Member Reviews

Well-researched and presented in an approachable style, this guide offers historical perspectives and focus on the subtleties that make "session" beers more than traditional continental "small beer." Rather, these beers have a unique legacy and in re-born form offer a fresh entrée for those yet to join the craft beer revolution. A must-read for those seeking the story behind full-flavored session beer appreciation

Who doesn't enjoy beer? This has been an education that has led me to visiting craft breweries to expand my tastes. I feel confident now talking with the brewmaster and staff. I appreciate the process as well as the end product. Cheers!

#SessionBeers #NetGalley #Beer #Summer #Summer 2018
This is an encyclopedic book about the beer including facts about the most famous international brands, types of beer and history of beer making. The book is well documented and contains the references.

This book will be of most interest to brewers looking for very specific information about brewing session beers, which have a more modest alcohol level that allows for multiple drinks at a sitting. For the recreational drinker looking for a book to help guide them on their visits to local breweries, however, Session Beers (Brewer Publications, digital galley) may be a little overwhelming.
The first half of the book, by Jennifer Talley, is an overview of the concept of session beers and the many types available. The second part is dedicated to recipes for specific session beers. Unfortunately even the first part of the book gets too tied up with the process of brewing to be of much interest to recreational drinkers. But if your a serious brewer looking for guidance, this might be the book for you.

A wonderful exploration of session beer. The history, growth, the styles, how to brew them, and commercial recipes. It's a manual for anyone interested in the style and a must-read for those looking to brew session beers well. Covering all the bases, this is the one reference any brewer needs to become a session beer star.