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The wicked vampire by kate baxter.
He was one of the most feared creatures in the supernatural world, and yet, she was drawn to him unlike any other. His scent ignited her thirst. The sight of him drove her mad with want…
This was a very enjoyable read with great characters. 5*.

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Good writing. Story was interesting but honestly it took me awhile to get through it. Not sure why though. Maybe I just wasn't in the paranormal mood.

*I voluntarily read an advance copy of this book*

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: THE WICKED VAMPIRE is the sixth instalment in Kate Baxter’s contemporary, adult LAST TRUE VAMPIRE erotic, paranormal romance series. This is vampire Sasha Ivanov, and berserker Ewan Brun’s story line. THE WICKED VAMPIRE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading the series in order as there is an ongoing premise throughout the series.

SOME BACKGROUND: Six hundred years earlier the Sortiari and the Beserkers had all but wiped out the vampire race from existence as retribution for the vampires killing most of the Beserkers female population. The Beserkers became the mindless killers, enslaved by the Sortiari, and are now seeking retribution for sins of the past.

Told from several third person perspectives including Sasha and Ewan THE WICKED VAMPIRE follows the building but forbidden relationship between newly turned vampire Sasha Ivanov, and berserker/underground fighter Ewan Brun. For hundreds of years the berserkers have been at war with the vampires-mortal enemies who have all but wiped one another off the face of the earth-only to come face to face with the unlikeliest of matings between a vampire and a berserker.

Sasha Ivanov knows that Ewan Brun is her mate when the male ‘tethered’ our heroine, returning her soul but the berserker species has been without females for hundreds of years, and the likelihood of Ewan recognizing his mate is a very low probability. As the relationship between our couple begins to build, threats against our heroine find Ewan willing to give up his life to save the woman with whom he is falling in love.

THE WICKED VAMPIRE follows several paths including the ongoing struggle of the berserker warlord Ian Gregor and his need for retribution and revenge, and his imprisonment of Rin, the mage. The Demon nation intends to control the berserker population by destroying our hero, one slice at a time.

The relationship between Ewan and Sasha is fated by DNA and blood but Ewan is unaware of the reasons why he is sexually and emotionally attracted to our story line heroine. Alpha and over-protective Ewan intends to keeps Sasha away from other males or outside threats to their growing relationship. The $ex scenes are numerous, erotic and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Sasha’s cover leader Saeed Almasi and his mate Cerys Bain; fellow vampires Diego and Bria; werewolf Lucas; Ewan’s cousin Drew self-proclaimed kind of the berserker clan Ian Gregor, as well as his cousin and second in command Gavin.

THE WICKED VAMPIRE is a fast paced, spirited story line; an imaginative tale about mortal enemies pushed together by fate and love; about the tragedy of betrayal and hundreds of years of retribution and revenge. The premise is energetic; the romance is emotional; the characters are passionate and hurting.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley





B&N: (Sandy_thereadingcafe) posted

CHAPTERS/INDIGO(Sany_At_The_Reading_Cafe) posted

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"The Wicked Vampire" is an incredibly steamy fae Romeo and Juliet. We follow Sasha, a vampire, and Ewan, a berserker, in alternating third person limited points of view. Vampires and berserkers are mortal enemies, as vampires killed all female berserkers and then the berserkers sought to kill all vampires (and have eliminated most of them).

Ewan is locked in a fight to the death (as part of a fae fight club) when Sasha and he see each other and are instantly attracted. A little more than simple attraction is happening as the mating bond has slipped into place. Sasha detects it immediately when her soul is returned. Now, they both must navigate their kinds' prejudices and plots to be together.

This is a paranormal romance which is heavy on the sexual content and less so on the plot. There are some really steamy scenes that start early and continue frequently throughout the book. The overall plot is left to the wayside as a result. That being said, I think it just depends on what you're in the mood for, and this certainly delivers on hot and heavy done well. I will also note that Sasha is on the receiving end of some sexual harassment by other fae for readers who are sensitive.

Overall, it's a solid paranormal romance that works as a stand alone (despite being in a series). Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Sasha is a wild child and loves to party. A vampire she dances and drinks her way through the LA clubs. When she enters a supernatural fight club she gets more than she bargained for, a berserker named Ewan. Berserkers kill vampires so Ewan is her mortal enemy but he is also her mate. Can they find a way to be together? Great characters and a fast-paced read with lots of drama, suspense with plenty of steam. I really liked it.

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4.5- I had a few minutes of getting into the books because it is book six in a series. Luckily the author did an absolutely amazing job with detailing the characters and relationships so this could be read as a standalone. The chemistry and spark between Ewan and Sasha made this seriously enjoyable to read and wait to see what happened next between them. Sasha is a dhampir and Ewan is a Berserker, what happens when sworn enemies find out that they have attraction and emotions for each other? Is it possible to forgive and forget? Thank you for allowing me to read this and write about it honestly.

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I am a lover of vampire paranormal book, but his book had a little something extra, it helped guide me into the other areas of paranormal and the other 'creatures' out there lurking in the shadows. This book is very, very sexy and filled with danger and romance and was a good read, i just unfortunately did not connect with the book as much as i hoped to. I liked the depth of the different 'creatures' and their groups back story and the romance was off the charts. This book has made me want to read more from this author and for the lovers of paranormal stories this book and series most certainly i feel will be great for you.

review on goodreads under the name kimothy

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The love/hate star crossed lovers tale between recently turned vampire Sasha and berserker, Ewan was a good addition to the series that provided a bit more backstory to some of the other fractions and also moved the main plot along. It still leaves some unanswered questions and hints at other possible couples but the series continues to move forward.

The jumping between POVs and the different stories going on simultaneously reminded me of Kresley Cole’s IAD series.

The romance between Sasha and Ewan was definitely slow in coming out. There is insta-lust but the emotional ties, the romance and love, that had to grow between them through shared experiences and time spent together. I was’t sure how I’d be able to follow the story since I skipped the last book about Saeed but I’m glad that I did since his connection to Sasha would have put a damper on this story. It was hard enough reading through Sasha’s hurt and broken heartedness over him in this one (that was thankfully short-lived and brief) but a whole book about it would have been too much for me.

Ewan was a jerk in the beginning and I hurt for Sasha even though she sent her own mixed signals but it made sense that a berserker and a vampire would have to jump some hurdles to accept their bond and these two had to jump their fair share. There is a lot of dark and bitter history between them that is something that can't be easily brushed off or forgotten.

Even with the deception, the lies and the pushing away, the author steered clear of overly dramatic angst. It still packed a punch and delivered on a believable couple that learned to love and trust again. Although not my favorite in the series, Ewan and Sasha did grow on me and I has happy they were able to reclaim their chance at a HEA. I’m still curious to see what the end game is in all this so I’ll definitely be checking back in!

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This is a fascinating series!! This book can be read alone but I recommend reading the entire series to enjoy it to the fullest. I sure did not see how this couple was going to work out! A vampire and a berserker!! I loved them both!! Sasha is exactly the kind of character that I enjoy reading about! Great story and well-written.

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Sasha - A vampire that does what she wants. She is Wild. In The club, she met a berserk. Vampires are sworn, enemies.
Ewan - berserk that felt something toward the vampire. She became his addiction.
This story is full of steam, emotions, and misunderstandings.

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A berserker vampire killer and a vampire tethered together at a fight club, he's captivated by her beauty, will he do what he was born for and kill her or will the unthinkable happen, and they fall in love.
Wonderfully written and an intriguing storyline, I couldn't put this down

I received an advanced copy from Netgalley and voluntarily leave my own opinion

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This is a great book; this is the sixth book in the Last True Vampire Series written by Kate Baxter. This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night. If you are looking for a great book, then you need to read this book. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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The latest book in the Last True Vampire series is a fantastic addition to the series. Ewan and Sasha are vibrant characters that has some wickedly absorbing chemistry that is full of energy that reaches out and grabs reader’s attention and their relationship is full of turbulence and hot, steamy passion. Stories where enemies becomes lovers are always interesting to say the least but The Wicked Vampire takes it to the next level with violent pasts, alpha leaders and a couple that keeps reader guessing throughout.

This fast paced story is full of twists and turns along with lots of exciting action that that gives readers quite the adrenaline rush including delicious shivers of anticipation which keep them glued to the pages awaiting the next excitement that this couple seems to find themselves embroiled in. Not only is the berserker alpha up to his full itinerary of schemes that is mysterious and complex but this couple find themselves on the wrong side of some nasty demons that want things their way.

Kate Baxter’s Last True Vampire series is well written, unique and full of fabulous characters that readers can’t help but fall for and find themselves caught up in their lives. The Wicked Vampire is no exception as I was completely captivated by Ewan and Sasha and I can’t wait to find out what happens next in this exciting world.

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Publisher's Description:

He was one of the most feared creatures in the supernatural world, and yet, she was drawn to him unlike any other. His scent ignited her thirst. The sight of him drove her mad with want…

Lovers forever—or enemies to the death?

Sasha Ivanov was born to be wild. A vampire party girl, she stalks the L.A. clubs at night. Dancing. Drinking. Indulging her darkest appetites. Never sated, she’s always looking for more: more danger, more excitement, more blood. But when she enters a supernatural fight club—and is tethered to her mortal enemy—Sasha realizes she’s playing the most dangerous game of all…

Ewan Brún was born to kill vampires. A powerful berserker and unbeaten champion, he doesn’t need a weapon to be deadly. He is the weapon. But when his soul becomes captive to the most beautiful vampire he’s ever seen, he is all but powerless. He cannot resist Sasha—and cannot fight his desires. Is their love strong enough to defeat the gathering forces of darkness that threatens to destroy them both?

My Thoughts:

I just couldn't like this book.
Although well thought out I couldn't get past the vulgar language used throughout the entirety of the book. It may be a book you would like if contemporary, adult, paranormal titles are your taste. It's just not what I would usually read.
I did however think the story line and characters were well thought out despite the vulgar nature so i gave the book 3.0 of 5.0 stars for those aspects. The intimacy is hot and gets 4.5 of 5.0 flames.

I received an invitation to read this book from the publisher who provided the ARC via NetGalley. This in no way affected my opinion of this title which I read and reviewed voluntarily.

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The Wicked Vampire by Kate Baxter is Book 6 in the "Last True Vampire" series. This is the story of Sasha Ivanov and Ewan Brun. This is a story I thought of forbidden love. Sasha hasn't found anyone or anything really to satisfy her since her turning. The she walks into a supernatural fight club and sees Ewan. With so much standing against them can they be more they even have a choice?
Exciting read!

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I just couldn't get into this book. Maybe it is because i haven't read the previous books but I just couldn't get into it

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This is the sixth book in the Last True Vampire series and I have been hooked since book one! This can be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend starting with book one and taking it from there in order to have an overall better experience reading this amazing series.

I'm a huge fan of paranormal romance stories, especially when they're done right and this entire series fits the bill for me in every way! I loved the insane and off the charts chemistry between Sasha and Ewan and I literally couldn't get enough of these two!

I highly recommend not only this book, but this entire series to anyone to read and I can't wait to see what this author comes up with next!

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Being turned from a dhampir into a full-fledged vampire did not go quite how Sasha was expecting it to with her soul lost and the love she feels for her coven master, Saeed, being unrequited. Sasha decides to let loose and live a little, partying all night wherever and with whomever she wants, but even that is starting to lose its luster. That is, until she’s at an underground cage match and she finds her soul tethered to none other than a berserker, the vampire’s mortal enemy.

Tired of living in squalor with his brethren—blindly following his leader’s unrepentant quest to find the dhampir responsible for the death of all the berserkers’ mates centuries ago—Ewan has decided to use his berserker strength and endurance to earn some extra cash on the side by fighting in illegal cage matches. He hopes the fighting will eventually give him enough money to strike out on his own. When he finds himself mated to a vampire his warlord “boss” Ian Gregor sees it as a perfect opportunity to infiltrate enemy lines, and find the information needed to completely eradicate the vampires. Ewan is on board with this plan, until he starts spending time with Sasha. When Ewan’s fighting lands him in trouble with the demons, both Sasha and Ewan will have to get past their differences if they want to survive.

Kate Baxter has done a great job building up this series and all the characters within it. While it’s not unusual for two supernaturals from different factions to wind up as mates (as has been employed in the previous two books in the series alone), this time around we have a true enemies-to-lovers story, and with that story we get a good glimpse at the berserkers who have been the main antagonists in this series from the start.

In fact, I pretty much loved the continuation of the overall story arc more than I did Sasha and Ewan’s romance (sorry guys!). We learn a lot of interesting tidbits about the Soritari leader, which is something else that has been lacking in the storyline up to this point. We also get some pretty good details about what went down between the berserkers and vampires centuries ago. It “humanizes” the group, which up until this point were pretty much just viewed as mindless killing machines.

The Wicked Vampire deals a lot with history, but I felt like Sasha and Ewan’s personal histories were slightly sidelined in favor of showcasing the history of the conflict between the groups. I wanted just a bit more focus on Sasha and Ewan because it is, indeed, their book, and I think it would have made how they work towards acknowledging the mate bond that much sweeter.

This has been an excellent series for those who have been missing the vampire as the paranormal creature of choice lately. The world-building is fantastic. As Kate Baxter is a master at teasing readers with where the story goes next, every time I finish one book, I’m eagerly anticipating the next.

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Oh has been quite some time since a supernatural romance has hit the pages with THIS much steam! Kate Baxter's latest vampire/berserker romance will have you begging for more of Ewan and Sasha.

Sasha's had a bit of a wild streak. The vampire she loved has found his mate. Now that he's returned and taken back the coven, she's got time on her hands and stress to burn. When supernatural clubs become boring, her friend leads her to a dark world vampires never dare to enter. But this dangerous path leads her to a future she NEVER would have considered.

Ewan has spent centuries under the thumb of the berserker clan's leader and he's tired of trading one pair of shackles for another. To release his anger and make some cash to escape, he's been fighting in an underworld underground fight club...trick is it's to the death and he's currently undefeated. His focus is unwavering until a spitfire little vampire walks in to the club and sets his sense ablaze.

Their chemistry is hot, their tempers hotter, and when they get down and dirty...oh'll wanna read this in a very air-conditioned room. And if two hot-headed immortals isn't enough to strike your fancy....well vampires and berserkers are mortal enemies so this is just a Romeo & Juliet with more fangs and claws. Throw in some demons who are not too pleased that Ewan is winning fight after fight and this is one story you CAN'T put down!

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...So, what did I like about it?
I have become a BIG fan of Ms Baxter’s writing style; I find her books very easy to read and love the way she creates her stories. I like the pace of her tales, how the plot evolves and the urban fantasy world that she’s built. I think that the balance in her stories between great banter, hold-your-breath tension, kickass fighting and steamy sex scenes are really good. The Wicked Vampire did not let me down!

Those of you who have read my reviews before know that I am an old romantic at heart, so the “two halves of one soul reunited” aspect of this tale satisfied my soppy side but it was the real relationship reservations and the obstacles that both Sasha and Ewan experience, both external and internal, that they have to overcome that adds a very real and contemporary feel to this love story.
I must also mention that it’s not just our main characters that have this level of depth; every character that Ms Baxter includes has their own set of idiosyncrasies so that they cease to be just filler characters but become just as real as our main couple (looking forward to finding more about Lucas in future books *hint*hint* Ms Baxter).

The Wicked Vampire may have caused a few more tears to fall but fear not avid reader, it also made me chuckle out loud, had me on the edge of my seat with tension and gave me delicious flutters of arousal; in short - I was gripped from the first page to the last.

...So, ummm, was there anything I disliked about it?
Absolutely nothing, that’s why it got 5 stars!

...So, basically what I’m saying is...
This is another incredible instalment of what has become one of my favourite paranormal romance series; I loved it!

If you’re a fan of adult paranormal romance stories where your heroines are intelligent, witty and independent and your heroes are strong sexy alphas with a big heart waiting to be unleashed or if you’ve enjoyed reading the “destined soul-mate” theme of Felicity Heaton’s Eternal Mates Series or Dianne Duvall’s Immortal Guardians Series, then I think this paranormal romance will be right up your street!

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