Member Reviews

Everyone faces setbacks and adversity at points in their lives. For some, each challenge is devastating and leaves a person unable to cope while others seem to manage similar situations with more equanimity. The author of this book would posit that one’s resilience (ability to cope and bounce back) deeply influences responses. So, what is one to do if they don’t feel very resilient? Maybe take a look at this title.
The author’s perspective includes a number of therapeutic viewpoints and techniques such as positive psychology and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) among others. Readers engage with these in this workbook.
Just a few of the chapters are titled Rapid Relief Techniques, Self-Compassion, and Meaning and Purpose. Take a look, try some of the suggestions and see if they help you. They just might!
Many thanks to NetGalley and New Harbinger Publications Inc. for this title. All opinions are my own.
This title was published in 2017

Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this book. Unfortunately it’s not for me. Did not finish @ 8%.

Magnificent, valuable information and practical exercises.
I was very surprised of the author's deep knowledge on the subject, I did not know that the topic was so extensive, that it was related to so many capacities that allowed us to develop resilience. The topic is approached from different angles and thanks to this comprehensive vision the author gives us a very complete and multifaceted toolbox. Each chapter is provided with several activities and practical exercises, so that upon completion of the content we will have a large number of elements, to start practicing what is easier for us or to challenge us more.
It is a material that I highly recommend to all people, business leaders, executives, parents, educators and therapists, we can even adapt the exercises to accompany our employees, children and adolescents. In summary, resilience is an emotional, cognitive and sociocultural ability to recognize, face and constructively transform situations that cause us harm or suffering. Early childhood is a crucial stage to foster resilience for favorable development. Resilience brings us great advantages in our lives, it can also be developed at any age and under any circumstance. It is one of the crucial ingredients for personal development that empowers us to feel more comfortable with ourselves, enjoy a healthy and happy life. The complex world in which we live is changing rapidly and the uncertainty is great, in this context the resilience of organizations, communities and groups facilitates the shift towards sustainability.
My appreciation to the Publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to review the book

nice ideas even if i think that it is not actually that helpful for anyone that has suffered through real and deep issues, it is a good book for anyone that has been struggling with smaller things and wants to learn to deal with them in a better and healthier way.

Quite a good book though I had trouble finishing the whole thing, so I am not sure how useful it actually is as one would assume that it would teach me enough resilience to finish the book. I think I need to give it a re-read.

Interesting subject matter. Insightful. Worth a read.

The Resilience Workbook is written in direct, clear, and easy to understand language. Glenn R. Schiraldi handily explains the science and relevant studies connected to resilience and builds on these concepts with exercises designed to help anyone build their own resilience. I found value in the explanations and exercises and think that a general audience would find value in them too. I appreciated the extensive list of resources and bibliography at the end of the book - I always like knowing where to find reliable, credible information to deepen my understanding of the subject.

If you are looking to improve your sense of well-being or your ability to function at home, work, or
in relationships, the Resilience Workbook is for you. It is loaded from cover to cover with new skills you can apply to your circumstances to start living a stress free life. If you have experienced stress in your life you need this book.

50% of happiness is inherited; it's in our genes. Wow. Who would have thought. That was the most interesting thing I learned from this extensive guide to building a more resilient you. Not the most important thing I learned, just one of those interesting fact.
This workbook focuses on helping you to grow your resilient. Being able to bounce back after life's many setbacks is essential to every aspect of your life, work, sports and health.
Divided into three parts to assist you in evaluating and growing resilience:
Part 1 Resilience Basics
covering your adaptable brain, arousal, rapid relief techniques, calm thinking and more
Part 2 Spiraling Upward: Growing Happiness and Positivity
covering happiness basics, gratitude, self-esteem, realistic optimism humor and more topics
Part 3 Thriving: Peak Functioning and Adaptive Coping
covering active coping. self-confidence, flexibility and creativity.
With charts, exercises and activities Glenn Schiraldi sets out to guide you to a stronger, better life though building a more resilient you. Giving you the "Essential Skills to Recover from Stress, Trauma, and Adversity". An interesting and informative book.

Another great addition to the growing number of self-help workbooks. Resilience is key to overcoming life's obstacles, and this is a useful tool in teaching how to do that.

A comprehensive overview of the subject of resilience along with practical applications.
Three distinctive sections cover ways to evaluate your present situation and capabilities, ways to strengthen the brain and reinforce neural pathways, proven tactics to increase happiness and offering online resources and actual exercises and actions to improve your own resilience.
Written in an easy to follow style with an abundance of verified scientific data which supports the research, this book benefits not only people looking to increase their own resilience but also anyone raising a family or working with those suffering PTSD or low self-esteem or depression.
An excellent resource to keep nearby.
I accepted this book via Netgalley. The opinions are my own. I appreciate the resources.

Good for beginners lots of sensible easy to implement suggestions

This is the best workbook I have read in its category. It covers so much! I will need to buy the hard copy since I will be doing lots of underlining and re-reading! Clear, full of information. I recommend it to everyone. This is a workbook that needs to be read with more time. Excellent! Love it!

I requested this self-help book from netgalley in order to get some tips and ideas. I have some anxiety issues and I find books like these to sometimes give me tools for both anxiety and general self-improvement. Unfortunately, the overly clinical information and tone of this book I found to be very anxiety producing and I DNF approximately 25% into this one. This seems to me to be a book to tackle if advised to do so by and with a therapist.
I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks.

In my work as a mental health nurse, resilience is something that I think about a lot, both in myself and with the clients that I see. Therefore this book is immediately something I would want to recommend to others, basely on the content topic alone. The book combines CBT, ACT, mindfulness and relaxation amongst other evidence-based techniques, to help improve and boost resilience. Importantly, these are all evidence-techniques; I would only ever recommend evidence-based techniques so I was very pleased to see the use of these approaches within this book.
The book helpfully starts with an overview of the topic of resilience, with a checklist rating scale in order to see where your resilience levels sit at the start of reading the book.
This book covers so much content, including scientific grounding to a lot of the theory of resilience, pointers and tips to boost your resilience, and much much more. I am so impressed with it, and will be using the techniques myself as well as recommending some to others. It is a very long book with a whole wealth of information, but fortunately it's one that you can read as a book in itself, or dip in and out of the chapters as you see necessary. What a brilliant read.