Member Reviews

This book was really frustrating for me. I like the way Dutton writes, and normally enjoy her characters. I was just so mad at the beginning of the book, that it was not until the second half, that I could relax a bit and enjoy the story. First half 2 stars, second half 4 stars for a total of 3 stars.

Why was I so frustrated in the beginning of the book? Well it was because of the character Faith. Faith is a wedding planner that enjoys sleeping with her bride clients before their wedding. I could not wrap my mind around a character that is okay with doing such an awful thing. It wasn't like she picked someone up at a bar, and didn't know they were engaged. Or it wasn't like she fell in love with a bride and had to follow her heart. No she picks brides to have a brief fling with, while she is planning their ceremony. I don't like cheating, but I can sometimes get over infidelity in a book if it is handled right. But this is just on another level for me.

I was honestly surprised Dutton would want to tackle a character like that. She had so much work to do to try to make Faith any bit of redeemable in my eyes. While the second half of the book was so much better, I don't think I ever truly got over the kind of person Faith was. A part of me wants to applaud Dutton for taking such a risk, the other part of me thinks it was a wasted opportunity. Had Dutton made the exact same story but had Faith been a player that runs through single bridesmaids, I would have given this book at least 4 stars.

When it came to the other main Rachel, I really liked her. Some of the other reviews mentioned they thought Rachel was a little mean to Faith (Rachel knows what Faith does to brides). Not me, I though she wasn't mean enough. And I actually got annoyed every time Faith acted all butt-hurt when Rachel made a comment questioning her motives. What else is Rachel suppose to think about someone that targets people in their happiest moments, and could ruin their happily ever after. See even though I liked the second half of the story, I'm still mad at Faith.

When it comes to the romance, there is a lot of chemistry. The sex scenes are also well done and steamy. I enjoyed the relationship with Rachel and Faith in the second half of the book. I just wish that cloud wasn't hanging over everything.

I am sure there will be plenty of people that like this a lot more than I did. We all have our difference opinion on cheating and how flawed we are willing to accept characters. But when it comes to cheating, I can't think of much worse than someone who targets brides, so for me I just can't give this more than 3 stars.

An ARC was given to me from BSB, for a honest review.

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Faith is a wedding planner who's planning the wedding of Violet and Jack. And Rachel is Violet's friend and maid of honor.

Unfortunately, Rachel and Faith's first meeting is not ideal but happens when Rachel walks in on Faith and Violet almost having sex and finds out that it's sort of a portion of Faith's wedding planning package sometimes.

Violet won't fire Faith though, and since Rachel stays as the Maid of Honor, they start seeing a lot of each other as they plan for Violet's wedding.

That, of course, means that they start getting closer, but because of the start of the novel there's even more back and forth than the usual lesbian romance.

I had mixed feelings about this novel. It took a while for me to quite get into it. And the slap near the beginning was really, really distracting too, and it yanked me very hard out of the narrative.

After that the novel did even/balance out a bit, but here and there I was pulled out of the story by the fact that I wasn't sure that Rachel and Faith should even like each other. On the other hand, I think that for the most part the relationship wasn't rushed, so it didn't feel like 'boom' Rachel forgave Faith without at least a little cause.

As I said, definitely mixed feelings. At times I really liked the novel, and at other times it really pissed me off. Everyone can make of that what they will.

I got this galley through Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

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I am a fan of previous Erin Dutton books which has her as a must read for me whenever she publishes a book. The storyline did have me a little concerned that I wouldn’t enjoy it or be able to connect with the characters as I am not a fan of reading about infidelity especially around weddings.

However I was surprised to find that this was done well. I thought Dutton did a fantastic job in the character development of Faith and having her start to see the damage she was doing with her actions. Oddly enough I found Rachel a little more difficult to enjoy as she did seem too uptight and mean at times, even though I understand why she was acting that way. I think because we spent so much time with the Violet, Faith and Rachel in the first half we only saw the angry, snippy and disapproving side of her. I found myself feeling more sorry for Faith throughout the book which I wasn't expecting.

I thought the pace was well done and the build-up of the romance between the two was perfect. I really enjoyed the read and was disappointed when it finished in the end

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This book starts off with a big issue between the two main characters. Well, really, I’ll be honest this book starts off with one main character on top of the other’s best friend…who happens to be getting married in a few months. Oopsie, you weren’t supposed to walk in on THAT. You can see how things might be a bit uncomfortable.
Rachel Union is Violet’s best friend and her maid of honor. The last thing she ever expected was to find her bestie is the horizontal mambo with her wedding coordinator, Faith McKenna. To increase the anxiety level, the engagement party is set to begin in just a few hours. To make matters infinitely worse, Violet hired Faith for just this sort of thing. No, not the walking in on part, the let’s have a no strings attached lady loving sexy time part. Apparently, Violet’s other bridesmaid used the wedding coordinator for just this sort of thing too. Gross out y’all. All I could think is that on the business card or something?

Okay, this is a romance novel, so you know where this is going to go but Dutton starts this book off with a steep hill to climb. That is a lot for the two characters to overcome. Faith is an interesting character, once she opens up you have a loner, who as a child was used as a pawn in her parents’ divorce. She doesn’t really believe in love, which is odd for a wedding planner, but then again she is the go-to for cheating brides.

Rachel is a pro-commitment people person. She isn’t going to settle for less than her perfect mate, and for the life of her, she cannot understand both Violet and Faith’s actions. It drives her crazy, and she lets Faith know how despicable the actions are on a constant loop. I almost felt sorry for the wedding planner! Of course, as she gets Faith to open up, she softens her attitude towards her, but it does take quite a bit of time.
My thoughts are a bit mixed on this one. Was the book well written? Yes. Was the hill too steep to climb for ultimate redemption? In my opinion, it was. 3.25 stars

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It was a very well written, humorous and romantic story. The characters are very relatable and believable and well developed. I enjoyed the second half of the book more than the first half since that was a little bit too slow for me and a bit repetitive. For me it was quite believable how Faith changed form the non commitment just playing type to actually falling in love. It was well written and she didn't change too fast or just changed her mind so it seemed believable.

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I tried, I really did. But I can't get over the fact that the main character slapped her future love interest in the face. I don't see how to recover from that and more importantly, I really don't care.

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Faith McKenna and Rachel Union don’t get off to the best start. Rachel walks in on the wedding co-ordinator in a compromising position with her best friend Violet. It seems Faith has a reputation for sleeping with her clients. Rachel makes it her mission to ensure Violet gets down the aisle by keeping a close eye on Faith but will she find out Faith is a lot more than she seems on the surface?
This was a delightful story of two women who want very different things in life and have each become stuck in the roles they have made for themselves. Faith’s past has led her to believe that one-night stands are all she needs. Rachel wants the happy ever after and won’t settle for anything less. I could see where they were coming from and that it would take something really special to move them from their entrenched positions. I loved that characters from Erin Dutton’s previous book, ‘Capturing Forever’ were part of the story. I’m glad that Casey got to play a part in helping things along for Faith and Rachel.
The romance is slow burning and sexy and sure to leave a smile on the reader’s face. A wonderful feel-good story that I am sure to go back and re-read.

I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

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I really liked this one, it had everything a good romance needs (chemistry, two loveable main characters and a nice little story around). The end came way too soon, I'd love to hear more from Faithful Union ;) Great book!

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I'm a fan of Erin Dutton, and her books are always worth a read, but I had trouble with this one. On one hand I loved Faith and Rachel, and their chemistry was believable and fun. On the other hand, the circumstances around their relationship were... uncomfortable to say the least.

I knew going in that Faith was going to have a thing with Rachel's friend, and that almost made me hesitant to read this, and I was right, because much like Rachel felt for a good portion of this book, I couldn't get past it.

In all honesty, even though Faith was an interesting character when the focus wasn't on her 'player' ways, the lack of respect she had for herself and the women she was sleeping with (and their partners) wasn't the sort of thing that makes you warm to a character. The fact that she could even look Jack in the face was mind boggling to me.

To make matters worse, there's a second character in the book that Faith has also slept with and Rachel has to deal with both of them.

Rachel also spends a lot of time throwing Faith's past in her face, so much so that I often couldn't work out why either of them would want the other. Even right at the end, when Faith says she has to tell Rachel something, Rachel automatically assumes that Faith may have been sleeping around. Not sure how we're supposed to see a trusting relationship there.

And even though they get a HEA, I honestly couldn't figure out how they'd ever be able to spend time with Jack and Violet, I mean, seriously? Who invites the woman that almost slept with their fiancée/wife to... I don't know, let's say a BBQ. Would that not be weird? Rachel even says she can't stand Carly because all she can think of when she sees her is Faith and her together. I would think that would be much worse with your best friend, but what do I know?


I really wish Ms Dutton had used these two characters for a different book. Any time it was just them (and they weren't rehashing Rachel's opinion of Faith), their chemistry was fun and often sweet, but the other stuff just got in the way of everything.

I'm giving this three stars because despite the fact that I could not get my head around how these two could possibly make things work, Ms Dutton still made me hope they could.

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This book is a great read with emotional depth, humor and to some degree the angst of what the fear of being married can bring up emotionally. Faith and Rachel first seem at odds, but through very well crafted and emotionally honest story development, the two women being to bond. A beautifully, thoughtful and well written book..

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Planning for Love" src="" /></a><a href="">Planning for Love</a> by <a href="">Erin Dutton</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review. A skillfully written romance that has humour, angst and beautifully handled sex scenes. Wedding planner Faith and Rachel (bride-to-be best friend) navigate through tumultuous emotions with trust always in the forefront. A very worth while read that satisfied the romantic in me. Kudos Ms. Dutton! 4 stars.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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Erin Dutton has done it again, 'Planning for Love' is evidence that she really know how to write a fantastic novel, showing her skills again with this thoroughly enjoyable story

I loved that both Faith and Rachel are strong characters that aren't afraid to do what they want, no shy coyness in the bedroom here....

ED has taken her time to build both Faith and Rachel and as a reader I felt I knew what they both going through.

I loved this book, started reading it in the morning and could not put it down until I finished it.

Totally recommend buying this book

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I thoroughly enjoyed this romance, which admittedly began on a somewhat low note considering the activities between Faith and bride-to-be, Violet. However, that rushed intimacy was emblematic of deeper sources of dissatisfaction, sadness and the need for escape for the coordinator, themes that the author did not shy from delving into. While the initial impression of the wedding planner disappointed Rachel, the dedication that she applies to patrolling her rapidly reveals the depth and sweetness that Faith possessed. The culmination of the plot was absorbing, testifying to Ms. Dutton's capacities as an author.

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Looking at the synopsis I was a little apprehensive about this book. However I chose to read it mostly because I have been always enjoyed Erin's books before. I am so glad that I was wrong.

So this book is a lot more than about casual sex. It is about family, friendships and what it takes to keep relationships from drowning.

I couldn't imagine how the plot would work in a genuine romance but Erin made it look easy and natural. Avoiding all clichés, the story builds up, stays afloat and comes to a natural end.

Saying anything else in the review will only spoil the novel for readers. So go ahead, be amazed and enjoy a great read.

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Erin Dutton's books have been a bit of a hit and miss for me but after reading Capturing forever that changed completely as I loved that book. This is not as good as the previous one but it's entertaining enough.

The main characters meet in uncomfortable circumstances as Rachel walks into her best friend Violet about to have sex with Faith, Violet's wedding planner. From there onwards, Rachel decides to keep an eye on them to avoid Violet cheating on her future husband. Eventually Rachel and Faith's own attraction starts to grow. Will they be able to move past their false start and learn to trust in each other? While the start of the book is an odd setting for a romance, the author manages to produce a sweet, slow-burn relationship between them. There is an amount of drama and angst but I think the author balances it well within the plot. As a bonus, the reader can catch up with the lives of Jacqueline and Casey from Dutton's Capturing forever.

Overall, an entertaining read with a bit of drama at the side. 4 stars.

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This book took my by surprise....I really wasn't sure what to expect after reading the synopsis. As I started reading, I was drawn in right away and had a difficult time putting it down. Rachel and Violet's friendship was the main focal point of the story..,,with Rachel trying to keep the wedding on track after catching Violet and her wedding planner, Faith in a compromising position. Faith's character was introduced as a shallow, womanizing, commitmentphobe. Once Rachel began spending time with Faith (babysitting Faith and Violet during wedding prep) she began to see there was more to Faith than meets the eye. Faith's character development in this book was excellent. Through Rachel, Faith learned and became the type of person she could be proud of. I loved this book and I'm so thrilled I was granted permission to read it.

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