Member Reviews

This was a really cute kid's book! I know I'm biased by my love of Hedgehogs, but it was adorable. The story and illustrations were both superb.

Thank you to NetGalley and Rock Point books. What an adorable little book. We fell in love with hedgies years ago, and we had one through his little life of 5 years. If you love hedgehogs, or if you have a child who loves animals this is a fun addition to any library!

Hedgehog Wisdom: Little Reasons to Smile by Carolyn Parker is based on the popular Huffy Hedgehogs Instagram. The book is filled with pictures of the most adorable prickly pets as they dress up, chow down, and make you laugh out loud, all while promoting positive thinking and good vibes. Though spiny, huffy, and timid, these little pincushion creatures are too sweet for words, and will win your heart in no time!
Hedgehog Wisdom: Little Reasons to Smile is a fun and sweet little book that offers simple but true advise about happiness, mindfulness, and being yourself along with pictures of Hodge Huffington and Marshmallow Fluff the hedgehogs in the middle of various poses and activities. Humor and sincere goodwill flow through out he book and made me aww more than once. The result is cute, fun, and sweet. It is enough to lift the heart after a rough day (or week) and is worth glancing through when you need a smile or moment of cute.

This is full of cute little hedggy pictures and little reasons to smile. It will make you smile.

This was a very cute and quick read. The pictures were my favorite part. Sometimes the words that went with the pictures didn't quite gel together, but it wasn't too bad. My sympathies to the author with the loss of her one hedgehog. I had two and both have since passed. They are adorable and sweet pets. Never here long enough.
This is more of a 3.5 than 3 star book, but no half star options and it wasn't quite a four star. Recommended more in book form, to better see the pictures with the wording that goes along with the pictures. It would make a good stocking stuff type gift for those who like hedgehogs, either owning or looking at. The book did produce smiles in me, so definitely a cute one. I'm a big mush when it comes to animals, but who isn't really? Definitely recommend a look through and as a gift idea for the animal lover you may know.
My thanks to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group - Rock Point for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.

Very cute! This would be a great little gift for someone who loves hedgehogs.

This is the book to get if you love hedgehogs or know somebody who does. The pictures are adorable. The words sometimes are a little too cheerful and upbeat, but that's often the case in a book like this. This would be a good book to get for someone who only gets to read in fits and starts.

This book has some cute images of two little African Hedgehogs but the book really reminded me of the style and type of book that you find in gift shops or garden centres that get given as birthday or Christmas presents. It has a few good quotes but I did expect more from it. Good as a gift for some but not something you'd read more than once - and if I'm honest, not something personally I'd give as a gift either.

With the exception of some very cute pictures of hedgehogs this can be considered a useless Book.

I loved this book! It's full of adorable photos of the hedgehogs, in between pages with good advice and pick me ups. Certainly made me smile and I will be buying copies for my fellow hedgehog loving friends.

Carolyn Parker embraced a rising internet trend (using cute animals to cheer people up) by introducing us to her hedgehogs: Hodge Huffington and Marshmallow Fluff. The entire book is an adorable photo of either Hodge or Marshmallow alongside a little snipbit bit of advice.
It's definitely a kitschy little book, but adorable nonetheless, and will make a great gift for someone who just needs a reminder to smile.

Cute but not cute enough.The words of wisdom were all things that have been said a million times before, with nothing original or funny to make them interesting. And dont ask me how they did it, but a couple of times they managed to make hedgehogs appear quite ugly.

5☆ Fab feel good quotes, Adorable pictures
Absolutely loved reading Hedgehog Wisdom, Full of positivity and adorable pictures of Huff and Marshmallow Fluff.
Unfortunately Huff is no longer with us, so I felt even more privalaged to be sharing he's gorgeous pictures and being part of something very special.
The feel good positive quotes featured some very clever references to our hedgehog pals Huff and Fluff.
Several of the Quotes were followed by the most beautiful photographs to accompany the quotes.
For example...
Quote....Being Yourself
* ' You can't be everyone's cup of tea
That's why I prefer my tea to be spiked.
It keeps the hedge - I mean the edge-off.
Be yourself and smile at the people who love you for everything that you are.' *
On the next page is a gorgeous picture of a hedgehog I think is Huff sitting in a teacup with the biggest hedgehog smile!!
I adore hedgehogs and wish there was more about. So when I see this book I just knew I had to read it!
What's not to love... adorable photographs and Quotes that make you smile and laugh out loud!. A very special book. Which I feel privalaged to have read!
My only slight concern is my digital copy appeared to have a blank white page on several of the pages. This is more likely to be a technical problem. Although this is a copy before publication I'm sure the problem will be fixed by then.
It didn't hinder my enjoyment at all as there was plenty of pictures to enjoy.
However i have a feeling this book is going to do very well.
A perfect gift for someone who enjoys wildlife, cute animal pictures, loves hedgehogs, really enjoys positive feel good quotes accompanied by incredibly cute pictures!
Highly recommend!

This is a novelty idea for a book based on two very sweet pigmy hedgehogs! The pictures are absolutely adorable, with more than enough to satisfy your need for cuteness. The layout is great, with lots of colourful patterns and I particularly look how the photos have been made in places to look as though they are polaroids. There are lots of topics covered with some handy motivational quotes, all with some degree of play on words to make reference to animals or hedgehogs. Short, sweet wisdom which would make a great gift.

This is an adorable gift book. Whether you're buying it for yourself or someone else, you can't help smiling at the innate cuteness of Huff and Puff, the two models in Hedgehog Wisdom. Accompanied by pick me ups to bring you out of a dark day or to remind you of the good in your life, you'll fall in love with these spiky fluffballs.
I received an ARC from NetGalley (thank you very much to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group - Rock Point) in exchange for honest feedback.