Member Reviews

This book is a good fit for readers who enjoy stories about intense, forbidden love between characters from different worlds, with a dose of action and supernatural elements.

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I didn't have time to read this book before release so I will not be leaving a review. If I choose to read this book at some point I will grab a finished copy from my public library and post a review to my Goodreads account.

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This series is always a winner for me. I've enjoyed every story in it, and this one was no exception. Excellent character development, fast pacing, great backstory and interesting twists. Never a dull moment!

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The Wicked Vampire is the sixth book in the Last True Vampire series. With that being said, this is the first book I've read in the series and I've had no problem following the story though I do wish I started reading from book one.

I enjoyed the storyline, pacing, and characters of this story. The story started right off the bat with a great amount of action that continued till the very end of the book, leaving me at the edge of my seat wanting to know more. I adored the romance between Sasha and Ewan, their chemistry and desire for one another was absolutely off the charts.

I throughly enjoyed The Wicked Vampire and plan to start this series from the beginning, book one, because it really is an amazing read and also due to the fact that I would like to know what happened between other characters in the previous books. This is definitely a book I recommend checking out.

eARC was kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Sasha Ivanov was born to be wild. A vampire party girl, she stalks the L.A. clubs at night. Dancing. Drinking. Indulging her darkest appetites. Never sated, she’s always looking for more: more danger, more excitement, more blood. But when she enters a supernatural fight club—and is tethered to her mortal enemy—Sasha realizes she’s playing the most dangerous game of all…Ewan Brún was born to kill vampires. A powerful berserker and unbeaten champion, he doesn’t need a weapon to be deadly. He is the weapon. But when his soul becomes captive to the most beautiful vampire he’s ever seen, he is all but powerless. He cannot resist Sasha—and cannot fight his desires. Is their love strong enough to defeat the gathering forces of darkness that threatens to destroy them both?
I really liked this book. The author did a great job of mixing hot sex scenes, an unwanted pairing and an eventual love. I loved watching Ewan slowly finding his heart and Sasha accepting her feelings. I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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It’s bern nearly two months since I last picked this book up and current have no desire to finish it. While there are some deliciously steamy sex scenes the plot seems repetitive in the I love you but I hate you theme. It’s not badly written or anything it’s just not doing anything for me personally right now.

Thank you Netgalley and St Martin’s Press for the review copy.

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The Wicked Vampire is a brilliant paranormal suspense novel that is truly Kate Baxter at her finest in my humble opinion. She teases us with a partial glimpse at some devastating yet shocking secrets that just prove to intensify this already high stakes, high roller poker game. No punches are pulled as we watch two utterly shocked and completely baffled enemies that are brought together by the twisted plot of a ruthless Fate. Nothing could be farther from normal or quite as breathtaking as we watch this magnificent journey unravel before our eyes. It is truly like watching a caterpillar transform into the most stunning butterfly. Hold your breath but don’t close your eyes even for a second, or you will miss a brilliantly complex and beautifully superb plot play out to utter perfection!

Sasha is desperate to find herself after losing everything to the lie that she lived for centuries. In order to dull the overwhelming pain and brutal truth that is her shell of a life, she launches herself full force into any and every destructive behavior she can find. Whatever new flavor can dull her senses and blur her mind if her newest best friend. Nothing could have ever prepared her for the force of nature that obliterates her life and her heart. His name is Ewan, and he is the last creature that she would ever consider as playing any part in her sad excuse of a life. However, his role is one that will both shock and rock her world in so many ways. They have the Mount Everest of issues to overcome if they are to work together in order to figure things out. With their families and the world pitted against them, they are most definitely heading into complete and utter disaster. There is nothing on the face of the Earth that could make things between them work, or is there?

What a fantastic couple! There are few words to describe the utter magnificence of Sasha and Ewan. They are the most unlikely and in my opinion one of the most powerful couples in this incredible series. They have the most to lose, and in the midst of everything, they have the biggest and most sincere hearts. Only a love this pure will be able to bring about a change that will rock their world with powerful ripples that will be felt for a years to come. This is the perfect next step for this wonderfully extraordinary series! What a brilliant setup!

Kate Baxter is a true dream for the paranormal genre. She is a true word smith, and a fantastic creative force to be reckoned with! I have loved everything that I have read by her, and I am ravenous to read even more. She enriches this genre and proves with each amazing masterpiece that she creates that this genre is not fading away any time soon. In fact, she is proving just how much of a powerhouse she really is. Get ready world because I have a feeling that we haven’t seen anything yet!

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This was my first read from this author and I really enjoyed her writing style. However, I just admit I was a bit confused as to some of the characters and the storyline. I think it’s cause I started with Book 6 in the series. Regardless I did enjoy this book. It was the classic tale of forbidden love, a Romeo and Juliet type of love.  

Ewan was a sexy wild berserker!! And he met his match with the feisty vampire Sasha. Now the problem with these two being true mates is that berserkers and vampires are sworn enemies, so that’s going to make for an awkward family dinner. 

All an all I really did enjoy this series and getting lost in this amazing world spun by this creative and talented author. I will definitely be reading more from this series and author!

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It was a great read. Liked the characters and the story. It has some great twists and turns. Readers will be drawn into the story from the beginning.

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This is apparently part of a series and I haven't read the series. I don't believe you need to but this left me feeling a little blah. It wasn't that I didn't like the book. I just didn't know how this all translated to the plot and it left me all discombobulated. It had a lot of sexual content in it and the heroine liked to play mind games. If you KNOW that the hero is your mate - why are you going to be looking at everyone else? Anyhow, I will probably read the next one but I don't know.

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As someone who does not read paranormal books I think I needed to read the whole series for more of a backstory as this did not work for me.

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He was one of the most feared creatures in the supernatural world, and yet, she was drawn to him unlike any other. His scent ignited her thirst. The sight of him drove her mad with want…

Lovers forever—or enemies to the death?
The writing was strong. Good characterization. A very entertaining read. The Wicked Vampire is the sixth instalment in Kate Baxter’s contemporary, adult LAST TRUE VAMPIRE erotic, paranormal romance series. This is vampire Sasha Ivanov, and berserker Ewan Brun’s story line. The Wicked Vampire can be read as a stand-alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading the series in order as there is an ongoing premise throughout the series.
Sasha and Ewan shouldn’t work because they are mortal enemies but somehow they do. As much as they try to resist, they can’t. The plot was interesting and I even liked that even though Ewan was one of the strongest men, he was different with Sasha.

***ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***
***Thank you***

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This is the first book I have read in this series and I was pleasantly surprised. I was totally expecting the usual paranormal romance fanfare, but was given a new twist. I have been annoyed for some time now by this genre’s reliance on instalove. Not to say that it can not be fun, but for it has been so overused. I’m tired of reading about a couple who met at 8am and by 5pm they are declaring their undying love and jumping in front of bullets for each other, That’s a workday not a courtship period. Yes both species have a mate bond, and the couple was instantly attracted to each other and they had sexual chemistry. But they actually spent time together, talked, and got to know each other before declaring their love. Instead of a few days passing, weeks went by. But the story didn’t stagnante because we didn’t need to know all the details of time passing.

I also really enjoyed that both characters had full lives. So often one or both leads have nothing of substance in their lives so it’s easy for them to just disappear and envelop themselves in their new mate’s life. Both of them had jobs, friends, family, and community that they couldn’t just easily walk away from. They both dealt with external and internal struggles. This book proved that even without instalove, with a reasonable passage of time, and with full if not fulfilling lives the hero and heroine can still have a HEA. One that is truly earned.

I also loved the world building and the differing species. I am hooked, and can not wait for the next book in this series.

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Perfect story of opposites attract!! Ewan and Sasha should be mortal enemies, but find love with each other.

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I loved the new spin put on a paranormal romance.. I just loved this book!!! I could not put it down until I finished it.

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3.5 Stars

Kate Baxter wrote a Wicked take on this Vampire Romeo and Juliet. Sasha and Ewan are not only opposites as can be, they are also of different species and to boot. You see, their kinds are of mortal enemies. A relationship between a Vampire and a Berserker is unheard of, and most definitely frowned upon because, well, they would kill each other first before having any kind of contact with the other. Of course, Fate, aka Baxter, has other plans for them, and it’s a whirl of a ride for these two.

Newly turned vampire Sasha is on a wild streak but her partying days will come to a quick halt after being tethered to a berserker. Unwillingly and unexpectedly, these mortal enemies actually like each other and I was amused with their helplessness. It was entertaining to see them try to refuse the brewing romance, but as a reader, you know it’s a losing battle. Like I said, it was fun watching them try.

I didn’t think I would like Sasha. From the last installment, I just didn’t like her position in Saeed’s coven. I thought she was a bomb waiting to happen. At first, her childish outings and thrill-seeking were annoying, but Baxter showed a whole other side of Sasha that left me liking her in the end. Sasha showed growth and strength that is likable and even lovable to Ewan.

Ewan, on the other hand, is so easy to like. First of all, he’s a badass. He can fight and kick ass like there’s no tomorrow. He’s broody and scary, but as you get to know him, you know he’s just a big teddy bear in a sexy bod.

Overall, I thought it was a good read. A slow start, but if you hang tight, it will get really interesting and it will be a nonstop action. When the rest of the clan joins in on all the fun, it gets even better. I like that there is more progress in what’s happening in this world. There are alliances forming and foes brewing up trouble. Now, that’s intriguing. Not that the romance bit is not good, but I hope Baxter expands on the world a bit more. I want more of it.

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The Wicked Vampire by Kate Baxter is part 6 of the Last True Vampire series and the first book of this series I have read. I had no problem following the storyline of the main couple. I could tell, however, a lot of subplots/ background characters present had further plot clarification elsewhere in the series. This lack of knowledge did cause some minor irritation but could motivate me to start from book one in the series at a later date.

Ewan is a berserker, mortal enemies of the vampire race. He is attempting to make money in a fighting ring to the death to get free of his ruthless leader. During a fight, Ewan feels a bond form with Sasha who turns out to be a vampire. The couple must come to terms with their relationship, confront the hatred their races have for each other and decide if they can have a relationship.

The world building present in this story is quite enjoyable. There are several races of supernatural beings which I appreciate in an urban fantasy/ paranormal romance. It keeps everything from getting stale. I would like to learn more about several of the background characters. I haven't read many stories where a berserker played a prominent role. It was an interesting interpretation of their race. The mating bond of the vampire was a unique approach I appreciated.

I am partial to forbidden love, and here it was handled well. There was a great deal of chemistry between them, which made their distrust in each other that much more suspenseful. Ewan could be a little overbearing, but he is a berserker, so it fits. And I tend to enjoy more aggressive males in romance. In the end, everything played out as it should in any HEA novel, but I did like the process of getting there.

All opinions are my own and may not match that of others. I encourage all readers to come to their own conclusions. I voluntarily received an ARC copy of this book through NetGalley.

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This novel and this series is all over the place. Completely different than how it began. Not sure I will continue.

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Sasha and Ewan are the perfect couple. Even though they shouldnt be falling in love because they are meant to be sworn enemies. This was a perfect fast read. Full of action, drama and forbidden love.

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