Member Reviews

Standard offering by Cannon, which had a number of strengths including the detailing of a past romance that reemerges in the realm of the corporate world (as in "Take Me There"), with two mature, successful women. What detracted immensely from the whole were the multiple perspectives that were considered in the text-the details of each person's tale detracted from the relationship that was supposed to be central to the plot-Adrienne and Sloane's. Limiting the inclusion of Elliot and Lauren would have allowed for the greater allocation of plot space to that pairing, which I would have much preferred. Frankie, though, was an interesting aside, while the writing quality remained consistent and strong throughout.

This is a great book for those that want a continuation story with Lauren and Elliot from "Come and Get Me" with another romance tied in. You get about 1/3 of the book from Lauren and Elliot's side, and the rest comes from the new characters Sloan and Adrienne. To be honest, I liked "Come and Get Me" more than this one and it was for a few reasons that are particular to me.
The first was I felt like there were too many flashbacks. You get most of Sloan and Adrienne's hottest and in depth scenes between the two from the past. And there are a LOT of them. Stemming from this, I also felt like the two didn't really get to know each other in the present. They hadn't seen each other in like 10 plus years and Adrienne for sure was a different person, and yet they barely got to know each other in the present. At least that's what it felt like to me.
My other pet peeve was the non-interaction between Sloan and Adrienne's daughter Callie. She literally said hello to her once and that was all. I feel like there was a huge missed opportunity to see what that relationship would form into and how it would change the ever single Sloan's outlook on life and family. It was also weird, as a mother, for Adrienne not to have them hang out together before falling in love. Then there was this tiny Epilogue that again barely included Callie when you could have at least seen a glimpse of Sloan with her.
Overall I'd say if you want to see the continuation from "Come and Get Me" then buy the book. Otherwise, there are better ones from this author.

Take Me There
Julie Cannon. While this book reintroduces us to the characters in her book 'Come and Get Me’,which was a great read, JC introduces to two new women who we can’t help but fall in serious like with. Sloan Merchant works with Elliot Foster investing in companies that need an influx of cash. Adrienne Phillips works for a company that needs money so they can take the next step on expanding their product line. Did I mention Sloan and Adrienne knew and loved each other in college. After they part Sloan becomes a player. She doesn't want or need love. Adrienne finds love, has a child and then the unthinkable happens. Her wife is taken from her in the cruelest way possible. A school shooter. Now here they are, together again. Each has changed but the feelings they shared years ago are still as strong as ever. Both are scared. JC adds some twists and turns these two ladies need to overcome before they can let go of the past. Another great read by a writer who hasn't disappointed me yet.

There are more stories to tell from the Foster McKenzie world in Take Me There. The chemistry between Sloan and Adrienne is thermonuclear as they are thrown together to handle a business deal between their companies.. Apparently, 12 years is not enough to cool their passions. I felt their romantic progression was handled appropriately as Adrienne struggles with guilt for falling for someone new after her wife's death, and Sloan's emotional stilting and awkwardness due to growing up in a loveless family. Combining these issues with their undeniable chemistry made for an interesting cauldron of angst and conflict that kept me at the edge of my seat and riveted to what would happen next between them. At times I despised each woman over the other for their inability to get over their issues and seize their love once and for all, but it would be too easy and unfair when trying to overcome what they've been through. Interestingly, we spend time with Lauren and Elliott who discuss at length Sloan and Adrienne's situation, as well as in their bedroom for extracurriculars. While it was fun to reconnect with them it seemed these scenes neither added nor detracted from the rest of the story. There were just there as filler for fun. Another aspect that left me puzzled was that if Adrienne was so close to her family why did she decide not to tell them she was dating Sloan in college? Also, while flashbacks are sometimes necessary to the plot and provides a good glimpse into the exact moment in time, I can say that sometimes there can be too much of a good thing. This story is about their present and while I needed to understand where they came from I wanted more of their present and less flashbacks. Lastly, I felt the Epilogue was far too rushed for what these amazing women went through to get to their happy ending. Their arduous journey towards love deserved more time to savor their happiness since so much of the book is filled with their struggle. Overall, a decent book filled with plenty of feels and sizzling chemistry to savor.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36040904-take-me-there" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Take Me There" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1502737337m/36040904.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36040904-take-me-there">Take Me There</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3400476.Julie_Cannon">Julie Cannon</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2107089158">3 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.<br />Twelve years after parting as lovers, Sloan and Adrienne meet again as lawyers on opposing sides. Intertwined in this erotic romance (with some angst) is supporting couple Lauren and Elliot. However they feature way too much in the storyline for my liking. I felt short-changed regarding Sloan and Adrienne's relationship - too many unanswered questions. <br />A quick read overall. Ms. Cannon is still amongst my favourite writers. 3 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

ARC received from NetGalley in return for an honest review.
This is a sequel to Cannon's 'Come and Get Me', and both Elliott and Lauren from that book feature in this, quite a bit.
This story is about Adrienne and Sloane, who dated in college and are reunited by a business deal. Sloane works for Elliott and is friends with Lauren, so both pop up with reasonable frequency and they also have their own scenes, quite a few of them sex scenes.
There's also a lot of flashbacks. To their shared past and Adrienne's intervening past, as well as some fantasy/dream scenes. As such I felt the book jumped around too much.
I also felt sorry for Sloane, I got the impression that Adrienne was 'the one that got away' and that Sloane had always loved her, I did not get that impression from Adrienne, who had been (and still was) devoted to her lost wife.
Their reunion is also hampered by them not really spending any real substantive time together, (and Sloane spends all of two minutes with Callie, which is weird given she's such a big part of Adrienne's life).
Sloane also learns a lot about Adrienne, but Adrienne doesn't bother to return the favour, so that when they get together at the end I could see why Sloane wanted to, but wasn't convinced that Adrienne wasn't just rebounding onto someone safe, and I can't help feeling that Sloane sold herself short. The epilogue didn't help either, there's a pretty big jump there with no substance to back it up.
Anyway, if you enjoyed Come and Get Me, you'll probably enjoy catching up with Elliott and Lauren again. It's a quick, easy read.

Ever since reading Because of You by Julia Cannon, I've held this author in high esteem. When I saw Take Me There listed on NetGalley for review, I was all over it.
This story is told in third person and from four point-of-views - Elliot, Lauren, Sloan and Adrienne.
I must say I found the first chapter a little jarring/confusing. After reading the blurb, I was all set to dive into the story of Sloan and Adrienne. However, this story starts with Elliot and Lauren, and they are given a lot of page time throughout. I've since learned they were mains in another story by Cannon. While I don't think that book needs to be read first I think it would be beneficial.
In “Take me There,” the sexy time is plentiful, but ironically, most explicit scenes are between Elliot and Lauren, not the main characters. Come to think of it, perhaps this story is equally about each couple. *shrugs*
The plot addresses many topics readers are bound to enjoy -second chance romance, overcoming grief, raising a child, and the daunting prospect of becoming a step-parent.
The conflict that happens around 80%, because we all know once a couple come together drama has to ensue before they can have a happy ever after, will either work for a reader or frustrate the crap out of them.

Just an okay read by Cannon. I actually finished this book last night, but I decided to wait and let it sit before I reviewed it. Last night, I found myself really annoyed at parts of this book. I Thought I better just think on it more, why exactly parts were bothering me so. Now almost 24 hours later, I am less annoyed and am actually giving this a slightly better rating than my first thoughts.
This book really covers one couple and one potential couple. The together couple, is Elliot and Lauren from Cannon's book Come and Get Me. The question is do you need to read that book first? No. Cannon fills in a few holes about their relationship so you can catch on. I thought Come and Get Me, was just okay too. Like this book, they are not what I think of as Cannon's best. Come and Get Me, did leave a few plot holes open, but nothing was actually resolved in this book. 80% of the scenes with Elliot and Lauren, in this book, were sex scenes.
I had just finished a book where the characters are not together a lot. A lot of the book takes place in the characters heads. All this constant thinking about each other. Well it was like deja-vu with this book. Adrienne and Sloan spend more time thinking about each other, than they are physically around each other. Most of the time when the characters are actually together, it is in flashbacks. Yeah awesome flashbacks... not! Flashbacks drive me nuts. And honestly nothing really happened in the flashbacks except for more sex scenes. I love good steamy sex scenes, but I didn't feel that here. Between Elliot and Lauren and the flashbacks, the sex scenes became repetitive. The only intimate sceens I was interested in was present day with Ad and Sloan, and they lost some of their spark, from overuse of the other sex scenes.
Besides the flashbacks and repetitive sex scenes, the other issue that annoyed me was something Elliot did in the book. I am going to keep this vague as to not spoil anything. But anyone who reads this will know what I mean. Elliot acted all high and mighty, and not much like her previous character. Having read Come and Get me, it just didn't seem like something she would do. And it bothers me when characters don't act like you believe they would.
Last thing to mention, and I only am because it was so odd. It stuck out in the book to me, and I was surprised. I don't know if some overweight person peed in Cannon's Wheaties, but she does not seem to like overweight people. She had Adrienne think of some rhyme when her character was talking to a large women with a skinny husband. Weird but not that bad. But then a fringe character we barely know, has to leave because his wife went into labor. Instead of feeling happy for the guy, Sloan just craps on him in her head. The male character was pot bellied. So Sloan wanted to know how he could find his penis to go to bathroom, let alone how he could find his penis to have sex with his wife. It's like damn, just cause they guy has a belly doesn't mean he has a 1-inch penis. And why did this animosity come out of the blue? Just one of the odder things I have read in a lesfic book. I mean most of the characters in lesfic have fantastic bodies, but there normally isn't blatantly fat shaming out of the blue.
Not my cup of tea for all the reasons I mentioned in this review. The reason I gave this a 3 and not the 2, or 2 1/2 stars I originally thought, is I believe some people will like this. I think part of my issue is not liking flashbacks, and because of the last book I read. I'm a little burnt-out on books where the main characters are not together as much. If these are not issues for you, you probably will like this more than I did.
An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

Review of Take me there by Julie Cannon
This book's main plot is not new for Julie Cannon: former lovers who meet again in a corporate environment that precludes any possible involvement but, at the same time, encourages a simmering attraction. The author used a similar plot line in her book I remember, published in 2013. In Take me there, Adrienne and Sloan meet twelve years later after a passionate relationship during college years. Time changed them both, specially Adrienne who became a mother. But has time extinguished the flame completely? And even if the attraction is still there, can they act on it without legal or ethical issues?
I found that the main premise of the book is interesting but the execution could have been better. The plot skims through the boardroom conflict which could have been exploited better showcasing the sexual tension and disputes. Additionally, the story's focus shifts between the main protagonists and Lauren and Elliott, characters of Cannon's Come and get me. The book sometimes drags with excesive details on the supporting couple but ends a bit abruptly on the main story.
Overall, a good idea with a not so good execution but entertaining anyway. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.
ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

What an interesting storyline of past love and moving on from pain. Sloan Merchant has a career she loves. As far as relationships, "no strings, no commitment and no drama" just the way she likes it. Adrienne Stewart is heartbroken due to the loss of her partner but the one thing she holds dear to her is their three year old daughter Callie. The last thing on her mind is romance and a relationship. The support of Adrienne's parents was wonderful to read. I thought her sister Frankie added an interesting perspective to the story. I enjoy stories that include children especially when they are full of personality and not seen as a burden. The back and forth telling of the story was abrupt at times due to were the flashbacks were placed but for the most part did not take away from the story.

I've enjoyed this book, this author always fulfills my tastes with regard to romantic stories. Only that in this case the story weaves three plot lines and anyone has been properly completed. First of all, although I liked to find the two main characters of a previous book from this author, Come and Get Me, Elliott and Lauren, I've find myself wanting to skip their parts in this book, I seemed too many for my likes. And then the story between the two main characters in this book, Sloan and Adrienne, is telled from the actual time point of view and with many flashbacks from their relationship in early years. And both have many incomplete points. Anyway, the merging between this three plot lines has not managed in completely explain the relathonship between Sloan and Adrienne. Maybe a prologue or explaining the story in a chronological way would have been better. This personal consideration aside, the book has also many points that I like to find in a romance. So I still recommend reading this book, strongly.

Julie Cannon delivers another wonderful book. This is one book that I find difficult to review because I was surprised by the circumstances that surrounded Adrienne and I don't want to give too much away. So I will share this book was delivered an unexpected story plot that is heart warming about the past, present and future. How there are different ways we can love people and how beautiful and sad life can be simultaneously.

Julie Cannon is one of my favorite authors and I was so thrilled I was able to review this book. Overall it was a good read. I didn't think it was nearly as good as some of her others. I liked having Lauren and Elliot make an appearance but I felt that their subplot really overshadowed the main plot. The many flashbacks didn't really enhance the present much. I thought Sloan and Adrienne were likeable and believable mains. Callie was adorable. I love the happy ending but I would have liked to see them together in the present way more than I did in the book. Thanks Julie for another great read!