Member Reviews

You can definitely read the chemistry coming off the pages between Camille and West. I would've loved more scenes between the two, but there was definitely some angst which I enjoyed.
I have to say it wasn't much of a mystery who the culprit was and the person behind it. There were certain characters I didn't like, as I was not supposed to anyways.
I generally like Carsen Taite's books and definitely recommend her books for others to read, you can't go wrong with any.

As with all of Ms. Tate’s previous books, this book deals with the legal system. The two main characters are Camille Avery, a US federal judge, and West Fallen, an attorney. West is fulfilling a promise that she made to do a 1-year clerkship to Judge Avery.
There is an instant attraction between Camille and West. Throughout the book, there is a push and pull of attraction between the two of them.
West and Camille are two very strong, intelligent women. Ms. Taite has done a great job of developing these two characters. Camille has worked very hard to obtain a U. S. Federal judgeship. Because of her drive to obtain this lofty position, she has denied herself any chance for relationships. West, too, has worked hard in her studies at Berkeley and is now an attorney who wants to defend people who might not be able to stand up for themselves. West would much rather pass on the clerkship and get a position in a legal defense office where she feels she can make a difference in the world.
Sidebar is a fast-pace romance with a little bit of a mystery thrown into the story. The suspense is woven throughout the book and culminates at the very end.
Learning more about the judicial system from the viewpoint of the judge was very interesting. The work that must be done by the judge and her clerks is enormous. This is just one of the many reasons why I feel that a person would enjoy this book.
I recommend this book and rate it 4-1/2 stars out of five stars. Readers will not be disappointed.
I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

So little known fact about me: I work in the legal world. I got this expecting it to be this terrible representation of the legal world like most TV shows are about it. This book was different than my experiences, but that may just be the way that county and federal differ. However, what I was able to piece together, this author did her research. There was a lot of spot on things that were great details like the characters using Westlaw to do some research.
The plot was engaging and interesting, until the very end. Things got to be a bit much. I can't go into too much detail in fear of spoiling the story, but it was just felt like conflict for conflict sake.
My biggest issue in romantic media is the propensity towards abusive relationships as ideal. This book manage to avoid that trap, but it fell into my second biggest issue with romance anything: jealousy as a sign of love. The characters were clearly into each other and were dealing with that, but then BAM jealousy. Jealousy is a negative and dangerous emotion. Jealousy is not a sign of love, but a warning sign. I hate how media hypes it up as you can't truly love someone unless you are jealous or having a partner that is jealous is a good thing. This book stopped short of glorifying it, but it was still an issue for me. The characters were motivated by jealousy and it was enough that I was disappointed since the book was doing so well.
Overall, I loved the characters and the story. I really would like to read more on them. The book ended just as things started to settle. there was so much more story that happened before and after that I need to read.

Camille Avery has dealt with life's up and downs as a federal judge. After assuming her new role she finds herself in a situation that tests her ethics by falling for her clerk. Preparing for a high profile case that is destined to throw her back into he spotlight she tries to avoid the one person who would allow her to be herself. West has had a life that has built her determination to always be the best. Be successful and fight for those who voices are not heard. Will they last the year West promised to clerk for Judge Avery or will things unfold neither one of them is ready for? Great law drama and extremely well written!

Carson Taite knows how to keep a reader hooked. 'Sidebar' is an intriguing and tightly written story of love, threat and backstabbing in the world of the federal judiciary. With a background in the law herself she gives an insight into the goings on during a high profile criminal trial and makes it fascinating. New judge Camille finds herself presiding over a case that could define her career. She could do without distractions but her law clerk West Fallon is a woman she cannot ignore. Talented, intelligent, unconventional and gorgeous, the younger woman is always in her mind. The interaction between them is hot and intense but can it ever work? I loved every minute of this book and highly recommend it.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

This is a story set in the judicial world, like most of this author are. In this case, the plot develops different issues that creates some conflict between both main characters. There is the age gap, the different upbringing, the boss-employe thing. But their atraction is immediate and both women, although aware of the problems that a relationship could entail, don't really fight agains it very hard. The plot includes some foul play and kind of abuse of authority that makes the story interesting till the end. But the resolution of the betrayal has been a little rushed. And the final reconnection could have been more extended too. In the end, it's an interesting book worth reading.

This book was great a lot of what If's. Two people meeting in the lobby of a courthouse later finding out that they both made a promise to work together after a tragedy. During the month of working many things happened. At the end trusting your guts is what was best.

I thought the read had an interesting as well as unique premise with a highly motivated federal judge and a reluctant law clerk. West Fallon was interesting in your pursuit to make a difference and find romance. Camille Avery was determined in her work and should I or shouldn't I in her quest for romance. If you are a fan of court room drama, in and out of the court room, this is a fun and entertaining read with a reminder that you should stay true to self.

I am rating this book 3.5 stars.
I enjoyed the read and the main characters in the book. I really enjoy storylines with a focus on the court room and lawyers which you are always guaranteed with Carsen Taite and not many do it better. The attraction between the two was there and something that built up well as you continued to read. I did find that there were too many back and forth, of yes we should and no we shouldn't in the end.
One area I did find slightly lacking was the connection between the two characters. I could feel the attraction through the story but the two connecting on a deeper level for me wasn't explored as well as I would have liked. I think that is more common when you have the additional story line of an investigation which takes up part of the story. I just felt the characters would think in their heads things they wanted to ask and know but never asked it. So I just found it hard to see how they actually grew together when they spent a lot of the time avoiding each other or focusing mainly on the attraction. I hope that makes sense.
Overall a great read that had a mix of romance and mystery/investigation.

This one was one of the better books by this author. I was a big fan of West and liked Camille well enough. The whole mystery of who was out to get Camille wasn't the most ambiguous but it wasn't over-played in my opinion. The tension between the two characters was good, not great, but I enjoyed their interactions and dialogue. Overall this was a smooth read.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32072917-sidebar" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Sidebar" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1485542947m/32072917.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32072917-sidebar">Sidebar</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2829153.Carsen_Taite">Carsen Taite</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2084764501">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books in exchange for an honest review. Main characters Camille (newly appointed Judge) and West (new Attorney) headline this "courtroom" romance with angst and intrigue. A cleanly written plot with fully developed supporting characters make this story an entertaining read. Ms. Taite has once again made the legal system understandable without complications. A solid 4 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

This was a really enjoyable read. I'm a Taite fan, though I normally prefer her slightly gritter books like her Luca Bennett series...but honestly anything she writes, I will read. When it comes to writing about the law, Taite is clearly one of the best around.
I had planned to only read a few chapters last night, before bed. While that plan quickly changed. I was so hooked on this book, I could not stop reading until 4am, and only did I stop from sheer exhaustion. I love when a good book gets its hook in you like that. Now, I must admit this book might not be for everyone. If you have no interested at all in the law or judges, you might not enjoy this as much. But I really though Taite did a wonderful job on the subject, while mixing in chemistry for all you romance fans out there. When Taite is on her game, I think she does that better than most.
The story is about Camille and West. A chance meeting at the courthouse, stirs an instant attraction. Shortly after West can even ask Camille on a date, they get news they will be working together. A new employer/employee work relationship, is not the place to add dating. Though the more time they spend together, the spark remains. Is there a chance at a real relationship, or will their jobs come between them?
Diane mentioned in her review, "good books are the hardest to review". I could not agree more. Really the only small complaint I had was a few times the POV switched very quickly, and I had to make sure I knew if I was in West or Camille's head. Luckily that only happened twice. The rest of the books was smooth and flowed really well. Both character are very likeable, and the chemistry and connection they have is obvious. I also really enjoy the judge aspects. It was really interesting getting a behind the scenes look at something we never see or hear about. I never realized how much work a judge and their clerks do behind the scenes. This part was well written and not boring at all.
If you are a Taite fan, or even have the smallest interest in the law, this book is easy to recommend. I'm looking forward to whatever adventure Taite takes us on next.
An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

liked that this book featured older characters, f/f is so NA now, may/december in lesbian fiction is rarely promoted so this is the first i've read

This is the first book I've read by this author and she clearly has a handle on the legal system.
While the writing is solid, the characters fully developed, for some reason I never became fully invested in the story. Meaning I found it easy to put down and forget about.
As per the blurb, this is a legal drama and the romance is a slow burn. Fans of this author are bound to enjoy the story.
Based on the writing alone, I'd give this story 5 stars. Based on my reading enjoyment, 3 stars.
Overall rating 4 stars.
Copy provided by the publisher, Bold Strokes Books, via NetGalley

A lovely return to more traditional form for Ms. Taite-a bold legal matter that must be resolved with an effectively presented romance between a judge and her gifted clerk. The dedication that the author allotted to analyzing the multidimensional roles played by judicial supporting staff was admirable and demonstrated her deep awareness/commitment to the law. Absent were the rote themes that detracted from other more recent works. More please.

Carsen Taite is just one of those authors who you know is going to write a quality book. Once again, she's written a page turner. Great characters, great plot and great romance. If this book was a meal, I would call it yummy. I highly recommend.

Newly appointed, Judge Camille Avery is dealing with the differences between state and federal jurisdictions. Smart, capable and sexy, she works hard to overcome her bumpy past as a state judge.
Her inherited law clerk, attorney West Fallon, is a social justice crusader who would rather work for the ACLU than clerk for a judge. Rebellious and not always respectful of authority, West is brilliant and sexy and has the hots for her boss.
Their mutual attraction is palpable from their first serendipitous meeting a month before the Judge is appointed. Within a few weeks, they’re dealing with their first big case. When details about the case start leaking to the media, and their attraction is harder to deny, everyone is under pressure.
Taite is an old hand at the legal drama/romance. While she writes crime thrillers as well, it is her first-hand experience as a lawyer that really shows in her legal books.
The two main characters are smart, sexy and bold, and that makes for entertaining stories and likeable characters. Camille and West fit into this mold well. One is older and is technically the boss, but there is enough rebellion in West to enable this to work, without the obvious power dynamics really pushing the story in that direction.
The back story is kept to a minimum, and neither character is severely damaged psychologically, so it is a lighter story than Taite often delivers. The romance is clever and there is enough of a build up to work, but it does feel a bit sudden with the revelations at the end.
I do enjoy Taite’s books, and I’ve probably read most of them. This is lighter fare than most, but no less enjoyable for it. This was a delicious morsel of a legal drama/romance.
Advanced reading copy provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

This was a good book. Camille and West are likable characters. I enjoyed the law details a lot. I did find the actua romance between the two main characters to be lacking. I get that Camille was her boss and she was trying to keep her distance but I felt that there could have been a bit more chemistry and emotions added to make the romance more believable. I think that Carsten Taite is a great author and I always enjoy reading her books. This one was entertaining but not nearly as in depth as some of her others.