Member Reviews

Jenny Lewis had the worst prom night ever, especially since it ended with someone trying to kill her. Months later, while everyone still thinks she’s dead, she meets them all in a cabin so that she can figure out what really happened that night.

The story was told under Jenny’s point of view but also the points of view of all the other people in the cabin.
The characters weren’t loveable. They drove me crazy, I could not relate to them. Even the main character, who I was supposed to feel sorry for was awful. She nicknamed someone who used to be her friend “Chubby Ally”. She also cheated and cared more about her image than anything else. And she was like the second most likeable character out of the six main ones.
More than that, some dudes sexually assaulted a passed out women and were never held responsable, one of them was even written as a good dude by the end because he used to have “a drug problem” but he’s clean now so he’s a different person. Right.
I guess I liked the way it was told though. The whole prom night is told by everyone, according to their points of view, so we can reform the whole night piece by piece. It kind of reminded of a Veronica Mars episode: A Trip to the Dentist (1x21). Except the characters here were assholes and Veronica is everything.
Also, there was a huge twist towards the end that I didn’t see coming at all and I did enjoy being surprised.
However, they were too many things that upsetted me for me to enjoy it...

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2/5 stars

Okay, let me start off by saying that the writing itself was fine! no problem at all with the writing style .
The book is about this girl Jenny who was almost killed on her prom night, she ends up obviously not dying. after 5 months or so of everyone thinking she is dead she sends text messages to 4 of her friends to meet her at a cabin, she wants to find out who tried to kill her and why.

This book, was so extremely predictable, as soon as Jenny started telling her part of the prom night I immediately knew who the "killer" was. The fact that Jenny didn't go to the police after she was almost MURDERED blows my mind, even if you have a run in with the police and don't trust them, if someone tries to kill you GO TO THE POLICE. Don't go running off into hiding with someone and try to play detective, that just doesn't work out. Haven't you seen Pretty Little Liars? So Stupid.

There was no character development in the story, its just a recount of what happened to six different people over prom night. it got really repetitive which obviously it would if you're telling the same story from six different pints of views, I feel like this story has been done a 1000 times over and it's never good, no matter who is telling it. I have nothing against Samantha Boyette's writing or story telling, I just feel like she could have done more with the story or have written something different.

I wish I would have enjoyed it but it just wasn't for me.

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This book wasn’t really my cup of tea. I found it rather predictable. To be fair this is probably aimed at a younger audience than myself (in my forties) but I’ve enjoyed many other teenaged character novels. It just didn’t quite click with me. On a positive note the story is well written and the author is obviously a talented writer.

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To me, this book was okay. I didn't feel attached to any of the characters, and the main character had a lack of agency. But I did like the amount of suspense, and the author managed to show the same narrative from different perspectives while giving new details each time. That's impressive.

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The best thing about this book was the summary. It pretty much went downhill from there.

As soon as I started reading, I knew who our would-be murderer was. Actually, I pretty much figured out exactly what was going to happen before I was even 20 pages in and if you read other reviews of this book, I wasn't the only one. It seems our author watched a few too many episodes of Pretty Little Liars and tried to immolate that... without much success.

Everything in this book screams high school cliché. There's the popular jock who is a habitual drug and alcohol abuser. The popular mean girl. The quiet, morally good girl. The best friend in love with the good girl... and is clueless that she doesn't like guys. The popular girl who isn't really mean, she's just trying to survive. And the fat girl who is picked on but miraculously loses weight after she save our Popular Not Mean Girl from a dangerous situation. Seriously, that screams Mona and Ali from PLL.

This book was so gross and terrible. Take away how cliché it is and you're left with an abusive boyfriend, two boys taking advantage of a drunk girl (they pulled her top down and took pictures of her exposed breasts), and our weed smoking "angry Black boy". Combined with the terrible writing, this was a book I couldn't wait to finish. Thank God it was short.

I would not recommend this book in any capacity. Mark this as a "do not touch with a 10 foot pole".

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I'm just going to dive right in here, this book was tough for me to get through and finish. There were a few times that I was ready to throw in the towel and just not finish it, but I ain't no quitter! I soldiered on really hoping the book would redeem itself...Unfortunately, it did not.

The Girl Who Wasn't Dead oozes with potential. The premise immediately grabbed me and the simplicity of the cover is so inviting and is so fitting to the story. What I struggled with most was the writing style, or more so, the delivery. It is very...juvenile for lack of a better word. It read more like a middle grade novel but talked about drugs, booze and sex all the time and the characters just fell flat. It was your typical clique and each character just treated one another so terribly. If these were my friends, I would have throat-punched them and dropped all of them.

I also felt the book was taking on a "Pretty Little Liars" theme. I don't know if that was intentional but it felt like the book was trying to appeal to that crowd but the storyline didn't stand strong enough to achieve that.

The Girl Who Wasn't Dead just wasn't my cuppa tea.

This review was originally posted on The Crazy Bookworm:

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Honestly I think this book would make a better movie than the book that it is. In a movie, the amount of characters switching back and forth, telling the same story over and over again doesn't get as confusing. The book, especially the beginning part when you're just learning who the characters are, gets pretty confusing. I kept forgetting which one of them was the one that "died". Maybe others won't have that problem, but I did until about half way through.

It's definetly more of a mystery book than anything else. The way the author pieced together different & the same events was well done. The characters weren't hugely in-depth, but for the most part they each had very distinct personalities that set them apart from each other.

Overall I'd give it 3 1/2 stars. Again, would make a great movie!

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The Girl Who Wasn’t Dead was told from 6 different perspectives.The main characters were requested to gather at a cabin in the woods to reminisce about prom night and ultimately what led to the near death of one of their friends, Jenny. One by one the characters told what they remembered in an attempt to figure out who was responsible for trying to kill Jenny. The premise was good, but the execution in terms of the overall writing process could have been better. It was a bit confusing at times, especially when the perspectives shifted between first/third when told from a main character’s viewpoint. I also didn’t understand the emotions or lack of emotions when a violent death occurred near the end.
There were several themes throughout the story such as: bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, the popular cliques vs the outcasts, homophobia, and fat shaming. The author did demonstrate that people are ultimately responsible for their actions and people can change…for the better.

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I struggled with what to say about this book. the storyline was good but i had a strange deja vu feeling about it all, Which im sure anyone else who watched pretty little liars would agree. While not the same story it is very similar.
We have Jenny who goes into hiding when someone tries to kill her. Believing it was one of her friends she lets them all believe that she is dead. Theres Ally who found her on the side of the road and took her to a motel and hid her until they could get somewhere else safe. Shes always either wanted to be Jenny or be with her. Theres Jennys boyfriend Gabe and best friend marrisa who are sleeping together and kyla who Jenny is secretly seeing behind everyones back. Then Liam whos dragged into everything cause he cares about kyla.
The story becomes a little repetitive while reliving prom night through everyones eyes but it kept up pace by switching between memory and present to keep from getting boring.
Even though the story was quite similar to to another i did enjoy the book and would recommend it to anyone who loves pretty little liars but doesn't want the commitment of a long series

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"I received an ARC from Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review"

This book is a piece of art! The story is about one night- Prom night- and what happened to Jenny. The five main characters have different Social standings in the school- some are popular some are considered "losers? It is amazing how Mrs. Boyette brings all the viewpoints together to the same scene. It was very interesting to see how the different characters, popular, unpopular etc. go through the same night and, how they end up at a conversation or doing something and to see the same scene through different eyes. They explain the same night but had very different experiences and different steps that lead them to the same scene. Because of that some conversations and scenes are repeated word by word but to me it made the story as good as it is. It is a complete different style but one I enjoyed a great deal. It was pure, raw and real and the different viewpoints were authentic to who told their version of the night. It is not just a book, but a piece of Art in my opinion - to change the way of writing and wordchoice to make each characters voice unique.
On an other note, the message of the book was a vey important one as well! It showed how dangerous Bulling is and what it can do to a person- how far it can push a person. Bulling is a very delicate topic and hard to capture in the right way but the approach that was taken here worked out beautifully. It also captured friendship in a nice way and how friendship can be very superficial and be used to climb the social ladder. The story has important points written in an unconventional style.
Most books I read and I'm engrossed in them but once it is over l can move on to a new one easily- this one made it hard to move on and I can't recommend this book enough.

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Not the worst YA almost-murder mystery I've ever read. This book was borderline 'okay' and I guessed who the killer was from very early on. Fairly well written and in an interesting style as there was a lot of jumping back and forth in time, which, surprisingly, wasn't confusing. Overall nothing special but an easy read.

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It was a quick read, but oh so repetitive. Would have been more interesting to actually see the prom night events from 6 different perspectives, but this book simply repeats the same story 5 times. That's right, one of the stories does vary. The end is kind of predictable (easy to guess who did it a couple of chapters into the book).

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I haven't read a book like this before. It was a good book, but parts of the book seemed repetitive. This book was mysterious, I didn't expect the ending.

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2 1/2 Stars. This was a fair YA/NA read. I'm leaning more to New Adult than Young Adult because of some of the content, but I can never tell for sure which is which. Also, while this is by Bold Strokes Books, I would not classify this as lesfic. There are 6 characters that you head hop around in. One is a lesbian, another I think is a lesbian but could be bi, and another female that I just could not tell, I'm guessing bi. Than you had two straight guys and another straight woman. I would classify this more as a book with LGBT characters than actually lesfic.

The premise of this book sounded really interesting to me. After senior prom, someone attempts to murder Jenny. Their attempt fails, and now presumed dead, Jenny is left wondering who tried to kill her. Five months later, she gets all the suspects together, to find the would be murderer. I love mysteries, and thought this sounded like a great twist, unfortunately the execution didn't really come together.

It hard to write a book with a large cast of characters. You have 6 POV's and the book jumps in and out of 1st and 3rd person. In this case, a lot of the characters sounded to similar to me. They didn't have their own unique voice enough. And to be honest, most of the characters are pretty shitty. Besides two of them, and they have their own faults, the rest were pretty awful. It was hard to like anybody and impossible to connect with them. I know this book takes place in high school and the start of college, and we are all stupid during this time, but these characters seem like total stereotypes, not actual people.

When it came to the mystery, the attempted killer is really obvious. I did absolutely keep reading to see if I was right or wrong. I was hoping I was actually wrong and there would be more of a twist at the end, unfortunately not. Boyette, needs to throw more suspicion on others in a mystery.

All and all, the book did not really work for me. I didn't hate it. It kept me reading and I finished it in one sitting, so I have to give it props for keeping my attention. It just had such a promising premise, I'm disappointed it didn't work out. I'm always happy to read something different, but the characters really needed some work. I can't recommend this, but I won't say stay away either. Just if you read it, prepare for not being wowed and possibly disappointed.

An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

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The Good
The premise for this sounded really good: a thriller with all the suspects gathered together in one place and the victim alive and ready to find out the truth. Also, the main relationship is between two girls, which is another plus in a book for me.

The Bad
Unfortunately, this book did not live up to its potential at all. Everything happens in one room while various cliché characters recount their memories of prom night. This might work out to be interesting, but in this case it’s just a bunch of talking heads, which ends up being very boring. The narrations have nothing to distinguish them form one another and it’s not very interesting to hear about the same events over and over.

The culprit was also painfully obvious almost from the beginning. I’m not very good at figuring out mysteries, so if my first guess was right, that means the mystery wasn’t too great.

The Verdict
I was excited for this one, but unfortunately it was a bit of a disappointment.

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The narration of this story is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before. It had a shifting time line and is told from many point-of-views, mainly - Jenny, Gabe, Marissa, Liam, Kyla, and Ally’s. Some parts are told in third person but mostly its told in first person.

While this could’ve worked well, the number of repeat scenes, often word for word (copy and paste must’ve been used many times) wore thin and tested my strength to resist the urge to skim read.

The is a story reader’s will love, or not. For me, it had the underlying tone of Carrie by Stephen King. Ironically, early in the story there is mention of a character noticing someone reading a book by none other than Stephen King.

Although I suspected who the perp was early on, and I was right, it didn’t stop me from wanting to read on, mainly to find out what motivated her actions.

I selected this book as lesfic but it doesn’t have that vibe, sure a couple of the girls are bi-curious (their words) but due to being in the closet the heroines are all dating guys. Regardless of what genre this should be in, it most definitely is not a romance in my humble opinion

copy provided by the publisher, Bold Strokes Books, via Netgalley.

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I really wanted to like this book. The premise seemed interesting enough and after coming off a bunch of fantasy books, a mystery seemed like a great break. Honestly, this book was one of my least favorites of the year. I had such high hopes for it, but there was just way too many problematic elements and the plot was just not that good. If you want to pick it up and check it out, I’m not going to stop you, but I think there are far better YA mystery books out there. I really wanted to like this one. I really did, but it just was not doing it for me.

For a full review, please check out my blog post here:

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I'm giving this one an extra star solely because this is not the type of book I'd expect from Bold Strokes Books--which is a GOOD thing--and I'd really like to see genre diversity like this from the publisher. But wow, after such a terrific premise, the delivery was a total bomb.
Taking away the murder attempt for a moment, it's the familiar premise of getting together 5 or so people who used to be close and have gone through some life event that they're now re-confronting as a group later in life. The problem here though is that only 5 months have passed since the titular "death" yet everyone is waxing poetic about how changed they now are since high school. Had the events taken place 5 years or 10 years, hell, even a year later, already we'd have a stronger story.
The whodunnit (and frankly, also the why) was painfully obvious from the beginning, and I wish an editor had spent more time with this author developing the idea of red herrings and depth.
But the characters are a painful mess of stereotypes and card board cut outs. Do I care about the "secret" relationship between the "trailer trash" and "most popular girl in the school"? Absolutely not--they never jump off the page and we never really see their relationship, it's only told to us. We know more about their nervous habits of chewing fingernails/lips, described ad nauseum, than how the two really relate to each other. On top of that, there's the drug-addled jock, the popular mean girl, the "fat girl" everyone makes fun of, and the pining (angry) best friend. Everyone behaves exactly the way you'd expect them to because you've read or seen that character a thousand times. There is nothing to differentiate them or make you feel for them or their suffering.
I wanted this book to be so much better; instead, I'm recommending it be skipped.

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Really wanted to enjoy this book but ended up finishing it just because ....
The title is good and the blurb on the book really drew me in but it is a book for Teens definitely.
It's kind of an Agatha Christie 'Who Dunnit' with each suspect giving their version of the prom night and revealing each had a motive to kill Jenny. I enjoyed the different character POV which has put off other reviewers.
It touches on being bi-curious and very 'be who you are - love who you are - don't be swayed by being the popular girl' Hate the fat geekey kids etc - probably would have enjoyed it when I was 14 but too predictable for me unfortunately.

If you enjoyed Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver then this is for you (a group of high school kids realising how shallow they all really are )

"2 stars / would not recommend

Thanks to Netgalley for allowing me to read the book before it's release - it will appeal to someone but not me

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**Thanks to NetGalley for providing me a complimentary copy of THE GIRL WHO WASN'T DEAD by Samantha Boyette in exchange for my honest review**

On prom night, one or more of Jenny's friends kill her, except she survives. Now she gathers them together in a remote cabin to find out who. Not everyone will survive.

THE GIRL WHO WASN'T DEAD had one of the most exciting premises in recent memory. It was on my Amazon wish list and I was so excited to receive an ARC. Thought I wasn't immediately pulled in, I continued reading to about 60% before skipping to the end to find out if my theories were correct (they were).

Great premise
Diverse characters


Writing shifted POV with chapter headings listing each point of view. Points of view from various narrator shifted from first to third. I'm not sure why Boyette used both first and third POVs for each character, but this device didn't increase my understanding of the characters or plots. Additionally the narrators' first person POVs all had the same non-engaging voice.

I really wanted to love THE GIRL WHO WASN'T DEAD and write a glowing review. I tried to justify giving two stars to the book, but couldn't find a justification.

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