Member Reviews

I love all books Radcliffe. I would have liked it to concentrate more fully on the two main characters. I really liked them and found their job fascinating ( at one point I thought about pursuing this career path). As always Radclyffe writes the most amazing sex scenes and this book is no exception. Nice to connect with characters from previous books but my only small gripe was it interrupted the flow of the book a little for me as I tried to remember the story of the previous characters, when really I wanted my attention on these two lovely ladies ;-)

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This is the sixth book of the First Responders series written by Radclyffe.This time the plot focuses on situations within the medical examination department, where the causes of death are determined, instead of going into the frenetic pace of hospital urgencies, which is the usual environment in the medical novels of this author.As usual, too, secondary couples play an important role in the story, sometimes diverting us from the main plot.The medical language is very detailed and profuse, as well as the use of acronyms, this has been a distraction for me sometimes.On the other hand, I have enjoyed very much the romantic story between Jay and Olivia.Although they have a very different background and despite the cold reception that Olivia has with Jay in the beginning, I liked the growing of their attraction, the respect with each other and with their decisions and the final acceptance of their feelings. In general and as always, the book made me have a very good time.

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Heart Stop is the sixth book in the First Responders series and the first oneI have read. I was a big fan of the Provincetown and Honor series but never read the Justice series. In hindsight this put me at a big disadvantage reading Heart Stop. There are cameo appearances by many couples from the Justice series. Many. So many that I struggled to keep the many couples straight. Fortunately they all play minor roles and carry the subplot, a subplot which provides the majority of bodies to keep our leading ladies occupied when they are not busy falling in love with each other.

So why would I choose to read a book knowing I would have little knowledge of the majority of the cast of characters? Medical Examiners. Doctors of the Dead. I love me some ME page time. My personal favourites in the fictional world will always be Dr. Li Morris from JD Robb’s In Death series and the sexy and secretive Dr. Maura Isles, not the one in the television series, the sultry ME in Tess Gerritsen’s Rizzoli and Isles novels. A Medical Examiner rarely gets the spotlight (except in fictional settings) and yet they are tasked with explaining the unexplainable deaths to families and law enforcement. In Heart Stop, Olivia Price, Assistant Chief Medical Examiner fills the bill and then some. It takes a meticulous perfectionist with an excellent sense of deduction and reasoning to see and understand what a body on the gurney is telling them. Olivia is an excellent ME. She is driven and dedicated. Doctors scramble to win a chance at a fellowship to be trained under her excellent tutelage.

Jay Reynolds was a trauma surgeon until a serious accident forced her to step back from the action and pace of the operating theatre and agree to apply for a fellowship with the pathology department. She is as reluctant to force her way into a program which may or may not be suitable to her physical abilities as Olivia is reluctant to replace one of her chosen fellows with Jay. Both women are placed in uncomfortable positions by their friends and associates and choose to make the most of their obligations.

Fans of Radclyffe know her background as a surgeon. They know she writes strong female characters and adds plenty of spice when it comes to sexy time with her couples. Sometimes the focus on medicine can be too detailed and bore the reader. My fascination with ME’s had me loving every scene in the morgue and out in the field.Sexy time was still in abundance with the visiting former couples but Radclyffe allowed Olivia and Jay to find their own connections and build their relationship slowly. I loved their scenes together. You could feel the sexual tension spark between them and for me that is hotter than any between the sheets adventures.

I may have come into this read at a disadvantage not having read the other books in this or the Justice series but I felt I was rewarded with a great read just the same. Olivia and Jay are a strong enough pairing that this can be read as a standalone novel. Seeing the other characters interact may have peeked my curiosity, especially the pairing of Dell and Sandy. Sandy’s backstory sounds like a winner.

ARC received with thanks from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley for review.

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*This ARC was provided by NetGalley for an honest review*

So first I just want to say that I have read a lot of these books in succession and so it was nice to revisit Dell, Sandy, Frye and the gang. The problem is that the story line from the Justice series has still not been wrapped up. I feel like this just should have been Justice series #6. This book fell flat for me. Olivia and Jay just seemed like placeholders in another story. This didn't fee original or new. It felt stale and like I had read it all before. I think I just felt like Olivia and Jay were in his book because Radclyffe wanted another couple to put together. Overall the story was real light and didn't make a lot of sense. I guess I am just not feeling this insta love that happens in these books. It feels so fake.

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Heart Stop is a fast paced novel that grabs the reader’s attention from the first page. The two main characters, Jay and Olivia, are both damaged: one by a near death experience and the other by love gone wrong, respectively. Their interactions throughout the book are enthralling and are filled with a myriad of emotions . You cannot help but like these two characters and want them to find the happiness they deserve.
The plot is very intricate with not only medical examiners involved as the central characters, but also many other first responder characters which add to the depth of this storyline. The dialogue is very realistic and engaging which makes the reader not want to stop reading…which is probably every author’s dream
The author created a very successful smorgasbord of different genres within this story so the reader is always entertained. This is a great read and highly recommended.

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Radclyffe as always writes incredibly good novels and this one is no exception.

The characters Jay and Olivia are great, you can feel the chemistry between the two straight away.

This is a wonderfully written story, the romance between both enjoyable and the build up is heart warming.

The plot has it all romance, passion and tension.

To be honest she is one of my favourite Lesbian writers, I have been a massive fan of hers for a number of years which is why I found this novel so special, you get to catch up with some old favourites characters.

It isn't necessary to have read the books about the other secondary characters but it would add to your enjoyment, its made me go back and re-read them again.

I would certainly recommend this novel, an excellent read

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This was great. As always, Radclyffe allows us to get lost in a fun and exciting medical romance. Both lead characters Jay and Olivia were enough to keep me wanting more. The chemistry between them was rousing and kept the pages turning. The secondary characters from a previous series were fun to revisit as well.
I don't think I will ever get enough of Radclyffe's story telling. Even a story about medical examiners, bodies and morgues was exciting and appealing. As all of Radclyffe's books, I will be recommending to my students.

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a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Heart Stop (First Responders, #6)" src="" /></a><a href="">Heart Stop</a> by <a href="">Radclyffe</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review. Two 'damaged' characters Jay and Olivia are the leads in this medical romance with angst, some violence and of course sex. There are also supporting individuals from other books that are skillfully written in. My only disappointment - I wanted more of Jay and Olivia. Ms. Radclyffe writes stories that intrigue and excite and this one (as usual) hits those marks. 4.5 stars
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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I love Radclyffe!! I was thrilled when this book came out. I love her First Responders series. This book was good....nowhere near as good as Trauma Alert or Firestorm but good nonetheless. This series has featured all different first responders as I was entrigued by this one following the medical examiner's office. It was nice to have appearances but characters from other novels. (I'm partial to Ali and Beau). One thing I felt was that having appearances by other characters and working them into the plot line, left only a small amount of room to really develop Jay and Olivia's relationship. I would have liked a bit more substance from them to enhance the book. Overall I enjoyed this one and highly recommend it for all!!

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I am rating this book 3.5 stars.

I am a fan of the First Responders series in particular Ali and Beau, its one of my favorite of Radclyffe's books. We also had the characters from the Justice series which I never completed because I started to get over that series, too many couples POV (moving from one sex scene to the next to the next). So when this was added into this story I was a little unsure if I liked that.

I liked the two main characters Jay and Olivia. I really liked Olivia no nonsense personalty. This is action packed book flipping around to a number of POV which I didn't mind but probably would have preferred to have just kept with Jay and Olivia's story. Their story felt superficial and quick in the end.

I am finding Radclyffe's books are losing some of the romance that I really enjoyed in some of her earlier books that I read. I loved having Ali and Beau in the book and the role they played.

If your a Radclyffe fan you will love this book with the mix of medical and crime. I did enjoy it but didn't think it was her best..

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I'm a huge fan of Radclyffe's series, and she managed not to disappoint in either of them! No matter which one you pick, you're in for a beautiful, intense, fun and loving ride! I love the way she introduces new characters and how they all seem to be complex, deep, well-developed people with real past, real feelings, real troubles... Jay Reynolds and Olivia Price are no exception. After having survived a terrible car accident, Dr Jay Reynolds is lucky to be alive, even with visible and permanent consequences. The accident put a stop on her brilliant trauma surgeon career, so she has to start all over - as a new resident under the guidance of Dr Olivia Price, chief medical examiner, who's not thrilled at all having her there. They will surely have to put their disagreements aside and work together after all, but more importantly - will Olivia be able to let Jay in, having terrible trust issues from past relationship?
Radclyffe is one of the rare authors whose books I'd re-read gladly... Each and every single one, from the start... There's no miss with them, no disappointments, no let downs. I'm eagerly expecting next one!

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Heart Stop is one of those books that if you're a loyal Radclyffe fan you're going to squee over this book. There are several guest appearances of characters from another book, Trauma Alert and also the Justice book series, which none I have read. They are all brought together as first responders to a developing gang war on the streets of Philadelphia. Cops, trauma surgeons, firefighters, and now medical examiners all working together. There's a lot of action going on to keep you riveted to the pages as we follow the story of the fall-out of the brewing gang war. That whirlwind of multiple story arcs, while really interesting, became difficult to follow at times with so much information thrown at you and being introduced to multiple couples and their jobs. While the author assures us this is a stand alone novel, and for the most part it is, I really wished I had read the previous novels to help me gain a better understanding and affinity for the other characters and plot lines. Oh, then there's the developing story of Jay and Olivia. Frustratingly, and too often, we are ripped away from their budding relationship to follow another story arc. When we are finally brought back to the crescendo of their romance, the book just kind of....ends. I assume that means there will be another book to see where this goes, and I really hope so because there is that reliable and solid writing you can expect from this veteran author. I highly recommend reading the other books first to really immerse yourself in this interesting plot line and lovable group of first responders.

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The First Responders series just isn't for me. I've done quite well staying away from it, but this sounded good.

Add to that that characters from the Justice series were resurrected and I was all in.

So yeah... it's a continuation of the Justice plot, but I had conveniently forgotten how much I wanted that series to be over by the end. It had gotten more an more shallow and that was continued here. Sandy and Dell, such an interesting couple, were once more reduced pretty much to sexual interaction, and if not doing it then definitely thinking about it. It's such a shame as these characters have so much more to offer.

I liked the main characters ok. I did enjoy seeing Jay trying to get a handle on her new career. That part fully delivered for me.

One problem I often have with lesfic series is that by the end of it, pretty much all important characters are lesbians. Same here. I can't even specifically say what bothers me about this, but it does.

I don't know what I would have made of this if I hadn't remembered the Justice series as well as I did. I think I might have felt lost with all these characters and plotlines.

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Review of Heart Stop by Radclyffe

This book is number 6 in the First Responders series but it is also a continuation of the Justice series. The reader can catch up with some of the most iconic characters of that series (Frye, Dell, Sandy, Sloan, among others) along with Ali Torveau and Beau Cross of First Responders # 1 Trauma alert. Despite the "old" characters, Heart Stop can be read as a stand alone book. However, this book is so much than that as it introduces the reader to the lives of Dr Jay Reynolds, a former surgeon who had to switch her career to Medical examiner as a result of an accident, and her boss, Assistant Chief Medical Examiner Olivia Price. The plot follows their attraction and budding romance together with the investigation of a dangerous war between two crime organisations. Radclyffe balances the thriller and romance elements of the plot with her usual expertise and keeps the reader on the edge until the end that promises more contributions of Rebecca Frye's team.

My only criticism is that the book blurb doesn't describe the mystery/action aspect of the plot (though the cover gives a hint). The publisher only categorises it as a contemporary romance.

Overall, a very good mystery and romance read. 4.5 stars

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What was most enjoyable was a coming together of some of my favorite characters/couples from other reads doing what they do best which is their passion for life, their dedication to the women they love and their determination in regard to their work. Life after an unfortunate tragedy gives us a bright light into what is possible with an attitude adjustment and outside encouragement. Jay Reynolds needs a reason to carry on with her medical career and what a strong group of supporters she has. Olivia Price is beating herself up and leading a solitary life. When Olivia and Jay meet, it is a wonderful coming together of two people that need each other.

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One of the things I like about Radclyffe is the way she reintroduces characters from previous books to help set the scene and ground you with new stories and characters. Here that happens in spades! We get to meet up again with Ali and Beau from Trauma Alert and members of the Justice Team. This is a well crafted and interesting story of a surgeon, Jay, who's life is changed forever one rainy night. She transfers to a pathology, medical examiner department against the wishes of the Assistant Chief, Olivia. There are twists aplenty with firebombs, drug wars, gangs and a young Jane Doe. In the middle of all of this the damaged and disabled Jay finds a way back to some peace and indeed love. As ever Radclyffe handles the pace perfectly and the medical scenes are as detailed as ever.

Recommended if you like Radclyffe, if you've followed the Justice series or if you want an escapist book you can finish in a couple of sittings.

I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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Olivia Price, Assistant Chief Medical Examiner is great at her job, even though she doesn’t have anything else in her life. She’s fine with that. No surprises, no shake ups, and definitely no uncontrolled and unwanted, passionate distractions. That is, until Jay “Flash” Reynolds shows up. Jay was on track to be a top trauma surgeon until an accident damaged her body and derailed her life plans. These two women are brilliant and each broken in their own way. Will they be able to come together to do the job and maybe heal one another in the process?

This is the sixth in Radclyffe’s Responder series, and though I think it stands strongly on its own within the series, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I’d read the others. This definitely isn't my first Radclyffe book, but it's my first in this series, and I think I'd do well to check out the others. Olivia and Jay are the main story, but couples from the other books are also involved, which is great for a series, but I think I would have been more engaged with the supporting characters if I’d met them already.That said, I am would be interested in reading the previous Responder books for more context and to get to know the characters a bit more.

I finished this one in under twenty-four hours. The story moves quickly. It jumps back and forth between the medical examiners, officers, and first responders to provide a good picture of each character’s work in context. Though I don’t know too much about the subject matter, the procedural portions of the book are thorough. The descriptions of crime scene investigations and autopsies are detailed, and thought I appreciated the attention to detail, I may have skimmed a couple of the descriptions. The book strikes a pretty good balance of romance and crime intrigue, and if you like cops, docs, and lesbians, you'll probably enjoy this. If you’re familiar with Radclyffe’s work, you probably know what you’re getting into anyway, and you’ll probably enjoy it.

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I love any series by Radclyffe. This one doesn't disappoint. Jay & Olivia are wonderful characters. I will share that in this book there is a lot more surgical and medical detail than I have read in previous work. I didn't expect that much detail of forensics, but if you are a fan of forensic mysteries you will love this book! I was just hoping for a little more emotional connection with the two characters. But in fairness, this is a book about pathology and is also tied in with a crime mystery, so it probably is leading into another book, where this detail is relevant.

There is plenty to enjoy in this book, as Olivia and Jay both are honest people with painful situations (one the past & one in the present) and there is a beautiful exchange between the two characters.

There are other characters in this book from previous novels, such as Rebecca & Catherine (two of my favorites), Sloan (missing Michael) & Sandy/Dillion. This reminds me how much I miss exploring Rebecca/ Catherine & Sloan/ Michael and would love another in depth book of their romantic journey.

Back the present book, I am glad to see their was an sweet and passionate connection with Olivia and Jay. The book also gives hope to those of us who 'suddenly' have life changes forced on us that alter us from what we 'think' are our dreams. Jay's journey gives us a lot of insight into the emotional struggles & peace that we have to make when life alters our course into a different direction. Olivia warms quickly to how hard it is to have a dream ripped out of your life.

It's a more technical book than any of her previous work, but it's still a beautifully book that crafts the journey of two souls who lives were altered by life and went out to find peace, joy, love & happiness.

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Both the leads are interesting, sexy and smart. That's a killer combo (for me) then there's Pathology / Forensic work involved which is another point of interest for me (big Bones fan here) so while we were at crime scenes analysing bodies or back in the lab or the office ;) the book was great. However, I hated the switches to other characters and their police work in locking down the criminal enterprise they were after. I simply didn't care for it. Maybe others will.

This book fell a bit short of my expectations. I think the only issues were the extra couplings and people I had no interest in taking center stage every now and then. Usually, only one extra couple from a previous book works not three which is the case here. I also felt that I lost out on more interactions with the two leads because of the time spent on the other three :(

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