Member Reviews

This is almost a bible for anyone that has been through any form of heartbreak, which consists of a book split into five parts, or steps: declutter; find joy; flaunt it; master it; and embrace your future. Written by a relationship expert and professional dating coach, you know you are in safe hands here!
The book consists of lots of short and snappy tips, such as 'seven clues you're ready to date' and lots of little mantras to fill yourself with some confidence. There are some very obvious bits of advice, such as 'don't call or e-mail your ex', which of course we all know but need reminding from time to time, so it definitely doesn't help to have those bits of common sense littered throughout this book! The book consists of some simply exercises to consider your own strengths, rationalise your thoughts, and look to the future. All the exercises are a great help to formulate your likely untidy thoughts into some semblance of order!
Each chapter is packed full of useful advice, such as some first date ideas, lines for asking someone out, and many more. I wonder if it would have been helpful to have a different title for the book as opposed to 'dating again' - the first chapter of the book is really helpful for the post-break up days, yet the cover suggests that the book is only appropriate for those that are ready to jump into the dating pool again.
I look the loose pop art theme, the layouts of the pages with a good balance of colour and illustrations alongside good-sized chunks of paragraph. This is a brilliant book and I"d certainly buy it for myself (heaven knows I could have done with this a few months ago!) and would highly recommend to friends.