Member Reviews

A great book by a fantastic author. The writing is excellent and the mystery keeps you turning the pages. Characters are well developed. Highly recommend.

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I greatly enjoyed Marks' latest installment in her fun and cozy mystery series. There's plenty of suspense and humor as Martha and her fellow quilters must clear the name of one of their own.

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Since the last book in this series, Jazz has joined the quilting group and has become great friends with Martha, Lucy and Birdie. When Jazz's friend and client, Dolleen (Dolly) ends up dead, Jazz is the main suspect. Of course the quilting group are the ones that find the body when Jazz tells them that he can't get in contact with Dolly, and her dog seems to be alone in the house. She would never leave her dog alone. They head off to the house and find her dead on the floor. The ladies put their skills to work to try to find the real murderer, their motive and opportunity. There are several things happening in this story. Besides the murder, there are several people who have lost their saving due to a ponzi scheme, Birdie is getting remarried, and Martha Rose is still dealing with her love life and whether to trust anyone enough to remarry. I really enjoy the bits of interesting Jewish traditions that are woven into the novel as Passover season arrives. There is information on quilting sprinkled throughout the story with some tips at the end of the book as well. A well plotted and written cozy that I very much enjoy. I just want Martha Rose to make a decision regarding her love life.

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Knot What You Think

by Mary Marks

Martha Rose takes center stage in the cozy mystery Knot What You Think by Mary Marks. Martha has been quilting with a small group of friends in L.A. every Tuesday for seventeen years. They also form her support group as she investigates mysteries that come her way. She is an observant Jew, and so there are a lot of Yiddish phrases that spice up the writing with meanings inserted in a non-intrusive way. There are two love interests: Arlo Beaver, the straight shooting LAPD homicide detective and “Crusher,” a secret ops/undercover ATF agent.

This cozy mystery swirls with personal threads—weddings, funerals, ex’s, health issues, quilting, swindles, and dogs in fancy dress. Usually that would be too much distraction for me from the main point of the book: discovering the identity of a murderer. Surprisingly, Mary Marks is able to put it all together and make it work. The side issues are, in fact, important to Martha’s process of investigation. In spite of the fact that I was reading it during some traveling, I always enjoyed coming back to it until the mystery was solved.

There were interesting notes about quilting scattered through the story. The book ended with an epilogue that tied up some of the personal stories with promise of more to come.

I would like to extend my thanks to and to Kensington Books for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Mystery

Notes: #5 in the Quilting Mystery Series and good enough as a standalone to make me want to read more in the series.

Publication: July 25, 2017—Kensington Books

Memorable Lines:

I found endless fascination in the geometry of traditional quilts. Depending on how you placed quilt blocks next to each other in the top, secondary overall patterns could emerge.

Besides, even if I did want to get married, whose proposal should I accept? A generous, laid-back undercover ATF agent with a secret life and Israeli connections he refused to discuss or an upright, uptight LAPD detective with Native American roots, whose life was an open book? A future filled with anxiety and uncertainty or one that was reliable and predictable but not as exciting? A three-carat flawless diamond sitting in a black fuzzy box or my favorite German shepherd?

I was less interested in the hapless Kaplan and more interested in reading the whole three-volume story passing over Beavers’s face.

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This is the first one in the series that I've read. Very good. I'll be going back to read the rest. Enjoyed reading about ladies in their 50s plus. I enjoyed learning about the Jewish faith and culture, a new experience for me. Looking forward to the next book in the series!

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Cute cozy - of coure there was a murder - no spoiler there. And one of the protagonist's friends is ther primary suspect.

It was a little convoluted in that one of the main characters is a gay man who makes complete outfits for dogs that go with the human owner's clothing. It seems that he was able to produce clothing too quickly for the time line - and seriously, are there really that many people who would constantly dress their dogs that way? every day?

It was called a quilting mystery, but the mystery is only in the quilt which is only refered to so that it can be called a quilting mystery.

It was a simple "beach read" - something to pass the time and never bother to read again.

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Not quite sure what to with a friend who just wants to get married? That's all! It doesn't have to be fancy, just friends and family, no catering a potluck will do! Her best friend is getting married to her love from the past. Unfortunately, people are dying and money is at the core of the situation. A great read, I love this series.

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Martha, Birdie, Lucy, and Jazz are back in Mary Marks' 5 book in her Quilting Mystery series. Jazz is a murder suspect when one of his friends, Dolleen Doyle, is found dead. Jazz's prints are all over the murder weapon and inside Dolleen's home. Knowing he isn't a murderer Martha begins her sleuthing to help clear Jazz's name. Her beau, Crusher, supports her as she puts clues together and creates a murder board. Her ex, Arlo, isn't nearly as big of a fan.

As the murder investigation continues, Martha discovers that Dolleen had some skeletons in her closet. As she gets closer to identifying the suspect, much to the chagrin of the real detectives, things heat up. Add in a boyfriend and an ex-boyfriend and the murder of Dolleen isn't the only thing heating up. Danger mounts as the mystery unfolds - and there is more than one story line that takes place in Knot What You Think.

Martha Rose is the typical heroine - totally not a crime solver/fighter but makes it her duty to dive in head first whether there's water in the pool or not. Martha Rose puts herself into vary precarious situations and breaks a lot of laws in her quest to find the killer. Birdie and Lucy are great sidekicks and I enjoy theirs roles in each Quilting Mystery. The women quilt together, providing a bit of murder mystery down time

Mary Marks does another wonderful job building up the mystery and keeping the responsible party a secret. The truth of the situation is revealed at the perfect time and the person responsible is not the person I thought it would be. The writing flows well and is concise. The author's writing style is fluid and smooth and so easy to get lost in. The romantic elements of Knot What You Think are subtle and don't overshadow the mystery. The entire novel is engaging; never a dull moment.

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This author definitely knows how to tell a story and keep the reader engaged. The characters are very well developed so this book can stand on it's own without you having to read the previous books in the series.

There was so much going on in the book that I was hooked from the start and had to know what would happen next. There are several different suspects to choose from and just when I think I had it figured out, my suspicion would go to someone else. The final reveal was a big surprise.

I wasn't really a fan of the love triangle in this book, but other than that it was a quick, fun read

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Where has this series been for me? I feel like I have wandered the cozy shelves and found the diamond hiding in the masses. It’s thrilling, exciting and funny! Meet Martha or that is what I did with Knot What You Think, she is the sleuth with a Jewish twist. I really loved how this part of her made her such a standout character, in the masses of cozy female sleuths. She is the first to be Jewish that I can recall, and I thought the author did a fantastic job of blending the faith into the story line, and no she isn’t preaching or making this a faith based mystery. She just included details that would be important, such as holidays. Martha and her group of friends are like the quilting Golden Girls with mysteries. They are funny, witty and stick together through the good and bad. In fact in this mystery that hosted suspects that were sons, daughters, friends, lovers. And the murderer was one that I couldn’t even guess! It was nice to see such positive relationships balance out the mystery and murder, there was even the most unique wedding I have read in a cozy that didn’t involve murder.
Overall, I loved the book, and the characters will certainly make a reader come back for more. I can’t sew a stitch but reading this was the perfect fix! I am eager to go back and read the others, and I am hoping for a next book, because I need to know the voice!! The ending will leave you asking for more!

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The years may be piling up with this group of friends but they are as tight as ever.
Along with a wonderfully nosy cozy we get insight into Jewish high traditions and celebrations and some sage quilting advice.

I love the characters in Mary Marks's quilting mystery series. Some people prefer to spend their senior years more sedataely, but when Martha, Lucy and Birdie get together, you can not predict what will happen. Add in their most recent and somewhat unlikely new quilting circle member, Jazz, and there is nothing quiet or predictable about this story.

That goes even without mentioning the tension between Martha's ever hopeful live-in boyfriend and her too often present ex-lover, both of whom are macho types, both in law enforcement.
Love is in the air- but who does cupid have in his sight?

I felt the psychic references added something extra to the investigation and enjoyed the happenings.

I accepted this book via Netgalley to read, enjoy and review.

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What a wonderful story filled with facts that kept my attention. I appreciated the history behind Passover and the different foods that are eaten during this holiday. The Jewish faith play a big part in Martha's life and I loved her family. As Martha and her friends are ready for a day of quilting , Jazz rushes in with astounding news. One of his esteemed clients is not answering her phone or door. I loved Jazz instantly and thought his job of designing dog outfits to be amusing. I know people love to dress their dogs up in outlandish costumes and Jazz is the perfect person to design them. He is talented and loved by many. But oh my the poor little things have to wear attires that are so over the top I had to laugh. The great news is Jazz well known and has a very prestigious client list.

I will get to the chase and just say one of Jazz's clients is found dead and yes you guessed it, he is a person of interest. Martha is having none of that and starts her own "investigation." She is very smart and her eye for details is a very good quality when turning detective . My favorite character has to be Crusher. He is a man to be reckon with. He works with the ATF and with his looks and build, he could put fear in anyone. Why can't Martha just give in and marry him already? Could it be that she still has feelings for a certain detective who cheated on her?

As suspects go, there were the vast array of finger pointing going on. I loved the mystery and secrets that the dead woman held close to her. Now the question arises , what secrets was she keeping that got her killed? I know some will figure out the killer but I was a bit taken back when it was revealed. I was so sure of who it was , only to be surprised by a twist in the story. I loved the suspense the author built up.

If you are a quilter or one who loves quilts, then you are in for a treat while reading this book. The author gives great detail in how to make one. The description is so vivid I could see them sewing as the group talked about the murder. One last thing I have to mention. Will Martha ever decide who to marry? My money is on a certain tall dark and handsome ATF guy. I can't wait for the next book to find out what Martha is up to.

I received a copy of this book from The Great Escapes Virtual Blogging Tour. The review is my own opinion.

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Knot What You Think by Mary Marks is the fifth installment in A Quilting Mystery series. Martha Rose and her friends are settling in to spend the day quilting when Jazz Fletcher arrives. He was trying to deliver some completed doggie outfits and accessories to Dolleen Doyle. They had arranged to meet the previous evening, but Dolleen was a no show. Jazz, though, could hear her dog, Patti barking inside. Dollen was never without her beloved pooch. Jazz stopped by again this morning, and, again, there was no answer (just barking). Martha has a bad feeling, so the group heads to Dolleen’s house in nearby Tarzana. They peek in Dolleen’s windows and discover her laying in a pool of blood on her kitchen floor. The quickly enter the house through the unlocked back door, but they are too late to save Dolleen. Martha calls Detective Arlo Beavers (her ex-boyfriend), a LAPD homicide detective, who rushes over. After the evidence is processed, Jazz ends up the prime suspect. Martha puts on her investigator cap and delves into Dolleen’s life. It turns out that Dolleen was keeping secrets, and they are the key to finding her killer. Follow Martha Rose and her friends on their quest to capture a murderer in Knot What You Think.

Knot What You Think is nicely written and it has a good pace. I appreciate that Mary Marks included a character (Martha Rose that has fibromyalgia. Many people do not understand what sufferers of fibromyalgia experience (it is a misunderstood disease). The character of Martha Rose is well-developed. I am, though, tired of her indecision regarding her romantic life. There is a love triangle (insert groan here) between Martha Rose, Yossi “Crusher” Levy and Arlo Beavers (I am Team Arlo). I believe the situation will be resolved in the next book in the series (keep your fingers crossed). The romance takes up too much of the story. I prefer romantic entanglements to be in the background and not dominate a novel. I did, though, enjoy Birdie’s wedding at the end of the story. Birdie deserves her happy ending. My rating for Knot What You Think 3 out of 5 stars. The mystery is slightly complex and gets more interesting in the second half of the book. The suspect pool is small, and I thought one individual (the killer) stood out. I did like the quilt descriptions provided in the story especially the one on charm quilts. I found the information about the Jewish faith and their traditions (Passover was celebrated in the story) to be very informative. I wish there had been less repetition of certain details (the “do rag” Yossi wears on his head and why, Yossi’s job, why Martha Rose has trust issues, details about Jazz Fletcher’s relationship with Russell Watson, the type of car Jazz drives are a few examples). Knot What You Think can be a read without having enjoyed the previous four novels in the series (all that you need to know is included). At the end of Knot What You Think, readers are left with a cliffhanger. Who is behind Martha Rose at Birdie’s wedding?

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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Mary Marks' Knot What You Think is part of the Quilting Mystery series. I had not read any of the previous books but had no trouble jumping right into this book. Martha and her fellow quilters discover the body of Dolleen, whose husband had swindled people of their life savings. Martha plans to steer clear of the investigation until one of her quilting friends becomes the prime suspect. I enjoyed the focus on friendship and family in this book, and I did not mind the touch of romance thrown in. This book makes me want to read more of the series!

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I've become a devoted fan of this series! As a dedicated needle worker, my original interest was due to the main character's quilting group. I still enjoy the tidbits of quilting lore Marks so deftly works into the fabric of her mysteries. In spite of the gruesome subject of murder, her mysteries make me smile as I picture Martha Rose, her quilting friends, and the men in her life. I particularly appreciate the portrayal of Martha as a woman completely at home in her body even though she's not model thin and she has to deal with at least two common medical conditions faced by women of all ages. It is also refreshing to see someone as committed to her heritage as Martha is. I look forward to the next book in this delightful series!

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I would like to thank Kensington Books for providing me with a free electronic ARC of this book, via Netgalley, in exchange for an open and honest review.

‘Knot What You Think’ is the 5th book in the ‘A Quilting Mystery’ series and just as wonderful and entertaining to read as the other four. I have been a fan from near the beginning. I think I stumbled across the 2nd or 3rd book in the series on Netgalley, loved it so much I went to Amazon and bought the first books of the series and have never looked back. I am officially a fan!

And this book has not let me down. Another mystery, another dead body and one of Martha’s friends accused of being the murderer. I do love how the characters have evolved and grown with the series. No rehashing the same cookie cutter ideas each time. Many cosy series seem to do this and the characters make the same mistakes and do the same crazy things each book and seem surprised they get the same end results. But this is not the case with Martha et al. Oh no! They’ve been learning as they go and can officially now run rings around the police force also trying to solve the case. It’s wonderful that they know they really shouldn’t be doing what they do… but let’s just try this idea anyhow and hope for the best. A lot of chutzpah there Martha! ;-)

But it’s not all about crime and dead bodies; there is still that interesting underlying description of LA that I simply can’t read elsewhere. Never having visited that city I can’t say it makes me know where I am… but I do like the way it does still link the reader to a real place and it somehow makes me feel more part of the story by letting me know where everything is.

Then there are the love and romances happening… some coming to the final commitment, some budding and new, some… well, some just all over the place making me want to shake someone by the shoulders and demand they just make up their damned mind! And that final line in ‘Knot What You Think’? Oh Ms Marks, talk about leaving your fans hanging and dying for more!

Let’s not forget my two favourite parts - besides the mystery - within this book. The quilting and the wonderful sharing of the Jewish Faith. I am a hand crafting nut with a passion to learn about how other people follow their faith and so simply adore both these parts of the tale… and would feel rather sad and lonely if they were left out.

All in all this is a wonderfully well rounded mystery/ cosy crime. It has a good balance of everything that keeps it entertaining and keeps we crime sleuths guessing. Well, actually I figured out the whodunit early on (bane of my existence that I do this) but I still needed to know the why and didn’t get that until the end. And all my questions were answered nicely without the book seeming to need to rush to finish or just stop. Which I hate in mysteries/ cosy crime stories. They tell you the who and why and then - the end. Any loose threads are left flapping in the breeze. But it didn’t happen with ‘Knot What You Think’. A true quilter knows how to deal with loose threads and tuck them all neatly away before displaying the final perfect piece.

Would I recommend this book to others?

Yes I would, though I would strongly advise they read the first four books in the series before reading this one. It’s not a stand-alone novel, refers back to their other adventures quite a bit and I really feel the reader would be missing out and doing both themselves and Ms Marks an injustice if they didn’t read all five books in order.

Would I buy this book for myself?

Yes I would. I already own the other books in the series (bought via Kindle) and would be more than happy to add book 5 to my list when I can. I just had a bit of a buying splurge though so give me a few months. ;-) Owning the electronic ARC of a book is one thing, but putting your money where your mouth is and paying for a copy - because you respect the author - is totally another thing. Where possible I always pay for a copy of books I enjoy simply to give the author the credit and reward they deserve.

In summary: A fantastic follow on book to an already highly entertaining mystery series. Highly recommend!

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Along with the mystery there are quilting, Jewish traditions, friendships, and romance. An engaging and entertaining tale.

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This book is so witty and fun! I love these characters. This series is so light, entertaining, and such an easy read. Once you start it, you won't want to put it down. I look forward to seeing where the story takes us in the books to come. 🙂

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I giggled, I laughed, I snorted...all in the first few pages. This is the first book that I have read in this series, and it definitely won't be the last. It definitely is a series that should be read in order due to spoilers, but if you read them out of order you'll still be able to follow the story. The mystery was great, with some very interesting revelations, and the epilogue was absolutely wonderful.

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