Member Reviews

Otherworld is a fully immersive game, where the participant leaves behind both reality and their physical bodies, in their entirety. Eager gamer, Simon, filches his funds to join, from his wealthy mother's account. And with this further strain added to his real-world relations his desire to return becomes increasingly enthusiastic. But what is at first a fun and addictive new game soon turns into something that will turn both his reality and his virtuality on its head.

I knew nothing more about this novel other than it focused on virtual reality, and that was enough for me to be excited. The sections that actually did so were five star reads, for me. I found this fascinating, complex, and surreal. It also felt authentic, and the words acted on the reader as the transportive technology did for the characters, so enraptured did I become in this fantastical sphere. The traditional free-roaming world, as well as the task-centred gaming elements, made this both a fun and fascinating read.

The parts that were rooted in the real world were enjoyable but just not as intriguing. They appeared more thriller-esque in tropes and plot device. This was interesting but not what I had anticipated and, unfortunately, paled in comparison to the former sections.

I found these saturated in information that I struggled to fully grasp. There was a distance to the sci-fi elements but additional political aspects were added, which culminated in the overwhelmed feeling I experienced during my reading of these parts. There were many threads to disentangle, for Simon and the reader to learn the truth, and I was consistently forgetting corporation and character names, and which knot I was currently working on.

I was constantly eager to return to the virtual reality and what was first this novel's defining feature became its ultimate downfall, when I found I could not do so as much as freely as I would have liked.

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Okay, full disclosure: although I love a dystopia and I love Jason Segel, this book is Not For Me. I'm not much of a gamer, I don't particularly like violence in my media, and I like my female characters to be a bit more well rounded than Kat's character is. But I can see this book being FANTASTIC for teenage boys, and frankly anything that can get more teenage boys to read is brilliant in my eyes. So from me, 3 stars, but for the right audience, 4 stars. Perfect for fans of the Maze Runner.

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Review will be published on the 28th of October, 2017

Why is it always so hard to articulate how much you loved something? The more I like something, the less comprehensive my reviews are so today I'm going to just go back to the basics and write a list of reasons I loved Otherworld. (And hope that you just take my word for it because this book is amazing).

1. The Otherworld

Otherworld is the name of a virtual reality "game" that Simon enters during the book. He sticks on a visor thing and gloves and boots and then suddenly he feels like he's in the middle of a game. At first I imagined it as getting dropped in the middle of nowhere but it turns out you get to create your avatar and then everyone starts in a city and can do whatever they want there. Explore the other realms, fight the creatures that live in the Otherworld or take part in the underground orgy.... I wish I was joking.

I was fascinated by Otherworld. An alternate reality in a game that's so real... It raised some interesting thoughts. A world where you can do anything you're too afraid to do in the real world? It sounds insanely cool, but obviously it comes with a lot of problems. People become addicted to the "fake" world and in this particular case, Otherworld came with all sorts of bugs (literally) including the AI in the game being a little too good and self aware.

2. Simon

CBS shocked vr surprised virtual reality GIF
Simon was the most fascinating protagonist. He was flawed and he was slightly crazy and messed up, but he was loyal and funny. He was human. It's been a while since I've read a book with a character that has so many layers like Simon did. I may be slightly obsessed with him.

3. It was a journey

an unexpected journey GIF
Otherworld was full of twists and turns and ups and downs. I could not stop reading. It was fast paced and I almost felt like I was there with Simon and his friends. That's how you know it's really good book, when you feel like you're right there experiencing the action with the rest of the characters and you can't turn the pages fast enough.

4. There were some truly evil characters

In Otherworld you could do whatever you wanted to do and be whoever you wanted to be with pretty much no consequences which brought out some pretty evil characters. Is that what would happen to people if there were no consequences? Would it really bring out the filth in humanity like that? I don't know, I hope not, but probably. Anyway, my point is that evil characters are sometimes the most interesting characters.

5. I read it in one day

This book hooked me.... I felt almost like the players of Otherworld... I read this book in a day and didn't do much else during that time. Luckily I was able to get up during that time to eat and do other things so I didn't wake up in a pile of my pee (and poo) like Simon often did.

But seriously, just take my word for it! Buy this book ASAP! It comes out on the 31st of October and you need to read it!! The only problem I have is how long I'm going to have to wait for the next book... I hate waiting.

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This. Book.

It basically took all the things I loved about book #1 multiplied them tenfold, added all the things that were missing from book #1 and then handed them to me wrapped in a phenomenal story!

I love a sequel that takes everything you learned in book #1 and then just fully pulls the rug out from under your feet. It's the perfect way to shake things up and to move away from the difficulties a first book often presents. I adored the storyline of this book. It was everything I have ever wanted and I have no idea how Kristoff might top it in later books.

Mia is an amazing character as always and only becomes more relatable through the romance plot in this book (I can't say because spoilers but if you have read it just comment 'I KNOW' because it's so amazing). However, it is the addition of new characters that I truly appreciated. Mr Kindly suddenly has to deal with another companion in Mia's shadow and it's the perfect balance of humour and grit. But the companions Mia meets in relation to the games are equally complex and well rounded as her, it's so well fleshed out I feel like you could have an entire spin-off novella about any one of these characters.

If the gore in Nevernight was what put you off, I would maybe avoid this book. It's almost certainly more gory than it's predecessor. I personally feel that it fits with the tone of the book, that certain irreverence it has fits with a lack of censoring violence. But I can see some people not liking that so consider yourselves fair warned.

This is one of my most anticipated reads of 2017 and it certainly didn't let me down. Well done Jay, now I just have to start pacing the room waiting for Obsidio to come in the post!

My rating: 5/5 stars

As I say, I received a digital advanced review copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley but also purchased it for myself. All opinions are my own.

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Good read. Engaging characters and plot. End was not great but allows for a follow on book which would be good.

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I picked up this book as many of the reviews likened it to Ready Player One which being a nerdy child of the 70s was a pure nostalgia hit for me. Although Otherworld is based on VR and AI gaming tripping into the “real” world, that’s where the similarity between the two books end.
This is more obviously a teen/young adult novel that sets the scene well in the first of a new trilogy by Segel. It reads like it was written for adaptation with all the ingredients of a great film – dysfunctional families, love interest, gorgeous female character, masses of CGI capability etc. I enjoyed it – it is a quick read, quite youthful in tone, but draws you in nonetheless.
It didn’t have that unique cult-status that I was expecting so although I was disappointed not to be blown away by it, I’ll definitely read the rest of the series.

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I've been getting around to finally reading some of the Netgalley books I have downloaded. 'Otherworld' was one of these books (the other two weren't decent enough to warrant a full review).

I've read Kirsten Miller before but not Jason Segel and have to say that this isn't he kind of book I usually read. However, I thought it was brilliant, after reading two not-so-good books from Netgalley, this surpassed my expectations.

So, the book is about a guy called Simon, he's in love with his best friend Kat. Kat, for some reason, won't talk to Simon but he knows something bad is going on with her. When Kat is involved in an accident and Simon is told she has locked-in syndrome with small chance of recovery, Kat is enrolled into a Beta Testing programme which enables Kat to access a virtual reality. However, nothing is as it seems, Kat starts screaming (even though this is medically impossible) and Simon decides to go into the virtual reality himself to find her and finally discover what's going on.

This book had A LOT of twists and turns (which I love in a book) and it was a little kooky in places. It had a really fun narrative that changes to have a slightly harsher edge the longer Simon is inside Otherworld. It's clear the game is changing him and we have to question his sanity, especially by book two.

Simon's antics at the start of the book are very funny, I honestly didn't know where the book was going when I started it - having downloaded it a long time ago and forgetting the synopsis. Another thing I'm curious about is the appearances of Simon's grandfather. Is this further proof of his insanity?

The book raises a lot of moral questions - would you sacrifice a dozen lives to improve the lives of billions? I like the fact that it makes the reader question what is it that makes our reality real, when to the 'children' in the Otherworld their world is a reality. It also calls into question life and sentience. Overall, some very interesting concepts are looked at.

The only negative I found with this book really, was that the ending was very abrupt. I didn't know what to make of it really. It wasn't quite a cliff-hanger, it wasn't a neat, ominous, ending. It was just a normal sentence with no indication the end was near and the effect was jarring. Of course, this could have been intentional, to mimic the jarring effect the characters experience going from reality to reality, like the readers have done with the books universe and their reality.

Overall, I really liked this book and can't wait for the next instalment.

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I’m always looking for books which the gamer guys, the Ready Player One guys will enjoy, this book fits the bill really well. In the same way as RPO you are immersed in the game with competing with other players. You’ve left your body behind and you are in the virtual reality of a world which feels completely real. It is very cleverly done, scene after scene with a very real feeling, an almost breathless ride, action pushing forward all the time. There is a lot of tension between the characters, mystery and mayhem are all taking place in a breathless rush.

There is such a lot going on that it gets a bit relentless at times. It has a feel of a book which is written for a specific audience and which nails that well, but at the same time there is a slight feeling of emptiness. Maybe the characters could have been developed a bit more. Simon’s obsession at all costs, even to constantly endangering his life for the sake of his friend are at times unbelievable. There is a huge conspiracy, bad doctors and dodgy hospitals all over the place, Simon in in the game and trying to save his friend. There is a lot going on. I got a bit over the relentless struggles inside the game but I can imagine that these would be thrilling for the target audience of teenage boys.

Given it is labelled #1 it is obvious there is going to be another and I’ll definitely be buying this for our library.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me access to this title.

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This book is being sold as being similar to Ready Player One but it doesn't feature the 80s nostalgia of RPO so potentially has more appeal especially to younger readers. The two authors have crafted a tale that doesn't rely over heavily on the virtual world aspect and stands alone. The virtual world is also more than a gimmick but actually raises interesting questions about our world in a non annoying way. This should be a successful series.

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I enjoyed this book and I will definitely be picking the next book in the series up as soon as it comes out. I thought this book was fairly well structured and centred around a quest (which I enjoyed as it mirrored a video gaming experience). I thought this book did well at solving part of the conflict whilst still leaving questions to be answered and things to do in later novels. I sometimes felt that this book was a bit too drawn out and there were certain scenes that I thought should have been cut. The main character is interesting and I definitely felt invested in his story. The book relies fairly heavily on tropes and this is especially apparent in the characters of the 'bad guys'. Overall, I thought this book was fun so I would recommend it.

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A fast-paced and wish-fulfilment Ready Player One for people who don't fetishise 1980's.

Simon Eaton is kind of a bum. Born to rich, apathetic parents, he takes nothing seriously. Until his best friend becomes comatose after an accident he witnesses, and he learns she's trapped inside a computer simulation. Simon vows to go in after her, and in the process uncovers a conspiracy that puts him, Kat, and a host of other characters in grave danger.

The concept behind Otherworld isn't original, but it doesn't quite stray into the self-indulgent fantasies of Ready Player One. However, it does maintain a lot of problematic tropes: there is a definitive damsel in distress, an older woman and a PoC are sacrificed to help the hero complete his journey, oversexualised female characaters exist. If you're a reader who can put aside these issues, then you're in for a gruesome, clever, and deftly-plotted ride. But sadly for me, I couldn't enjoy it quite as much because of it.

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Excellent book. Great main characters and a real page turner. I loved the plot and would recommend this book.

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This is a clever book. For many people a virtual reality is pure escapism. Who doesn't love to be whoever they want to be in another awesome world for just a few hours. And imagine if you could use that virtual reality for more than just escape. The potential is endless, and the same is true for the creative world building of this story.

This is fast paced, always progressing and had some creepy (scarily believable) dark twists which will make you think twice about the true appeal of leaving your reality behind for those few hours. The characters take a bit of a back seat compared to the amazing world building, but you absolutely will want to know how it can be possible for one boy to free a girl from locked in syndrome (effectively an aware coma).

Whilst some of the themes have been seen before, this book is still a fun read - Virtual reality doesn't seem quite so virtual anymore!

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