Member Reviews

I love short stories, and I love collections of short stories for the times when I need a quick read without all the novel length brouhaha. I found this collection quite enjoyable.

I absolutely adored this book, which was both a bit of a delightful surprise and the first step in laying a foundation of affection for everything that comes after this!

This's such a wonderful book. Contains a few short-stories. I love them all. Highly recommended!!

Petrichor is short story anthology featuring the cutest romances I have ever read. If you didn't already know, petrichor is also the name for the smell of the earth after it rains. It's a pleasant image for a pleasant read. The book did a good job of keeping me floating on a cloud of "wow that's so cute." L.J. Hamlin has a distinctive voice and style, which helped the collection feel cohesive. In addition to being cute, some of the stories were also quite funny.
Characters were also levelheaded for characters in the romance genre and some were unconventional romance leads which was a refreshing change of pace. This might be a limitation of the short story format, but I didn't always feel like the characters themselves were brought to life. Instead of resonating with the characters, I resonated with the story itself.
The dialog in the anthology isn't traditional. Some of the stories feature long-winded, run-on sentences which reflect how people actually talk (seriously, try transcribing your next conversation and you'll see what I mean) but could be jarring or awkward to read.
I love books that make feel, but the dialog and simpleness of the plots prevented this book from being a 5 for me.

This was quite a straightforward collection of short stories with straightforward writing, but despite its unremarkability (is that a word? well, it is now) I found it quite enjoyable. The relationships were both fluffy and sweet, and hot and steamy at the same time, which is always a good combination! I also liked how there were a couple of fantasy and historical stories thrown in with the contemporary ones, which provided some nice variety.

Petrichor (the scent of rain) is a collection of nine short stories of m/m (or in one case god/demigod) romance.
I enjoyed eight out of nine. Only the final story, “ will you be the wolf…” did not work for me.
They mostly have gentle, slightly ironic humour to them which I liked. Some serious issues are dealt with. One story has cancer recoverers getting together, others deal with stereotyping and harassment.
There are quite hot sexual scenes and there is a lot of love.
Some deal with established relationships, most with new ones. A few characters are first-time, most are experienced.
They are easy to read but not facile. I thought they were much better than Paint a Story on your Skin which I read recently. They are the kind tales which leave a warm glow, wishing the characters a happy future and hoping the author will write more.
Thoroughly recommended.