at times after they kiss, which creates a real real worry for them, not to mention being awkward.
Another awkward moment is when Charlotte's ex, John, gets married to her high school friend, Shelby.

The book is very emotional because the reader gets a lot of insight into what all the characters are feeling and thinking. Dean seems very over-sensitive at times, and I sometimes don't like him as much as I thought I would when he gets like this. Both Dean and Charlotte have painful memories in their lives from before they met, and the book touches on some difficult experiences for all the characters in it which are approached in a sensitive way by the author.

There is a good atmosphere between Charlotte and her friends from high school when they meet again. Sometimes, I wish she wouldn't waste her time with Dean – she's not a wedding planner and does not have to be, even to help his sister out. But she takes after her mother, and likes to help people. The book is laced with some enjoyable tender moments between them though.

I could feel and understand Charlotte's nerves when she had to do pictures at John and Shelby's wedding. I got the feeling she was wrestling with difficult feelings all the time.

After a while, Dean's attitude towards their age gap seemed immature to me. Age is just a number when you love someone enough. It kind of seemed he couldn't decide what he wanted. I had to hand it to Jake when he tried to make him see he could have something good with Charlotte, and that maybe he was missing the opportunity. Charlotte seems too soft on Dean, expecting/hoping him to be at John's and Shelby's wedding. I wouldn't do that in that situation. I do wonder if TJ and Jake will find their respective happy ever afters. Hopefully that will happen in another book! The ending to book #1 is sad, so have the tissues ready.

Overall a sweet romance. The writing style was slightly different to the Man Enough series, but enjoyable nonetheless. The book sets the scene nicely for Whiskey and Weddings #2, which will be released in 2018.

Thanks to Nicole McLaughlin and St Martin's Press for this ARC via NetGalley.

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Thank you goes first to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for providing us with a copy of this book so that we could bring you this review. 

I absolutely loved this book. It was just the kind of read I needed at the time. Though the things that both Charlotte and Dean have gone through in the past are super sad, they are able to grow and become better stronger people. I loved the fact that they were always flirting with each other. This was definitely the best way to start the series. I look forward to finding out what happens with the rest of the crew in the books that follow. My heart broke a few times and found myself crying like a baby at others, but the entire time you are rooting for Dean and Charlotte. Though Dean is older than Charlotte by 12 years the maturity that Charlotte possesses makes it the perfect age combination. There is so much more that I want to say but am too afraid of giving it away. All I will say is that you won't regret getting this book.

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Working as a photographer, especially at weddings, is what Charlotte does best. She is a competent and famous professional.
Almost every week she's at The Stag, a distillery whose 3 owners, Dean, TJ and Jake, increase profits by renting the party place while they wait for their whiskeys to mature.

Dean Troyer, 41, the oldest of the three, is attracted to Charlotte, 28. But, first of all, he thinks he's too old for her. Then he did not have such a good experience in his first marriage when he was betrayed by his wife.

Charlotte should also complain about her love life. Five years ago, she was abandoned by fiance, John, practically on the altar. Even though she has a certain trauma, her attraction to Dean would even make her try to try a new relationship. But she feels that Dean, despite always flirting with her, keeps himself apart.

When Alexis, Dean's younger sister, enlisted at Army, asks him to prepare her wedding, Dean has no choice but to call for help from someone who knows about the scheme, and that's when he and Charlotte work together.
These days of research to make the best marriage Alexis deserves, make Dean and Charlotte even more drawn to each other.
But as shit happens, John returns to town and Amy, Dean's ex-wife, comes to the conclusion that Dean was the perfect husband for her.
With these two intruders on the set, would Dean leave his fears behind and take his feelings for Charlotte?

I loved the story and the narrative of the author involves the reader. I started to read and could not stop.
I am curious to know the The Stag's next partner's story and what will be of the future of Dean and Charlotte (I hope for great news!!)

5 stars

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4.5 Stars!

I really enjoyed Maybe I Do by new to me author Nicole McLaughlin. It is well-written, extremely meaningful, and fast-paced. This is the first book from the author's brand new series, Whiskey and Weddings, and it can be read as a standalone. I love all things related to weddings, so making time for this entertaining story was not difficult.

Charlotte Linley loves being a wedding photographer, and her unique ability to beautifully craft lasting memories makes her a hot commodity. Although she has no intention of ever being a bride again, she is able to create amazing warmth and passion through her photos. One of her favorite places to shoot is The Stag, an up and coming distillery owned by three smart and good-looking men. Dean Troyer is the master distiller, and he and Charlotte have been flirting for years.

Since his bitter divorce, Dean has focused all of his energy into his work. The Stag's anxiously awaited whisky and bourbon are all he can think about. Via Skype from somewhere in the Middle East, his sister Alexis and her boyfriend surprise him with the announcement of their engagement. They are both serving in the army and would like to get married when they both return home in a few months. Dean enlists Charlotte's help in the wedding planning process, and overtime they develop feelings for each other.
4.5 Stars!

This is an absorbing and nicely written novel. Charlotte and Dean share an amazing chemistry, and Ms. McLaughlin does an excellent job of creating sexual tension, longing, and desire. The genuineness and strength of the secondary characters adds an extra believable quality to the story. In fact, I enjoyed their stories almost as much as Charlotte and Dean's. Overall, this is a captivating read that will keep you engaged from start to finish.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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I loved this book! I loved Charlotte and Dean! Their story is so emotional, and so powerful. They both have plenty of baggage from failed relationships and other issues and watching them fall in love but fight it makes this a very engaging read. I loved Dean and the rest of the owners of the Stag and I can’t wait for more of their stories but not only theirs but also Charlotte’s assistant and other secondary characters, I want to see them all get their HEA’s. Charlotte and Dean both had so much pain in their pasts, so much to overcome to build their relationship but starting as friends and working together on a project gave them a framework to start falling in love. This book was heartwarming and heart wrenching in turn and kept me up way past my bedtime to finish. I recommend this to anyone looking for an engaging and emotional read. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love books by Nicole McLaughlin! Every time I think I know what to expect from her, she throws me a curve. First of all, the cover is gorgeous! The characters have a bit of an age difference, which I haven't read for quite a while. It's not a huge age difference, so it doesn't make you scrunch up your nose and think, "What would she see in him?" It's just enough that it gave the hero, Dean, second thoughts about getting involved with the younger Charlotte, but his appeal to her is definitely understandable.
McLaughlin wrote this book around happy events--mainly weddings. Charlotte is a photographer and Dean owns and works in a distillery that has an event room. They also end up working together to plan the wedding for Dean's sister and her fiance. All should be coming up roses! McLaughlin throws in a twist that I guarantee will have you reaching for a tissue. It was so unexpected, but I was flipping forward in the book to see what was going to happen next, and I haven't done that with any other book for a very, very long time.
A few of the reviewers have remarked that Dean wasn't a very strong character. Personally, I really liked him. He has a secret that could make any man doubt himself a little. He had a history that made him a little gun shy, but in the end he found his footing and went after the woman he wanted and made it apparent to everyone that she was going to be his. He was very, very sexy. That didn't hurt anything at all. Dean did have a tendency to do what he thought was best for Charlotte without giving her a chance to decide. Charlotte was strong enough to call him on it. Charlotte has a secret, too, and the combination of their secrets could be the death of their relationship.

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Charlotte Linley is a wedding photographer and always strives to make her client’s weddings the best day ever. Today’s wedding has gone well and now they are off to the reception at the Stag Whiskey Distillery, a popular venue for receptions. The owners, TJ, Jake, and Dean have done very well in growing the place.

Charlotte especially likes Dean Troyer and they always enjoy bantering with one another. Dean has been divorced for several years. Charlotte also photographs handsome men for book covers and Jen, a bartender at the Stag, teases Dean that Charlotte should photograph him.

Dean’s younger sister, Alexis, is in the military and wants to come home for her wedding in July and she needs Dean to plan it for her. Their parents have passed away and there is no one else to help her. That’s when Dean asks Charlotte to help him plan the wedding for Alexis.

Dean and Charlotte have had some sad experiences at love so they are both hesitant to become involved with someone. But after getting to know one another better, they are really drawn to one another.

But there are always bumps in the road and they couldn’t help but hit some. Will they be able to stay together and find a true and lasting love?

This is a really sweet romance. I found it a bit slow in the beginning but it built up to a book that I didn’t want to put down. I know readers will enjoy it.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Maybe I Do by Nicole McLaughlin
Whiskey and Weddings #1

Great introduction to a new series and new author!

Charlotte is a professional photographer…
Dean Troyer is a distiller of fine whiskey…
Charlotte and Dean like one another, flirt with one another whenever they can but never act on their interest in one another due to past events in both of their lives…
…things begin to change one day…

Charlotte and Dean have been friends for a few years when Dean’s sister contacts him needing to have her wedding planned and ready to attend when she and her fiancé get home from their current military tour overseas SO Dean asks Charlotte to help and as they work together on the wedding their relationship begin to change. Everything is going fairly well until some truths appear, an accident occurs and communication and soul searching becomes paramount. Thankfully things work out for most in the story. At this point I know there are at least two and perhaps more books to come in this series as Dean has two partners, took on another person to work as his apprentice and there are a number of friends of Charlotte’s that could also have stories of their own…and…you know what…I am looking forward to reading whatever book comes next!

I love the distillery, the story, the concept and the characters. Not being a guy I am not sure if I would relate to Dean’s situation as he does BUT wished at times he had been a bit more forthcoming and done so a bit earlier. Charlotte was very together and a strong female force that I would love to have as a friend. I liked the two together and see them happy in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars

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“Maybe I do...but then again maybe I don’t” that is the question and what seems to be the mantra running through the minds of Charlotte and Dean, the main couple, in this one, my fellow romance book loving friends. Both become conflicted as they struggle with attraction they have kept contained the last couple of years with harmless back and forth, flirty banter/winks every time they meet. Dean is eleven years older, thinks he’s wise enough to know he isn’t what Charlotte needs, and is all but married to his business. Besides considering what happened with his former wife, he assumes he’s just not meant to be the family man he’s always wanted to be.

Charlotte plans to never put another engagement ring on her finger again, folks. Sure, she’ll sign up for the companionship and even children some day but she doesn’t believe wedding vows deliver on their promise of a HEA. Yeah, that’s a rather inconvenient confession since she’s in the wedding photography business. She can’t help but push those thoughts aside though whenever she lays eyes or hands on Dean, owner of a popular wedding venue she uses. She’s had a crush on him for years and is more than ready to make her move to see if he feels the same.

With lots of relationship angst, we journey with these destined to be together knuckleheads but not without some frustrating “What were you thinking?” moments that clearly show age doesn’t always bring wisdom, folks.

I loved Charlotte’s strong character and resilience. She somehow always reached deep and was the better person when dealing with those who had wronged her. A trait that also seemed to be carried by Dean, as well.

There is some OW/OM drama in the form of ex’s that I could have lived without, but that’s just my personal preference. Neither main character are in any way shape or form tempted to go back with their former lovers at any time in this storyline. For that, I am very thankful, though one of them gets hurt when a crisis hits and they are excluded, left to feel like an outsider, while the ex is not.

Here’s to hoping this review has been helpful in deciding if maybe you do want to give this series a try. I found the writing flowed, and I stayed completely engaged. By the way, you might want to check out this author’s “Hearts and Crafts” series, as well. Book 1 - Win Me Over and Book 2 - Draw Me Close were both very enjoyable for this NetGalley reviewer.

Title: Maybe I Do, Series: Whiskey and Weddings (Book 1), Author: Nicole McLaughlin, Pages: 300, stand-alone but part of a series, resilient/sweet/gorgeous heroine, older good guy hero who takes awhile to come to his senses, some very steamy scenes, accurate synopsis.

Book 1 - Maybe I Do, 8/29/17, Pages: 300 (Charlotte & Dean)
Book 2 - Maybe This Time, 2/27/18, Pages: 300

(I received a free advanced reader copy provided via NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. No type of compensation was given to this reviewer. There is no relationship/affiliation between the reviewer and the author/publisher/NetGalley.)

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Maybe I Do is my first read by Nicole McLaughlin and I am so glad I was able to read this book.

Maybe I Do is the first book in the Whiskey and Weddings series and I am definitely ready for the next book. The story was sweet, fun, and emotional enough to keep me hooked from the first page to the last. Charlotte and Dean have been flirting for a while, but nothing more. Watching these two navigate a relationship was an experience.

The only thing I could say was a negative for me is that I felt there was some chemistry missing between the characters. Not that this should discourage anyone from reading this book because you won't regret it.

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Unfortunately this was a miss for me. I loved the premise behind the story, however I found the execution lacking. The story dragged and I was not engaged in the main characters or the potential of their romance. DNF at 25% with significant skimming to get there.

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