Member Reviews

Amazing Read
I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.
This was an incredible read. I have had this book on my Netgalley shelf and finally read it. This book is an ever-encouraging book about how we as Christians must sacrifice our own ways for God's. The altar is the place where we go to enter into His presence and sacrifice ourselves to be renewed by Him. It is at the altar that we repent, sacrifice, and surrender to the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. I thought this book was inspiring because it motivates me to be more active and present with God and build my relationship with him. I am very happy that I got to read this book. It has changed my outlook. God created us to be His ambassadors and His children. Overall, an amazing read.

Powerful, powerful book. What a blessing. Wonderful book if one desires a closer walk with our Heavenly Father. We go to church, read the bible, try to live a Godly life but at times we may feel that we are falling short.. This book will help with those feelings. Read this book and meet God at the altar. Outstanding book. I will be gifting this book to family and friend. Thanks to NetGally, the authors and the publisher for the ARC of this book in return for my honest review.

Rebuilding the Altar
A Bold Call for a Fresh Encounter With God
by Pat and Karen Schatzline
Charisma House
Christian , Religion & Spirituality
Pub Date 01 Aug 2017
I am voluntarily reading Rebuilding the Altar through Charisma House and Netgalley:
Many of us desire a closer walk with Jesus, but he seems so far away. We read the Bible, go to church but we neglect the altar.
This book asks some important questions, are churches on the cutting edge of technology, keeping true to the Word?
In this book Pat and Karen Schalzine encourage us to return to the altar, not the Physical altar found in churches or synagogues but through a daily encounter with Christ, is where we can find the altar on a daily basis.
I give Rebuilding the Altar five out of five stars.
Happy Reading.

Pat and Karen begin this book by telling about their calling as evangelists to travel the world and they have seen thousands of people whose lives were transformed at the altar. But in 1997 they were not satisfied with what they had spiritually, they realized they were becoming more distant from God and they needed a deeper relationship with Him.
The author's say that this book is not for you if you are satisfied spiritually, but it is for you if you want a deeper relationship and encounter with the One who died between two thieves!
"The author's' friend, Larry Stockwell told them about four groups that are called at the end of a service:
These groups are
1. The lost
2. Those who have strayed from God and need a fresh encounter with Him.
3. Those who are tired and sick.
4. Those who want to stay on fire.
These are the same four groups that the author's want to reach with this book."
Pat and Karen give examples of people like Jay and Jim Bakker who had their father-son relationship restored .
"They also discuss what is missing in our churches, such as the infusion of the Word, the Holy Spirit's power and the demonstration of signs and wonders."
People get so used to timed services with spectacular music and media presentations that take the attention of the people and either forgo an altar service or make it so short that no spiritual connection is made with God.
You will need to read this book for yourself to learn how to get closer to God and let Him invade your life!