Member Reviews
I loved this book! At 40 pages it's quite long for a children's book, but the story is so charming that it's no problem. The illustrations are delicately beautiful, and I particularly like that the areas where the text have been placed are easier to read, i.e. the background colour has been lightened, or a white area has been chosen for text placement. This may seem like a small detail, but sometimes it can be hard to read text in a children's book against a mass of colour.
The story itself was a delight; Mr Owliver works in an art museum and he takes you on a tour of all the different works of art, which are very cleverly puns on real pieces of art. For instance, there's a painting of 'Henry the Ape', and 'Mona Lizard'. There are lots of different animals throughout the story, so young eyes will have fun identifying them. The play on words add a fun element for the adults too!