Member Reviews

I can't say how much I really, really enjoyed this book. I read it on vacation and it was a perfect read to sweep me away. This is my first book by this author and I am so excited to have discovered her. She is a fabulous story teller. I adored Tristan and envied Reina and her courage. What an extremely sexy duo. Even before they actually heated up the pages, their sexual tension was electric. Please try this book. It has secrets and history and hotness. It will keep you on your toes until the end.

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when reina st. james first encounters tristan bettencourt at a charity gala in penthouse player she is stunned by their connection. their flirtation quickly boils over to seduction, until reina recognizes his family crest and is horrified to realize that she's in bed with her future boss.

you see reina has big plans for her future, she wants to take wall street by storm. she wants one of those corner offices with the floor to ceiling windows that look out over manhattan. reina has been shut out of this world because of her background, but she also belongs to this world. and she sees the bettencourt group as a way to gain access to this world she's always yearned to be part of.

but she's not going to sleep her way into it. she wants to earn it. she's good at finance. and to muddy the waters before she even has a chance to step into the office is probably the worst thing that could have happened. when tristan realizes why reina ran he's shocked. and unsure of how to proceed because he can see her potential to be the dream employee, but he still wants her in his bed.

and they try so hard to stay away from each other, but with chemistry like theirs there is no way. and things are even more complicated because reina's past ties into some of tristan's current connections. and everything blowing up is inevitable. you can't keep the connection they have a secret. but it shouldn't be the kind of secret that destroys everything either.

and one thing i liked, is that when everything does go sideways, tristan has his moments of doubt, but he lets reina explain. and he believes her. and it's so nice when fictional characters behave like real human beings instead of total drama llamas. i appreciate it.

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There is way to much talk about the stock market and hedge funds and what not. Who cares about all these details I want to know about the people and what motivates them not what time the New Zealand stock market opens. So many details about hedge funds and funds and stock markets I thought I was reading a text book not a romance book.

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Penthouse Player is the age old story of the guy from wealth, getting involved with the girl with nothing, but with a HUGE twist, so if you are looking for a light hearted tale, where you are cheering for the underdog, this book is for you!

Tristian Xavier Bettencourt IV is determined to prove he is more than just a trust fund baby, in the shadow of the family fortune, but that he is a talented wall street titan in his own right, but when he met Reina, he knew he wanted her too!

Reina St. James is a girl that lost everything, and one that had to fight for everything she had. Being rejected by her biological father, abandoned by her mother, and though she lived with the man who had be her true father, when he passed, she was force into the shadows, so he didn't disrupt the lives of the ones that were supposed to love her.

But now Renia is finally happy! She is working for Tristian, and also in a relationship with him to, will the people who want to keep her in the shadows succeed in taking away her only joy?

Penthouse Playboy is a well written book, with great character's and big surprises. The author has managed to take a well used, almost Cinderella storyline and has reinvented it, and made it her own.

The book is a true joy to read, and I can honestly say I count put it down, which is why I give Penthouse Player 4 stars.

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Penthouse Player is a book about two strong people with broken pasts, its a mix of good and bad with a few twists and turns along the way, oh and I did I forget to say it's hot!!!
Reina is the girl nobody wanted, her mother left her with just a posit note, her biological father will not ligitmize her as his daughter and the man she knew as her father has passed away but all of these things have only made her stronger, more determined to have the life she deserves but will secrets stop her finding true love.
Tristan has a reputation of being a player, could that be because he has only ever socialised with woman who are social climbers and who are looking for a trophy husband, things are about to change when he meets Reina.
Tara Leigh is a new author to me and I have to say this looks like it's going to be a great series, the characters are strong but it's only as the story unfolds do you get to see the real Reina and Tristan, a couple that are perfect for each other. I really enjoyed this book and I love finding new authors to follow, looking forward to more in the Billionaire Bosses Series.

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I really liked this read. Reina and Tristan have great chemistry the story has plenty of drama as Reina does her best to hide her background. An entertaining read.

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I loved this book set in the world of Wall Street billionaires! The story is full of passion and intrigue, it is well written and fast-paced. I read it almost in one sitting, I could not put it down! The plot has some riveting twists and turns that kept me waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Reina St.James and Tristan Bettencourt meet at a charity fundraiser. Reina is a recent graduate and has landed a job of trainee at Bettencourt, one of the most sought-after firms in New York. As a teenager, she was fascinated by tales of mergers and acquisitions and the corner office is her ultimate professional goal. She is strong but carries some emotional baggage.

Tristan is really a wonderful character, charming and charismatic. He is a genuinely nice guy, ambitious, confident, but also tender and considerate. Heir to a banking dynasty, he is a member of the privileged elite and seems to have it all, including a close-knit family. But that doesn’t mean he’s not a hard worker. So far, he has had one goal in his professional life: make money. He has set up his own hedge fund and doesn’t want to let his family or his investors down, despite their high expectations. He is attracted to Reina, but, as his employee, she should be off limits. It would look seriously bad to be involved with a member of the staff. He can’t afford a scandal that would tarnish his reputation or result in a loss of credibility. And yet, he can’t stay away from her.

I enjoyed how Reina and Tristan’s relationship progressed. At first, Reina doesn’t want to do anything with him. One-night stands are not for her, especially not with her boss and she is determined never to count on a man for anything. She is scared of intimacy and confused by her feelings for Tristan, even though she enjoys their flirtation. But Tristan loves a challenge and he’s more than willing to fight for her.

Their romantic connection was palpable and undeniable, their banter was delicious and had me giggling and smiling. This fast-paced story was emotionally charged and showcased two strong characters forging a deep bond based on love and tenderness, amid corporate intrigue. I highly recommend it!
An advanced copy was provided by the publisher, via NetGalley.

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I loved this book! So full of action! I couldn't put it down! The characters and story are great! I loved the hero! Hot, sexy and confident. The story was such fun to read! This was the first book I've read by this author and it won't be the last!

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Reina grew up knowing she was missing something and yet she wanted it all. Now she has the chance at a job with her father's competitor, her father who denied her. No worries. This is Wall Street and Big Business. Tristan has worked hard to get where he is even if he was born into it. A chance meeting at a party and sparks and heat and oh-la-la could it get any hotter? What they don't know at the time is Tristan is Reina's boss. So many secrets but if they can get past them they will be able to overcome all. So much chemistry and heat wrapped up in this morsel.

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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If you removed half the words in this book, it would be close to a five star. But it was so wordy!!!!! I became bored and just wanted to get to the good stuff!! Barely a three star from me.

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'Penthouse Player' by Tara Leigh is the First Book in the New series called "Billionaire Bosses". This is the story of Reina St. James and Tristan Xavier Bettencourt IV.
Renia mom left her and her 'Dad' when she was a young teenager. Renia had learned through over hearing her mother that the man she left them for was actually her real dad. It seemed that he was married and Renia was what he called a 'bastard' child. Her real father has to keep up an image and doesn't want legitimate kids to know about her. So her mom never came back to see her and her 'Dad' kind of left her to her on devices. Now Renia is working towards a great career and has taken a job at Bettencourt. Renia meets Tristan at a party and they almost have a one night stand before Renia realizes who he is an takes off.
This puts a spin on her working for him and they both try to fight their attraction but can't for long.
I enjoyed their story!
"My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read."

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Reina St. James has worked her butt off over the years to get her degree and move to NY in order to get an internship with Bettencourt, a Wall Street Company that is internationally known and respected and, has a new hedge trading fund that she wants to be part of. Tristan Bettencourt IV is the head of this company and, as soon as he sets eyes on Reina, falls head over heels, as she does for him. This causes some serious problems because, Reina St. James is the illegitimate, unaccepted daughter of Gerald Van Horne, the man her mother left her and her father for because she loved her lover more than her daughter. The passion, fear, unintended neglect of personal details, constant evasion of co-workers and paparazzi and, finally, potential loss of the new hedge fund that Tristan has built from the ground up, finally brings everything to a head. I had enough trouble as it was trying to put this book down. It was glued to my fingers for the last quarter of the book aaannnnddddd ===IT WAS WORTH IT!!!!!

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If your heart has been broken by those that are suppose to love you unconditionally how can you tell when someone truly cares about you and would do anything for you? This story is more than just a Boss/Employee Relationship, its about opening yourself up to the possibility that this relationship may just be the thing that sets you right again. After countless heartbreaks from her parents Reina has a hard time with relationships, always believing that they will leave her, that she isn't good enough for anyone to truly love. But is Tristan any better? He's a playboy, and he has had his heart broken, though he won't admit that to anyone let alone himself.

Reina and Tristan have great chemistry and I really enjoyed watching them let their guards down and give themselves a chance to go for the gold. Their relationship is not an easy one at all, someone is going after Tristan, and Reina has a ton of issues, and its possible that one of them may just be Tristan's downfall.

I think Tara Leigh has a promising future ahead of her as a writer if Penthouse Player, her debut novel, is anything to go by. I look forward to reading Deal Breaker which is expected to release on November 14, 2017.

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4.5 - "I kind of like having you as my boss..." Stars!

The first book in the Billionaire Bosses Series gives us a romance with a bit of a forbidden twist, and who doesn’t love a bit of boss/employee after hours shenanigans.


I’ll be honest and say I have been giving debut authors a bit of a wide berth lately, but when a trusted friend and fellow reviewer raves about a book to me, I pay attention because she is even pickier than I am generally.

"I’m rather discriminating about the opportunities I choose to accept…"

And I am glad I did, Penthouse Player delivered everything I want in an office based romance, chemistry, banter and plenty of sexy-times. I can’t say that there as anything particularly new and unusual about Tristan and Reina’s story, but I think when you love the characters as much as I did these two, it makes a massive difference, also the author has a really engaging writing style as well, which as a reader just pulled me completely into everything that was going on.

"How about you make me an offer."

Well written, it read well, and I cannot wait to see what the author has in store for us in the future. Not too long to wait as Deal Breaker is due before the end of the year.

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Penthaus player is an interesting love story on the Wall Street. At first, I thought this book will not be for my taste a rich playboy CEO and an opportunistic social climber. But no the story is so much more after you see what is behind the strong facade and under the expensive suit you see two completely different persons. Tristian and Reina are both really great person you can not help but to fell in love with them. I loved how did author hat escalate attraction between them how they were constantly denied the pleasure and tasted just a few bread crumbs. Tristian is truly amazing character down on earth and with a great relationship with his father. And Reina her story is just sad and heartbroken but she did it, and she overcame the fear and her anger transmitted in something good, the wish for success. With Tristian, she makes a great team they are both stronger because of their love and at the end, we see that sky is the limit. Great story with an unexpected twist and a lot of suspensions.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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This was a great debut read.

"If she'd been an investment, she would have been labeled high risk, high reward, with a warning - Don't buy if you can't afford to lose."

Reina St James has fought for everything all her life. She's worked hard to carve a life out for herself and make sure she's firmly on the road to success. When a gorgeous stranger turns out to be a complication that could ruin her plans, she hotfoots it out of his apartment.

"I wanted him. Wanted him to possess me in the way I knew only Tristan could. Completely. Intensely."

Tristan Xavier Bettencourt IV is inexorably drawn to the beautiful blonde he meets at a party. He never expects to see her again after she rushes out of his apartment, and is wholly unprepared to see her at his own company as an employee. Every instinct and ounce of common sense tells him to stay away from her, but he's almost helpless to keep his distance, especially when they end up working in close proximity. However, there are secrets in Reina's past that could jeopardise their budding romance.

This was a great first offering from this author, with strong characters, a good storyline, and sexy scenes.

Tristan is to die for! He's a solid character and everything about him is just yummy! He's driven, earnest, noble, and is willing to risk his reputation and his livelihood on a woman who has knocked him for six. Reina is stunning, smart, tough and independent. She has a deep core of vulnerability, and I loved how Tristan made her feel cherished, desired and more than worthy.

I enjoyed the plot and how the storyline played out, and look forward to the next book in the series.

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Tara Leigh is a new to me author and I have to say she has a new fan! Penthouse Player was a great read. Great pace, great writing, and wonderfully developed characters. She took a fairly common trope and spun it in a new and fresh way.

Reina St. James grew up as a dirty little secret. Her father never stepped up and claimed her. Now she's ready to make it in his world and show him she never needed him. Starting her dream job at Bettencourt, her father's main competitor in the financial world, is just the first step. Then she snags the eye of Tristan Bettencourt and everything changes.

Fantastic read and one I recommend to everyone.

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*4 Star Review*

I was really intrigued about this book starting with the blurb and the cover. I love a good "Sleeping with your Boss" trope and was going into this thinking it was going to be similar to others in the same category of romance. What I did not expect was two powerful and strong people were sort of broken from their past. Penthouse Player was sinful and very unexpected. You get the good, bad, and sexy all in one twist.

Reina trumps the Queen card of what she takes on in life. Tristan will never back down from what he wants. I really was impressed with their first encounter. Tristan saw Reina and immediately claimed her from the arms of another man. This book had the high and lows. It was a true emotional rollercoaster.

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This is a new author for me and although the storyline has been used countless times I really enjoyed it

I received an advanced copy from Netgalley and I voluntarily leave my own opinion

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The minute I read the blurb to Penthouse Player I absolutely could not get my hands on this book fast enough. Tristan and Reina were everything you would want in a hero and heroine. He was alpha to the core and so determined to get the girl at first glance regardless of their circumstances. In addition, Reina was a spitfire who gave as good as she got and who clearly could bring him to his knees. I absolutely loved this novel and could not get enough!

After an explosive night together, Reina St. James finds out that the mysterious and exciting lover she has an immediate connection with is elusive and mysterious Tristan Xavier Bettencourt IV, powerful hedgefund manager, Wall Street Royalty and her new boss. Will they be able to put their one night of passion behind them or will the combustible chemistry between them consume both of their careers?

I really enjoyed this novel. It was fast-paced and sexy and such a compelling read. I really loved Reina. She was determined and steadfast in her dreams and goals for herself and would not be a dirty little secret that her parents have forced her to be. I love that she was strong and sassy and the perfect match to Tristan. This novel had a tad bit of the taboo/forbidden aspect of an office romance (employee/boss), but it was so much more. This was an incredible debut from this author and I can't wait for more! Bravo! 4 stars! ~Ratula

I would like to thank Netgalley and SMP Swerve for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review.

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