Member Reviews

I really enjoyed the book. Loved the story plot and twists. Approachable characters, realistic situations. Some descriptions or story „fillers” were tiny bit too long, but in overall - very good book and I’d read more by the author. Thank you, great job!

I can't quite decide where I would pitch this book if I had to. I should start by saying that I definitely enjoyed it, but it wasn't quite what I was expecting. It's part mystery, yes, but perhaps not in the traditional sense of the word. For a large part of the book I wasn't sure if this was a mystery at all, even though it was very intriguing. And perhaps a little worrying. Aside from being buried alive, I'm not sure I can think of anything much worse than being in the position Alex finds himself in after a freak climbing accident. He is alive but suffering from 'locked-in syndrome' - fully aware of all that is going on around him but unable to communicate with anyone - his doctors or his family - in any way. For a journalist used to being in the thick of some pretty meaty cases, and who led a pretty active lifestyle, it's a situation that naturally gets him down. And yet, every now and then he gets the snatch of a conversation which sparks something in his mind, something that could lead us all to understanding how he ended up there in the first place.
This is actually a very interesting novel, a somewhat unique perspective. It's not the first book I've read where we have narrative from the perspective of a 'locked-in' patient, but is definitely the first where the entire story is told from the point of view of that person. Effectively, outside of scenes where Alex takes a journey through memories of his past, the entire story takes place in the hear and now, from the confines of Alex's hospital room. If an event doesn't happen there, we only learn of it through snatches of conversation that Alex overhears in his moments of lucidity and wakefulness, or in 'conversations' his visitors have with him. It gives us a very narrow perspective on what has happened, and means that investigating the cause of Alex's accident is actually quite hard. This is a difficult trick to pull off - maintaining reader's attention whilst limiting the amount of the world we can experience, but the author does a grand job and I found myself completely engaged by Alex's story. I felt his pain, his frustration and his sadness really come through in the narration. The emotions of both him and his family in dealing with the fallout (poor choice of words I know) from his accident.
Although much of the first half of the book is taken up in establishing Alex's story and the relationships that have come to form his new, tragically small, world, there comes a turning point in the narrative, a briefly overheard conversation which sparks something in both Alex and me as a reader. And with hints of something from his past, and troubles in his present relationships, it's not so much of a leap to think that this was no ordinary accident. But what can Alex do about it? It's fair to say that our list of suspects if very small, partly because if they haven't been to see Alex, and he hasn't thought about them they just don't exist. I found myself second guessing every conversation, every 'interaction' that Alex had. It certainly kept me hooked in a way that first person narratives in psychological thrillers often fail to do. And the reveal, when it came, wasn't as unexpected or unbelievable as it might have been. It was certainly dramatic.
The ending ... well I have to say that it hit me fr more than I expected it to. Having spent all that time with Alex, and knowing what we knew at this stage, I actually found it quite emotional. The author really had drawn me in, made me connected to Alex in a way that meant what comes to pass, whilst probably expected, left me quite teary eyed. It might have been aided by old age and raging hormones, but having spent a couple of days with Alex it was actually hard to say good bye. More emotional and intriguing than I had expected, I'm glad I caught up with this book. Looking forward to reading more by the author in future.

What an amazing read, the minute I started this book I knew I was going to love it, I highly recommend this book.

This was a brilliant read. As soon as I started reading this book I just knew I was going to love it. Highly recommended

Omg talk about a roller coaster read wow this book kept me on the edge of my seat threw out I just couldn't put it down this writer keeps you hooked and once your hooked your not letting go I found this book thrilling the characters were fantastic and well thought out and the little clues all the way threw keep you guessing until the end this book stays with you long after you close the book this book is well worth the read I promise you wont be disappointed

An interesting concept as this thriller is told by the main character Alex from his hospital bed, seemingly lost to his friends and family in a coma. Following what was originally thought to be a climbing accident, Alex is conscious but has no means of communicating his awareness to those around him, and when he realises there are questions about what happened that fateful day, he bends his mind to working out just who may have hurt him.
An engaging read and a well written story, and I especially enjoyed the twist of having it told from the point of view of the victim.

Alex Jackson is 27 and has suffered a climbing accident that’s put him in a coma. He’s in a state of “lockdown syndrome” where unbeknown to anyone he can hear everything around him.
Imagine that!
He’s also a Journalist on the Bristol Post which I was so happy to hear as it’s my hometown.
He loves his girlfriend Bea more than life itself….literally….until he’s so entrenched with what he’s finding out (listening unknowingly) that he needs to find out who tried to kill him.
This author has absolutely done her homework as she gets into the mind of a person in this medical state. I was in awe.
This is told from Alex and I loved it, absolutely and most definitely loved this.
I’ll be looking at the authors other books as I do love her writing.
This plot had me hanging on every sentence.

"Everyone believes Alex is in a coma, unlikely to ever wake up. As his family debate withdrawing life support, and his friends talk about how his girlfriend Bea needs to move on, he can only listen.
But Alex soon begins to suspect that the accident that put him here wasn’t really an accident. Even worse, the perpetrator is still out there and Alex is not the only one in danger.
As he goes over a series of clues from his past, Alex must use his remaining senses to solve the mystery of who tried to kill him, and try to protect those he loves, before they decide to let him go."
This thriller had such promise and the storyline was certainly an original idea and it worked really well. I enjoyed, with Alex, trying to figure out exactly what had happened to him, and whose version of events to believe. The story kept up a good pace, was an easy read and I really enjoyed it. The only reason I gave it 4 not 5 stars is that I felt the ending was a bit rushed and fell a bit flat for me. I wanted more and so was left a bit disappointed.

Absolutley amazing from start to finish, I loved this book. I would like to thank the publisher and the author for giving me the opportunity to review this.Not like anything ive ever read before, highly recommended

I found this book to be uncomfortable reading, as the idea of being locked in like that is not a happy one. However, I gave this five stars as I was impressed with how well the author conveyed the personality of Alex, and the background was gradually revealed in a clever manner.

Edgy, thrilling and exciting. Brilliant writing and paced to keep you breathless and on the edge of your seat! Recommend.

If I Die Before I Wake is a truly original idea and a highly unique thriller. The book drags you in right from the very start, setting a fast pace that is maintained throughout.
The story is told from the point of view of Alex, a comatose patient trapped in his own body. As he lays motionless in his hospital bed, Alex reflects on his life, his career, and his relationships. However, Alex's internal monologue is disrupted by the news that the police are reopening the investigation into his accident. As the tension escalates, Alex's brain kicks into overdrive, willing his body to respond and let him help his loved ones in danger.
It's an exciting and thrilling story, yet one which is told in an imaginative way. As more and more clues, evidence, and events slowly come to life, Alex pieces together the real story behind what happened on the day of his accident. It is surprising and unexpected, full of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat right to the very end!
Although mystery and suspense are key themes in the book, additional - and perhaps surprising - elements are also present. Alex is frustrated with his situation, yet he gradually comes to terms with his condition and prepares himself to welcome death. His family, friends, and girlfriend Bea are reluctant to make that final decision to end Alex's life, resulting in a heartbreaking example of love, loss, and the pain of letting go for the last time.
These sad, bittersweet undertones bring a much more emotional side to the story. Alongside the desperation to solve the mystery, this creates a beautiful contrast which acts as a testament to the author's talent. It is a story of contradictions - sad yet sweet, love and loss, and a fast-paced plot yet time drags by for Alex.
Remarkable and original, If I Die Before I Wake is a must-read mystery thriller.

Gripping from start to finish, I loved this book. I would like to thank the publisher and the author for giving me the opportunity to review this.

I had put off reading this because I wasn’t sure about the coma plotline but I wish I hadn’t! This is a truly unique novel, a rarity these days, and totally gripping.
Alex is a twenty something rock climber from Bristol who has an accident which leaves him in a vegetive state. The whole narrative is his and all from within the confines of his hospital room, from the confines of his own body. He is unable to make people realise he can hear them and is very much alive on the inside and so his life if lived and pieced together from the visits he receives from relatives and friends and from the nurses who tend him.
Alex is determined to uncover what really happened to him when he learns that the police are treating the accident as suspected murder and his quest becomes even more urgent when he realises his girlfriend is also in mortal danger.
I was so worried that this story would have a weak and predictable ending but it stays strong to the end which is heart wrenching.
It’s a great read but quick because you won’t want to put it down. The fact that the pace has momentum is incredible given that you don’t really leave the hospital room!

I really struggled with this book, it seemed to take an age for anything to happen. The storyline didnt feel right with me either, a bloke in a coma telling his story 🤔

Unfortunately I have had to give up on this book. I have tried and retried but I just don't seem to be able to connect with the story and find the pace too slow. Disappointing as the premises is really intriguing.

An interesting approach to a murder mystery novel! I sped through this book and will definitely read more from the author. In places it was a little slow for my liking, understandable when the main character is suffering from locked in syndrome.

Alex is in a coma after falling off a cliff while out climbing. All his family , friends and doctors are hoping for him to wake up but after 18 months are starting to give up hope. But Alex is aware of what is going on around him even when the MRI scans show there is no brain activity. His family are beginning to think it's time to let him go.
But then they find out Alex's fall was no accident and the police believe that is was in fact Alex's girlfriend Bea that pushed him.
But Bea is scared has she keeps getting prank phone calls and someone has been stalking her. There is also the mystery of who sent Alex a letter a week before his fall with a photo of a baby.
I enjoyed this book and loved the idea of Alex in a coma being unable to move or communicate and everyone not knowing he is in fact awake. Alex did get in my nerves a bit with all his wishful thinking trying to make his limbs move, but in reality i think I would be the same if I was in his situation. Really liked the twist in the story and the ending was pretty good.
4/5 stars.

On the face of it, If I Die Before I Wake seemed like a pretty unique thriller. As a fan of pulse-racing mysteries, I couldn’t resist requesting it on NetGalley.
Alex is in hospital and everyone believes that he is in a coma, unable to communicate and unaware of his surroundings and situation. Scans show zero brain activity and his family are debating whether to withdraw life support. But Alex can hear their conversations and is fully aware of everything that is going on. He just can’t seem to tell anyone. What’s worse is that the climbing accident that put him in this position doesn’t seem to have been an accident. The culprit is still out there and he needs to somehow let his loved ones know before he eventually slips away.
As well as being an avid rock and cliff climber, Alex writes for a local newspaper, reporting crimes and stories of local interest. He has several clues as to who may have wanted him dead including ex-girlfriends and criminals he has exposed through his work. The process of his deduction is pretty exciting to follow and you are constantly stabbed in the side with the painful reminder that he can’t let anyone know. Koch did a great job at instilling Alex’s frustration in the reader.
Although we spend the entire narrative inside Alex’s head in this incredibly unique and desperate state of mind, I was still never sure if I really liked him. I wasn’t a big fan of his girlfriend Bea either and this disconnection probably affected my overall enjoyment of the book. I did feel a degree of sympathy for him but at times, he came across as disloyal and fickle. Bea seemed to be the same and I would probably have enjoyed a little more page time from their friends Rosie and Tom, who I did really like just from the little that I saw of them.
Despite his problematic traits, I did believe that Alex genuinely loved Bea. I was willing him to show her that he was still there somehow and I didn’t want her to give up on him. In spite of not liking either of them individually, I was fully on board with their relationship, which is testament to Koch’s match-making abilities.
When the story began its ascent to the climax and big reveal, I still wasn’t sure exactly what had happened to Alex. However, there was no way I could have predicted the truth because I wasn’t given the clues or enough insight into Alex’s past. I always prefer thrillers to plant hints throughout but If I Die Before I Wake didn’t have that. We were just told the details of an event that Alex had vaguely mentioned before. Therefore, my thoughts on learning what really happened wasn’t ‘OH WOW, THAT NOW MAKES PERFECT SENSE!’. It was more like ‘Oh. Okay.’
Alex constantly flits from wanting to fight and wanting to die. It’s a tragic, anxiety-inducing and sad mindset to spend time in but it’s certainly a unique one. It’s not a perspective I’ve ever read from before and although I enjoyed it, I felt that it possibly could have been executed a little better. I felt the desperation and the determination but I think my failure to really care about Alex diminished the intensity for me.
It’s certainly more of a mystery than a thriller, in my opinion. Excluding the final 20% of the book, the pacing feels a little slow for a thriller. It’s still a good story though and an interesting debut, so I’d certainly like to read Koch’s follow-up books.

The premise for this book was such an interesting one and for a buddy read we were excited to see where this would go. The MC Alex life is a thrill-seeking one of a rock climber, daring to scale the sides of cliffs with a group of friends. However, something went wrong and he wakes up in the hospital….the problem is, well he is in a coma! He is unable to communicate with anyone, all he can do is lie and listen to his visitors and try to remember what had happened on the day he fell.
For a change, the clues and the misfit jigsaw puzzle is herded to us by the visitors at Alex’s bedside. He does not remember what happened, his memory being jogged by what he hears around him. You feel for him, the struggle and frustration of not being able to communicate with anyone are hard to read and experience with him. Even more so, as a reader you are like Alex, unable to do anything to influence the outcome of the story.
It is really such an interesting concept, to tell the story from this point of view. You are there with Alex every step of the way, working the clues, listening to hushed conversations, trying to figure out what is going on. This I liked, this was good! Yet, something just did not work for me, I felt some of it was drawn out too much and when the big reveal happened I found, for me, I did not care and the book slightly dipped in form. On one hand, I found the ending refreshing and satisfying and thought ‘yes this is perfect’, on the other hand, I was deflated and thought ‘well what was the point of that’.
This is a debut for Ms Koch and I thought that it was good! She draws you into Alex’s life, his lies, the secrets of his friends and family. There was such rawness with his family and the decisions that they had to make for Alex, all the while he is lying there screaming in his head that he is alive and ok! I was screaming at his Dad, the doctors, everyone to watch him and to not give up. There were some lovely touches with the mention of the kind nurse who looks after him and the janitor who sits by his bed watching the sports with him made me smile.