Member Reviews

There are definitely things I liked about this story. First and foremost, shout out to Trans+ representation in fantasy writing. I like dragons. I like witches, and I like magic. Where this story lost it for me was with the twist. I won't say anything because you may wanna read it, and I don't want to discourage that, but I wanted more. It was a bit too quick and a little too convenient. That said, I could definitely spend more time with these characters if I could get to know them better, even the villain, though I'd love some more motivation with that character..

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I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

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This was a quick and sweet read, with great diversity and a perfect fairytale twist.

So hard to believe the author hasn't yet started high school! I look forward to seeing what might come in the future.

<i>*Thank you to NetGalley and Less Than Three Press for providing me with an ARC of this ebook*</i>

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<i>I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Less than Three in exchange for an honest review.</i>

This is a short story of roughly 44 pages in length that involves a dragon, a knight, a witch, and evil. An abusive evil bastard. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

The story, even after it opened the way I expected (a witch being left out for a dragon to find), was not really at all what I thought it would be. Though why I thought it'd be any particular story, I'm not sure.

Other than what I've already stated, that the story involves a dragon, witch, knight, evil bastard, I can't really say anything more. For, you see, there are several twits to the story. Most of which keep me from elaborating on the content.

So: Well written story that was, to a certain extent, a lot more 'horrible and abusive' than I expected, but still an entertaining story (yeah, I know, horrible and abusive is not entertaining).

I'll have to keep an eye on what else this author puts out - it's not every day you read a competently written short story, turn to the afterward (wait, I think it was the 'about the author' section) and see something about how the author still lives with her parents - as she has not yet even entered high school (I might be mis-remembering how exactly that was worded).

Rating: 3.66

August 21 2017

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I received this book from NetGalley for an honest review.
It was an evenly paced tale and I enjoyed the interaction between the knight and her dragon so sweet.
For our witch to be so hated yet controlled by such an awful town leader was saddening but again very well written.
I enjoy short reads and this was great with a nice romance beginning between our main characters. I agree with other reviewers we need more from these ladies!

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I love the idea of a story about a witch and a lady knight and her dragon, that part of this story was great! However there's some animal abuse [er ...dragon abuse?] in this and while everything works out in the end it did make it a little bit hard for me to read and left me skimming some bits. It isn't particularly graphic but it still wasn't something I was wanting to read in a cute little fantasy romance story so it definitely took me out of the story a bit. However, there were some really great things going on in this story and quite a few really good twists so I would still recommend it if the dragon abuse doesn't put you off.

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