Member Reviews

The Boyfriend Swap is a quirky Christmas tale by author Meredith Schorr. Music teacher Robyn Lane is wary of taking her actor boyfriend Perry Smith home for the holidays and voices this fear in front of her roommate Anne Marie and her boss, attorney Sidney Bellows. This rings true with Sidney, as she also is fearful of the results of bringing her current fellow, lawyer Will Brady, home for the holiday. As one of the partners in Bellows and Burke was Sidney's father Harvey Bellows, she fears he will dominate Will's time and even try to recruit him.

On the other hand, Robyn does not want her family judging her taste in artsy fellows, fearing they will do their best to show their distaste. Not wanting to put Perry through that, and not fully understanding her own goals where Perry is concerned, Robyn is also hesitant to introduce him to her family.

And it is with that, the crazy idea of swapping boyfriends for the holidays takes form. Perry is readily agreeable when Sidney sweetens the pot with tales of media moguls and high placed agents. On the other hand, Will is not interested in the idea--at least at first. And the fact that Will just happens to be Robyn's major crush and neighbor from high school doesn't help matters.

When the swap is made, Robyn's parents are thrilled with Will, and Sidney's parents are enamored with Perry. Neither lady expected this,outcome, and so much more. Old heartache is revisited, self examination is necessary, and perhaps the best gift of all is learning to be true to yourself.

Witty and charming, this is a well told and whimsical Christmas tale. I thoroughly enjoyed this Christmas story, and do recommend it.

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This was adorable. Meredith Schorr has given us a book with a perfect blend of romance, entertainment and fun.

Our two main female characters cannot be further apart in personality. As are our two male characters. Sidney is a workaholic who is so competitive she can’t stop and it seeps into her personal life. She needs control and is quite driven. She always gets what she wants because she relentlessly goes after it until she gets it. Robyn is sweet and kind. She has compassion and empathy for everyone. Robyn is a music teacher who loves to see the joy music brings to children and Sidney is a lawyer. They both have parents who want them with someone but Robyn’s never like the guys she brings home and Sidney wants her parents out of her personal life because she feels they will ruin it.

As for the guys. Will is a lawyer but isn’t about the bottom line dollar. He works for a company that believes in a work/life balance. He is serious but does know how to let go and relax. Perry is a actor who has an ego the size of Montana but is charming and has a magnetism that draws people in.

The two you like right away are Will and Robyn. They are kind and caring. Thoughtful as well.

So how does all this go down? Sidney needs a fill in for Will that will get her parents to ignore him and Robyn needs someone her parents will like so Sidney’s assistant who is Robyn’s roommate suggests they switch boyfriends. To Sidney this is perfect but Robyn does have reservations as does Will when it is pitched to the guys. For Will I think it has him feel that Sidney doesn’t feel the way he does about their relationship but only time can tell.

So the swap is afoot and what happens? We get foot loose and fancy free at Robyn’s parents. They are a hoot. And Will and Robyn learn more about one another. Here the family reveals how much Robyn likes Will. Will is great as well. He relaxes and enjoys his time but it also has him reflect on his relationship with Sidney and he sees what he is missing I think. At the same time Robyn begins to do the same about her relationship and her feelings. These two are to honorable to act on feelings though and they do get confused in the end and you root they will end up together.

Meanwhile at Sidney’s parents, Sidney is driven up a wall by not being able to control Perry who takes over. Her parents fall for him as do the whole family and we have them do something that can hurt their significant others.

In the end the swap has everyone search their feelings and see where they want to be. Sidney learns what she is turning into and goes to search for herself and realizes change is in order. Will fights for what he wants and Robyn learns to trust and falls in love. Perry is Perry.

this is a fun, sweet and entertaining book. Very fast paced, easy to read and just one where you get to root for a HEA but also for everything to work out for everyone. You love all the characters even when they are being doofy and enjoy the exploration all of them are on. It’s a journey for each person that leads to different places for all four and love for two.

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What starts out as a lark turns into something very different. The lark seems harmless. Instead of your boyfriend take someone else's. That way your parents will not ruin your romance. But what happens when the swap does the same thing. I loved the light moments in this. Perry is a hoot and Will is a sweetheart. Robyn and Sidney both have unexpected reactions and are characters with some real problems that they have to face. A fun read with great characters who have some insightful moments as the story progresses.

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ARC - I voluntarily offered to review this book with no obligations and my opinions are honest!
It started out as a joke.
Robyn was dating a struggling actor.
Sidney was dating a successful lawyer.
Both were afraid to bring their boyfriends to meet the family.
What would happen if they did a boyfriend swap?
Maybe this time, their families would stop w/ the Spanish inquisition.
Fat chance!
What follows it is a little unexpected, but you will totally love the results.
Loved the storytelling + the characters!

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This was a new-to-me author, but this was a fun, quick read. I will definitely be buying more of her books!

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I honestly don't know how I've waited so long, but this is the first novel I’ve read by Meredith Schorr. I’ve heard great things about her novels and I'm glad I've finally read one! This one is an interesting story about two young women that are dreading bringing their boyfriends home for the holidays and would do just about anything not to have to bring them as their date. Neither wants to go without their boyfriend and one comes up with a ridiculous idea that they both end up going through with. It didn’t go at all how either of them planned, and yet, it works out well for everyone involved. 

The story’s interesting situation brought up themes of infidelity and knowing when a person is truly right for you. It also brought up the importance of being honest with yourself. Sometimes you need to change your ways when you’re practicing self-destructive behavior or pushing away from people because you're scared or too stuck in your ways. It's never too late to acknowledge your inner self and make changes to improve your mindset and the way you approach different situations. I enjoyed the writing style and was a bit sad when it was all over because it was over!

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What do you do when you don't want your parents involved in your personal life? You take a pretend boyfriend home for the holidays....because we all know that is going to work, right? Wrong! Even worse? It might be your childhood crush dating the woman who has proposed swapping boyfriends.

I'm not sure that I would have ever thought to do something like this, but then I don't have the family situations that Sidney and Robyn have that they think that swapping boyfriends is a good idea. The funny thing is that maybe this was a good idea and perhaps neither was dating the right person.

I identified with both Sidney and Robyn. Sidney for her controlling manner and hiding her feelings and protecting her heart. And Robyn, for her crazy creative side with a heart of gold. Then there are the guys - Perry (Robyn's boyfriend) who is a wannabe actor but not serious about anything in life; and Will, Sidney's boyfriend but Robyn's childhood crush and is that crush dead or will it come back while spending several days together? You will find out when you read the book!

This story made me laugh, shake my head and even get a little misty at the end. It was a great culmination of everything that I like to see in a book. This author writes some great romantic comedies and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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Do you ever read a book and just know it would be an awesome movie? The characters are larger than life and they’re screaming to be brought to life and you’re silently casting said movie in your head? That’s exactly what happened while I was reading this one, this would be the cutest romantic comedy movie, but it was also a super fun read.

As a reader, you know that the whole idea of swapping mates is a disaster waiting to happen, but that’s part of what made this so entertaining. Robyn was my favorite character, she kind of gets bulldozed by Sidney and just sort of goes along with her crazy scheme and after getting to know Sidney, it’s easy to see how she was manipulated. She is a lawyer after all AND she’s crafty and smart too boot, this is a woman used to getting her way. Sidney and Robyn are pretty different in terms of personality, Robyn is quirky and sweet to Sidney’s bold and brash and I really enjoyed getting to know both of these woman, Schorr created memorable, relatable characters that I think any woman would enjoy reading about.

This was my first book by the author but it certainly won’t be my last, she’s a solid writer and this was a really funny book. The scenes that happened on Christmas Day were some of my favorite moments, and both Will and Perry were charming in their own right. Chick lit fans who haven’t had the pleasure of reading Schorr’s books should definitely pick this one up, it was adorable!

Thanks to the publisher and The Great Thoughts Ninja review team for my copy.

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THE BOYFRIEND SWAP by Meredith Schorr was the perfect light-hearted and uplifting read that I needed to help reset after a very hectic month. The plotline carries you along with a laugh and a sigh as you remember your own butterflies that come with young love and all the other messy things that come with it too. The writing has a great flow with an enjoyable plotline and very memorable characters - maybe because I could relate to them so well. While I adored the chapters Robyn narrated the most, I thought the way the two couples interacted with their respective parents over the Christmas break was perfection. I read this book in one sitting and instantly went out and bought everything else by the author because sometimes you just need to have a reliable book friend that distracts you from all the heavy things in life and reminds you of how a book can just help you smile when you need it most.

I received an advance review copy of this book from the Great Thought's Ninja Review Team. All opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed every moment of this very funny romantic comedy. I laughed and shed a tear or two and fell in love with the characters and didn’t want the story to end. What a fabulous way to spend an afternoon, wrapped up in the angst filled lives of some very likeable people who I would up rooting for and loving their happily ever afters.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves a fabulously entertaining read filled with some quirky lovable people who will steal your heart. I enjoyed every page.

I read an advanced review copy of this book from the Great Thoughts Ninja Review Team. All opinions are my own.

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The Boyfriend Swap is full of scenarios that we have all found ourselves in at one time or another—awkward family Christmases, parents who typically don't approve of our current mate, boyfriends who just don't seem to fit into the family dynamics. Robyn and Sydney are dreading their upcoming Christmas trips back home with their boyfriends and all the family drama that will ensue. Why not just swap boyfriends for the holiday? Sounds like a great plan. Until it's not.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Boyfriend Swap and loved every bit of it! I have read quite a few of Meredith's books already and this one really stood out for me as just a bit different from her previous ones. The characters are very likable and real, the storyline felt unique to me, and I found myself very wrapped up in the lives of Robyn and Sydney.

Not that all those things hadn't happened in her other books. It just seemed to me that Meredith took her writing to a new level with this story. I really loved reading this book and I'm excited for what will come next from this author.

And it's a Christmas story! How can you not love that?

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Robyn and Sidney end up at a happy hour/party of sorts and after a few adult beverages they are complaining about the upcoming holidays and how their families will react to their current boyfriends when they realize that they are dating what they think their families will see as their ideal, so why not swap for the holidays!

I loved the concept, it was so fun and I loved the execution! Robyn and Sidney were just entertaining and I loved their reasoning for how their families will not approve of their partners and how a quick swap could make the holidays so much better for both. I loved the twist that Robyn ends up knowing Will (not a spoiler its in the synopsis) and that adds some extra tension which I liked. I also loved seeing Sidney be challenged by Perry Robyn's boyfriend and learning a lot about herself through it all.

It was just a fun ride and perfect to get the holiday season started! With it being just under 300 pages and easy to get into and a quick read, I would completely recommend adding it to your ereader for the holiday season.

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I received an advance review copy of this book from the Great Thought's Ninja Review Team. All opinions are my own.

I am a first time reader of Meredith Schorr, and I am definitely a fan. This book had such a unique and fun plot that I was hooked from the very beginning. Swap boyfriends for the Christmas holidays because of less-than-ideal family dynamics—I knew this was going to be a recipe for a fun read.

As a woman working my way up the corporate ladder, I could relate with Sidney every step of the way. I understood her struggles, and I could understand many of the decisions that drove her throughout the book. That being said, I was racing to the end of the book to see how it ended for Robyn…and I definitely wasn’t disappointed!!

The Boyfriend Swap was a great way to get into the upcoming holiday season, and it is definitely worth the read.

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I absolutely loved this book from start to finish. I had decided pretty early on in the book that I wanted certain people to be together by the end, and this did not disappoint. I thought the book was written to move at a quick pace. The chapters are divided into sections for each of the two main characters, Sidney and Robyn. At the end of each section I always wanted to know what was going to happen to that character; but at the same time, I needed to know what was happening to character #2.

I thought there were several lessons to be learned in this book and they were perfectly executed. Some parts left me with the urge to self reflect on my behavior—which is always a good thing! Even though this is fiction, the conflicts within the conflict are easily relatable.

I read this book in a little under 24 hrs and it’s been a long time since I’ve done that. I want to know more about these characters because, for the most part, they are all very likable.

I was fortunate to receive a copy of this book through the Great Thoughts Ninja Review team and these thoughts are my own.

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I could definitely see this as a Hallmark Channel Movie! Especially at Christmas.

Sidney and Will haven't been dating long and she is not looking forward to tossing him to the wolves at her family's Christmas! Especially in a house already full of lawyers. She just wants something for herself. Agreeing to the swap Sidney gets more than she bargained for. Her entire family is charmed by Perry and Sidney may be getting a little hot under the collar for him as well.

While Robyn is bringing home the boy next door who she still has a crush on and her family thinks he is just the perfect man for her. And Robyn is beginning to think so too.

A lovely romp of a Christmas story and the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what the people we love want for us.

Netgalley/Henery Press  November 07, 2017

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What a fun book! This is the first non-serious book I’ve read in a while and I really enjoyed it. Robyn & Sidney had no idea what would happen when they swapped boyfriends Perry and Will but it was so fun reading how it all unfolded. I preferred Robyn & Will’s storyline but Sidney & Perry’s adventure was good too. I loved the ending where one storyline was left to the imagination and the other one was played out on the page. The supporting characters were great and added so much to the story.
This book was fun but also touched on some serious issues like the importance of music education for kids, work-life balance and how to be a better person.

I received an advance review copy of this book from the Great Thought's Ninja Review Team. All opinions are my own.

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When I had first stumbled onto this read, I was intrigued by the idea of two women swapping boyfriends, and honestly, how it was that they could even get to such a point. You’d assume that at least one person in this quartet would object—because they’re normal—but no, not in The Boyfriend Swap. In fact, the one who initially objects is surprisingly easy to convince, and soon enough, the two women are off on their holiday trips home, fake boyfriend in tow. Which seems ridiculously easy, right? But I’m happy to say that I don’t care, because I really ended up liking this book, and happily accepted anything Meredith Schorr threw at me.

Like, for example, the fact that Robin’s boyfriend would happen to be Lucy’s childhood crush?? I live for coincidences like these that throw people together! It makes it all the better when Lucy brings Will back to her childhood home, and she’s having to pretend she’s in a relationship with him, all while having to pretend that she doesn’t have actual feelings for him… Yes, I just couldn’t help but love the easy way Lucy and Will got along with each other, and the plain fact that it was just easy.

Robin and Perry (Lucy’s boyfriend) were interesting in a different way. Perry was supposed to be someone her parents would easily forget so that when Robin “broke up with him”, it wouldn’t matter. But Perry doesn’t do forgettable, so instead, the whole family ends up falling for him when they meet him, and that leads to Robin trying to find ways to sabotage this growing relationship Perry seems to be having with her family, though things don’t go quite how she expects them to.

I did find the characters to be endearing, and enjoyed their interactions with each other. I especially liked Perry’s character. He was surprisingly kind and thoughtful when you least expected it, and though I won’t go too deep into his role due to spoilers, I will say that he was definitely a big part in helping Robin figure some important things out.

In conclusion, I really did like this book (though I had to knock off a star because of how long it took me to finish this book because I’d had a hard time wanting to get back to it when I’d put it aside for the day) and the whole rom/com aspect of it. I really feel like this book would be the perfect screenplay for a chick flick, and being that I’m a sucker for chick lit and chick flicks, I’d totally watch it.

I would definitely recommend this to you if you’d enjoyed the movie The Holiday, since it invokes similar feels.

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This is a forgettable piece of chick lit that wasn't bad but doesn't make me want to shout about it from the rooftops. The plot is cute enough but in the end it's frustrating to watch two ostensible adult women with professional careers put themselves in this situation because they are unwilling to have a frank discussion about boundaries with their families.

Robyn needs to tell her folks to stop being so judgmental when she dates artsy types (like they themselves are!) and Sidney needs to stop working for her father's firm because he is a toxic workaholic with impossible standards (you can't constantly go on about keeping your personal and professional lives separate and work shoulder to shoulder with your intrusive and manipulative dad, Sidney).

The book otherwise meanders to its inevitable conclusion with a few chuckles from me, but in the end I wouldn't recommend it for your holiday rom-com reading pleasure. Just watch the Hallmark movie that must exist with the same plot.

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I didn't really enjoy this book. In fact, I would have stopped reading about 25% through, but felt I should finish it because I received the book from NetGalley for my review.

The premise of the story was kind of fun, but Sidney was horrible. I have to like the main characters, and she was very unlikable. She was selfish, self-centered, and manipulative. On the other hand, Robyn seemed sweet and kind. Will seemed nice and easy going. Perry was a bit self-centered but, he was also easy going and kind to Sidney's family.

The other thing I didn't like was the language. A lot of talk about "physical attributes" and at times the language was crude. I was looking for a sweet, clean romance. Don't get me wrong, there was nothing graphic, just not my cup of tea.

By the end of the book, Sidney was growing up and trying to be better. Everything worked out and I did like the ending.

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Loved this book. It was hilarious at times and I did not want to put it down. Three young successful women are drinking some wine and discussing the up coming Christmas holidays. Sidney and Robyn are both going home to spend time with their parents and are reluctantly planning on taking their boyfriends. Sidney is dating an attorney and she doesn't want her father to talk business the whole time and Robyn is dating an "out of work/hasn't quite made it yet" actor and her parents don't like him. These two and their mutual friend hatch a plan to swap boyfriends for the holidays. The swap doesn't turn out quite the way they planned. This was contemporary romance at it's finest.

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