Member Reviews

Recently, I have been working on a Health Advocacy project with Sophomore Kinetic Wellness Health classes and I was looking at several related and newly published books.
WHY WE SLEEP’s reference to LED light and the use of devices like the iPad, connects to another area of interest to our students, technology, and a new book titled SCREEN SCHOOLED by Joe Clement and Matt Miles. These veteran teachers are concerned about "the overuse of screen time and why this is bad for kids." They say when it comes to technology in the classroom, we should be asking: (1) Does the tech simplify instruction? (2) Is it easily accessible for all students? and (3) Does it support, rather than replace, instruction? They acknowledge that there is a place for technology in education, but question the times when there is too much emphasis on it, rather than on content or skills being taught. Specifically, they worry about kids spending too much time passively consuming media on their screen-based devices. I respect their view, but also wish that they could have had a chance to see our students use both iPads and laptops to develop presentations and infographics that discuss critical adolescent health concerns like binge drinking, sexual activity and nutrition. Reviewing the comments from the students revealed how proud they were of their hard work (including time spent outside of class), the collaborative research they had done, and "being able to help people that may be struggling." SCREEN SCHOOLED would likely be more effective in promoting change if the argument made was more balanced and included more research findings.

Screen Schooled helped validate my concerns about overusing technology in the classroom. A well written book by intelligent people who care about the future of education and our children.

This book should be required reading for all parents, teachers, and administrators. Don't drink the kool-aid! As a former public school teacher, I had a really hard time believing that schools had fallen this far, until I began asking around to some of my friends who are still teachers. I currently homeschool my children (and am that 'mean mama' who won't let her kids have a cell phone or even play on the tablet regularly...and our desktop is in the kitchen, where we all share it) -- and I am so glad that we have made the choices we have. I see a lot of screen schooling even within a segment of the homeschooling population, and it just makes me sad. Which is not to say that I'm perfect because, after all, I read this on my e-reader and am typing this up as my children watch some B&W tv...but no one's perfect. :)