Member Reviews

Dog training has changed throughout the years and this book is a simplified version of present, common methods. It shows illustrations along with written instructions so it is great for children learning to train and care for their first dog. Recommended for first time trainers.

We are considering getting a dog for the first time as a couple and wanted the best introduction into our household for our new family member. This book will be of great benefit to achieving that aim. Reading he book together has alowed to have a shared basis of understanding and establish a plan for introducing our new friend to our home. The book details some basic principles that as a previous dog owner, 35 years ago, that I just did not have any appreciation of. There were many concepts that were completely new to me and well as information that helped us both understand behaviour conditioning it a much better way. I must admit that after have dogs in the past I thought I had a good handle on how to introduce, train, socialise a dog to a new environment, in fact I did have anywhere near the knowledge I thought I had. This is a great book for both new and experienced dog owners, I highly recommend it. It will give you simple and easy to follow training tips to give both you and your friend enjoyable experiences, can’t wait to put in pratice!

This is a nice book on dog training. Most of it I already knew, but that's because I've trained many dogs. It was nonetheless a nice refresher, and would be perfect for someone who is new to dog training.

I currently have three dogs in my home, ages 8 months, 1 year, and 7 years old, so reading this book was a no-brainer for me. I'm always trying to look for tips and tricks for training and caring for my doggies, and Dog Training 101 looked like a fun and easy book to help me out. This is such an enjoyable and pleasant book to read, full of pictures and easy-to-read instructions. It's packed chock full of training and care tips and the tips are very doable and easy to follow. Owners of puppies and older dogs both will find plenty of useful information in this book. I recommend this book to every dog owner!
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book to review.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarry Books for this e-ARC in exchange for my honest review. While I have an older dog, we have a friend who had recently acquired a new puppy with no training at all. She enjoyed it and felt it was very helpful. It's not a difficult read, and I think any family, or person, wanting to train their dog on the basics would enjoy this book a great deal. Again: We road tested it.

This is an excellent book , should really be provided with each new doggie member into your home. There are not only very easy and well demonstrated training techniques for you dog, but some commonsense information to start with ownig a dog. All pages have full size photographs demonstrated the text.
This is a very good book to be easily used by the whole family.

This is a great book that has the beginners guide to training your dog. Each step in this book is well written and easy to follow. I am looking forward to trying some of these on our young furbaby. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

This book is a great help when training your dog. It is an easy read with wonderful details setup for easy access to information. The photos are well done and placed adding to details and interesting information.

Having just got a new puppy, and it's been awhile, I was excited to see this one.
While it has good information that helped in some spots, it was presented in a ver simplistic way and might be good to share with kids. I couldn't really get through too much at once because of it's simplicity I would get bored. But it is a good reference and it is easy to find different topics without reading it cover to cover.

I haven't had to train a dog in a long time, and I think this is a basic, but good beginners' guide. It has overly smiley, goofy pictures, but the advice itself is handy. I do wonder how any puppy/new-to-the-house dog wouldn't get morbidly obese with all the treats you're supposed to hand out, but if you can stand super upbeat prose (the author somehow seems like this will never be a frustrating process. Also, if a puppy needs to go to the bathroom every 90 minutes, are puppies only for the unemployed? I'm mystified.) this is a good overview of what it takes to make your new animal companion happy him/herself and you and your family as well.

Unfortunately unable to read and comment as unable to download file type on my computer. My fault entirely I did not read requirements before requesting. Shame as I have a really naughty dog that I had visions of making into the next BGT canine star

Anyone who has dogs and wants to train them the easy way, this is the book for you. I love this book. I learned so much. I will be giving this book as a gift to friends and family who get a new dog or has a dog and wants to train them. I have never read such a good easy to learn dog training book.

While the author does a nice job of building a solid frame work and provides nice step-by-step photography to address important things like how to secure a leash and tips for teaching children to command it comes off amateurish at best.

I read an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair review. This book is suitable for both new owners of puppies and for dog owners that want to learn how to work with their dogs. The author gives easy to understand instructions and all techniques are clearly illustrated. The table of contents allows you to quickly find the information you are looking for. I would suggest reading the book through completely at least once because there are many helpful tips that may not have occurred to you. I would recommend this book.

There are a lot of nice features in this book from Quarto publishing. It starts with a clickable interactive introduction and ToC
What follows is a good basic section of supplies and items to gather and modifying/dogproofing your house before you bring your new dog home.
There are thematically arranged teaching and modifying behavior chapters for such big things as vet visit behavior, toilet training, leash training, interacting with other family members (pets and children) etc.
Sections include 'Before you start''Troubleshooting' and 'Tips'. There are a number of gold nuggets in the tips and troubleshooting boxes, for example,
TIP! The grass surrounding the vet’s office has been pottied on by many sick animals. Avoid letting your dog step on those areas.
The sections on trick/command training are complete and well thought out. Commands such as sit, stay, come, drop it!, leave it, etc are explained step by step and supported with photographs of each stage in the training.
There are many training sections including advanced concepts such as acceptance training for intimidating or scary strangers, places, and objects, confidence training in the home, search/find commands, and many more.
At the end of the book is a safety section which includes 'Good to Know' items such as the Heimlich maneuver for dogs, common poisons and other dangerous things to avoid. There's also a section on 'weird' behaviors and why they're perfectly normal from the dog's point of view.
All in all a thoroughly well thought out, well researched and illustrated book. I also really loved the 'illustration' dogs including weimaraners, chihuahuas, a golden retriever and a beautiful blue tabby persian (ok, cat, but she was still very pretty!).
There are links at the end of the book to further supplies, kits and instructional materials from the author's company: DoMoreWithYourDog.com
Four stars
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

First of all, i would like to say that while this one isn't a bad book in any way, it is much more simpler than I expected: I think first time owners would benefit from this book, as maybe would children who want to learn to care and train their dog, as it is very simple in structure: short sentences separated in different steps, and then we have everything repeated again with photographies.
Personally, I didn't care a lot for having the same info twice because the pics were included on the second row, that is what makes me think that kids will benefit from this book, as I would prefer the more direct way of reading the text and encountering a pic when needed to help illustrate a particular concept.
This book covers different things, like preparing for the dog's arrival, to make them comfortable and give them their own space; to some basic orders (give, sit, quiet, etc); or how to train them with the leash and to train them to go off without it. Then you have some useful tips like what to do to break a dog fight, how to make them used to strong noises and such.