Member Reviews

this was a pretty solid paranormal mystery/thriller with no small dash of romance. the pacing was good, with action and twists preventing the story from lagging. one little gripe i had was that sometimes the romance seemed to be overly angsty and the conflict was being created for the sake of it, but overall it worked quite well.

I seem to be in agreement with many who read this. It was an ok story. The characters were likable enough, but the writing left something to be desired. For the story being written in third person I still felt that I didn't get to experience all of the story and characters. It's tricky doing third person to capture all aspects and senses of the characters in the story without it revealing everything and spoiling the story. I felt like the story was more tell than show. It made the story feel really basic when it had potential to be a really strong story. I can't say I was blown away, but I did like it well enough to want to read a book 2.

Based on the description, I was hoping for a page turning paranormal investigation. What I got instead was a typical romance. If you walk in with more realistic expectations of the romance genre, then you will probably like this book. It was solid in delivering a romance to a T, so the author displays mastery of the genre.
The main reason I rated his book with 3/5 stars is how dislikeable Cameron is. He's immature, irrational, and constantly trying to pick fights with his love interest. I guess it creates conflict but the repetition of the themes of the arguments got old.
Other than Cameron, the writing is actually pretty sold. The loose ends get tied up so you won't feel cheated by a cliffhanger but there's definitely still room for the series to expand. The prose was error free and consistent in voice. My only complaint with the exposition it that there's no time breaks, which means I had to sit through the mundane parts of Cameron's life until the story started moving.

Honestly, I wasn’t all that impressed. It was a serious case of an interesting plot let down by lackluster writing. I mean, there was just not tension in the writing and absolutely no realistic emotions. Ghosts are real…no reaction. Psychic are real…no reaction. Werewolves are real…no reaction. Someone from you past is trying to kill you…no reaction. The occult…no reaction. Demons…no reaction. Oh, but a stranger knock on your door…go bat-shit crazy aggressive on them.
Then there was the romance. Cameron and Jason’s back and forwards aggression, affection, aggression affection made no sense, was not believable and felt horribly contrived. Then it ended on a pretty week Happy For Now. I’m not sure if it even qualifies, to be honest.
Speyer did an adequate job with attachment disorder and PTSD. The book had a racially diverse cast and presented immigrants in a positive light. It also addressed some important themes like racism and discrimination against queer people. Unfortunately it did it with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, but it did it all the same.