Member Reviews

Why can't you just be yourself? Reina is tired of hiding, she just wants to be accepted for who she is and hopefully this is her time. She is just about to start a new job and she has worked so hard to get there and nothing can get in her way. Tristan wants to take the company to the next level and he knows that even more will be at stake and he is ready for it. But once they meet the sparks fly and they almost lose their heads but Reina realizes who Tristan is before it is too late. He can't understand why she has to leave things were just getting hotter.
Reina was hoping that Tristan won't make a fuss about their night together, they have to work together and she has so much that she needs to hide from him. But they can't keep away from each other and they start a hot relationship but Reina needs to keep it on the down low as she can't let people see them together as she knows that it will get back to her family and they will destroy Tristan. But before she can tell him about her past, he finds out and it always kills him as she is the one for him. Can he ever believe her now? Where to from here for them do they find that happiness together or will he walk away for good? A great read intense hotness. I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley & the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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Tara Leigh took a classic plot, a hedge fund heir and his employee/trainee, and gave it depth and background. Tristan Xavier Bettencourt IV meets Reina St. James at a charity fundraiser. The sparks flew and caught fire burning everything in their way until Reina finds out that Tristan is actually her boss.

Of course the problems preventing them being together isn't just that. Reina comes with dark secrets and vulnerabilities while Tristan has his own issues to deal with. Fighting the temptation to be together proves impossible.

"Denying the heat between us was futile, so why was I fighting it?"

"But when it came right down to it-real intimacy scared the hell out of me. I wanted to keep my guard up, keep my mask on, except Tristan wasn't making it easy."

"What would happen when Tristan and everyone else realized that I was flying high on wings slapped to my back with scotch tape and Elmer's glue?"

"How could I convince her that we had something special,something worth fighting for, if she didn't believe it too?"

I was engaged and involved with these two and their respective backstories. I empathized with Reina. But at around 50% I got a bit weary of their introspection. We have alternative POVs and we get to see exactly how they both tick. Their issues and feelings all laid bare and while that gave them depth and a three-dimensionality, it also tired me out after a point. They would go into introspections in the middle of conversations and then answer a question. I found myself backtracking because I lost track of how the conversation started. I just wanted them to have a nice long dialog without either of them going in their heads. This was my biggest issue with this and frankly I think it comes down to personal preference so don't let me stop you from picking this one up. Especially if you like the billionaire and employee plot, with all it's drama.

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 ~~3.75 stars~~  (MORE THAN GOOD)

This book started off with some real heat between Reina and Tristan.  You see the hot alpha male in Tristan appear within the first few pages. 
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The web of secrets were luring me into the dark side. I wanted that cookie and the milk to go along with it. I didn't care what the consequences were.
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I enjoyed the dual POV's. I didn't like the insta-love aspect of it. I want to read about the challenge and chase of falling in love. The mess ups and the success of finally getting to the grand prize. 
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Reina's childhood was so sad to me but I love how she didn't let what she didn't have or how she was treated hinder her from succeeding in life. Reina's composed facade always seemed to crumbled when Tristan was around, but who could blame her. Tristan seemed like he can make you do anything he asked. And if he flashed that killer smile I think any woman would've been mush. 
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Though the drama was somewhat predictable it didn't affect my enjoyment of the story. I knew where the drama would arise and I was spot on. It was nice how the author didn't draw out the drama though. That made me enjoy the book just a little bit more than if it was drawn out. I like that Tristan was a strong character and he knew what to do in that predicament.
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This was Tara Leigh's debut and she did a stellar job. I can't wait to see who the next Billionaire Boss is about. I'm really hoping it's Bryce. I'm drooling just thinking about the possibilities for that hot hockey player. Hey Tara if you don't have a heroine's name picked out when you write Bryce's story, you can always use my name. LOL

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When it comes to sleeping with the boss, and it may sound wrong but feels right? Tara Leigh knows how to do it correct...

One always expects to read more and more about the mystery of the male character in a love story, and how the female changes him and makes him think about love and how he is capable of loving someone. This story is different though. Tara Leigh has brought a new meaning to the idea of the female having a past, that no matter the consequences, she does not indulge in the action of love. One would think that it would be the other way around, but after witnessing the past of Reina, and Tristan being there to try and comfort her, this story takes a turn of events that one would never expect.

I really love the chemistry between these two characters. The differences is what brought them together hare their similarities in a world that is separated by the high and lows of a socialite or anti-socialite. Though struggles were brought upon between Reina and Tristan in regards to having to indulge in a relationship during working hours or during their private time, their actions are what makes them such unique characters in a world filled with insecurities and hierarchies.

Overall, I enjoyed this book much more than what I was honestly anticipating. The second book, I can already tell it will be incredible knowing what was shared in this first one. Thank you to Tara for sending me this novel as I will treasure it since it was beyond beautiful. I highly recommend this novel if you are looking for an office romance "affair" with struggling character to find what true love actually means. And if not, then just read it anyways cause you will adore it either way;)

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Reina has to work hard her whole life. She's smiled through everything and never lets anyone see behind her smile. She see's a man and it's holy attraction for both of them. When it really starts heating up, she beats feet and Tristan is stunned.

At work the next day, he's even more stunned to be looking at the girl that ran out on him the night before. There's explosive chemistry between these two but she has secrets that she can't have him finding out about.

When they can no longer fight the attraction will she come clean before it's too late? Once he finds out what her secrets are will he hate her and think the worst of her? Will they be able to see what they have is real and can last through anything?

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Penthouse Player by Tara Leigh is a book I didn't really think I would like, just from the title. Wow, was I ever mistaken. Ms Leigh has delivered a well-written book. She gets an A+ for the characters, they were simply awesome. Reina and Tristan's story is a workplace romance with a twist. You'll have to read the book to find out what the twist is though. This is an alternating point of view book, not my favorite, but Ms Leigh made it work in this book. There is plenty of drama, humor and five alarm fire sex to keep readers glued to their e-readers. I totally loved reading Penthouse Player and look forward to reading more from Tara Leigh in the future. Penthouse Player is book 1 of the Billionaire Bosses Series but can be read as a standalone. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.

I voluntarily read an Advance Reader Copy of this book that I received from NetGalley.

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This is the first book I have read by Tara Leigh and I enjoyed it very much. This is the first book in the Billionaire Bosses series ... Reina and Tristan "IVy" both loose their mothers at a young age..his died of cancer hers left her to marry her lover (who is also her biological father who wants nothing to do with her). They meet at a charity auction and she goes home with him only to realize he is going to be her boss (her first day at her new job) She runs away ...but working together draws them together and well I'll stop here...I will say they do get to their HEA.

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4.25 "You’re Mr. Perfect and I’m Miss Complicated." Stars

When it comes to the sleeping-with-the-boss trope I'm something of a finicky customer but Tara Leigh has kicked her Billionnaire Bosses series off in style.

"There were rules: pay attention to what made her tremble, and especially to what made her pant and plead. Make her come first."

From the first moment Tristan and Reina meet at a fundraiser in Manhattan the sparks between them fly and they waste no time in getting up close and very personal, until Reina suddenly hightails it, leaving Tristan wondering why.

"Tristan Xavier Bettencourt IV was the human form of the scotch he drank—expensive, rare, and intense."

Coming from four generations of internationally renowned banking geniuses, Tristan is privileged, wealthy and commands the attention of those around him with confidence and charm. However considering the title, I didn't find Tristan so much of a playboy—yes he has a presence about him but he has a very down-to-earth side—and the fact that Reina is ten years younger and a new-employee does nothing to deter him from the fact he wants her, consequences be damned.

"Not only will I discover every single nerve and crevice in your vulnerable, and very naked body, I will devour and exploit every one of your weaknesses. I won’t merely control you, Reina. I will own you."

Reina was a great female lead. Whilst young and inexperienced in the corporate world, she's fought her own battles growing up shaping her into the independent, driven young woman she is, although not without understandable insecurities. And I really felt for her: she's stuck between a rock and a hard-place, there is an imbalance of power and it's easy for Tristan to ignore what people think as his career isn't just beginning, but there's much more at stake for her, yet she has the capability to turn that imbalance on its head.

"I don’t know how not to want you."

I loved seeing these characters fall, their chemistry is passionate, heated yet tender and the secondary characters add to the overall story, playing their part in the drama and conflict, although I do think the aspect involving Reina's mother seemed to play out a bit too nice and easy all things considered. Nevertheless, Penthouse Playboy was a well-paced, easy, enjoyable read and a fantastic debut from Tara Leigh—I'm looking forward to reading more from her in the future.

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I knew from the first page that this was going to be a brilliant book and that I would really enjoy this story. It's a total winner in my opinion and I couldn't put it down and left me wanting more. It's a must read and I'm looking forward to see what else this fabulous author writes next. Would recommend

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A well written book but an over-simplified story. The plot had so many twists--a bastard daughter abandoned by her mother for a multi-millionaire, makes something of herself. It was a bit overreaching to think she could meet and basically fall in love at first sight with another mega-millionaire who just so happens to be a nice guy, with a Dad who is also a nice guy. Not saying that there aren't any out there. It just gets better and better. She is finally outed for who she is and SHE IS BELIEVED-easily. She is accepted by her siblings for the most part, she faces down her mega-rich Dad with a few threats and gets her way. She sort-of reconciles with her Mom who finally finds a backbone and is 'sorry'. That was the biggest pill to swallow. The story wraps up with a HEA which I don't mind at all, but the story became so unbelieveable, it was a shame. I guess if you want chick-lit with no conflict or heartache thrown in, this book is for you. I can leave it. Thanks however for allowing me to read this book. It was not a tough read at all, and was actually quite enjoyable. Just not the story for me. 3.5 stars

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So different, yet just the same. It's hard to piece your heart back together after having it broken so many times. Reina is the girl that nobody wanted, but the woman determined to succeed. Ambition has taken her far, but will her nuisance of a heart ruin her all over again? Tristan has it all. Or so it seems. Money, notoriety and success mean nothing, if you lose yourself along the way. Tara Leigh appeals to that vulnerability that makes us human. THE HEART! The emotions are raw and the heat is real. Penthouse Player is a look at life's tragedies and complications. Reina finds her inner strength as she struggles with a foolish heart and a sharp mind.

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This story was crazy good. I LOVED the heroine Reina and Tristan, the hero. They both were very strong characters and I beyond loved their story. The story starts off kinda strangely. It seemed a little dark sexy story. Reina starts off the story talkng about her life and how she really has not been loved ever and how broken she is. Her three parents are definitely a piece of work.

Then we have Tristan who sees Reina and he wants her right away. Stealing her from her date and they go back to his place. But something happens and so they have some sexual fun and games Reina takes off. Thats the dark sexyy scenes.

Then we learn why Reina took off and well thats when the fun really begins. At times it seemed Reina and Tristan had the world against them or at least the financial world. But I loved how hard they fought for the other. They had romance, lots of hot sex scenes and passion.

This book has ALOT of sex scenes, at times maybe too much.But it also had a lot of secrets and a FANTASTIC storyline. And when Reina's secrets explode well thats when I fell so hard for Tristan. I LOVED this book. I wish there was a book for Celeste and Bryce as well.

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This was an enjoyable read with a strong beginning. However, it soon became a story that I feel as though I have read many times before.

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Review of Tara Leigh - Penthouse Player

Received an ARC from Netgallery in exchange for an honest review.

I am Rating this book 5 +++++ Stars as it met all the ✅ for my kind of FAVORITE read ... very fortunate NG sent me a copy as I really liked this new author

Loved Reina & Tristen's story - read it in 24 hrs - its the kind of book you are up till 2:00 AM when you have to get up the next day @ 5:30 AM for work !! I was hooked from the first few chapters.

This book begs the question is it a lie or untruth by omission? Tristen is pretty upfront going into this relationship Reina certainly not so much... she is smart & breathtakingly gorgeous but hiding some secrets & is very afraid of getting hurt - a recent college grad embarking on her dream job ... only to find out the gorgeous guy she meets at a charity event and oh by the way almost sleeps with her new boss ..

Great plot - great secondary characters & loved the Wall Street - Banker setting ! Can't wait to read more in this series.

I highly recommend this read & I am still swooning over the HEA !! Loved the epilogue - what a great way to end this awesome love story

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I pretty much read this story in one sitting. The story was well paced with great lead and supporting characters. The dynamic between the hero and heroine was believable and suitably steamy! This is a great example of a "Billionaire Romance" and refreshingly, the billionaire in this story is strong and powerful without being a borderline personality!

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This book had got me laughing so much. I love the details of both hero and heroine.

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