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The Wicked Vampire by Kate Baxter
Last True Vampire #6

Having read books 4 and now 6 of this series my gut feeling is that to truly enjoy the series it would be better to begin with book one and read consecutively. I did enjoy this book and followed the storyline of Sasha the vampire and Ewan the berserker BUT there were many names and couples dropped that I had little or no idea of or how they played into the storyline.

What I liked:
* The bond between the two was unexpected and something they had no control over
* Both H/h were strong characters
* The eventual confrontation between Saeed and Sasha – semi-confrontation
* The ties that some of the characters had with one another
* Ewan’s regard for his cousin Drew
* The growth in the relationship between Sasha & Ewan

What I didn’t like:
* The domineering attitude of Ewan at first
* Fights to the death idea
* Sasha being so “weak” in some ways
* Not knowing who all the players were and how the side-story-threads were to be woven together or who the people actually were
* The demons
* Ian Gregor – top dog Berserker (hope he has a reason to be such a scumbag)

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars

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I have enjoyed the last few books in this series and all I can say about this one is WOW.
What do we get when we have a fiesty, party animal female vampire and a broody, blood thirsty berserker?
A story that is epically sexy, action packed and full of hot, spicy, excitement. And the game these two play is taboo amoung their kind.
Liam has a lot to learn and Sasha is just the female to teach him.
It's like a twisted tale of Beauty and The Beast I enjoyed it.

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This is book 6 in the Last True Vampire series. It's about Sasha Ivanov, a vampire created by Saeed from the last book, and Ewan Brun, a Berserker under the rule of Gregor. Sasha has finally realized that her feelings for Saeed were never going to be reciprocated. And since her turning (and this realization) she has gone wild. Turning into a party girl just looking for the next thrill, the next thing to get a charge out of her life. So her and a new friend go to a fight club just looking for the next good time so she can feel alive. And promptly gets tethered to a Berserker, one of the vampires mortal enemies! Ewan is in the fight club for his own reasons that have nothing to do with vampires. He is just as drawn to Sasha as she is to him, only he doesn't realize that it is anything more than just being attracted to her.

This book was good. I wasn't quite as taken with Sasha as I was with previous characters in the series. Parts of it were slow for me as well. Sasha just seemed to be stuck on her feelings in the past (that were never returned or even acted on) and started doing things completely out of her normal character. With that being said though, I still liked it. Sasha and Ewan together were HOT! And the way they came together to understand that they truly were meant for each other and they truly cared about each other was great! This book also helped push the bigger story ARC along, which was also great in my opinion. I can't wait to read a book about Lucas, and after reading this one I also want a book about Ewan's cousin Drew! All in all, a good book!

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DNF @31%

I'm so bummed!!!

I was literally loving the heck out of this book. The characters were dynamic, the plot had delightful twists here and there, and the chemistry was intense. And then I reached a scene 30% of the way in...

I just couldn't continue.

My current head space would not let me read this scene and keep my respect for Ewan. I stopped, cold turkey. I feel like this series has a lot of potential, though, and I'm still interested in reading other books in the series. This one, however? I can't recommend.

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Wild child vampire, Sasha, goes to an extreme supernatural fight club only to find, Ewan, her sworn enemy, and her mate. The chemistry fries as hot as lighting and might just destroy them both. Because The Wicked Vampire is a modern day, paranormal, Romeo and Juliet. Two opposing faction, sworn enemies, a vampire and a berserker, are destined to be mated for life. Can they overcome their paranormal family and survive? What will they have to lose to keep this bond that can’t be denied?

This is my first read in the Last True Vampire series, but it won’t be my last. The Wicked Vampire could be read as a stand-alone but I will be back reading this series. Finding a new series that engages, entertains and submerges you in its fictional world, its worth a prized place on your shelf, and judging this series by The Wicked Vampire this is just that kind of series.

I received this ARC copy of The Wicked Vampire from St. Martin Press. This is my honest and voluntary review. The Wicked Vampire is set for publication Dec. 5, 2017.

My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Kate Baxter
Series: Last True Vampire series (Book 6)
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks
Publication Date: December 5, 2017
ISBN-10: 125012543X
ISBN-13: 978-1250125439
Genre: Paranormal Romance

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I was instantly bored with this story, I could not connect with Sasha or Ewan. I was not involved in the story or plot, I kept trying just it fell flat to me.

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This is a newer author for me and I am blown away. Amazing job.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this review copy in exchange for an honest review.

I didn’t realize this was number 6 in a series. If I had that might have filled in the blanks I had as I read this. I have to say I’m a sucker for the star crossed lovers trope and I don’t mind the occasional vampire novel. The typical push and pull of a relationship that has challenges with being soulmates was at play here and that’s the usual angst that takes place in this genre. Ewan and Sasha’s relationship here isn’t exactly the greatest but it’s not insta-love or fast due to issues that are in previous novels that I haven’t read and I have to admire the continuity even if I’ve never read the other installments.

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I’m a fan of the forbidden and what can be more forbidden than finding your mate in the species that is determined to wipe out your race? A Romeo and Juliette story vampire style.

The Beserkers are interesting to me and the author just amped up there appeal through Ewan and changed the way I would like to see the outcome of this series. I no longer hope for the Beserkers to be wiped out.

I’m really curious now what Gregore did to bring the wrath down on his race from the vampire he was working with all those years ago. If it was mentioned in a previous book, I don’t remember but I’m thinking it will be one of the reveals towards the end. I would love to see Gregore’s downfall and for the rest of the clan to break free from him.

There are a lot of characters to this series. A lot of pieces to the puzzle and you will want to read this series in order or you’re gonna be lost. This was another great addition to the series. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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The Wicked Vampire brings together two people that are part of clans that are lethal enemies, there is hardly any chance that they will find a way to be together…..or will love find a way….

The Wicked Vampire is a stimulating and on the seat of your pants type of reading, I never know what to expect from this author when I pick her up and I made the mistake of not reading the blurb so I got pulled into a story this way and that and was pulled into one hell of a ride that Kate Baxter writes. I was really intrigued because I haven’t read books 3-5 so I was hoping that I wouldn’t be too lost and I really wasn’t. The author does a decent job of relaying some background information on this world that she has created and we deal with some intensity of the plot and more dramatics when it comes to the relationship between Sasha and Ewan….so lets get down to the good and dirty details that had me addicted….

The Key players for the Wicked Vampire are:

Sasha Ivanov, she is our heroine of the story, and is a vampire but is a bit of a party girl….she loves to drink and dance and get loose. Since losing her soul from being turned, she is looking for any way to “feel” something even if it means living on the edge
Ewan Brun, our cunning hero, and is part of the most powerful Beserker clan who hunts down vampires and dhampires. He tends to fight in underground fighting rings to get money for himself and his cousin.

Sasha is out with her closest friend, and looking for something with danger and edge and attends an underground fight not having any clue that she has just found her mate who has brought back her soul to her. Only there is one problem….he is a beserker, fierce and unstoppable and her enemy but they can’t stop having sex with each other. Even though Ewan knows he should kill Sasha since she is a vampire and their people have been at war for hundreds of years, there is something more to Sasha and he will do anything to protect her. At first, there is a powerful chemistry that is like lighting for them, but soon the sexual moments turn into something stronger between Ewan and Sasha and they know that their future is bleak.

There is no way that their clans could ever understand how they could mate, and their relationship could come at a high cost. I would say that this book had a hint of a Romeo and Juliet retelling, especially with these two groups being at odds and when I mean odds…..they see one and they kill. it’s so ingrained in them, so the fact that these two could come together and form such a strong bond is remarkable and seeing the way they fight for each other and fight for a way to be together is pretty impossible but I adore the way they find their “way” and it’s not an easy path for either of them. Kate Baxter just lit a fire under my booty with this story and I just didn’t want to put it down and stayed up late reading it because the intensity of the plot was so overpowering I just didn’t want to be free of it. Definitely not your conventional vampire romance so buckle your seat ladies and gents because you are in for a wild time!!

The Wicked Vampire was a on the edge of your seat, thrilling and raw and full of edges you never anticipate and SUPERB!! I can’t wait to read more of this stunning series.

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Unfortunately, I was unable to finish the book. I was unaware that this was part of a much larger series and I felt a bit lost in the story. I will need to read the others before I can truly review the book. The three star review is because I couldn't leave it blank and it was well written though definitely not a stand alone in my opinion.

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Two factions, mortal enemies, and a forbidden love story.
Vampires and Beserkers have been enemies for centuries, trying to take down each-other by any means necessary. But Sasha and Ewan fall in love. They know its wrong, but they can't deny the unmistakable bond. This kind of love was destined to fail, and become traitors to their own factions.

"He could never, ever let her go.
And his selfish want of hers was bound to destroy them both."

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The Wicked Vampire By Kate Baxter...This is my first book by Kate and I did enjoy it. This is Sasha Ivanov and Ewan Brun's story.....Sasha is a damphir, a made vampire who after being security for her "family" she turn it over to a friend and decides it time to have fun. She meetsa Ewan ( a Berserker) at as supernatural MMA fight club...when they lock eyes she become tethered to him.. There is so much heat between the two ...but the friction between all the immortal factions who all want more power kept me on my toes. They get to their HEA....but I feel there is more to come.

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Sasha Ivanov is a damphir, a made vampire who was the head of security for her vampire family until she finally had enough. Now, she has turned it over to a friend and has been having a ball doing whatever she wants with whomever she wants because, she's no longer going to be the good, responsible vampire! She goes to a supernatural MMA fight club one night with a friend, sees a berserker in the fighting cage and, is immediately tethered. She cannot believe that she has met her mate and he is the worst of the worst! Berserkers are notorious for being killing machines!!!
Ewan Brun is fighting as often as he can in order to win enough money to get he and his brother out from under his leader's thumb. His leader has a vendetta against all vampires because he lost family by vampire attacks centuries ago! Ewan is so tired of fighting to get out from under but, when he is in the middle of a fight and, suddenly is slammed by the strangest feeling when he sees a stunning vampire in the audience, he almost blows the fight!
The heat and chemistry between these two is off the charts and, the politics between all of the immortal factions and leaders who ALL want the most power, made me feel like I was reading about todays' political climate!!!
Smoldering, non stop heat!

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The minute I read the blurb to The Wicked Vampire I knew I had to read it. I love a good star crossed/enemies to lovers story and that is exactly what we got with this book. I lived Rwan and Sasha's passion and need fir one another and their driving force to be together despite obstacles keeping them apart.

I will admit there were times I was lost in the story as there was so much backstory and information the previous five books in the series, which I had not read. But I was more enthralled with Ewan and Sasha's story of two fated enemies in the past, a vampire and a beserker and the new ties they have due to their (unexpected and sometimes unwanted) mating bond.

I loved that Sasha was able to feel wanted and accepted and finally loved by someone who was devoted to her instead of feeling unwanted and second best. In addition I loved that Ewan's feelings for Sasha helped him regain his emotional capability to love and cherish someone. All in all, I really enjoyed this story and can't wait for the next one.

I would like to thank NetGalley and SMP Romance for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. 4 stars! ~Ratula

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I really enjoyed this story. From the unimaginable to the absolute devotion in this story it brings you right along with the characters. A whole other world with vampires, dhampirs, demons, fae, and berserkers the cast is wonderful (both the good guys and the bad guys) and is very entertaining.

I gave this a three star rating because there were quite a few spots that seemed to bog down and lull in this book so I would switch to another and then come back. It is a beautiful story though and I would still recommend a read of it, where I got bogged down doesn't mean it would happen to someone else. I love the story of Sasha and Ewan.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for providing me with this novel in exchange for an honest review.

I have to admit I loved this started out fresh and new...but for some reason I just didn't enjoy this was ok..but I didn't really like main protagonist. I just couldn't connect...I have been losing interest since book 4....sorry only ok for me. 3 star.

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I know I say this after every Last True Vampire book, but if you are looking for a series that is on par with Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark series then this is the series for you. I am citing Kresley Cole's series as it is one of my favourite paranormal series and definitely one of the best romance series ever written. Kate Baxter has created a series that only seems to get better. With Vampires, Dhampires, Werewolves, Berserkers, Fae and a world of other paranormal creatures, this series is absolutely amazing. Not to mention the romance and sensuality will have you swooning ;)

This paranormal version of Romeo and Juliet will have you on the edge of your seat, anxiously waiting to see if enemies can actually fall in love against all odds and live happily ever after. As all who have been following this series know, Berserkers and vampires/dhampires are sworn enemies. But what happens when a vampire is tethered to a berserker?
Well, "The Wicked Vampire" will answer that question and leave you breathless in the process.

Sasha Ivanov has carried a torch for her maker and leader of her coven, Saeed for as long as she can remember. But when he finds his true mate and is tethered she knows that her feelings will never be reciprocated. So she decides to live on the wild side. Go out every night, be reckless and find solace with other males. On one such night, while out with her friend at an underground fighting match, she finds herself tethered. Her soul is returned to her by the last male that she would have ever guessed. A berserker warlord. He is her destined mate and the attraction is instantaneous and strong. She has never been consumed by such lust. If only they weren't mortal enemies!

Ewan Brun has been fighting in underground matches to make money so that he and his cousin can finally be free from Ian McGregor and his vicious vendetta against the vampires. He is sick of living in poverty and answering to their ruthless leader. While at a match he meets a fearless and fierce vampire. A female like no other. She mesmerises him and they have an instant attraction. But how can he feel such a draw to his clan's mortal enemies?

These two may have come together in an unconventional way and try to quell and deny the attraction that they feel for one another but the course of true love is never easy and these two prove that when you find the one you will do everything and anything to keep him/her. I absolutely love love love this series and with so many characters in it I'm hoping that there will be many many more books to come!

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DNF @ 60%

I think it’s time I parted ways with this series while we are still on almost friendly terms, I loved the first few books they were focused, fast paced and riveting to read, whereas it’s taken me two days to get to the 60% mark on this one, and almost nothing has happened. I think the problem I have mainly is that we are on book six, and with the amount of couples that are now involved, not to mention the plethora of secondary characters, all of whom have their own POV’s and separate plots which are playing out as well, the actual basis and original points for the story when it originally started back with Mikhail have been completely lost. So much so that I can’t definitely remember what started everything off, or why there are so many people now involved in it.

Everything is still very much unresolved (apart from people pairing off) and with every new character addition even more secondary plot points have been included along the way, so that over six looooonnnnnngggg books nothing really feels like it has moved along at all for quite a while. The original point of the story seems to have now been pushed far, far into the background. And I feel I have lost momentum as much as the books have because of it. Lots of sex in this one though, whole chapters of it in fact, and I know it’s time to call it a day when I am skimming through it.

I love this authors writing, I just think this series may have been better being dealt with over a shorter number of books, then maybe everyone else’s stories be incorporated into it as secondary books, or a spin off series. I am in the minority in my feelings, and it’s likely to be more of an ‘it’s not you it’s me’ type of scenario, because I struggled with the previous book as well for pretty similar reasons.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the arc. The following review is purely my own opinion.

I didn't read the other books in this series but after finishing this book, I think maybe I should have. (Hence the 3-star rating.) Though I was able to follow the story, there are characters and things that happened that were clearly from the other books.

I must say though that the action was good. The pace of the story flowed smoothly. And I enjoyed the romance between Sasha and Ewan.

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