Member Reviews

I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I would definitely recommend reading the first book in this series before starting this one. I was disappointed as the book played out, the lack of communication and secrets that seemed to be at every turn did not appeal to me. Especially how Amelia treated Chloe, and when they broke up... well, let's just say I do not believe Chloe should have taken her back.

This is the continuation of the book A Palette for Love, a book that I did rated very low basically because I did find it unfinished, misconstructed, inconsistent and quite boring. Now, this continuation of the story, while it has fullfilled some of the incongruences of the first book, it has not let me pleased at all. The story is filled with excesive descriptions of the struggling in the minds of the two main characters and very little real comunication between them. Then, when the circumstances make blow up the relationship, all becomes a mess that the author resolves quickly and showing us very little of it. So, although I liked it better thant the previuous one, it has not really been one of my favorites.

Whew! This one was hard to read in spots. Not because it wasn’t well written but wow… poor Chloe. I have enjoyed all of Greene’s previous books, but I really like Amelia and Chloe. I didn’t enjoy this one as much as the first book, and it may be 100% due to Chloe’s weak moments during this book. It was just difficult to read. Please don’t let this sway you away from not reading this one. You should still pick it up, if you have read the first how could you not? I wish as a reader I could have had a glimpse into Amelia’s thoughts. This may have changed the entire book. Since that isn’t the case, I believe I could read this entire story over from Amelia’s POV. Still a good read and now that the first read is over it may be better rereading in the future. Perhaps later I will read both over and see how much my thoughts change.

Canvas for Love was an enjoyable novel! It was a very sweet portrayal of something I LOVE to see in romances, full stop - how a relationship works AFTER they get together. Chloe and Amelia, our main characters, are already a couple, and spend this book working through any lingering issues they may have.
I recieved it unaware that it was a sequel, simply loving the cover and intrigued by the book's summary. Unfortunately, this left me feeling lost at points, but I didn't feel at all there was any fault from the author in leaving me in the dark at any point.
The relationship between Amelia and Chloie had plenty of chemistry, even though they were evidently past their 'getting together' phase - there was still tension, good and bad, and their conflicts were over healthy and reasonable issues. This definitely brought my rating up. I sympathised with both parties, which is essential for ANY romance series. However... the conflict was built on and exacerbated by contrived miscommunications and lack of communication. I appreciated the spirit of the book, trying to iron out lingering issues from the first book, but... REALLY? This form of conflict in romance is so tired and frustrated - if something can be solved by the protagonists just talking, then it's not really an interesting enough conflict to write about. This really prevented me from rating it any higher than 3 stars.
The side characters were fun, too, even the ex - I usually roll my eyes at that trope, though, but it wasn't done as badly as it COULD have been haha.
Greene's prose is professional and competent for romance writing, and definitely injected some fun - her execution of the plotlines, just from how nicely she writes, within definitely brought the rating up, too.

I would like to point out straight away I was unaware this was the second book of a series. From the book I got the distinct feeling that I should have read book one first. It is also my first book by this author.
The relationship between the two main characters seemed like they had chemistry. Amelia who is wealthy and Chloe who isn't but works for Amelia. I am not sure what bugged me but one thing for sure was they never really talked to each other. Amelia is definitely the boss of the relationship but things like its the first time Chloe has seen Amelia naked. My brain was screaming at me that it was weird but I guess it can and does happen. But Come on give me something. Then you had this crazy Ex plotting all kinds of things.
I am really sorry but I really wanted to shake Amelia. Did she actually speak. Hell if I know. What trips me up is that I liked both characters. I just wanted into Amelia's mind even if only for a couple of minutes.
So on that note I would definitely recommend you read the first book A Palette For Love first. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more. I will definitely give this author another go. I liked her style I just didn't like the way she kind of washed over things. Enjoy!
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

I had no idea after I read A Palette for Love that there was a sequel coming. I am so glad that this sequel was published and that I was lucky enough to be able to read it. The story picks up a couple of weeks after book 1 with Chloe and Amelia trying to navigate their new relationship. This couple's relationship continues to be frought with drama and issues. Amelia's ex Sara makes several appearances and was successful in causing problems between the two. While I was annoyed that Amelia flew off the handle and broke up with Chloe, I came to terms with the fact it had to be done. Over the course of this book, we get to delve more deeply into Amelia's character and we learn why exactly she is the way she is. Chloe, too, grew a lot throughout this book as well. This was an excellent book and a very fitting sequel to the first book. Thanks Charlotte!!!!

I had such an up and down experience with this book, I am having trouble rating and reviewing it. First, I liked book one, A Palette for Love. That book did leave a few plot lines open, but there was no major cliffhanger. In fact, I actually forgot there was going to be a book 2. Do you have to read these books in order? Yes. Read Palette first. The books are about the same relationship and you would be missing too much if you didn't. I wish I could say I liked this as much as the first, but I just can't. I really am struggling with this review. The book is close to me liking it, but it is hovering over the just okay mark instead.
I like the intense love affair between Chloe and Amelia. It was still there in this book as well as the excellent chemistry. The sex scenes were not quite as steamy as the first book though. My big issue was the conflict of the book. It was all due to miscommunication and no communication. This is my least favorite thing to cause conflict in a book. So much could have been solved just by talking, that it drove me nuts. Also, I was not happy to see the crazy ex again. I had enough of her from the first book. It just felt like that part was a little played out and seemed forced.
Both books in this series are first person. I thought it worked really well in Palette, but not in this book. I really wanted to know what the heck was going through Amelia's mind. Why she reacted like she did. With such an intense love affair, I found her action hard to believe.
I was happy to read another story with Chloe and Amelia. I also really liked the ending. I was just really not happy about how the conflict played out. In my mind, it just did not fit. This book was not bad by any means, it was just not what I was hoping for.
An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

This is the continuation of the book A palette for love, a book that I did rated very low basically because I did find it unfinished, misconstructed, inconsistent and quite boring. Now, this continuation of the story, while it has fullfilled some of the incongruences of the first book, it has not let me pleased at all. The story is filled with excesive descriptions of the struggling in the minds of the two main characters and very little real comunication between them. Then, when the circumstances make blow up the relationship, all becomes a mess that the author resolves quickly and showing us very little of it. So, although I liked it better thant the previuous one, it has not really been one of my favorites.

I didn’t finish this book. I made it to the half way mark and wasn’t interested enough in the characters to finish it. What completely killed it for me was when Amelia decided to dump Chloe, because she was now classified as a liar, because Chloe hadn’t discussed a job interview during a 24 hour period in which they hadn’t met or communicated. And then it was just weird for Amelia to believe the psychotic ex rather than her current girlfriend and business associate. It made Amelia an idiot, and I couldn’t be bothered spending any more time with her.

A suitable and much more immersive sequel to "A Palette for Love," in which the relationship between Amelia and Chloe equilibrated into a partnership. I enjoyed the intimate bits quite a bit and I see further room for growth. Ms. Greene is a thoroughly good author and she applies her talents for dialogue/characterization well in this volume, specifically in the softening of the more irksome qualities demonstrated by Amelia.

*The copy provided by NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books Inc. in exchange for an honest review*
I enjoyed this book a lot… it was fun to read a book with a different plot line. The two main characters were already together and went through the trouble of missing trust and other issues. At first Amelia came across as kind of mean, harsh and controlling but throughout the book she became more likable and as a reader it was easier to understand why she was the way she was. Chloe was a likable character – even though there were points where i thought why is doing that or why is she not just talking with her or somebody.
All in all I would recommend the book and it can be read as a standalone even though it is a sequel.

I started reading this and decided to get the first book in order to do this one justice. I don't think it's entirely necessary to read the first because this one is better however it helps knowing where the two characters are coming from.
This one was a mixed bag for me. It's written in first person and from Chloe's view point. So we have an idea why Chloe is acting like a doormat but no clue as to what makes Amelia tick.
Midway through the book, these two broke up and grew up especially Chloe. I still don't understand why she was so deeply in love with her but at least this time around the author made them and us go through growing close together once again. I liked that, a lot.
3.5 stars from me.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32072966-canvas-for-love" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Canvas for Love" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1487273610m/32072966.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32072966-canvas-for-love">Canvas for Love</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/285828.Charlotte_Greene">Charlotte Greene</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2038305504">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review. 4.5 stars. This is a sequel to A Palette for love. We have another nicely woven erotic romance with angst, drama and sex. A very satisfying conclusion to Chloe's and Amelia's story. Kudos Ms. Greene, I look forward to more from you.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

Canvas For Love is my first book by Charlotte Greene. I will be back for more! The book is in a written in a style that resonates with me. It's nice how the author crafted Amelia to be open up at the end of the book. I wish I could have witnessed Amelia's walls coming down, but I understand the author has a page limit. (Darn).
I also appreciated the writer having Chole respect herself and her own boundaries. While the two characters have off the chart chemistry, there is something to be said about self worth and mutual respect too.
I enjoyed this book very much and hope there is a 3rd book on these two characters!

I liked A Palette for Love by Charlotte Greene very much. My only problem with it was that not all subplots/issues/problems were resolved, and I had to wait for this sequel with impatience and fear that I will be disappointed. But fortunately Canvas for Love was well worth the wait. I enjoyed it just as much as, if not more than I did A Palette for Love. The author did not only solve all things from the first book, but she successfully added new excitement, drama, angst, passion... concluding with, which is very important to me, a nice satisfying ending.
This is the third book in a row by this author I liked a lot, and am really looking forward to her next book. Her style of writing obviously suits me very well.

I was a great fan of the first part of the book, but this one has outdone the first one. It solves lots of issues and explains some things from Palette for Love, and there was a great amount of angst but not without reason; plus, the chemistry and love between Chloe and Amelia is just through the roof - I love how Charlotte Greene managed to describe Chloe's adoration for Amelia; her love is so great it gives you the impression she can't live without her! I personally am very fond of both books and they are surely the ones that I'll re-read through time...