Member Reviews

Lucy and Eiryke “Rykr” grew up together, both being descendants of Guardians and Gods. They had always been close but it wasn’t until Lucy was turning twenty that they realized they were soul mates. Being several years older that Rykr, Lucy breaks his heart and demands he stay away from her for 10 years to enjoy his youth. She had no idea the torment he would go through due to a curse he was given until she can no longer stay away from him.
This is the spin-off series of Setta Jay’s Guardians series that I devoured as they were released. I was really excited to learn that we’d be able to get more of this world she has created, a loose spin on Greek mythology. I loved getting to know Lucy and Rykr as they battle a new threat. It was a quick read but there was plenty of hawtness, a full character feel and a complete story. I also liked the brief appearances by some of my favorite characters from her previous books. I highly recommend.

As a young adult, Lucy broke Rykr’s heart. She is determined to stay away from him for the next ten years when they will once again be reunited and mated. Rykr, even as a teenager, is not having it. However, when he finds himself cursed he begins a frantic race to find a solution so he can mate Lucy without sharing the pain that consumes him day and night. As their ten years come to an end, Lucy is determined to help him despite whatever the cost to herself might be.
This is a well-developed novella that clearly sets up the world these immortals share. I’m not a fan of ménage or exhibition and the only other book I read from this author had these elements. However, when I learned that this one did not, I scrambled as fast and as hard as I could to get a copy of it. I am so glad I was successful. It is a great quick read that sets this series up for future books and I can’t wait to indulge in them. Fingers crossed they won’t have some hard limits for me. Either way, so glad I was able to read this one!
ARC provided by NetGalley
Dual POV
No triggers

Back with my favourite guardians but this time the kids are in control!
Lucy and Rykr have known they were mates since they were teenagers but Lucy is 5 years older than Rykr and she wants him to have some kind of life before they are joined forever. She tells him not to contact her until he is 25 and he does not take her ultimatum well!
Rykr does not sit back and wait though. He has demons, actual demons, to deal with before he can get his HEA. But instead of trusting in destiny, they each determine what is best for the other and this leads to a heap of unhappiness for both!
This is more of a novella and I did rip through it very fast. I just wanted more really. It was well crafted and it was great to be back in the realms, checking in with the Guardians and seeing what they were up to now.
With kinky scenes, chemistry off the charts and an actual story line this was a great little nugget!

~ARC from NetGalley.~
This is the first book of a new series.
This is one series that I was not expecting. I mean, from the ending of the last book, it seemed that everything was back to normal, but it look like it was not the case.
How to express my thoughts..It is quite a contradiction. From being overwhelmed, or being amused. Then again, the way Ms. Jay writes is very good.
The start of the book, introduced us on what happened from the human's side POV. If you read the last book, it was a bit scattered. The Guardians were all over the place, so, the prologue explained why the spin-off was needed.
The main story? Oh man!
I was such a good way to start the new books. Who would have thought of that paring? I mean Lucy.. G's daughter and...No, sorry, you guys needs to read the book..i promise you, it was something I was not expecting.
I love it. Love how Ms. Jay, kept her style of writing, love how the words flow from one character to another, and love how we can see each of the Guardian's offspring.
There was a certain parts that left me a bit daze and questions were formed, but I know as I read the rest of the books, the answers will reveal it self.
"True Love doesn't happen right away; it's an ever-growing process. It develops after you've gone through many ups and downs, when you've suffered together, cried together, laughed together."
~Ricardo Montalban
This quote may not apply, due to the Lore of the mates in this series, but when you look at it, their individual hardship gave them the mates that each Guardians deserve. For every pain, hardship, and suffering they have felt, when destiny steps in. You'll know that the past is nothing compared to what the future holds.
Looking forward to the next book!

I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is a second generation kind of book. This is the story of Lucy, who we knew in the previous book as a baby, and Rykr, Pothos' son. Lucy is 4 years older, so when she reaches maturity decided to impone a ten years period in which her and Rikr cannot met. This to allow her mate to experience adulthood before mating. Thus a lot of pain ensue.
A great start to a new series.

This is actually the first book I have read of this series. The prologue did a pretty good job explaining the characters and world, so I didn't feel overwhelmed or lost when I started reading. My only complaint is that I wanted more,of an explanation of the how and why and who of the actual story. The romance was great, and I loved the connection between Ryker and Lucy. And it was hot! I will definitely check out the rest of this series.

This a was good start to a new series, lots of intrigue and mystery to kick us off. And lots of new characters that got introduced, though not all at once which I was grateful for cause I always suck at keeping names straight when I read about big families.
I liked Lucy and Rykr, and I liked that they pretty much loved each other since they were little. It helped with my only real issue with the book which is that it is pretty short so everything happens super fast and at times it felt a little rushed. But I still enjoyed it and I'll definitely be continuing the series cause I'm excited to see where it goes with all these new interesting characters.
Recommend reading Guardians of the Realms Series before this series for a better reading experience.
ARC Provided By NetGalley For An Honest Review

I'm not normally too interested in reading spin off series that focus on the children of the couples from the main one, but I loved the Guardians of the Realms series so I was looking forward to checking this one out. I really hate to say it, but I was disappointed with this book. Maybe it was because it was so short, but I feel it was lacking development of any kind and had practically no heat compared to the prior books. It was really sad.
Rykr and Lucy are the main couple, but not a lot really happens between them. We're told they were incredibly close as children so it came as no surprise when it's found out that they're mates, then they spend almost 10 years apart. Lucy thinks it's because of what she threatened Rykr with, but it's really because Rykr had found himself cursed and now holds demons inside of him. It's a secret he has kept from everyone except for his immediate family, but the situation has changed and it's time for the others to find out. Lucy is angry that he didn't tell her and is determined to help him despite his objections. I almost feel like it was a cop-out how he was freed of them because it was so easy.
We get glimpses of the other Guardian children and a suspicious demon that knows way more than he should. He says he wants to free his family, who are the demons, but that they're not evil beings and won't be a problem unless they're threatened. The whole thing with the demons gives one just enough to not know what the heck is really going on and to want to find out more. I know I do, and I can't wait for the next book.

I love the Guardians series and this is a fantastic follow up. Knowing that P's son and Gregoire's daughter have such a beautiful story is awesome. The set up for the coming conflict is exciting and I can't wait for more!! Setta Jay has created a stunning and dynamic universe. The attention to detail is phenomenal and completely immerses you in the story.

If you haven't read a Setta Jay book yet, I highly recommend that you do so! Her books are always ones I look forward to and this one is no different! This is the first book in the series that covers the children of the Gods and Guardians from her other series The Guardian's of the Realm's. This one is about Rykr (who is the son of Pothos and grandson of Hades) and Lucy (who is the daughter of Guardian Gregoire). They grew up together and knew they were mates before they hit their majority. Lucy is older than Rykr and she wants him to be able to experience life before they fully mate. She doesn't want him to resent her later or for him to feel as though he missed out on anything. So she makes the decision that she will refuse the mating for a decade. No matter that it hurts both of them, she does what she thinks is best. Little does she know what happens to Rykr after that or what chain of events have been started. Rykr has been cursed and never tells Lucy. When she finds out? All bets are off when it comes to the safety and happiness of her mate! I loved this book! I fell in love with their parents in their books and to be able to read about their kids grown up now was already a plus for me. But I loved these characters, the chemistry they have together, and the love they feel for each other! This was a great start to this offshoot series and I really can't wait for more, or to see where it is going! I want to know more about the curse and the people involved in it! Loved it!

Short story. A little confusing didn't really explain who the parents were.. Sex. Gods. And demons.
New generation of Gods. Lucy and Rykr are mates but Lucy wants Rykr to live before they mate. She is older and tells him she'll give him a decade. But right after that he is possessed by some demons and wants rid of them before he mates her. She thinks them being bonded will cure him but he won't take the chance. Because once mating frenzy begins, there's no stopping it. She doesn't want him to go through it alone anymore so she starts the mating. Will it be enough to get the demons out of him?

I loved this book. It was so nice to get back to the world of the Guardians and Immortals and Gods and see how the lives of some of our favorite characters have panned out. Lucy and Rykr are great together and the only criticism I have is that it was too short :)

4 1/2 stars
I stumbled across this one on NetGalley and I was ashamed I didn't know there was going to be a spin-off series from the Guardians. I went in blindly but was pleasantly surprised. There are a LOT of characters in this series, especially now with a time jump and new faces added. But, I did not feel overwhelmed and loved the new dynamic of it all. This is a novella, so it was short and sweet. I wanted more, (obviously!), but it still hit all the sweet spots for a Setta Jay Book. Can't wait to read the next book for this series.

This book was a delight to read. It was very original and different and a great page Turner. The dept of love between Rykr and Lucy was heart warming but the sex scenes in this book were mind blowing. I could feel the heat coming off the pages. I would definitely recommend this book. The sneak peek of Ecstacy Unbound was quite yummy as well.

Advanced Readers Copy Courtesy of Netgalley...:)
The Guardian of the Realms was without a doubt one of my favorite paranormal series EVER!! I loved and devoured every book that came out. Which means I was over the moon when I heard we were getting a spin of series about all the Guardians Children.
The first book is Rykr and Lucys book and this sweet little novella is packed with everything to settle your cravings from start to finish.
Rykr and Lucy discover they are mates at a very young age. Lucy is a few years older than Ryker and she knows that when she hits 20 that if she touches him she will go into the mating frenzy. In order for that no to happen, she tells Rykr not to look for her till after he is 25. That gives him 5 years to do what he needs to do before him and Lucy mate. Rykr is furious over this decision as he is only 15 at the time and Lucy is hours away from her 20th Birthday.
Years go by without the two of them seeing each other and in that time a "curse" if you will befalls on Rykr. One that he does not want to touch Lucy in any way, so he is determined to stay away from her till he finds out how to get rid of his curse. In the meantime other things are set in motion and the 2 of them end up face to face, before Rykr has wanted them to be.
Don't want to give too much away but if you are a fan of Setta Jay, then you will devour this from start to finish.
Looking forward to the next full release as I will need my fix ASAP!! :)

I received and ARC of this book via NetGalley in exchange of an honest review.
So I went into this completely blind because even though I have 1 or 2 books from the original series I didn’t read any of them yet. But to my delight the first chapter, the prologue is phenomenally sums up everything that happened so far with a brief introduction to the world building, too. It’s masterfully created that its unbelievable, the wording, the information, they immediately made me want to read not just this book but the previous ones too. And don’t worry, because despite the amount of information it gives, it doesn’t spoils the first books either.
I think the world building is really great and interesting with the different kind of supernaturals and the multiple planes to the world.
The writing is not so bad either but after the prologue the rest of the book is not so polished but easy to read.
The book itself is quite short and the plot is pretty fast. I finished it in 2 hours tops. I think there was much more in the storyline than it actually showed, because after a couple of chapters the focus shifts solely on the romance and erotic element to the plot. It wouldn’t have been a problem I just didn’t understand why build a whole complicated conflict around it if it’s not used. Because it got resolved in a blink and I think it wasted potential.
The sex scenes are really powerful, raw, angry and a bit brutal but at the same time passionate and steamy. Also the story felt a bit like a second chance romance but the chemistry is great between the characters.
Lucy is in a bind at the beginning but in my opinion while she makes a noble choice its not really believable from someone who grew up knowing the meaning behind the mating bond. It felt more like self torture. She is kind, compassionate and somewhat of a mother figure the other kids.
Then there is Rykr, who is quite young at the beginning and has an innocent, awkward kid air to him. Later he is hardened by life and really protective but I don’t feel as if either of them are developed well enough, maybe because of the length of the story or because the focus is not on their personalities but on the physical connection between them.
Their biggest problem really is that they don’t communicate but make decisions for each other.
She shook her head. ‘We’re quite a pair. Each thinks they know what’s best for the other to the point where we walk over each other’s choices.’
I liked it, its quick and enjoyable but I hoped that there is more to the story.

This is a great start to the new series about the Guardians. This is a novella but is not short on story. It was really great to be back with the Guardians. The children are grown now and new stuff is going down. The book is still HOT HOT HOT!! As i have always liked with the Guardian series, these books have a great story to them then just the sex. I hope we see more of the original Guardians in the series coming up.

Setta Jay did such an amazing job bringing the reader into the world(s) of Rykr and Lucy. From the very first page of the book I was drawn into their worlds and could feel the emotions that they were both going through. This was not just a novel it was the beginning of a great work of art, a series so enthralling that you will be so upset when you finish a book. I wish it was so much longer so that I didn't finish it in just one sitting. To understand the pain and love that they both had to endure because of their destinies made me want to cheer for them and at the same time wish I was one of them, Lucy. Where are the Rykr's of this world?
Thank you NetGalley and Setta Jay for allowing me to read and review this book.