Member Reviews

he second in the Afterlife Incorporated series, Fury's Choice takes shortly after Fury's Bridge but Alec and Selene move into secondary roles and the book focuses on the a new couple as well as continuing to move the idea of the gods and goddesses "coming out of the closet" so to speak and re-integrating/re-connecting with modern humanity. Tisera (Tis) is the really scary Fury (and Furies are pretty scary as a general rule), but she's beginning to burn out from meting out punishment and vengeance for the worst of crimes and may be considering allowing herself to fade away. Concerned, Zed tries to keep her distracted by putting her serious, logical and legal mind to work in nailing down a new set of rules or contract for all the gods that will govern how and when they an interact with humanity. Between riding herd on all the different factions of gods, she continues with her main role as a Fury and comes across Kera, a jaded woman with a dark past and little use for gods, who is trying to set things right and seek her own kind of justice.
I think I liked Fury's Choice even more than Fury's Bridge - Tis and Kera are more complex than Alec and Selene with some pretty heavy backstories that make their characters a bit darker and intriguing. There's a great chemistry between the two and I really did enjoy the push and pull of their relationship. The story itself moves along at a good pace and Willows writing is excellent. Like the first book, there's a ton of secondary characters and I enjoyed the heck out doing more digging into more info on the different gods, goddesses, demigods, etc. The last bit of the book is a bit of a tease of what's next - and I'm very much looking forward to the next in the series which will be featuring Meg, the third Fury sister.

I thought this second book in the Afterlife series was a really enjoyable read! I’m always afraid a sequel isn’t going to be as good as the first book, which is often the case. But not with this one thankfully. This one was even better than book 1, which I already really enjoyed a lot.
This book focuses on another character, but the characters we got to meet in the first book reoccur as well.
I loved the story-line and its development a lot. It was interesting, fast-paced and enthralling. The characters are interesting and I loved reading about them and their development. They have their flaws, which I love, but are really lovable nonetheless. Those flaws make them even more likable I think.
The romance was great as well. I haven’t read a lot of lesbian fiction yet and was really surprised by how much I liked it. I always like instant attraction if it’s written well and I think the author did a great job on this and the romance development in general. Even though there’s instant attraction, there isn’t insta love so that makes this romance quite believable and lovable to me personally.
I love the added fantasy/paranormal elements. This made for such an interesting read. I loved the ‘Gods walk among us’ thing and couldn’t get enough of reading about that. The world building is really well done and overall this was just a really awesome follow up book. I love how each book focuses on different characters, as is often the case in paranormal/fantasy romance series. I’m really excited about the next book, which focuses on Dani, a character I’m really curious about. This is a book I’d definitely recommend to anyone who likes reading urban fantasy/paranormal books with some interesting romances woven into them!

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I really liked the first in this series, so I had high hopes for this one. I loved Tis; I connected with her immediately, Kera though I just couldn't connect with. I felt as if this whole book was setting up the next and this one was just a filler. It was a good book it just wasn't as amazing as the first. I have high hopes for the next book, as was set up with the epilogue.

Stevie‘s review of Fury’s Choice (Afterlife, Inc, Book 2) by Brey Willows
Lesbian Paranormal Romance published by Bold Strokes Books 12 Sep 17
The gods have revealed themselves to mortals, beginning some months after the events covered by the first book in this series; now they’re appearing on chat shows, and their joint headquarters, Afterlife Inc. is officially on the map. There are still administrative issues to be smoothed out and not all humans – whether atheist or believer – can be said to be happy with the new status quo. It’s hard to continue a religious war when it turns out that your deity and that of your greatest enemies are actually the best of friends. Likewise, those who didn’t follow a religion before are now determined not to let their lives be run, no matter how remotely, by any one or more of the immortal beings. Dark forces, outside the corporate body of Afterlife Inc., are as troublesome as ever, and plenty of humans are still determined to do wrong by their fellow men and women, no matter what the consequences might be. And in a world in which the Furies and other agents of vengeance operate, those consequences can be very severe indeed.
Tisera Graves is one of the three sister furies we met in the previous book. While she’d love to settle down to a normal life amongst humans, with an ordinary girlfriend, there’s still more work than her sisters can handle without her input. Helping out on one such job, Tis is worried by the discovery that the perpetrators of a serious crime appear to have been taken over by forces she can’t quite recognise. She doesn’t have much spare time to ponder this mystery, however, since the gods back at HQ need a level-headed insider to help them draw up a new set of rules as to how they go about recruiting new followers – gods fade away if their pool of worshippers diminishes below a certain level – when all their potential congregations have a much wider range of choices at their fingertips.
Meanwhile, Tis has another distraction, in the form of the mortal woman, Kera Espinosa, whose path she keeps crossing. Kera has made a considerable fortune from her scientific discoveries and a series of sound investments, but now devotes her life to helping others in disadvantaged and war-torn parts of the world. Raised in the voodoo religion, Kera is unfazed by Tis and her colleagues, but has little time for faith herself. The pair are thrown together by circumstances, when it becomes clear that an old enemy of Kera’s has resurfaced, and that Afterlife Inc. is facing threats from an unlikely alliance of disgruntled followers whose prayers have not been answered to their satisfaction and militant atheists who aren’t happy at being proven wrong. Not to mention that the mysterious force Tis encountered has been showing up around a number of mass murders and other atrocities, yet she and her allies still can’t figure it out.
I liked this book better than the first, although it is very much the middle one of a trilogy. The setup is more developed and we get to see wider aspects of the influence and limitations of the various deities and other immortals. I can even forgive the cliffhanger that we’re left at, although some readers may wish to wait until the third book comes out in order not to have too long a wait for its resolution. I’m really looking forward to seeing that, and learning more about the third of the furies too.
Grade: B

My advice..... READ BOOK 1 FIRST. I made that mistake and there were a lot of unanswered questions like why are there gods walking around earth and how did this happen. I haven't read book one yet but I'm betting a few questions would be answered.
However, I did enjoy this book. Tis seems really scary, and I do not say that lightly. Fangs and snakes for hair did it for me. (snake phobia here!!!) Anyway her job is to punish the worst of the worst. I'm still on the snakes as hair. How is that not the worst. Kind of screws with first date. Which brings me too Kera a human philanthropist and millionaire. Kera is disillusioned by religion and of all these suddenly appearing gods. Tis meets Kira and yes the attraction is there, but a god and a human? Tragedy waiting to happen?
This is my first ever book by Willows and I am definitely going to read book one. I really liked her writing style and her story telling is excellent. I am hoping for a book three. Why? Because I really want to know if Kira and Tis make it. It is a good fantasy novel and one I am sure many will love. Enjoy!
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

This is the second book in the fabulous Afterlife series. While I recommend reading the first book simply because it is amazing, and does introduce you to the world created in these books, you don't need to read it to understand and appreciate the story on it’s own. I have to say that I liked the first book a little better than this one but this one was still an incredible read.
Kera, once a top scientist who made it big, she now channels her money and her energy into making the world a better place. She’s brilliant, she’s strong willed, her pockets are overflowing with millions upon millions of dollars, and she’s never without a gorgeous woman in her bed. But her brilliant mind nearly created a disease that could have wiped the human species off the planet, and although she’s destroyed any evidence of the research, there's a group that want’s her to recreate her findings so that they can use her weapon.
Tis is a Fury like her sister Alec, she brings justice into this world and finds herself in babysitting and policing and politicking the Gods on top of her day job. She’s tired, she’s fed up, and she’s lonely. She’s ready to leave her job behind when she meets Kera who makes her feel unlike anything she’s felt in thousands of years. But are the fundamental differences between Tis and Kera too great? Will Kera tear free from her past mistakes and will she make it out alive? Will Tis chose the only life she’s known or can she walk away from her job?
These books are so unique and truly wonderful. The romance is perfect. I love the build up of the relationship. I love the chemistry. I love the emotional and physical surrender, It’s almost too special to read because you feel like you’re intruding on these character's special moments. I love all of the mentions of different gods and goddesses and spiritual creatures from every religion and every corner of the world…and underworld. They bring about a million philosophical and existential questions. I love it. There are so many loveable and fascinating characters. This is more than your average romance novel. These books are masterpieces.
I did have a good chuckle to myself that both Kera and her Mum made gobs of money in science. As a struggling grad student in science, and with our governments putting science on a back burner, its a crazy concept to me but a great dream!
I know I’ll be counting down the days until the 3rd book in this series is released. They’re something else.
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34722522-fury-s-choice" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Fury's Choice (Afterlife, Inc. #2)" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1490711674m/34722522.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34722522-fury-s-choice">Fury's Choice</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15515397.Brey_Willows">Brey Willows</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2121826840">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for an honest review. <br />Based on the synopsis, I went into this book opened-minded and was not disappointed. It is a definitely interesting angle for paranormal fantasy romance. Kera and Tisera are intriguing leads that compliment each other and with wonderful supporting characters keep the plot going. Now I have to read Ms. Willows first book (I know, backwards...but) since she has me hooked.<br />4 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

An absolute joy to complete, that compelled me to re-read the first in the series and await the next entry with somewhat bated breath. I loved the explosive energy that arose between Tis and Kera (whose charm was suited to her darker past) as well as the entire premise of the plot. Further world building and action is inevitable, as the author continues to construct a reality in which myth and modern life blend well.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.
I enjoyed this story a lot and could hardly put it down and even though it was a longer book, it was still too short! I liked all the characters and the fantasy aspect of the story - however Kara's character was annoying at times (the reason for the 4 stars and not 5). She was too pushy and arrogant for my taste and I didn't really get why 'Tis would fall for her since she critized and put her whole live/ being down every time they had a longer conversation. I really liked Tis's character and heart sisters. It was nice that the main story was about the God's and how they live with humans now and the love story was fit in nicely. I thought the whole concept of the religions and how they work in the Author's viewpoint was very interesting and seemed realistic and plausible enough - definitely sparks conversations and discussions. I have not read the first book in the series but can't wait to catch up on it! I also hope that there will be a third book with maybe Meg's and Dani??
I definitely think that the book can be read as a stand alone and I would recommend reading it - not only for fantasy fans.

A really enjoyable read. This is book 2 in the Afterlife Inc series. While I enjoyed book 1, Fury's Bridge, I thought this book was even better. Do you need to read Fury's Bridge first? I would highly recommend it. While this book focuses on a different Fury sister, all the characters from the first book are still there. Plus it would be good to read Fury's Bridge to find out why there are a bunch of gods suddenly walking around earth.
This story focuses on the Fury sister Tis. Her job is to met out punishment to the worst of the worst. With snakes for hair and fangs, Tis is known for being the scariest of sisters. But she is getting lonely and tired of her job. When she meets Kera, a philanthropist who lives more in the gray, there is an instant attraction. But Kera is angry at religion, and all the gods that have appeared. Is there a way these two could ever be together?
What I noticed in Williows' debut book, she writes really well. And if anything, she is getting even better. She writes great characters all with their own unique personalities. Which can't be easy when these books contain such a large cast. Both Tis and Kera are very likable. At times Kera is brash and even bitchy, but I really like that she was not a perfect character. She absolutely has faults, and I like that Willows stayed true to her character throughout the whole story.
I also really enjoyed the romance. While there is an instant attraction, there was not insta love. Even by the end of the book, these two knew they still are going to have to work at a relationship. For a fantasy book, it seemed pretty realistic, which I like. They also had good chemistry, and could turn up the heat together.
This was good read that I can easily recommend to urban fantasy or paranormal fans. There is talk the next book will be about Dani. I am really excited about that, Dani (death) is the most intriguing character left. I can't wait to read book 3.
An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

Brey Willows has written a funny, thought-provoking novel that had me hooked from the start. Tisera Graves has a job on her hands keeping the gods in line now that they are on Earth and visible to all of their followers. Kera Espinosa spends her life making deals and cleaning up messes all over the world. She helps those in need and is angry that the gods don't seem to be doing the same. When the pair meet their attraction is intense and the heat when they are together is sexy as hell. Will that be enough to let them see past the enormous differences that exist between them?
I was astounded at how the author managed to weave a scorching hot love story with the role of religion and a impressive knowledge of the classics and ancient myths. Her characters are irreverent and with humour and realism that made me want more. I could see this series going on and on. Now I have to go back and read the first in the series 'Fury's Bridge' and appeal to Brey Willows to please write some more. I'm not ready to let go of this great cast of characters!
Highly recommended.

This is the second book of the Afterlife, Inc. series. Although it follows the plot started in the first one, it is not necessary to have read the previous for understand and follow the events that appears in this one. This series is about a fantasy world in which Gods of all times and remote cultures become visible to their believers, with all the commotion and astonishment that this fact causes in humanity. In this part, the story develops the relationship between the white fury named Tisera and a non-believer and cynical woman named Kera. The story include a certain amount of philosophical and religious issues, both individual and collective, quitte interesting to read and tactfully dealt with. For those who'd read the first book of the series, in this second also appear Selene and Alec, although not very much, but it allows a glimpse to they life together after their own turmoil. And as it does in the first, this se ond ends with the opening of a new and probably also very interesting new episode. A highly recomendable reading.

This is the second book in Brey Willows series Afterlife Inc. My students loved the first book, Fury's Bridge. They have waited for months for her second book to come out and will be thrilled to know it's here. I lead an exclusive book group for LGBTQ youth and am extremely excited for them to read Fury's Choice. This series has provided an interesting discussion with my students and how they think about angels and demons. Calling it a page turner doesn't do it justice. Fury's Choice is one of the best paranormal fantasy books out there. I expect my students will be extremely engaging (as they were with the first book) and full of questions or ideas about faith, religion and the Gods. Great read. I certainly recommend.

genre: urban paranormal fantasy romance
length: 87,000 words, 31 chapters + epilogue
main characters:
Tisera Graves, one of the three ancient avenging furies of Greece
Kera Espinosa, doctor, owner of GRADE (Global Relief and Development Experts)
setting: Los Angeles, Haiti, premises in Michigan USA
my opinion:
- book two in the Afterlife Inc. series
- another great urban paranormal fantasy with a nice romance and very interesting story
- I found this sequel equally engaging and successful just as the first novel in the series
- I'm totally looking forward to the next book
- highly recommended
cover: nice, well related to the plot
book rating: 5 stars
eARC by Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley

<I>I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.</I>
I liked the first book in this series so much that when I saw the second book pop up on Goodreads, I immediately added it to my 'to read' shelf. Then when I saw it on Netgalley, I immediately requested. Then immediately started reading when my request was approved. I mention all of this because - at no point did I actually pause to look at the book's description. Oopsie. This book is not, in fact, a continuation of the Selene and Alec story, but instead a new story in the same universe (though both Selene and Alec make appearances, with Selene's appearances more like cameos).
No, this specific book stars one 'Tisera 'Tis' Graves' and one Kera Espinosa. Tis is the sister of Alec and one of the three Greek Furies sisters. She did appear in the first book, but if I recall correctly, more on a cameo like level. Kera did not appear in the first book.
The book opens with a prologue - a woman is being brutally tortured and abused. At that exact moment I realized this book was going to be somewhat different than the first. That woman? Kera.
The book then moves into the main part, several years after the prologue (5?). Tis is experiencing something of a crisis. She's been around for a really long time, and mostly interacted with the bad types of humans - since that's her job. Hunt down the people that need to be punished, and severally punish them. And yet . . . humans keep doing bad, keep needing to be punished. An endless cycle. Tis is getting burned out. And she's seriously contemplating 'retiring'.
Before she can actually thing too hard on the subject, she's given a brand new task, one that Zed (Zeus) believes she'd be perfect for. Herd cats. Right, no, sorry, get Gods to agree to a constitution type thingie for the new world order (see previous book as to what happened and why they suddenly need a 'constitution', no spoilers here!). She reluctantly agrees but immediately tells the Gods to get to a base understanding of what they want then call for her. Meanwhile she's taking a vacation. In France.
I'm purposefully going down this path because it's not exactly 'correct'. Well, it's what happened, but there were a lot more POV changes, and 'stuff' that happened before the vacation could occur. I just wanted things to not be 'spoiled' so . . right, hmms.
Meanwhile, a woman named Kera is bouncing around the world helping those less fortunate. Her first appearance (post prologue) sees her helping women and children flee a bombing in Nigeria. While doing so she happens to catch sight of a monstrous type figure of womanhood who started to attack the bombers right in front of Kera's eyes. It's the same woman Kera's seen before in similar situations. Needing to continue to protect the kids and mothers, Kera continues her fleeing.
After that harrowing adventure in Africa, Kera tells her people to take break. And she takes one herself. In France. Whereupon she stumbles across . . . the same woman she saw in Africa. The two start up a conversation, begin flirting, and, eventually, circle around the idea of 'hooking up'.
The book continues in this fashion - Kera helping people; Tis alternating punishing people, herding Gods (except for Freya, most seem to be Gods instead of Gods and Goddesses), and trying to relax and think about her future. Oh, and Kera and Tis continue their circling of each other.
On the sex front - there's a mixture of some graphic depictions of 'stuff' while at the same time there were a few occasional 'they rolled into bed together . . . the next morning Kera head her head' without sex being described in between.
This was a quite enjoyable and entertaining book. I look forward to more adventures in this world/universe (of which, I assume, there will be - otherwise the epilogue makes no sense). Since there are three Furies, and the first two books involved two of the furies, I assume book three will focus on Meg. Alec's the take charge, serious type. Tis is the depressing type. Meg? Party-girl, happy, bouncy type - the kind who, when she sees a very dangerous person who, if she blinked at the dangerous person wrong, she'd be torn apart and . . . wonder what they'd be as a bed-mate. The few times Meg's shown, she kind of reminds me of Harley Quinn. *shrugs* I'm probably reading too much into that.
Rating: 4.35
Book Publication: September 1 2017 (well, it says the 1st on Goodreads, and the 12th on Netgalley . . . one or the other will be when the book appears)
August 9 2017