Member Reviews

I am a huge fan of all types of stories. I like Mystery, romance and contemporary fiction. The Scholarship by Jamie Maddox gave me a little bit of everything thing in one novel. There was a murder that happened 20 years ago, a romance between two characters and friendships/family story lines. The story line was well developed and the characters were as well. I also enjoyed the fact that MS Maddox had POV of the killer in the story, thats one thing I always enjoy. Getting inside the head of a killer.

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Ella Townes is looking for a change when she moves back to the mountain where she grew up. She’s shocked to discover her childhood friend (and crush), Steph was murdered years ago. A senatorial candidate wants this cold case solved, and doctor Reese Ryan might be in the hot seat. She didn’t kill Steph, but they were lovers, and Steph died in the closet. Reese has suffered in silence all these years, and doesn’t want to drudge up the past, or drag Steph out of the closet posthumously. Ella’s little sister, Cassidy, friend to everyone, has down syndrome might hold the secrets to the case, which leaves her vulnerable to danger from a killer who wants to remain hidden.

This one moved very quickly. I tore through it in an afternoon. It’s told in third person but changes perspective often between Ella, Reese, and Cassidy and the killer. As we race to the end of the book, we also race to the discovery of the killer. There are plenty of twists and turns, and I love a romance where the romance isn’t necessarily the center of the story. I loved Ella and Reese’s budding relationship, and it’s fitted nicely into the larger mystery.

Again, backlog, so if it sounds up your alley, check it out. It’s out. I fee like I’ve made the best decision to start my year off with lesfic catch-up. I’m not going to want to read anything else, haha!

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I really enjoyed The Scholarship, a thriller/mystery. I read this book a while ago and forgot to review it at the time, but I do recall how much I enjoyed it. The story itself is a whodunit (my favorite kind of mystery and thriller), and keeps you guessing throughout the entire novel. The mystery itself keeps you guessing until the end and had a fulfilling payoff. I definitely recommend The Scholarship and would recommend it to fans of the genre.

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The Scholarship has a good blend of romance and mystery and should appeal to those who enjoy either of those genres. Taking a position as a VP of development for a University, Ella returns to the small town in the Poconos where she spent summers at her grandparent's when she was younger. She discovers that her old friend, Stephanie, had been murdered years ago and the culprit had never been caught and she beings to dig deeper into what happened. Enter Reese, the handsome and single local ER doctor who is linked to Stephanie. I really enjoyed the way that Maddox paced the romance - a slow burn with just enough push/pull between Ella and Reese to keep things simmering as the relationship developed between them and also allowed the characters themselves to shine through. The mystery itself was woven in skillfully, with both story lines complimenting each other. A really enjoyable read that kept me engaged.

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Stevie‘s review of The Scholarship by Jaime Maddox
Contemporary Lesbian Romantic Suspense published by Bold Strokes Books 05 Aug 17

There’s a widely-held fascination with the solving of decades-old crimes, not that I’m immune to such interests myself. Often the smallest piece of additional evidence, or one new pair of eyes to look over the existing evidence, seems to be all that is needed to bring the culprit to justice or to exonerate those wrongfully accused. These cases, however, can also serve to remind us that even in this ultra-connected age it’s perfectly possible for individuals to lose touch with former good friends or to be completely unaware of events that unfolded shortly after they moved away from a former home. Such is the case for Ella Townes, who spent a number of childhood summers staying with her grandparents and hanging out with her best friend at their respective lakeside homes. Now an adult, Ella takes a new job close to where her grandparents used to live, only to learn that the friend with whom she hoped to reconnect died while still a teenager: the victim, so everyone assumes, of a burglary-turned-violent.

Ella soon makes the acquaintance of Reese Ryan, who was another good friend (and secretly more than that) to the murdered girl, along with Reese’s sister, Cassidy. Ella worries that past events were less straightforward than everyone assumes, and this theory is borne out when circumstances make it apparent that Cassidy saw something on that night that might lead Ella and Reese to the truth.

I’m not a great fan of stories where we see into the villain’s head and witness their actions and thought processes as they cover their tracks or plan new crimes. I felt that the use of this trope here detracted from the main story and clued the reader in too early to the identity of the real killer. We got thrown a few red herrings along the way, but they served more to confuse the other characters than to enhance the thrill a reader often gets from solving the mystery alongside the heroes of the main story. I also found the eventual ending to be somewhat of an anti-climax with little satisfaction at the way in which the killer’s crimes led to a suitable punishment or any kind of catharsis for the victim’s surviving friends and family.

I’d like to read more from this author; some of the plot threads relating to the main characters’ work environments caught my attention, although the romance plot also failed to make a great impression. However, my next foray into her work may be in a different subgenre, rather than another mystery story.

Grade: C

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An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I started out liking this book a bit, but as I progressed, I found myself skipping page after page. Even with the murder mystery and the budding love between Reece and Ella I was bored. You need to have a lot of patience if you are attempting to read this book.

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I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

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I don't exactly know what to say about this book. I didn't love it and I didn't hate it. The writing was the best I've seen in a lesbian book. Although there were typos page 2661 or I guess at that word count on my Kindle on the IPhone. The chapter is The girlfriend did it. There is a section where instead of saying Reese was being questioned by the DA, it said Ella and then it switched to Dr. Ryan and then back to Ella. It was confusing and should be fixed.

The book itself well written, well thought out, great mystery, but horrid love story. I did not like Ella or Reese they both seemed insufferable. Class was good though if somewhat caricature like. Good story though, even if it is a slow read.

I received this book as an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Maddox has mixed an old cold case and a budding romance together and surprisingly it worked really well. Maddox seems to have been able to create a good balance between the mystery and the romance. Neither outshines the other.

Her characters are likable and well developed and she manages to keep you guessing throughout. Now, please take into account I writing this review on Halloween but Maddox puts you in the head of the killer. You don't know who they are because names aren't added. So this really adds to the mystery of who killed a seventeen year old girl twenty-five years ago. The romance is really well developed. It's a slow burn romance. But I felt the romance was the main story line and the mystery was secondary but it definitely kept you turning the pages.

Everything moves a long at a leisurely jog until the last 30%. Then it takes of like a rocket. Everything seems to fall into place really easily. Although there is a twist at the end that caught me off gaurd. Enjoy!

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

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I'm just going to admit this is the first book I've read by Jaime Maddox and when I go back to look at other things she's written it's because I passed over the book cover itself or because it's got "romance" as part of the genre and lately as a general rule I pass over any book published by Bold Strokes if they have any hint of romance because it feels so formulaic. That said there are certain authors that I would read regardless of who published their works or if it was written on a brown paper bag. No offense Bold Strokes... it's me not you.

This story does have the romance thing going on but it's tied into the whole mystery surrounding a girls' death from a decade or so ago. Every once in awhile the killer's thoughts pop up into the story and initially that change in POV irritated me. It didn't irritate me enough to stop me from reading but it did throw me off the first couple of times it happened. Then I got used to it in the flow of the story line and just tried to figure out who among Reese's friends was the murderer. You don't really know until near the end (or at least I didn't).

What does all this mean? Now I have to go back and give Jaime Maddox books another look. I may have missed something good

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If you like murder mystery then The Scholarship is for you. Set in the scenic mountains around Scranton, PA there is a murder of a local girl, Stephanie Gates, that goes unsolved for over 2 decades. When Ella moves to town to work at the local university she meets her neighbor's daughter Reese, Both were childhood friends of Steph but oddly neither had met until years later. Sparks fly, tentatively, and they begin a slow-paced romance. Much of the book could use a pick me up including solving the mystery. The pace is more cerebral and languid rather than gripping and riveting. Getting to know the characters was delightful as the majority of the locals added to the charm of the small town, and the scenery was equally appealing in description. This novel is built to be savored rather than devoured with interesting characters to get to know and love.

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So I should start this review by saying murder mystery.. or mystery in general is not my go to book genre. I am unsure why because I typically enjoy them. I own a few of Maddox's books in paperback, but this is the first book of hers I have read. I thought the book was really good. I had a busy few days and would only get to read for short periods, and it drove me nuts. I wanted to read it all at once. Since I typically do not read mystery, I always buy in 100%. I spend an enormous amount of time speculating as to what is going to happen next. The romance was okay, but as it should be, was not the focus of the book. I really enjoyed the character, Ella. I thought Maddox did a fantastic job with secondary characters and for me they were all likable. Defiantly makes me want to read her other books. I think if you are a mystery fan, this would still be a great book. If you enjoy mystery but it isn't your go to, pick it up anyway I think you will enjoy it.

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A well thought out mystery. Many twists to keep you guessing who might be the murderer. The motive is definitely a surprise and understandable. Very warm relationships between characters and believable romance. Sex scene mild. Overall enjoyable read.

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Eh, I found this story to be pretty lacking in all departments. It begins with a manslaughter told through the perspective of the killer, with a sprinkling return to this perspective throughout the book, leaving the reader to try to guess who it is as he interacts with the main characters. It sounds far more interesting than it really is. Had this simply just been one of those girl meets girl books, it probably would have worked a little more for me, but tonally this felt "off" with seduction and sex scenes happening after a ridiculous hit-man attempt and during a cold case investigation. The mystery disappointed me and it really wasn't the focus of the book. The leads were okay and maybe they really should have shined in a different book but with a choice between a murder mystery and reading chapters devoted to schmoozing alumni for donations and charity events, one of the two is going to fall completely flat. That's what this book ended up being for me--flat.

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Mary Ann asked Elizabeth/Ella what made her think Mary Ann would like living in the Poconos . She was offered the job of Vice President of Development of a University there. The job would be a promotion with more money , more responsibilities, and more rewards. It would also mean Ella made it to the top of her field. When Ella interviewed she hoped to find an answer to sooth the discontent she couldn’t really explain. Ella needed a change. It was the next leg of Ella’s journey. Ella’s parents had sent her and her sister to the Poconos every summer to be with their grandparents and have some fun. The girls were dropped off in June and picked back up on Labor Day. Ella thought they were the best times of her life. Ella wanted the job but wondered if she could handle it. But Ella was good at her job even if she didn't have much time to spend with her friends as she was in a demanding field with many evenings spent wooing donors and at university functions. Her donors had given from five thousand dollar scholarships to five hundred thousand dollar buildings. In return Ella gave her time and that didn’t leave that much time to socialize. Ella was filled with excitement that she hadn’t felt in ages. Reese was an emergency room doctor. Millie Nathan was on her way in via ambulance with Engle. Millie had a bad heart and her vitals weren’t that good right now. Millie was the Senator’s- Josh Nathan-mother. Reese had known Millie Nathan all her life. Reese had known Josh since kindergarten and they were still friends.Reese called Josh to let him know about his mom. Beginning twenty five years ago a group of teenage friends had been devastated when their seventeen year old friend Stephanie had been murdered. Reese’s sweetheart had been Stephanie at one time. Stephanie had been killed accidentally in a time of great passion from her killer. Everyone had loved Steph. Twenty five years later Ella moves back and is horrified to learn her childhood friend had been murdered. When Ella moved back she started to get close to Reese. Then the murder gets a new investigation and the killer will do anything not to be caught. Ella takes a house sitting job so she has time to look for her own home as she had little time to do it when first moving back to the Poconos. Cass liked to come over and help with the dog Ella is also watching.
I had mixed feelings on this story. I don’t like the same sex stories although this one wasn’t too bad for the most part as the romance was slow in forming. I felt this was a good read with a good plot. But I also felt the story dragged I liked the idea of a mystery with a slow burning romance. I also liked not knowing who the killer was from so long ago. I think Cass added a lot to the story. I didn’t really care for the ending. I did like how Cass and her Downs Syndrome was presented. So there were things i liked and things I didn’t when it came to this story.

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Although it wasn't too hard to guess who the killer was, although a few times I went back and forth on who it was, I enjoyed that the author kept you guessing throughout most of the book until finally revealing who the killer was.

Romance was not at the forefront of The Scholarship, but Ella and Reese were both characters I enjoyed to read about and was rooting for them. Cass was also an interesting character to read

I applaud the author for taking the book in a direction I thought was unexpected.

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First time I've read this author. This is a very well written book, which is equally focussed on the 23 year old murder and the blossoming romance between Reese and Elle. I love it when characters with disability are included in books and I was very fond of Cass, a lovely character with Down's syndrome. I will definitely read more from this author.

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Rather pedestrian and predictable plot and characters. Light romantic fiction

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This has been an interesting story about an old unsolved murder that because of political circumstances must be revisited, just at the same time that one of the main characters arrives to take charge of her new job at the local university. From here, past and present merge to expose us the full story. The author choses a way quite interesting to do it. The murdered girl was involved in the two main characters lives but in diferents stages, with Ella in childhood and with Reese in teenage years. Mainly Ella and Reese, but also the secondary characters, file us through the story with all the facts that happened back then and that can make us understand the situations that are happening in the present. There is the murderer point of view too, which is quite intriguing. And mixed with the criminal plot there is the start up and growth of the romantic relationship between both main characters, but really this is not the principal aspect of this book. It has been a good reading for my likes and has keep me interested all through the story.

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This book was fantastic it's about a doctor that has given up on love die to her hectic work schedule and taking care of her disabled sister. And a woman that came from the city to the mountains thinking her chances were slim to none until she met her neighbors oldest daughter the Dr. But what bonded them more was the protectiveness of the sister with the disability and the mystery why someone would want to kill her...loving story

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