Member Reviews

My favorite of some recent business-related titles, REAL IMPACT, is written by Morgan Simon who has an impressive background in finance and social justice. She serves on several advisory boards and is an adjunct professor at Middlebury. Here, she extols the possibilities for impact investing -- that is, the trillion dollar trend of investing both for profit and for social benefit. As an activist, she writes not only about good intentions involved, but also about the flaws in the current system (e.g., free market plus charity, microfinance, fair trade efforts). Then, Simon proposes a new, transformative model (based on principles like "engage communities in design, governance, and ownership," "add more value than you extract," and "fairly balance risk and return between investors, entrepreneurs, and communities") and provides stories of specific impact investment projects. She addresses her comments to portfolio managers and to the general public interested in using their money to do good, inviting readers to use REAL IMPACT as "an opportunity to reflect deeply on what having real impact can mean to your work." Including her own experiences and emphasizing the importance of community level research makes this an engaging, appealing read, especially to young people interested in the field

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