Member Reviews

I loved the dynamic which is Mallory and Aaron. The relationship had to be worked for, it had to work through a lot of stages before it would be just right. Aaron thinks life is baseball and fun. He thinks his plan is easy and will be followed until he has an injury. This injury is the beginning of a downward spiral that only has the ups when Mallory is around.
Mallory is a quiet loner that wants to forget her past and move onto her future: alone. That is until Aaron needs a tutor to pass a class and she's it.
The relationship that is formed, is good for them both. Aaron gets over himself and really invests in his feelings for Mallory. I loved that he worried so much about her, traveling early in the morning to make sure she was able to enjoy Christmas. He wanted her to have a family and enjoy the closeness that he has with his. He really looked out for her and she took his heart.
When it all comes to a head and Aaron really finds out who his friends are, what real life can become, and how it feels to have the bottom fall out, Aaron turns it to make himself a better person.
At the end, my heart was beating fast waiting for these two to find one another again, but will Ms. Stevens give us that happily ever after? No clue, the end broke my heart though and now has me on the edge to find out will Mallory forgive Aaron, Maybe....

Ahhhhhhh this was just such a wonderful book and I just thoroughly enjoyed myself. I didn’t want to put this book down. I just fell in love with this wonderful story and it’s wonderful characters. I will most definitely be reading more stories from this wonderful author.

This book was so-so for me. I liked the characters of Mallory and Aaron, but their story just felt like it was repeating itself over and over. They beat around the bush for so long, saying the same things over and over. I did love that Mallory was a whiz with baseball stats, breaking the stereotype that girls know nothing about sports. I also enjoyed the "softer" side of Aaron, men can cry too. It doesn't mean they are weak.
I appreciated the treatment of PED's, and that the author depicted them as harmful and even went into some of the major side effects. Chelsea, Aaron's sister, was a fun character as well. She added some variety to the story. Aaron's mom actions and feelings towards Mallory really turned me off.

I really liked Full Count by Lynn Stevens. I love the writing and the story. I would have loved a dual POV so you get to know Mallory better and the ending was cut short, that's how it felt at least. I would have loved a epilogue.

Technically, I was approved for this title on NetGalley and didn't get a chance to download it before it was archived. But! I was so intrigued and curious about the story that I actually went out and got the book the read. And I loved it! I really loved that the tutor wasn't a closed off, superbly introverted girl with ~no friends~ like some authors like to write for the tutor-type, and I enjoyed that their relationship took work and some wall-breaking. However, this book had themes of drug abuse, which I'm not a big fan of for using as a plot device, but even I must admit it was written quite well where the reader almost doesn't notice it, almost like the user isn't always cognizant. Overall, I thought this was very well planned out, even if I wasn't a fan of one of the major plot points.

I really wanted to like this book, because I love baseball, and I love strong, nerdy heroines. I thought this book would have both. Unfortunately, except for a love of history, I could not find much that was redeeming about Mallory. I felt for her sad past (so many love story heroines have them), but I think she just remained too distant. And let’s talk about Aaron. I honestly never got a real feel for him. He wants Mallory, but kisses another girl, then kisses Mallory…I mean, I get college attitudes and all, but it didn’t make me want to root for him. All in all, it was an okay book, but it wasn’t what I hoped it would be. Thank you to Entangled Publishing (via NetGalley) for the opportunity to read a complimentary digital ARC of this book.

Aaron is failing history class after a knee injury. He needs a tutor and that is when he meets Mallory. She is clear from the start that she doesn't like baseball players, but he is trying to win her over. He has to work hard to get her to let him in and share her secrets, so what will happen when she finds out the secret he has been keeping.
I enjoyed the book, but would have preferred more of an ending to the book.
Unusual that the book is written solely from Aarons point of view.

Some times things just don't turn out the way we think they will, plans always have a way of changing. Aaron had a plan, things were going to go just so, until his girlfriend broke up with him, and then even worse, his knee blew out. Now what was supposed to be a certain path of straight and narrow becomes a struggle. Aaron has to hire a tutor to help him get through a class so he can at least stay eligible to play ball. Mallory has laid out clear boundaries for tutoring and she isn't playing, she doesn't have time for games and ball players are the worst. But when Aaron decides that its Mallory that he wants, will he be able to get her to open up? Will the secrets that Mallory holds close ever come out? What happens when it comes out that Aaron has a secret or two as well?
So this turned out to be a bit different than what I was thinking it would be. Aaron's life turns upside down with his injury, adding to that he is now in danger of failing a class and his girl is now his ex, him meeting Mallory took a turn for the better. This story was more about his injury and how he deals with healing. The connection between Mallory and Aaron is dealt with at a slow pace and that was good for the book, but TBH for a few minutes I was thinking this would end unresolved as it was going at SUCH a slow pace, but it just sort of ends. With some drama, a bit or two of sexy time this was an ok read. I give this 3.75 stars.

DNF @20%
The writing was fine, the characters were okay, but I simply could not get into the book. It felt like a conglomeration of books I have read before and I was constantly making comparisons. That isn't fair to the author so I knew I was better off stopping!

As you can read from the synopsis, Aaron, a potentially fantastic baseball player, is having a run of really bad luck, which is then followed by some bad decisions.
Full Count is not quite a baseball romance although the author knows her stuff. In some ways at the beginning it reads like a young adult novel with a lot of the angst and attitude.
Unlike most romances, Full Count is told from the point-of-view of Aaron and I think Lynn Stevens does a good job of keeping his voice consistent throughout.
Some parts, especially about a third of the way through, seemed to drag.
On the whole, Full Count is intriguing with quite a bit of action and some surprises near the end. The reader might find the ending somewhat disappointing.
I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Anyone who says they’re having the worst day hasn’t met me. My girlfriend cheated, I blew out my knee, and probably trashed my chance of going pro. All in one day. Then my jerk professor tells I’m almost on academic probation.
Awesome. Now I get to find a tutor.
Enter Mallory Fine, quiet, a little intense, and my kind of gorgeous. Who also happens to hate baseball and any guy who plays it.
Hello, curiosity.
I tell myself this will be nothing more than a tutoring relationship. I’m a liar. I want this girl. How hard can her secrets be to unravel? It might be a challenge, but so is getting back on the ball field and I’m determined to make that happen—no matter the cost.
I really thought that this book would be another fluff story about sports...where the girl meets the guy and falls for him, lots of sex - the end! I was WRONG. This book had a lot of information in it and it was surprisingly well written. I hadn't read this author before and I didn't know what to expect, so when the angst starting coming at me...I was like - woah now! I don't do angst, but it worked because this story has a plot and anyone who knows me, knows I like plots. Now that's not to say that sometimes I didn't get overloaded on information...cause I did. I found myself wanting to cry for Mallory because that girl had such a childhood. I liked Aaron because I thought he was a truly good guy so I didn't understand all of Mallory's running away...I hate that (it's my pet peeve!!) If you're gonna have attraction in a book, it's okay to have a little running away from it - However, if you're spending 9/10 of your book running away...it will make Kindle owners need a new Kindle. That's bad. I think we could have had less of that. Otherwise, this was a really great read and I'd definitely recommend this to my friends and read the next one.
I was given an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect any one else's.

Wow, just wow. Full Count is so much more than I had been expecting. Usually I find that NA college romances are fun, flirty and naughty with not a whole lot of emotional depth. Full Count is just the opposite.
Aaron is a baseball player with an eye on the draft. But first, he has to get through a serious injury thanks to an ill conceived soccer game, and find a tutor to help him get his history grade up so he won't fail the class. When Aaron's tutor turns out to be serious, beautiful Mallory, he's smitten, but she's not having any of his charming ways. You see, she dislikes baseball players, very vehemently dislikes them, for very serious, tragic reasons. As Aaron does everything in his power to get Mallory to open up to him and be receptive to him, they find themselves in an unlikely relationship. But, when Aaron screws up, not in a small, inconsequential way, he knows that any chance he had at living out his dream with his girl has been thrown out the window.
The emotional consequences, and the financial and physical consequences of Aaron's actions are what dreams, book dreams, are made of, and here, Lynn Stevens handles those consequences with a serious, but not heavily depressing hand. I love Full Count. It's a tragic tale, to be sure, but with a glimmer of hope right at the end when it seemed all hope was lost. Mallory and Aaron are both realistic, fully drawn characters with emotional depth and maturity, especially Aaron, toward the end. The way he handled his mistake makes for some serious character growth, and it's much appreciated in this time of mostly shallow NA sports romances. Kudos to Lynn for this emotional, well written story!

I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting before breaking open Full Count to read. Maybe the typical new adult sports romance with the opposites attract storyline. That is so not what you get with Lynn Stevens' Full Count.
From the beginning, I was quickly pulled into Aaron's story. With his injury, Aaron's history grade has fallen and his athletic standing is now in jeopardy. Although Mallory has misgivings working with Aaron, she takes on the job as his history tutor. There's more to both characters than the other knows. Learning what keeps Mallory to herself is a revelation. Aaron's POV is refreshing and kept me turning the pages.
Stevens breaks away from the typical and really gives a realistic portrayal of a student athlete with big dreams. We have characters that make decisions and live with the results of those decisions. I loved that Stevens gives readers complex characters that still grow and develop as we are reading their story.

Talk about teenage angst and turmoil - this YA romance is packed with it - even when you’re near the end, it doesn’t feel like things can work out happily! Aaron Betts thought he’d got his future sorted - great girlfriend and a real chance of going pro in the sport he loves - then it all came a-tumbling down. His girlfriend cheated on him, he sustained a serious knee injury and, to top it all off, one of his professors told him he was in danger of failing his class. That’s when he was told to get a tutor - Mallory Fine. She’s a feisty, no nonsense, determined young lady who really wants nothing to do with a player like Aaron. So why are they so attracted to each other? With so many temptations around, can they keep to the straight and narrow or will they fall by the wayside? Will he overcome her very real negative views on sportsmen?
Life is certainly throwing some serious challenges their way in this fast paced story which explores many issues in a realistic manner, demonstrating how temptation and trusting the wrong person can lead to your downfall… The finale is very moving and leads the reader with a sense of hope that things can be sorted, even if initial plans have been totally derailed. There are many lessons to be learnt as the story progresses. There are injuries, treachery and disaster, as well as romance in this heartwarming tale which is also a warning to others about the danger of succumbing to temptation and losing your way. I was particularly impressed with how so many tough issues were handled in this story and have no hesitation in recommending it, especially to young adult for whom the advice could be particularly pertinent.
I requested and was gifted a copy of this novel via NetGalley; this is my honest opinion after choosing to read the book.

4 Star - This was definitely your regular sports story.
Aaron has a career threatening injury, his girlfriend is cheating on him, and he is about to go on academic probation, not some of his best days. He contacts Mallory to tutor him, and despite hating jocks, she agrees. No more spoilers from me; give the story a chance for yourself.
This talented author has written such a satisfying emotional storyline, which I admit felt like it was dragging on with the turmoil, but the payout at the end is beautifully rewarding.

Wow, this story blew me away! This is the 1st time I have read any of this authors work, and my word, it will not be the last! Aaron has a carer threatening injury, his girlfriend is cheating on him, and he is about to go on academic probation, not one of his best days! He contacts Mallory to tutor him, and despite hating jocks, she agrees. No spoilers from me; give this one a chance for yourself, you will not be disappointed!!
This talented author has written a beautiful and emotional storyline, which had me hooked from the very beginning, and in my opinion, is worth so much more that the 5 stars allowed! I cannot wait to read more of this authors work.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book!

This is definitely not your typical college sports romance. When I read the synopsis for this one I thought it was going to be a sweet, fun spots romances with little angst. Boy was I ever wrong! This was was so full of depth and angst, I was hooked from the start.
Aaron Betts is dealing with his girlfriend dumping him trying to heal from a possible career ending injury, and now he has to hire a tutor so that he doesn't get put on academic probation.
In walks Mallory Fine, the sweet, quiet girl who can hold her own with any of the boys at baseball trivia.
I loved these two together! I can't wait to see what come next from Westland University.

Three and a half stars.
Aaron Betts had it all until a rookie led him to bust his knee, now his future as a professional baseball player is receding fast, his girlfriend has dumped him for one of his teammates and he is on academic probation for history. But hey, he's still a big man on campus, fawned after by all the girls and looked up to by the rest of the team.
Aaron pursues what seems to be the best tutor in college, Mallory Lines, but she hates everything to do with baseball and baseball players. Almost against his will Aaron is drawn to Mallory and the secrets she keeps, but as his recovery gets delayed he becomes increasingly desperate not to fail before he even gets a chance.
This was an unusual book, I started off disliking Aaron and his entitled attitude, the way that he becomes irrationally irritated when Mallory won't have dinner with him (when she has a prior engagement), his attitude towards women and his questionable taste in friends. But as the book progressed he grew on me, I could see him making mistakes but I understood his actions. Mallory on the other hand felt too much like a stereotypical NA heroine. I could just tick off the cliches: super clever, check; tragic past, check; keeps secrets, check; doesn't trust anyone, check. As the book progressed Mallory became less of a person and more of a caricature.
But characters aside (and I get why the characters act the way they do in order to drive the plot/ make it credible), I found this had a little bit of a twist, things didn't quite work out the way I was expecting, it was more bittersweet than sweet. And I liked that.

I liked this book even more than I anticipated. Aaron is a well-developed character with several storylines and a close relationship with his sister.
While I love a happy ending, it was also somewhat satisfying to not have a pat ending Aaron's use of steroids, neither in his relationship nor his career. It was in interesting conclusion that he did it due to greed. It is certainly a different way of looking at a person's desire to achieve their dreams. It was nice to have him take responsibility for his actions and also call out the guy who dealt the drugs.