Member Reviews

Cold as Ice by Julie Mulhern: Poor Ellison, disaster is her operational directive, it seems. And she comes across more murders than you can shake a stick at! The nostalgia of the 70s had me thinking of music, food, fun of the times and totally relating to the storyline. Mulhern slays with #6 in this Country Clb series.

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A great book by a fantastic author. The writing is excellent and the mystery keeps you turning the pages. Characters are well developed. Highly recommend.

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Cold as Ice
(The Country Club Murders #6)
by Julie Mulhern

Kindle Edition, 268 pages
Published October 17th 2017 by Henery Press

Goodreads synopsis:
Ellison Russell’s life resembles a rollercoaster ride. And rollercoasters make her ill. Her daughter Grace has a crush on a boy Ellison doesn’t trust and she’s taken to hosting wild parties when Ellison goes out for the evening. Worse, the bank which represents Grace’s inheritance from her father may be in trouble.

When a meeting with the chef at the country club leads to the discovery of a body, Ellison can’t afford cold feet. She must save the bank, find the killer, and convince Grace (and herself) that powerful women don’t need men to rescue them.


4.5 Stars

I always enjoy visiting the Country Club murders series. It is one of my favorite series worlds. If had never started reading ARCs I don’t think I would have ever found it. Anarchy is definitely my favorite fictional detective. I am not sure what it is that pushes him over top. Could be the name or the fact that he is still sort of a mystery man even in book six.

Who knew the country club set could be so devious. Well, I guess we always knew but knowing Ellison will find the bodies just seems to bring out the bad in them all and it spills over into murder.

Ellison is meeting with a chef at the country club when the sous chef unlocks the freezer and finds a dead body. Technically, Ellison didn’t find it but everyone still blames her for it, especially her mother. The woman is so sigh inducing. Then days later another woman is found dead in her car and Ellison does find her. Maybe she is just a murder magnet.

An underlying storyline is featuring Tom Michaels and how his gambling put the bank Ellison owns into jeopardy. Of course, the first dead body is Tom’s wife, Laurie. So, it figures into the mystery at some point.

The ending had me sad. I don’t like Anarchy to come away angry. I want that happily ever after, dang it! Maybe I could travel back to 1974 and comfort the man.

Another great offering from Julie Mulhern! This is one of my favorite cozy mystery worlds. Take a gander and check it out. I am sure you will love it as much as I do.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.

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In all honesty I almost put the book down because I didn't realize it was set in the 70's and while I was around then I don't really remember it well because of my age. I am happy that I stuck to it and got into the story. A great story it was and an excellent series so now I need to go back and read the other 5 books. Imagine coming from a VERY well to do family, a family who would look down on you if you wore white after Labor Day. Now imagine what they think when you keep finding dead bodies. Oh my goodness what will they say at the Country Club? Ellison could really care less what they would say because all she cares about is making sure justice prevails and that her daughter's legacy, the bank doesn't go belly up. She is going to need to be careful that she doesn't go belly up because hunky detective Anarchy (LOVE that name) Jones might not be there to save her especially if she isn't supposed to be asking questions and doesn't tell him what she learns... Can't wait to read the next installment!

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First thing about this great series - make sure to read them in order (this is #6) so you get the most out of the growth of both characters and their relationships. I remember the 70's and it makes me laugh often as I go along with Ellison, her daughter Grace and the rest of the cast. Ellison is a magnet for corpses. The body may be chilled in the walk in freezer but things are really heating up in Ellison's crazy world. Her daughter, Grace, is dating a boy who may just be a cad (like her ex husband), Grace's financial future is in peril thanks to something shifty goings on at the bank and then there is dealing with her own mother, Thanksgiving plans.....Ellison is juggling way too much and just wants to spend some calm, quality time with her favorite 'man', Mr. Coffee. Instead she dives in with her usual vigor to get to the bottom of who killed the lady on ice.

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I really enjoy this series but this was not my favorite of the series. The characters and the setting are fun. The mystery takes place during Thanksgiving and there is plenty of snow and cold. The author really gets the spirit of the 70s. The mystery was good and there were enough suspects to keep it interesting. I was surprised by the solution. However the characters do need to start growing. Ellison needs to start having more important relationships than one with her Mr. Coffee. I was disappointed in the ending and way she treated Anarchy. It was a quick read and I will read more. This series should be read in order. Enjoy

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4.5 stars! I love this series that takes place in the 70s. If is so wonderful to see families spend time together without cell phones, video games etc. taking the place of face to face communication. Once again, Ellison and her daughter Grace go back and forth from eye rolling to hugs. Having a sixteen year old daughter brings a lot of angst into her life. When Grace goes out to dinner with handsome detective Anarchy Jones, Grace allows Trip, her newest beau and what he things is god's gift to women, over with a few friends. It quickly turns into a wild party with kids spilling onto the lawn and in every room in the house. When Grace turns Trip down, he finds Dawn, his old girlfriend, whom he uses for what he wants. When the police are called, Ellison and Anarchy head to the house where Ellison is shocked to see what is going on. She hopes this will wise up her lovely daughter to Trip, but she does not want to forbid their relationship. Fast forward to Ellison finding Trip's mother dead a few days later at the Country Club. Add in some financial worries, embezzling, the usual partying and drinking of the Country Club set, and you are in for a delightful story.

Ellison has this unique ability to stumble or be in the immediate area when dead bodies are found, and this story has her find two. She is a pretty together lady most of the time. She is taking care of her daughter, trying to date and decide who to date, is an accomplished artist and in this book gets involved in a situation at the bank that was left to her daughter by her dead ex-husband. She has her moments with "Mr. Coffee" her sounding board, but is quite a strong woman. I admire her guts, brains and even her parenting skills. Grace is your typical sixteen year old. She thinks her mother is old fashioned and doesn't really know what it is like to be a teenager. Between rolling her eyes and slamming doors, she really is listening to what her mother says and makes pretty good decisions for the the most part. The typical first love scenario where her heart is broken then miraculously healed, only to be broken again is well handled. I love how she deals with the attempted suicide of a classmate. Anarchy is wonderful. He cares for Ellison and deals with her foibles well. He worries about her investigating crimes and that she will be injured. He does get frustrated when he feels she is interfering with his investigation though. I really want these two to get together. I think they are real good for each other. This was quick read, I didn't want to go to bed last night until I finished. This is a mystery with a lot of humor and family drama thrown in for good measure. Thanksgiving Dinner will have you laughing and praying that you never have one like it. This is a wonderful addition to the series and if you are a cozy mystery lover, especially where there is also humor, you will love this one.

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Another cozy treat to spend a few hours with Ellison Russell and her gang. It was a good couple of hours to spend time in this nostalgic mid seventies series. Ellison and her body finding ability has landed her in another murder mystery. Cold as Ice is perhaps best of them all so far as the Ellison's relationships with her daughter and mother have grown and changed over the series. Ellison has grown into her own self and can stand up to her mother more confidently. Her daughter Grace is a teenager with her eye rolling and defiance. An absolute delight to read.

I would like to thank Henery Press and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this e-galley for my honest review.

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Julie Mulhern never fails to delight. Ellison is a protagonist who is relatable, funny, and tenacious. When she discovers that her daughter has thrown a wild party while she is out for the evening, the fun is just beginning. She then learns that it's up to her to uncover the secrets that can potentially bring down the bank is the security for Grace's future. Don't miss this book!

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This is another great series that I love. A recently widowed woman with a teenage daughter who lives the country club life and somehow, someway keeps running into mysteries and murders.

A fun, entertaining, cozy mystery series that has never failed to disappoint me.

Thanks to Henery Press and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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I imagine I would have liked this book better if I had read the previous books in this series, but seeing as how I started with this one, it just didn't click for me. The writing was more like what I would see in a young adults journal than in a wealthy buisnesswoman's head.

This story just felt disjointed and left me with the feeling that I was an outsider to an inside joke.

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This is the first mystery I've read that wasn't set in present time. It was set in 1974 (which having been in high school then I completely know that decade lol) and was interesting to read about people using desk phones or pay phones--or seeing commercials I remember from that era.

Ellie is a different type protagonist than I'm used to as well seeing how she's well off, belongs to a country club and actually does her paintings not in addition to a main job. It was a really interesting read and now I want to start at the series beginning so I can get a little more acquainted with the story line to date. The author does a great job of catching a person up without letting out too many details about the previous books and I always appreciate that.

The mystery was a good one, a decent amount of suspects and quirky characters that I definitely didn't guess the killer in this one. Ellie and Anarchy make a nice couple but after reading the ending I'm so hoping the next book is coming soon! I do want to get more caught up on this series.

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My first read by this amazing author!! I will definitely be reading more!!

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While I love Ellison and this cozy series, this one was sadly my least favorite so far. I don't know if it was because it's the sixth book I've read so the core storyline is getting a little tiring or if it was the plot or just the combo of the two. I'd read the 7th to see if it was a fluke because I do still find Ellison charming and want to see how her love life turns out!

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another great bookin the Country Club Murders Humorous Mystery Series. Suspense and humor a great mix, easy and fun to read

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Cold as Ice follows a single mom who keeps finding dead bodies wherever she goes. The only problem is now these bodies are her friends and the police are starting to get worried about how she is always around when they are found.
Add in that the latest bodies are connected to her in a round about way, and things start to look a little suspicious. If it wasn't for her small relationship with a detective, I'm sure she would have been a suspect.

Personally I never really got into the story. The characters were okay, and the story itself was a good mystery, but it just wasn't one that I had to keep reading all the time. The way the main character just kept going into these situations and investigating things on her own, instead of listening to the detective and using her brain got annoying by the end. Then she was the one that was upset because the detective just didn't want to be apart of her life anymore. Like really.. he told you not to and he's probably risking his own job to help you not be investigated.

The only side characters I liked were the main characters daughter and house keeper. Everyone else I found to be extremely superficial and catty.

I don't think I'm going to continue with this series.

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Thank you NetGalley and Henery Press for my copy of Cold As Ice- Book #6 in The Country Club Murders. This was my first Julie Mulhern novel, but it won’t be the last!

Ellison Russell has a problem; her late husband’s bank is in danger of foreclosure, which would ruin her teenage daughter’s legacy, and she keeps finding bodies.

Dead ones.

Set in nineteen seventy-four Kansas City, Mulhern brings the era to life with witty dialogue, a rich cast of characters, and a handsome police detective, Anarchy Jones. (Love, love that name!)

The story touches on real life issues such as adultery, family dynamics, and teen pregnancy.

Favorite lines:

Hope is the cruelest of emotions.

The jagged shards of dreams I didn’t know were mine swirled around me. They pricked my armor, my skin, my heart.

I give Cold As Ice 5+ lovely kisses. This is a must read novel!

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Cold As Ice

by Julie Mulhern

At 6:30 on a Friday evening, Ellison Russell sensed Disaster, but what about her daughter going on a date to see Benji with a handsome, polite young man from their social group or her attending a cocktail party with her best friend Libba? Who could have foretold the disastrous sequence of events that would occur over the next several days?

As expected, Cold As Ice, Julie Mulhern’s sixth novel in the Country Club Mystery Series is a winner. It jumps right into the current story while catching up readers who are new to the series. With a lot of legitimate suspects, Ellison stays busy following leads as she tries to save a failing bank which is her daughter’s inheritance from Ellison’s licentious, now dead, husband and negotiate landmines in her relationships with her domineering mother and her teenage daughter. Meanwhile two love interests, a lawyer and a detective, provide aid in her investigations while vying for her affections.

All of the investigation occurs in the midst of family chaos and is delivered with a heavy dose of wry humor. Mr. Coffee continues to be the only man Ellison can truly depend on. The setting is decorated with multiple authentic touches of the seventies. It is a book I didn’t want to put down, but I didn’t want it to end either.

I would like to extend my thanks to and to Henery Press for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 5/5

Category: Mystery, General Fiction (Adult)

Notes: # 6 in The Country Club Murders; works fine as a standalone

Publication: October 17, 2017—Henery Press

Memorable Lines:

“How was your date?” A silly question, since animated songbirds perched on her shoulders and whistled.

Perhaps the expression I allowed into my eyes stilled his tongue. It was one of Mother’s best. It spoke of impending pain and suffering and icy fury.

“Hi.” His voice was as delicious as s’mores made in the fireplace on a snow day. Melty and warm and addictive.

We need to talk. Has anything good ever followed those four words?

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This is the first book I have read in this series. Although it is book 6, I had no trouble following the storyline or understanding the protagonist's background from the previous books. The author brings the reader along with any catchup that s necessary easily and smoothly. Very soon into the book, the reader is aware that Ellison Russell, the protagonist, is an amateur sleuth not by choice but by chance. It is also very apparent that she has a knack for finding the guilty party.

In addition to murder, there is a possibility of financial ruin for her teenage daughter, and worse a cad who has designs on the same daughter. While juggling all this, there are other family relationships interwoven into the plot which keep the reader guessing and waiting to see what will happen next. The author provides extensive character development and writes with an easy flow of narrative text .

I plan to go back and catchup on this series. Also look forward to the next book in The Country Club Murders series. This is a good book and would make a great gift for the mystery buff in your life.

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Currently on a cruise ship with very expesive internet. Will write long review when I get home in January.

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