Member Reviews

I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

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Wow, this was pretty good. It's definitely unique with the drama going on for Merle and her friend, Abs. I liked the writing style, liked the way it was all set up. Merle was a character exactly described by her friend: acts without thinking, mouths off without thinking, loves without thinking... I enjoyed the little reunion between the two women and just pretty much how everything flowed. While I saw nothing wrong with this, I'm not personally as inclined to read the next one, more out of lack of enticement than anything, but I don't regret reading this. If anything, it gave me another depth of reading to keep. Recommended if you love fast-paced reads with feel good endings and scary good demons.

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Ok this was literally nothing like I was expecting! I was expecting a kind of ...I don't know, I guess Beauty and the Beast esque semi-erotica story where the main pairing was the hairdresser and the demon and I was going to put up with the inevitable Stockholm Syndrom-y-ness of it because I love monster ladies. BUT INSTEAD I got a super cute lesbian childhood friends overcoming evil story with a trans woman character and a cool genderfluid demon! Which is honestly just so much better. This is definitely one of the better stories I've read from Less Than 3, due in part to the fact that it's about twice as long as many of their shorts so there was definitely more time to fill in details with the characters and the story. Also even though this is part 3 in a series it can be read alone. I haven't read the first two and didn't feel like I was missing anything.

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Meredith Katz has a real knack for making fantasy worlds seem very realistic and that talent has continued in her latest novel, 3rd in her series after The Cobbler’s Soleless Son and Behind Bars.

This being the 3rd in a series I feel it’s important you have read the first 2 so that you will have a better understanding of the world she’s built, its rules and character types. After all it is about a world where demons rule and humans are treated as slaves which isn’t something done regularly. The series may focus on demon versus human interaction but even within her demon characters there is a variety as some appear humanoid and others the kind of thing that would probably appear in a Wes Craven type of movie. They even have sex demons who screw with your emotions and make you want someone.

The main setting for this particular novel is the lair of the head honcho – the demon prince you don’t want to get on the wrong side of unless you have a death wish. I liked how Katz set up this part because the way she describes the prison like city surrounding the castle and the castle which is underground and inverted you practically feel those walls closing in around you.

Katz has created this incredibly strong yet uplifting figure in Merle who despite her tragic circumstances has still managed to find a way to remain positive and look for ways to make her circumstances better. When she’s reunited with her long lost best friend, Abeille, there’s this part of you that wants to shout out and cheer.

Her scenes are so vivid that when a battle scene erupts between 2 characters you can practically see the blood flying off them from the wounds as the melodrama between them turns into a passionate affair.

I only had one negative that kept throwing me off. Something she does in her series that kept throwing me off is how the demon in charge is given the title of Prince but female pronouns are used so I would assume the character is a girl. ‘Prince’ is normally the male version of that royal title so you’d think she’d be ‘Princess’. I just never could get used to it.

If you’re a fan of Katz then you should check out this series. The books aren’t very long so it should be easy to squeeze them into your day.

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