Member Reviews

A damn delight from top to bottom. I adore everything by Amy Andrews and this one is absolutely no different.

Troy by Amy Andrews
He is known as the Wonder from Down Under on the bull-riding circuit, and is determined to stay at the top.
Joss Garrity is a doctor and a single mother. She moved from Chicago to Plainview when her fifteen-year-old son started mixing with the wrong crowd. Her husband died in an accident, and she is trying the best she can to provide a life for her son. They live with her father-in-law so he can provide a role model for her son, Damien. Inadvertently, Troy provides Joss with the support she needs to deal with some of the issues with her son, and he becomes a changed person when Troy tells him of his background, and is able to show what he has achieved.
Troy Jensen has been on the circuit for a number of years and he has no exit plan, until he meets Joss. He first meets her on the road to help fix her tyre. He finds a thief breaking into his car and takes him home, to Joss’s house, it’s her son. After a bull ride, he then ends up in her ER with a dislocated elbow. He finds that he is very attracted to her and together they play sexually, although Joss doesn’t want to have actual sex. As the days go on, Joss and Troy come together but pull apart when they realise what they are doing. As they each try to avoid touching each other, the sexual energy pulls them together until they feel out of control. It is the bathroom, the hood of the car, a motel bathroom when her son could come back at any time.
The deal breaker for Joss is when she sees him ride at one event and isn’t wearing a helmet. Troy doesn’t get it. He continues on the circuit but a discussion with another rider realises that he needs the exit plan and he goes about fulfilling that plan.
This is a very sexy story. I liked the sexual tension between Joss and Troy whenever they were in the same room together.
This is one hot story.
Reviewed by Heather

Joss Garrity knows what it's like to lose someone she loves suddenly, so she's determined not to fall in love again. However, somehow fate keeps throwing Troy Jensen in her path whether it's in the way of helping her fix a tyre or bringing her delinquent son home to be reprimanded or Troy ending up in her ER due to suffering an injury while trying to get back in the big league as a bull rider. Will Troy be able to convince Joss to give them a shot at happy ever after, or will the age difference between them keep Joss from taking a chance?
Ms. Andrews always pens a fantastic story with anything she writes, and this book was wonderfully entertaining, fast-paced and a story I read from start to finish without any interruptions. Since the main characters are highly enjoyable; the dialogue had me smiling all the way throughout as Troy teases and tempts the heroine; and the obstacles these two face had me cheering for this couple's happy ever after because they weren't easy obstacles to overcome such as the age difference between them and the dangers of Troy's career as a bull rider. Joss has already lost someone she loves, so how can she get involved with Troy when he does something so dangerous for a living without doing everything in his power to keep safe?
Both the main characters were fascinating and I could understand why neither wanted a relationship. There's a few years between them, making Joss a cougar, but I liked that Troy won her over because they're good together and have so much chemistry that heats up the pages with fan-your-face sex scenes. Moreover, the heroine is strong, brave and I liked the decisions she made for herself, her son and their future. I also liked how caring she is as a doctor and that she would do a lot for her patients, which is proven by what she does for Troy. Yet, what I liked most of all about the heroine was the way she repaired her relationship with her wayward son with the help of the hero.
While Troy, I couldn't help but empathize with him when it came to how things were between him and his family. Yet, in saying that, he's lucky to have found someone willing to give him a chance and help him turn things around in his life to be the wonderful man he is. I also liked how confident, courageous and determined he was to get his bull riding career back on track, even though Joss is making him think that life after bull riding could be a good thing. Yet, what I liked most about the hero is how he helped the heroine's son and how good he was for the teenage boy that had lost his way.
Overall, Ms. Andrews has penned another really good read in this book where the secondary characters in Joss's father-in-law and her son had me liking the close bond they shared and that the older man could offer advice that he knows the heroine needs to hear. The way this story ended was absolutely wonderful beause of the plans Troy has for their future and his determination to convince Joss to take a chance on a future with him. However, it was the way the heroine shows Troy that she wants a relationship with him that I liked the most about the ending because he needs him just as much as he needs her. I would recommend Troy by Amy Andrews, if you enjoy books encompassing cowboys or books by authors Sarah Mayberry, Katherine Garbera, Megan Crane and Jeannie Watt.

The only thing Troy wants is to get back onto the American Extreme Bull Riders Tour. He has no future plan and is up for fun with any of the "Buckle Bunnies" who are up for it. A chance meeting turns his plans on end.
Joss is a widowed mother of a teenager. When he started heading down the wrong path, she relocated with him to Texas, moving in with her father-in-law. An ER doc, her first meeting with the handsome cowboy leads to a few racy thoughts, but not much more.
Troy finds Joss attractive and is interested, especially after the third "chance" meeting. The more time they spend together, the more they start evaluating their future. Troy never thought he would have a future, but Joss has him realizing he has something to live for. He just has to convince Joss to take a chance.
I enjoyed Troy's journey from cocky bull-rider living for the day to a man who finds a place for himself in the future. His interactions with Joss and her son showed that there was more to him than he projected to the world. Joss spent a lot of time worrying about the age difference and fighting the attraction, I think more concerned with losing someone again.
This was a fun return to the bull-riders and I was happy to get a closer look at Troy.

This book had some interesting elements. I enjoyed the older woman with a settled career / younger man still in his wild days theme. I don't have any major complaints but I wasn't wowed either. This was just okay to good for me. I liked the characters but didn't love them.

An immensely hot romance between a bull fighter and an ER doctor, whose lives and emotions turn into a roll-a-coaster ride upon meeting each other.
Seriously, this is a scorching hot, sexy as can be tale between an older woman and a younger man. The sexy times are intense, detailed, and there are several of them, yet they are built cleverly showing how the emotions get involved, hot the walls around Joss Garrity's heart dumble down, and how the young Aussie bull rider Troy Jensen finds a woman who he wants to be intimate with, share his life with, and chance his exit plan for.
I was curious about the age difference between Joss and Troy, how it would play out, how Joss's son would mix with the tale, and what kind of importance was put in the few years of age difference. But honestly, Troy turns out to be a mature, kind, considerate man with a solid head on his shoulders, and the age difference is more of a number than an issue. Troy had learned his lessons the hard way, and grown up, matured, maybe faster than most. He is fun, witty, and gorgeous, yet loyal, trustworthy, and reliable.
Joss is over-worked, exhausted doctor, widow, and a mother of a teenage son. She is holding onto her walls around her, to her routines, to the mold she has built around herself after her husband died. It feels like the familiar is what holds her together, and the routine is what keeps her safe. Troy challenges everything she has built around herself to keep her safe, and makes her take a look at herself, about her life, and what she wants from the future.
The chemistry is amazing, sizzling, between Joss and Troy. But Troy is easy to get along with, everyone likes him and wants to hang around him. He has charisma, and it is backed by an honest character, who makes no apologies for the things he wants out of life. The development of the relationship is mostly mirrored by the development of their physical connection, the sexy times their share. I would have liked that there would have been a little bit deeper mental connection between Joss and Troy, or, that the soulmates connection would have been shown, not just assumed.
But regardless, delightful, likable, delicious, fun, entertaining, enjoyable, and most definitely pleasurable story!
~ Four Spoons

Australian extreme bull rider, Troy seems to be everywhere when it came to Joss. They first met when Joss had a flat tire on the side of the road and Troy stopped to help her. Next, Troy caught Joss’s son trying to steal from his truck and brought him home (not knowing he was Joss’s son at the time). But the time when Troy got hurt in the rodeo and ended up in the ER with Joss as his doctor, they finally got to know each other better.
Troy was from out of town and didn’t have anyone to help him while he recovered from his injury, so Joss decided he could stay at her house. That’s when the temptation started. And it just escalated from there. They couldn’t keep their eyes off each other at first. Then they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. But Joss fought her feelings for Troy thinking it wasn’t right because of their age difference and him always being on the road. Troy kept trying to convince her to give in to what she was feeling. A couple times I thought their love story wouldn’t happen. But just when I started to have my doubts, the author surprised me with renewed hope for them.
I liked how descriptive the scenes and characters’ backgrounds were. The story was fast paced and kept me glued to the pages. Normally I don’t really get into romance books with an older woman and younger guy. But I heard some good things about this one and needed to see for myself how good the story really was. I have to admit, I was impressed. It is a fantastic love story. And the age difference really wasn’t too drastic. There are also a lot of steamy scenes in this story.

Each one of these stories are written by different authors but each one are just as good as the previous ones. This one is still like the ones before this one. Written with the same time and thought where you as the reader are taken through a journey of a bull rider and a female who rocks his world more than the bull he is riding. Troy Jensen is from Austral and is a top bull rider. He comes along a woman who is having problems with changing her tire, the lug nuts won’t budge. After helping her and flirting they leave not together. Joss Garrity is a doctor and 34 years old and when she finds out that Troy is 27 she believes that he is too young for her. She is a widow and is raising a teenage son, so she feels Troy is not for her. Now Troy is at is hotel late one night and he has to go out to his truck when he notices someone going through it, mistake. He takes him down and when he takes the youngster home he is surprised to find Joss opening the door. She is a doctor and a mother, he does find out that her husband died and he does not stay because he has to ride the next day. The next comes with him seeing Joss for the third day in a row and this time it was because he was in the E.R. And then because he has nowhere to go or look after him she takes him home where her son and father in law live. Now she must somehow get her emotions under control because he wants to be with her. After some time together and he spends time with her son she gives it a shot until he tells her he loves her, but her main problem is that he does not wear a helmet and he has no home base. He is a traveler from place to place. When he takes the steps to change he goes to her and puts it back in her court and makes it her decision to be with him. Find out what she does. A good story.

4 TROY STARS!! This story hits all the emotion buttons and keeps you flipping pages. I loved seeing Joss the older woman and Troy the younger man story play out. This story will pull on you heartstrings. This is my first book by this author and it will not be my last.

This story has an older woman reluctant to give in to her attraction to a younger man. In this case the woman is a single Mum, Doctor Joss Garrity, who lives with her recalcitrant and rebellious son, Damien, in the home of her father-in-law, Gus. She’s move there when Damien started getting into bother following the tragic accident which killed his much love father and her husband.
She is trying to change the tyre on her car when she first meets the Australian Bull Rider, Troy Jensen. The chemistry is there between them from the very start but she’s determined not to give in to it, no matter how tempted she feels. Fate is, however, determined to push the two together and there are other meetings which result in him staying in her home to convalesce after dislocating his elbow.
She’s a widow, 34 years old, with a 15 year old son and believes she’s too old to attract the 27 year old . . . actually, at times, I thought Troy was the more mature of the two! Having said that, when you learn about his childhood and early teens, his attitude to life and living become more understandable. There are plenty of obstacles along the way for this couple but the ending and their future plans make this a great read that I thoroughly enjoyed escaping into. If you enjoy your romances with steamy encounters, reluctant attraction and a younger strong bad boy turned good, you'll love this one!
I requested and was given a copy of this book and this is my honest opinion after choosing to read it.

Troy Jensen made enough of a brief appearance in book one of the American Extreme Bull Riders Tour, Tanner, that my interest was piqued to read his story. While he does not seem to always behave well, I couldn’t help but like him, thinking that there is more to him than meets the eye. Amy Andrews has given us his story in book 5, simply titled Troy.
Much of his troubled youth comes to light with explains his self-image as one who can do two things well; bull-riding and pleasing women. Then one of those activities takes a nose dive. Through a series of encounters Troy and Joss Garrity get to know each other. This woman is not without her own issues. At thirty-four to Troy’s twenty-seven, she has more responsibilities than Troy. Still it really is not a major age difference but her having a teenage son is. Still Troy comes across mature in their relationship.
Solid writing with complex characters who are not without flaws make this an interesting read. I liked how first impressions are not always correct so digging deeper into the character is necessary. My interest in Troy was satisfied as his story concluded.

It’s said that the third time’s the charm, so Troy might be thinking he was right where he wanted to be when he ended up convalescing at Joss’ home. Maybe not quite how he’d wanted to get to know the pretty doctor better but life happened to them both. Now he had to convince this relationship shy woman that the differences in their ages didn’t mean a dang thing, that he could be a very good influence on her teenage son who reminded Troy a lot of his younger self… and that he would come back to her every single time. Love was worth the risks they’d both be taking. And convincing Joss could be an enjoyable experience… for them both.
We’ve run into Troy in several of the previous stories in this series. Short looks but enough to grab my attention for this cocky, full of himself young Aussie bull rider. Troy’s back story explains so much about his attitude on the tour, and his vision of life in general. It takes one strong woman, one stubborn woman to have him realizing that his life didn’t have to begin and end with the bulls. There could be more beyond the rodeo circuit. He just had to convince Joss that he was a risk worth taking.
I adored Troy. Joss was a bit… how do I say this politely… over concerned about their age difference. Age is a number, and at times in this story I’d have bet good money that Troy was the older, wiser person in this relationship. In today’s world age really isn’t the barrier that it once was, but some habits die hard. I “got” Joss’ concerns, but I also saw Troy’s emotions and for that kind of love any risk is well worth the gamble.
Troy and Joss’ romance is a bit rocky, a bit sexy and a whole lot of entertaining moments from all three people in this relationship. If you’re in the mood for a good, solid romance then I’d recommend Troy without hesitation. You’ll get caught up in a love story that won’t give up and that is well worth the investment in this couple.
*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

Be still my heart! I just loved Troy. I couldn't put it down and read into the night. This story is sexy and sweet and so much more. I wished that Amy Andrews hadn't slipped into clichédom when Troy was dreaming of sinking himself "balls deep" into Joss but that was a momentary aberration in an otherwise sterling read. Perfectly structured, perfectly paced, this story is a winner.

I truly enjoyed Troy by Amy Andrews, the fifth book in the American Extreme Bull Riders Tour. Troy Jensen is a young bull rider from Australia looking for wins and points in order to return to the big league of bull riders. Doc Joss Garrity has three encounters with the younger Troy before she is willing to admit fate keeps getting the together. The off the charts, sizzling sexual chemistry doesn’t hurt either. However, after losing her husband, she is not sure she can risk loving another man who might not come home one day.
I really enjoyed reading this book and had trouble putting this book down. Ms. Adams drew me in and did not let go until I read the last page. I recommend this book to other readers and while I for one look forward to the next book in this wonderful series
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

I’ve enjoyed every one of the Extreme Bull Riders books and Troy by Amy Andrews is no exception.
Joss is a widow with a fifteen year old son and isn’t particularly looking for romance. When her car breaks down on a country road a young cowboy stops to help her out. There is an instant attraction between Joss and Troy despite the fact he’s seven years her junior. Bringing her son home after catching him in a nefarious position and then later needing her attention in the emergency room, destiny seems to be throwing these two together.
Joss is family driven, strong and yet hesitant to take the step that would put her directly in Troy’s path and his bed. She’s lost her husband and has her son to think of so a snap decision to sleep with Troy is not something she can do. Troy is just trying to make his way up the pro circuit and back to the extreme competition. He’s not looking out for how his career will end, he’s just in it for the ride, the comradery and the lifestyle. Joss is an unexpected surprise along the way.
I’m usually not a fan of stories with widows but this one worked for me. While Joss’ husband’s death did affect both her and her son and it does come into play some in the story, it was not heavy with angst. This book was fast paced and well written. The steam factor was incredible with a dirty talking but not really vulgar hero making sure the heroine knew exactly what he wanted.
I totally need me a Troy!
ARC provided by NetGalley
Dual POV
No triggers

Amy Andrews is skilled at coaxing her readers to read between the lines. Her characters are well versed in the art of seduction. Their mouth says no, when the heart is most definitely screaming "Yes!" At first meeting Troy and Joss are laying down some ground rules. I see you is the message that is conveyed loud and clear. The second meeting goes a step toward the "You drive me crazy" category. By the third time, all bets are off. When the heart becomes involved the stakes are high and the heat is on. Troy is a story of second chances in life, in love and at happiness. Hello, proves the most powerful introduction becomes the goodbye will leave a lasting impression.

3 He Sees Another Way Stars
* * * Spoiler Free-It's Live
I happen to be enjoying this series which is based on the varied Cowboys/Bull Riders of the American Extreme Tour. Every time I pick up one of these books, I ease back and just take a moment to think what touring and riding is like for these men and women. They become a traveling community of sorts... chasing a dream of being the ultimate Bull Rider and the stakes are Extreme... Serious Money but also the odds of Serious Injury.
Troy was a character who had a difficult backstory. He was an Aussie who almost took the wrong turn down the path of risk and illegal activity. As a young teen he was put in front of a judge who decided to give this kid a chance to save his life...Troy was put to work on a working ranch and it changed his life.
At first he was belligerent... but then as he got the hang of hard work and the cattle... he saw what he could do when he put his mind to things. Everything changed when he got the chance to get on the back of a bull.
Being on that bull's back.... feeling the rush he had felt doing all of those risky things before...that was the key for him...In those brief seconds of life and death...it was the rush of it all that made him feel alive.
Because with his upbringing, he never felt worth anything... so if he didn't make it out of whatever scary situation he put himself in... it didn't matter. He knew the end was coming anyway.
Now with being a Professional Bull Rider...Riding bulls was the kick, the high... and he knew at some point... it could be his death. He was resigned to it because what did life have to hold for him besides the 8 second thrill ride...He gets the rush, the women and the prize money...He can ride with abandon... has no Plan B... will just ride till the Bull finally wins.
Joss Garrity is the local doctor of the town the tour is visiting. She moved here with from Chicago with her teen son after her husband died. The city began to draw her son into its ugly clutches... with him hanging out with a crowd not to her liking. Joss decided a small town would be better for both of them. Both mother and teen are adjusting but it hasn't been easy.
Joss and Troy meet at the side of the rode...Joss is pissed, kicking her flat tire because the stupid lug nut will not budge. As she practically howls at the moon, Troy pulls up in his truck.
Troy doesn't walk towards Joss... he swaggers...and has this look of taking all of Joss in...Joss on the other hand is still pissed off and now has to deal with a man who thinks she can't take care of herself. But really that is not the case at all. Troy is just willing to help... and if she is fine... which Joss is... then like all of his other experiences on the road...He is more than willing...if she is more than willing...
Joss's body is more than willing but her mind Screams at the top of its lungs- OH NO YOU DON'T....
So Troy, being the Cowboy Gent... flirts a little more and then after fixing the tire...offers her tickets to the tour...and says goodbye.
But both felt the other's impression on them...Joss following up her immediate instinct of how she is too old for Troy at 34. What was she thinking...he looks nothing but in his twenties. And Troy is surprised he has a couple of random thoughts on Joss...as he is a charming, fun hit it and quit it type of guy...
The next time they cross paths is a huge shocker for Joss. It seems her son was acting out again... this time trying to break into Troy's truck. Troy grabs the kid, looks at him and sees himself from long ago. He makes the decision to take him to the parent and have the kid tell what happened. He will give this kid a chance like he got from the judge.
Turns out the parent is Joss. She is stunned and after the son is embarrassed and sorry, he goes to his room, leaving these two once again fighting the chemistry they both have for each other. Troy tells Joss her son is really ok... he showed remorse and can be turned around. He offers once again for them to come to the tour.
This time they do...and watching Troy ride...has a huge impact on her son...and on her.
This tale has a lot going for it. Through the developing relationship of these two... Troy begins to see his life has value and he wants more than ever before. He wants Joss and her son to know he will be there for them, like they were for him. He sees he could have a future... something he has never considered.
There are hiccups along the way in how some of the things get there, though. This is laced with "folksy" phrasing... all the time... and it can distract from the moments. Joss also is obsessed with the age difference and it can make Troy seem more mature than she... and he is the "Younger Man".
All in all it is part of a series which gives the Cowboy feel in a thrilling environment of Bull Riding. These men risk everything in an 8 second showdown with an adversary weighing tons...and the odds are very high they will be injured more than once in their careers. It is these type of men... champions in their own right and how they all cross paths with women who challenge them just as much as the sport they live.
A gifted copy was provided by Tule Publishing via NetGalley for an honest review.

Troy by Amy Andrews
Extreme Bull Riders Tour #5
Love this series and loved this book – I have been waiting for Troy’s story since the first time he appeared in the serie and knowing he found love and a HEA made my day!
Troy is The Thunder From Down Under – An Australian Bull Rider that was bumped down and is working his way back to the top again when he sees Joss on the side of the road with a flat tire. After stopping to help her he suggests, as he usually does, that they hook up later but she flatly turns him down. By the third time they meet it seems Fate has something in mind for the two of them…if they are willing to get to know one another better. Well, there are a few things to overcome before love can flourish and a HEA can be attained but in keeping with such stories, and this series, all comes right in the end and a swoon worthy book it was in deed and indeed.
Thank you to NetGalley and Tule Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.
5 Stars

Holy Heck this was HAWT! The sexual chemistry between Joss and Troy was intense. I'm pretty sure I blushed in a few spots. I give major props to Amy Andrews for turning up the heat!
These two meet for the first time when Troy pulls over and helps Joss change her tire. He hits on her, she declines. She's a 34 year old doctor and single mom. Troy's a 27 year old bull rider. As much as she is drawn to him, she thinks he isn't for her, but fate seems to keep stepping in and bringing these two together.
This had the right mix of push/pull that didn't get overwhelming. In fact, some of the push/pull was part of that intense chemistry. This had a serious side to it as well. Joss lost her husband 5 year prior and her 15 yr old son is angry at the world. Troy is the furthest thing from a role model, yet he knows something about being angry and turned out he wasn't so bad of a role model after all.
I would highly recommend this, especially if you are a cowboy fan! ARC provided by NetGalley.

This series gets better and better! This book focuses on a cowboy named Troy. He is the "Wonder from down Under". Even though things haven't been easy in his life growing up and he got knocked down to the pro-circuit he doesn't give up. When he meets a woman on the side of the road with a flat beating the crap out of stuck lugnuts with a wrench he can't help but stop and help. She is a no-nonsense doctor, widowed mom of a teenage boy. When their paths cross more than this once they can't help but feel the sparks between them and that sets off an inferno that not even a bull rider can buck and run from.
I was given an eARC from the publisher through NetGalley.