Member Reviews

I thought this was a good read that gave me another perspective on Heaven. It was an easy read and kept the story moving along. It brought out the good and bad in people. The good it brought out was wonderful! The way the story tied people together was great. I hope I never have the need, but if I do, I hope there is a Caroline and Belinda there for me. A Mortimer would be fine too! 😊 Oh, and a Hot Dog Hag! I just loved all of them.

Skye Sebring is a hospitality greeter inside the pearly gates of an unorthodox Heaven, where carefree and lusty angels get tipsy in the Live A Little Lounge, practice cloud art and are guided by a brassy female deity who sounds and looks like Bette Midler. During the course of her duties, Skye meets lawyer Ryan Blaine, who has a brush with death due to motorcycle accident. It’s not Ryan’s time to die yet so he returns back to Earth but Skye can’t get him out of her mind. Why does Ryan seem so familiar to her and why does she feel an unexplainable attraction to him? She begins spying on Ryan’s life from her perch in heaven and even manages to follow down to Earth. There she finds a world very different than Heaven where drinking too much champagne results in hangovers, roses can prick fingers and hearts are capable of being broken. All seems lost until she remembers that most of life's lessons can be learned from the lyrics of five Beatles songs and one of the Fab Four’s songs might actually help win her the love of a lifetime.
The book was good. I liked both main characters as they went through the story. Both characters were well written. I enjoyed the plot. I recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

This is a heart wrenching love story with Christian leanings. If you’re ready for an emotional ride with a little paranormal, here’s your ticket.

Is this heaven. Cutest book ever written. So, different, so fresh, so new. Loved all the characters and fun. Laughed out loud and enjoyed each one.

This was a short and lighthearted take on life after death, coma and heaven. A romance in general, I had fun reading the antics of the main lead Skye and her life in heaven and inevitable promotion to a new life on earth. Divinely Yours does have some romantic elements but its basically a mystery of trying to find what's going on and if Skye is really Skye. It's a quirky story so fans who like some uniqueness in solving mysteries will definitely like this.

This is the first book I have read from this author. The book description sounded interesting on Netgalley which caused me to request it. I
Skye Sebring is a hospitality greeter at the pearly gates. Lawyer Ryan Blaine shows up after a motorcycle accident lands him in the emergency room. He disappears abruptly when he is revived in the ER on earth. Skye is infatuated and can’t stop thinking about him. This is well-written with a good dose of humor. Read it, embrace it and have a good time!

a surprisingly intersting book about what happens if you die and a great love story

What no Hell? how can that be? we've been lied to all along.
A sweet story about re-born souls and romances and people in comas and....
Not requiring much effort but an amusing tale nonetheless for sick bed reading. Assuming you're not in a coma that is....

One of my favorite TV shows is The Good Place with Kirsten Bell, and this book was like this...This just puts you in the right mindset. Add some Beatles, Bette Midler, and there ya go. Your welcome. And I bet you say fork all day.... Janet, Janet???? No there is no Janet in the book. A lighthearted, funny and cute read, and Skye Sebring will make you hope heaven is like this... For real.

Divinely Yours
Karin Gillespie
DIVINELY YOURS is a humorous story about heaven. Skye Sebring is a greeter in Heaven and loves her job of taking care of the newly departed. Every now and then one of them will come through the pearly gates too soon and they get sent back. This happens when a really hot dude comes to her and then disappears. Skye can't stop thinking about this guy and knows it's no use as they are galaxies apart, besides she has a boyfriend, but after meeting the hotty, she thinks of him all the time.
Emily is in a coma and has been for a year. Caroline is her Earth angel and talks to her non stop. She talks to her so much that she brings Emily back to the living. She helps Emily try to remember her life before she fell into a coma. There are so many twists and turns in DIVINELY YOURS, before you know it you will be on the last page from flipping the pages like crazy! The way Karin Gillespie brings all the characters together is just amazing and I loved every minute of it. My emotions were all over the place, one minute I was laughing and the next I was holding my breath afraid of what was coming. Humorous conversations are taking place in heaven but down on Earth they are truly heartbreaking. I was so invested in every single character and Ms. Gillespie made me feel like they are people who I know and truly care about. I had a really hard time putting DIVINELY YOURS down. I had to know how Emily's story was going to end.
DIVINELY YOURS is going to touch your heart in ways you can't even imagine. Do you ever feel as if something is steering you and your thoughts? Do you ever wonder what heaven is like? Do you believe in guardian angels? The way Karin Gillespie pulls all the stories together at the end will have you smiling from ear to ear. I can not wait to read more by Karin. Reality TV in heaven? Who knew! You've never imagined heaven like this and you will be thinking about it long after you finish reading!

I was totally fascinated with the premise of this novel, from beginning to end! I love stories that are unique and don't follow the usual format and this one was totally satisfying in that regard.

Quirky, heartfelt, funny, poignant...Divinely Yours is a wonderful story! Heaven is one of the settings in this book, as we meet Skye, a greeter who welcomes the newly departed, most of whom are not thrilled to be there! The scenes that take place in Heaven are so entertaining...and I hope the author got that part right! Back on Earth, the plot takes on a more serious tone, and the interaction between the characters on Heaven and on Earth are so cleverly woven together. The characters and their stories come together in very unexpected ways, as this book is full of surprises and twists. This is the kind of book that makes it easy for readers to escape, a fast-paced imaginative story filled with characters who will fill take up space in your heart.

Divinely Yours wasn’t what I was expecting at first, but what a fun quick read. Fans of tv’s The Good Place (before the twist!) will enjoy Skye Sebring’s job as greeter in heaven. You can even take monorail tour of the Supreme Being’s sector. What I really found interesting is how the story was woven together with Ryan, Susan and Emily’s lives on Earth. With a little help from a radio call in show hosted by Minerva and and old hits by the Beatles, Skye’s fascination with Ryan is fully explained in this charming story.

This was an enjoyable story of romance. It was very refreshing since it includes Angels and a view of heaven like I'd never dreamed of. I definitely laughed at this depiction of heaven. I liked how the story of these two lovers unfolded. A very unusual twist for sure. It was well written and now I can't get the Beatles' songs out of my mind. You'll have to read it to understand. I've been a fan of Karin Gillespie's Bottom Dollar Girls series which is why I was curious to read this. I wasn't disappointed.

I found this book to be a nice, lighthearted read. I thoroughly enjoyed the author's images of Heaven. It was definitely a unique idea.
A quick read which I really enjoyed.
Thanks to Henery Press and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

This was a sweet and funny story. It was a little confusing at first trying to sort out all of the characters, but once I knew who was who, I settled right into the story. I had such a hard time putting the book down because there were many parts I didn't know what was going to happen next and I couldn't wait to find out.
There is more to Skye than meets the eye (hey that rhymes!). You think she is a greeter in heaven, but she has all these strange dreams that made me wonder maybe there were things she didn't know about her own life. Then she meets Ryan Blaine when he briefly ends up in her office but disappears before she can really process him into heaven and he seems so familiar to her. Ryan is trying to figure his life out too and why he can't seem to connect with his wife Susan. I won't say any more but it is quite the turn of events.
There are several other characters and they all come together in the end for a happy ending.

This book started of really well, but unfortunately it became rather predictable as it progress. I did enjoy the concept and I would love to read more from this author, but this one did not really do it for me

This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

This is a fun read, with a lot of emotional scenes. It seems a pretty straightforward story in the beginning, of a greeter in Heaven who meets someone in her office who then gets returned to Earth as it is not his time. Skye, the greeter, then gets a little obsessed with Ryan and watches him on Earthly Pleasures TV at every opportunity. At the same time, she is helping a teen girl, Chelsea, get acclimated to Heaven after her skateboarding accident.
We also meet Ryan's wife, Susan, as well as several residents of a nursing home, including Emily, who has been in a coma for over a year and is beginning to wake up.
I love the way Ms. Gillespie ties all of these stories together for us and makes us care about so many of the characters. There are humorous exchanges between the characters in Heaven and heartbreaking ones between the characters on Earth. There is also a character or two that you will love to hate!
If you enjoy love stories with a touch of the paranormal, this is a definite must read!

This is an adorable read that will grab you by the heart and not let go. Skye, who is a greeter in Heaven takes great care with the newly departed and helps them get acclimated to their surroundings. Every once in a while someone will come through her cubicle too soon, and they will be brought back to life. It just wasn't their time yet, as we Southern's say. This happens with a certain man who she finds herself totally infatuated with, she just can't get him off her mind. She has a handsome boyfriend in Heaven who is crazy about her but after meeting this one man, it's not the same. Skye finds out that she is has been given the honor of being moved down to earth, she feels she's not ready and doesn't want to make this change but it's been ordered by the Supreme Being, so she doesn't have a choice in the matter.
The witty dialog between Skye and the other heavenly bodies will have you smiling and I have to admit Ms. Gillespie has quite the imagination and a new fan of this reader. There are quite a few unforgettable characters on earth as well. This is a light romantic comedy, that has a little a something for everyone.
I would like to thank Henery Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this e-galley in exchange for my honest review.