Member Reviews

hideously, overwhelmingly dull.

not offensive in any way, just so monotonous - nothing, nothing and a whole lot of nothing.

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I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

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Well paced action, friendship, romance. Nice to have a lesbian romance with a real story line. The aussie countryside and wild life experiences were exciting, interesting and uplifting. I enjoyed this book very much

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This is an interesting book. It is listed as a lesbian romance, but I found it to be more than that. Charlie Dickerson, a wildlife officer, is ending her 15-year relationship with Kim and needs an escape. She finds this escape through a 1-year internship at a wildlife rescue program in Australia. Distance and change of scenery may help to mend her broken heart. Charlie finds Australia to be intriguing and so very different from Wyoming. Everything from the landscape to the animals is fascinating.

Pip Atkins runs a wildlife rescue program and is assigned as Charlie’s mentor. Pip has enjoyed her privacy and does not want to be involved in this educational program. She reluctantly agrees to take on Charlie’s training. Initially there is tension between them. After working together towards a common goal of making an environment that is safer for animals, they slowly develop a romantic relationship.

The romance is predictable yet enjoyable. What I really liked was learning about Australia. The animals are so different from the ones one might find in the United States. In addition, through the telling of the story, Ms. Alexander used terminology that is common place in Australia but not used in America. What I found interesting and different from other authors who use Australia as their story setting, Ms. Alexander explains what each word means. She does this so seamlessly by weaving the word and the definition in the conversations between Pip and Charlie.

The book was a fast read and very smooth. The only thing that I did not like was the ending. It felt a little abrupt.

I rate this book 4-1/2 out of 5 stars.

I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

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This was an interesting book and a good romance. What I didn't like was too many explanations and day long descriptions on their work. I do like details but perhaps learning so much about species in Australia wasn't for me. I enjoyed the descriptions and the work they did at the vet's office and how the eagle would misbehave but other than that the long winded explanations and how the joeys survive after the mother is dead and how to save koalas, was too much for me and made the novel boring.

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Having read book written by both Mardi Alexander and Laurie Eichler (Salzler) I was pretty sure with this book I'd have a good read. What I got instead was a great read. We get to meet Charlie Dickerson, an american who is still trying to recover from a break up with her long time partner Kim. A break that Charlie had no warning was coming. Pip Atkins who runs an animal rescue in Australia. Pip doesn't need or want any help with her work, especially from a woman who is not only going to work with her but live with her to. Reading this book give a wonderful look at life in the day of what is required in the rescuing of a variety of animals including Koalas, possums, wallabies, etc. Nicely paced read without everything being overly described.( You know what I mean, two pages to describe one leaf on one tree.) Simply a great read. Here's hoping there are more books coming from this writing duo.

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I really wanted to like this book. The premise sounds amazing: two middle-aged women connecting and falling in love while working in a wildlife preserve. Unfortunately, the book left me cold and mostly annoyed.

Since the start, the book is plagued by forced hostility between the characters. Instead of actually showing us the characters not getting along, we get scenes of perfectly civil behaviour with the pov character calling the other bitch, repeatedly. We get civil scenes with the narration calling them disaster. There's a scene, very early in the book, where one of the characters complains she could never work with someone she knows nothing about. That is after meeting ONCE, without talking. It's so painfully obvious that the authors are trying to fabricate negative tension between the characters, except it doesn't work at all. The first third of the book had me banging my head against the table in desperation. I honestly couldn't stand either of the characters.

Once they actually sit down and try to talk, their relationship get better overnight, and while that isn't necessary bad (this is a romance book after all), it's so jarring and out of nowhere. One page they can barely stand each other, the other they're holding hands and calling each others pet names and proclaim their love to each other. They seem to be chronically unable to communicate in any healthy way. The whole 'ex-girlfriend' story was suddenly thrown in for added drama and was very uncomfortable to read.

Charlie and Pip at their best are a very cute couple. Unfortunately, the were almost never at their best. The pacing of the book is so weird, which doesn't help. I can't say I've ever read a romance book where the main couple was separated and not talking to each other during the 70%-90% of the book at all. I knew they still had so much to resolve and none of it was happening. As it is, I can't see this end as HEA but HFN.

Another thing I found weird was how the diabetes was treated. I grew up around diabetes and the portrayal of it as something of a scary shameful secret was jarring. I understand Pip had bad experiences because of her parents, but still. Plus, given how much weigth the book gives diabetes, I was surprised how recklessly Pip was treating it.

Like I said, I wanted to like this book so much. But the first 40% of the book annoyed me and made me very angry and I couldn't shake that even when things got better.

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This is the first time I've (knowingly) read a book penned by two authors. It was seamless and I couldn't tell who had written which part. The novel itself was interesting enough. Being set in Australia with our gorgeous wildlife is definitely a plus. The characters gelled quite well but I would have enjoyed more depth.

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I enjoyed this book and the characters in it. It was a nice read with a good flow even though some terms were a bit over explained. I like animals and wildlife and enjoy stories about them but I can see that somebody who isn't into animals or wildlife would get a little bit bored or annoyed with the story since it is more about that and just a little about romance.

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OMG I want a Joey!!!

What I liked the most about this book was the wildlife and the lengths people go too, to help them. These people are hero's in my eyes. They put themselves in harms way to help animals in trouble. The Joey's are awesome. A lot like a child requiring continuous feeding and comforting. It was sad to see those euthanized I can not imagine what that does to someone. In the book Pip actually buries them and then plants something that relates to them such as their source of food.

The two main characters Pip an Australian outback wildlife officer and Charlie who is an American wildlife officer. Charlie comes to Australia to learn their ways and experience their animals. Pip is a loner and has diabetes, quite severe by the sounds of it having to watch her disease closely and still operate in the bush. Charlie has just come out of a long term relationship and seriously needs something different.

I thought the python scene was hilarious but no way would I have grabbed its tail. I thought the scene with the rogue kangaroo was so well written. You could have been there.

The bit I disliked the most was the appearance of the ex. I didn't see the need of it except maybe to raise the angst. Come on who would travel half way round the world to be told to go away. Ok maybe a disillusioned person. But that to me kind of threw an unnecessary spanner in to the works.

I liked all the characters except for Kim. I loved the story and I guess they have left enough to say will there be a book two. The problem with Charlie's immigration is still an issue. I guess I would like to see what is next. Oh and I loved Chilli. Enjoy!

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

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Charlie is going to Australia to participate in a rescue animal exchange program. She's had some problems in the United States and needs to find herself again.

Pip is an Australian wildlife rescuer who is charged with mentoring Charlie for a year. Pip also has a sorta secret at the beginning of the book that she doesn't want known, and honestly, I thought that it was a sorta 'lame' secret, but, then again, I know multiple people with this 'secret' and my opinion and treatment of them has never changed one iota.

Pip doesn't really want to have to mentor Charlie either. She's a bit of a loner. And that makes their first meeting very chilly. And honestly for a lot of the story Pip was quite a douche, and Charlie wasn't that much better. It also sometimes seemed like some of the narrative kept pushing that Pip is perfect and can do no wrong.

Thankfully it wasn't all the time, and as the book went on it slowly stopped being quite like that and the two women got closer.

My favorite part of the novel though, was the stuff with the animals. The romance was okay, but, it was the different sorts of animals and their stories that really kept me hooked.

It was a different book (I don't read many set in Australia) and I mostly liked it a lot.

I got this galley through Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

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An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This was a great read, I loved the back and forth between the two main characters. The only problem I had that made this book into a three was the lack of communication. The jumping to conclusions and lack of communicating irritated me a little bit, overall this was a great romance with the wildlife of Australia creating a great setting and plot.

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I found myself completely enthralled by the Australian setting and the wildlife described in 'To be determined' by Mardi Alexander and Laurie Eichler. When Charlie transfers from the States for a year in order to get over a messy break up she plans to work hard and forget her ex. Her mentor for the year Pip comes across as anti-social, grumpy and no-nonsense. Will they be able to work together for a whole year without driving each other mad? As they rub each other up the wrong way, can they ever be friends or more?

I loved both characters and the fascinating lives they were leading. The reader learns so much about life in a wildlife rescue centre in the bush through Charlie's eyes. Pip was not as bad as she first seemed and I grew to empathise with her and some of the issues she was dealing with. The women bring out things in each other that lay dormant. There are some lovely emotional and sensual moments in this book as well as some heart-stopping surprises. I really enjoyed it and recommend this book for those wishing to escape to the outback for a great romantic adventure.

I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="To Be Determined" src="" /></a><a href="">To Be Determined</a> by <a href="">Mardi Alexander</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Charlie (American wildlife officer) and Pip (Aussie wildlife officer) are outshone by the wildlife in this outback romance. Nicely written story that animal lovers will enjoy especially the main focus of wildlife rescue. An excellent eye-opener into that type of career with a love angle thrown in. 3.5 stars. I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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This has been a very pleasant reading. It explains the story about a woman from the United States that after a nasty break up decides to have a little adventure in Australia through a wildlife rescue exchange program. This leads her to find not just a very different environment but also a mentor not very kind and willing initially. From here, the story evolves in Charilie's discovering this new world, the bond that work creates between both women, the tests that are put in front of them and over all that the decision to try a commitment together putting aside their pasts. The description of wildlife, species and landscapes is very engaging. Really, after every Australia based book, my interest in travel to that continent grows a lot. The romantic part is also very sweet and appealing. And I don't know if it will have a sequel but I would love it.

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Interesting concept, effective execution of the animal rescue themes (although there was a tendency by the author to explicate about colloquial designations for objects at too great a frequency), but light on the romantic development/interplay. Author remains adept at plot development but I found the Charlie and Pip relationship to be quite lacking in intimacy/chemistry, so that marred by overall enjoyment of the text.

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As an Aussie, I am naturally drawn to books with a setting in Australia which is why I wanted to read this one. I liked the setting focus on the wildlife animals, which I found interesting to read about.

The pace of the book was a little off for me at times I founds it to be too slow and I struggled to continue while other times I was completely engrossed in the story. Charlie was a likable character who seemed way too nice for Pip. I personally couldn't see the connection between the two and thought it felt forced. Pip was a hard character to follow as I was expecting her to be more awkward however she came across more so as mean and not sure I could see the appeal.

The ex part of the story was a push for me and the misunderstanding between Pip and Charlie was really overboard.

So for me there were a few things that just didn't work however I did enjoy it and found it interesting to read about the animals.

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3 1/2 Stars. This is a good read for animal lovers. This is the first book I have read by either Mardi Alexander or Laurie Eichler (Salzler). We don't get a lot of co-authored lesfic books, but I thought they did a good job of writing a pretty seamless story, and I enjoyed the read.

The story is about Charlie who goes to Australia, on an exchange, to work with wild life. Her mentor Pip, is a bit of a hermit, and not happy about someone invading her space. The more time they spend together, the walls start coming down. Do they stand a chance together, or are the wilds of Australia just too much?

As I said above, this is a great book for animal lovers, and or anyone who wants to know more about Australia. I have family that live there and have been lucky enough to visit. This book brought back some great memories that made me feel good. While we have some great beaches in the USA, they just can't compare to some of the beaches in Australia. The sand is so white and fine, almost like powder. And it makes this weird squeaking noise when you walk on it. I think I spent 20 mins just running up and down the beach making squeaking noises. And to actually have that, in the book, as a new experience for Charlie, just made me smile. Mardi and Laurie really did a wonderful job on the setting.

I must admit at first, I was not sure about either of the main characters. The both have their own issues, their own walls up. But both characters really seemed to grow as the story continued. I like reading about the growth of characters. By the time the book was done, I liked both of them and wanted more.

I really only have two complaints. One was the ex-girlfriend. I don't like exes in lesfic. They drive me nuts. And I really did not like the roll this ex played. Last little complaint, while this book is not short, I still felt the ending was a little rushed. I was in a groove in the story, and it really ended too fast for me. I wish there was a few more chapters on the end. Besides those two issues, the rest of the book I enjoyed.

If you are an animal lover, or are interested in learning a bit more about Australia, this book is for you. I enjoyed the writing of these authors and will absolutely check out their other books.

An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

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Charlie Dickerson is still coming to terms with the end of her fifteen-year relationship with Kim. Feeling alone and unloved she applies for an exchange program in Australia working at a wildlife rescue centre. Pip Atkins is reluctant to take on the chore of educating some Yank from Wyoming for a whole year. She loves her work, her dog Chilli and her privacy but she owes her boss Terese a favour.

I found the opening chapters as awkward and uncomfortable as the working relationship between Pip and Charlie plays out in the initial scenes. The differences in terminology between Oz and the US are listed one after another to point out the differences between the two women. It made Charlie look ill-prepared to tackle this new world and hopefully that was the author’s intent. When the real work of rescuing and caring for injured and orphaned animals takes prominence the story gains momentum and I was caught up in the story of these ladies who sacrifice so much of their lives for the welfare of defenceless creatures.

I liked how Pip’s bird and animal rescue centre acted as a sanctuary for two equally wounded-by-life women in need of care and comfort. Respect for each other’s skills and commitment to the work laid the foundation for this gentle romance. There are bumps along the way and the usual lack of communication but not enough to (view spoiler)

Kudos to both Mardi Alexander and Laurie Eichler for this joint writing effort. I played the guessing game initially of identifying which author was writing which scene. As the book progressed I found the transitions seamless and apart from the odd Aussie term (capsicum) could not differentiate between the two authors. Thanks for a fascinating look at the world of wildlife rescue.

ARC received with thanks from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley for review.

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Not much chemistry between the main characters, too much blabla. Just not my book, I had a hard time finishing it!

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