Member Reviews

This wasn't very good - the concept was really cute but the main characters, Charlotte and Dean had no chemistry. It was probably because most of the dialogue in the book happened in their heads. They weren't interacting with each other. They were talking themselves into and out of things in their minds which makes for a pretty boring book. Also, is the author trying to copy Lauren Layne? Whiskey - Just One Night, Sam Compton and wedding photography in the prequel to the Wedding Belles series - From This Day Forward, Leah McHale. Layne does it smarter, funnier and sexier.

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I requested this book from NetGalley to read and review.  This was a different kind of story, both characters have past relations they would prefer to forget and some personal issues. Charlotte is a wedding photographer and very successful at her craft. But she's never getting married again. Five hears ago, she was abandoned by her fiancé on her wedding day, when she was already dressed and at the church. So, no weddings for her, she's now very cynical about the happily ever after. Dean feels the same way. When he and his ex-wife had problems conceiving, she started cheating on him and they had a nasty divorce. The aftermath was so painful he has no desire to repeat the story. Also, his own parents had a nasty divorce which further cemented the no-marriage decision.

Dean, TJ and Jake own the Stag, a whiskey and vodka distillery building, that had beautiful historical features.  The second floor is a perfect wedding venue, so they started to rent it out while their business was still young, to help business until their aged liquors could be sold.  So Charlotte uses it frequently, and whenever Charlotte has a wedding in the Stag venue, Dean makes sure to be the attending owner, just to be with her. They enjoy a very fun, flirty, teasing friendship, where they crave but don't take action.

Dean has a younger sister, from his mother's second marriage. She's fifteen years younger, and when her parents died, Dean took her in to live with him and his wife.  Later on, Alexis enlisted in the Army and Dean got divorced.  Now his sister, still deployed in the Army, is taking an assignment in Italy and asked Dean to plan her wedding to her boyfriend Nathan.  Instead of asking his ex-wife, who is still close to Alexis, he asked Charlotte to help him in this endeavor.  Charlotte is very happy to spend more time with Dean, so they tackle this assignation with gusto.

Two things about this book: 1) The writing, the author wrote a very well-developed book, with well-developed characters.  Great pace, not too fast, not too slow, and it never dragged, a plus in my camp; 2) I loved Charlotte, she was a generous, kind, talented woman. Apart from wedding photos, she also did cover photos for romance books. Authors would call her to take photos of half-nude yummy hot men for their book covers. This is such a cool extra for a romance novel. And 3) I didn't love Dean. I found him insecure, hesitant, full of complexes.  He failed to act at important moments, and although he apologized, there was no good reason for his actions.  At one point, he exposes that his insecurities arise from being abandoned by his mother, who left his father for a younger man, but I was not convinced.  I think he was insecure, deep down, and he failed.  I felt Charlotte was too forgiving.  Also, he had a thing about being so much older than Charlotte.  Please, he was forty-one years old!  Charlotte was almost thirty, so she wasn't a spry chicken either.  A difference of eleven years at their stage of life was not an important matter and when Dean kept harping on it I wanted to hit him on the head with a hammer.

Apart from my not loving Dean, I did love reading this book because it was so very entertaining.

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The first in a new series, this title follows wedding-photographer Charlotte and Dean, who is one of the three sexy owners of her favorite venue, the Stag Distillery. Charlotte and Dean have flirted for years, but is there actually a chance that they could finally have a real relationship? Both have baggage from previous relationships, but suddenly Dean finds himself in need of someone to help him plan his deployed sister's wedding; it seems like the perfect opportunity. Filled with flirtations and heat, there are also some very deep themes running throughout this story. I very much enjoyed it, and look forward to my next event at the Stag.

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I am a big fan of the author. I really loved her last series and so when I saw this new series I was beyond excited. I really wish I could say I loved it but I did not. It was well written and I really liked the heroine, Charlie but this story ws ruined by Dean the hero in this story. He I did not like at all at least as a romantic lead

Charlie and Dean have known and worked together for 3 years. They flirt a lot but Dean never asks Charlie out and in most of this story Charlie does the chasing, not how I like my books.I like the hero to do the chasing or at least for it to be mutual but this book was very much Charlie doing the chasing and it seemed sometimes she was too desperate. Other times shekinda gets fed up with him and I totalled cheered her on for that.

This is a new series about a distillery/restaaurant/bar called the Stag run by three men, all single. Dean is the oldest and is 41. He is once divorced and his ex still chases him. He has some confidence issues but he likes Charlie even thought she is very young and they have flirted for years.

Enter Alexis, she is 25 and is in the army and in love with Nate. They decide to get marriedbut being as they are on missions, Alexis asks her half brother Dean to plan it. Dean knows nothing about weddings and since he knows Charlie he asks for her help and that is how they become closer in this story.

As I said I loved Charlie, Dean was my issue. He just seemed very wishy washy. Half the timehe was cold to Charlie and yet she still ran after him. I just did not get it.

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The idea of a wedding photographer who hates weddings intrigued me from the get go.

I really enjoyed the banter between Charlotte and Dean. They both have had bad relationship experiences, but both are still sweet and thoughtful people.

The author did a great job making both Charlotte's job as a photographer and Dean's working at the Stag interesting and a big part of the plot. This also allowed their coworkers/friends to infuse a lot of humor into the story.

I am looking forward to the next book in the series!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Charlotte was a wonderfully successful wedding photographer. She loves her career but marriage is not for her. Being left at the altar by her ex-fiancé has made her feel that way.

Dean Troyer was a very handsome man who was intrigued by the beautiful photographer, Charlotte. Quite a few of her weddings were held at Stag, a venue that Dean is part owner of. But, he is quite a bit older and has lots of baggage that makes him feel unworthy of her. But, Charlotte wants to get to know this handsome man better. Is it possible for these two people tthat set aside their hurts to trust love again?

I loved this story. My only criticism of this book were the occasional f-bombs and the descriptive sex scenes. I felt that the characters were well developed and their interactions and emotions were real and emotion filled. I lived Dean and his humble nature and his desire to do what is best for Charlotte, even at the risk of his heart.

I was given an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review,

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If you like a story that'll draw you in from the first page, and keep you captivated until the end...filled with emotions and heart...then this story is a must read. This is the first time I've read anything by author, and am impressed with the depth of the characters, to the point were you're able to feel their heartbreak, despair, joy, frustrations, and desires. I'm glad that I took a chance on this book, it was well worth the time it took to read it.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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I really enjoyed the book. More than I thought I would and damn Nicole McLaughlin for making me care enough about these characters that the ending actually made me cry.

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I enjoyed this book. There were a few twists and turns I did not see coming. A good way to spend the day in the pool.

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I really enjoyed this book that has characters who have both seen some of the darkness that can enter relationships. The wedding business is rife with potential plot lines and while well represented here the book has a much deeper plot about relationships. I hope this will become a series and I am interested in the secondary characters.

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Maybe I Do by Nicole McLaughlin is a sexy sweet contemporary read. I was addicted from the first page. Here, the writer has brought together two kind people. Each one has their own fears that they struggle with, as well as their attraction to each other. Dean is forty-one- years-old. He feels old. Yet he stays fit. Packing a six pack and not a single grey hair, he's every woman's fantasy. Including, Charlotte's. Dean was married once, and it didn't work. Plus, he's hiding a secret. Then, there's Charlotte who was almost married. Her fiancée didn't meet her at the aisle. Now, she works as a photographer photographing weddings mostly. Charlotte also holds a secret of her own.

Maybe I Do fits in perfectly. Each protagonist finally figures out that maybe they do want a happily forever...but will their fears stop them? Nicole McLaughlin created a beautiful yet emotional journey. I cried, laughed, and fell in love. Two older people falling deeper for one another. Their lust, attraction, and fears have a long way to go. It was easy to relate to the characters. Hopeful, funny, and well-developed. This book felt so real. Truly, a heartfelt romance. Overall, I recommend this to readers everywhere.

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Is she also a wedding planner?

Ooh, this is some serious flirting going on.

I hope he is as old as she seems to think, otherwise it could be embarrassing.

And now I'm hungry again.

Heck, the juniors' section has better variety, anyway.

For someone whose marriage ended, you'd think it would be painful to work in what has basically become a wedding hall.

Easy, girl. You're both still working right now.

Tit for tat, buddy.

Damn, did she lose a baby? Dean and his wife had trouble getting pregnant, so they might have that in common.

Oh, I didn't know the photographers eat the wedding food too, but that makes sense.

I've had moonshine. It burns!

Yeesh! I'm sorry he got divorced, but it sounds like it was the right call. Amy is horrid.

I never got the shaved-chest look. Men don't look like that.

She lost her virginity to that prick?

I've heard Everclear packs a punch.

Stick it where the sun don't shine, Amy. You cheated, remember?

Oh, God. Poor Nate!

Never mix business with pleasure.

"Is it better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all?"

Interesting proposal.

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