Member Reviews

This book is a new bedtime favorite for my 3 year old granddaughter, the bunny and Max are cute and humorous.! The illustrations are beautifully done in pastels and catches the true moods of a child in search of its favorite toy.. The book demonstrates Max's anguish as he cannot find his new toy and knows the difference when presented a new bunny that was hidden away. Finally, the new bunny becomes more of a friend as the original toy bunny is found.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I loved this book. The story was so cute. The illustrations are adorable. And, anyone that ever had a favorite to can absolutely identify.

Abigail Rayner brings young readers an adorable tale about a stuffed bunny hidden in a young mother’s sock drawer. Who is this timid bunny and why is he looking so sad? Fluffy is a backup bunny should Max lose his favorite bunny. Fluffy dreams of being free and loved. When his time finally comes Fluffy is dragged, tossed, squeezed, and even ignored. Fluffy finally feels loved until the other bunny is discovered; Max is sent back to the sock drawer with memories of bike rides and more. Will Max remember all the fun they had, too? Will he ever ask for Fluffy, again?
Most parents are familiar with favorite stuffed animals and the fear of loss and tears. The Backup Bunny gives them an idea on how to avert disaster. Fluffy’s need to be loved will stir the hearts of the young and old. Rayner’s cheeky sense of humor shines, as well. Mom’s sock drawer has a whole new meaning. I hope to see more of her work in the future.
Link will be posted May 1st.

Such a lovely book! Beautiful and funny illustrations. Children particularly y liked the one with the bunny and the cat.
Also a charming story about back up toys, their destiny and their dreams.
It has a happy ending as well. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

This book is for every child who has become attached to one toy in particular and cannot be parted from it. It's also for parents who ever had the wisdom to reserve a second 'backup' toy just in case. When Max's beloved bunny is lost, will he accept the fluffier, cleaner version that is pulled from his mom's sock drawer? Will Backup Bunny ever get a chance to be loved and played with? Adorable and sweet story from the perspective of the pristine duplicate bunny. Our child has a lovey blanket and we've had to use the backup blanket occasionally. When he saw the title of the book he smiled and said, 'aww' and read it right away and then read it to his younger brother.

The Backup Bunny by Abigail Rayner is a wonderful new children's book. I received a digital advanced copy from the publisher and my son enjoyed it so much that he has been waiting impatiently for the book to come out so we can order a hard copy for ourselves. This book has a wonderful story in the tradition of other well loved children's books like Knuffle Bunny. The illustrations are lovely as well. I highly recommend this book. It will likely become a family favorite for you as well. These opinions are entirely my own.

The Backup Bunny by Abigail Rayner
Illustrations By: Greg Stones
Publisher: North South Books Inc.
ISBN: 9780735842823
Publish Date: March 6, 2018
Thanks to NetGalley and publisher North South Books Inc. for the ebook ARC of The Backup Bunny by Abigail Rayner and illustrated by Greg Stones in exchange for an honest review.
Everybody needs a back up plan, especially when you lose your favourite toy. Max loses his favourite toy - Bunny, and mom brings out the “backup bunny” - Fluffy to save the day. Max is thrilled to his favourite toy back but discovers fairly quickly that his ears are too new and perky.
Can Fluffy find away into Max’s heart?
I give this book a rating of 5 stars. I read it to my youngest daughter, who is 4 and she really enjoyed the story. I thought it was a cute book and I like the illustrations. They were fun and colourful. I would recommend reading this book or buying as a gift!

My 4-year old really enjoyed this book. She has a "lovie" too, so the back-up bunny scenario has certainly played out in our house. Super quick read and enjoyable enough to read multiple times.

When Max misplaces his favorite bunny, Mama brings out the backup bunny, Fluffy, who has been waiting in the proverbial wings for Max to play with him. In the days it takes to find Bunny, Fluffy wins the heart of Max, gaining the right to a non-sock drawer existence. Heartwarming.

This book was so cute! The backup bunny is written from the pov of a child's "backup" stuffed animal. You know, the extra one that parents buy of a child's favorite that sits in a drawer just in case the beloved toy every goes missing. It's entertaining and tugs at your heartstrings.

As a nanny I am always looking for new stories to read to my charges. This is one which they loved listening to. It is a simple idea yet very well executed. The illustrations are lovely, the story is lovely, and I would love to purchase a copy when this is published.
Many thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for providing a copy.

The cover of The Backup Bunny will immediately draw children into this book. Greg Stones has drawn a young boy hugging a patched stuffed rabbit while another stuffed rabbit waves in the background. What is a backup bunny? Everyone looks so happy on the cover. What could this story be about? The endpapers at the front of the book offer more opportunity for predicting. There are repeated illustrations of the bunny sitting on an upturned bucket, playing with a yoyo, lying on the ground as a cat rests on its belly and draped with a sock. Again this begs the question, what is going to happen in this story?
It turns out that Fluffy the backup bunny is used to comfort young Max after his favorite stuffed rabbit named Bunny goes missing. Fluffy is willingly subjected to Max’s interactions in the hope that he will be chosen and loved. The delightful end of the book leaves us guessing what will happen next. However, careful readers will notice that there is more to the story when they turn the final page. The endpapers show Max, Fluffy and Bunny in various poses. The illustrations aid in predicting the future escapades of these fine characters.

Adorable book about a backup bunny, who is kept for when his child loses his favorite stuffed animal. Too bad the kid knows the difference... But he learns to love the replacement/backup bunny too, and keeps playing with him even when his "real" Bunny is found! Cute story, cute illustrations, and I love that it's told from the POV of the stuffed animal (especially the parts where he's talking to the cat!)

Thank you to Netgalley, North South Books Inc., Abigail Rayner and Greg Stones for providing this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Great illustrations. On the surface, this is a cute, funny story. This is a story that so many moms can relate to. The Backup Bunny is a book about a young boy that loses his favorite stuffed animal. Thankfully, mom has a backup in her sock drawer. Unfortunately, Max recognizes that this is not his favorite toy but rather an impostor. After throwing a tantrum, Max remembers where he left Bunny. So, the impostor is thrown in back in the sock drawer. But, wait. Max throws another tantrum and is rewarded with both bunnies. Eventually, Max even gets a third bunny.
Overall, I think this is a cute story. However, I feel like any adult that reads this is going to have to explain that Max's behavior is unacceptable. In general, I do not like books to come with stipulations.

Fluffy is a luxury stuffed rabbit toy, who is Max's
back up toy.
He's always found in the sock drawer.
Unless Max loses his favourite toys and then Fluffy
comes out.
Max plays with him for awhile and later throws him
on the ground.
He also forgets fluffy anywhere and the cat sits on fluffy.
Fluffy realises that he needs to be respected as well.
But when he sees an old toy, abandoned by Max, He
decides to be quiet.
Fluffy hates being in the sock drawer and is sad.
One day, Max cries for he wants Fluffy.
And the other day, he gets a new gift, a new bunny.
This book express the feelings of a toy when kids forget
them and play with the new ones.
It will encourage kids to keep the toys, they don't play
anymore with, in a good place or donate them.

Ok this is super stinking cute. It is absolutely true that it is best if you have 2 of your kids' favourite toy, but we never put ourselves in the shoes of that second toy (thankfully most toys are quite content wherever they are). This is a story from the perspective of the second, backup, toy and I absolutely adore it. I will definitely have to go look for this when one of my girlfriends gets pregnant. Short, sweet and adorable ;)

This is a sweet little story about a boy who has misplaced his favorite stuffed bunny. It’s unique as it’s told from the perspective of the “backup bunny” who had been waiting in mom’s sock drawer for a time to make the little boy happy. When the time finally comes, all doesn’t go as planned. The little boy knows it’s not his favorite toy but learns to love this one also, even when he finds his real “bunny”.
As a parent of four grown children and four grandchildren I know all about a special stuffed animal or blanket to sleep with. I think it’s great for children to have something special that helps them to settle in to sleep. I always made my kids keep their special something in their bed and my daughter does the same with her little ones, then the chance of losing it is minimal. However there was a time when we were traveling and my daughter then age about 5 left her blanket behind. Yikes, it was tough. We had to call the resort and have them find and then send the blanket.
I think the illustrations are cute and the story is very relatable. I would recommend it and my 4 year old grandson enjoyed it.
Will also post to Amazon upon publication.

Not a fan.
I feel like it might teach my kid to whine when he doesn't get his way...
And in the end, why was the other bunny back in the treehouse? I thought Max got him?

What more can I say.... My I read this book out loud to my daughter and we giggled. Such fun! And the illustrations were such fun! Looking for where Max left the bunny was at least half the fun! Having a "backup" toy for a kid is a great idea in theory, but kids always know when parents try to trick them with a forgery. Losing a toy or friend is sad. Moving away from your friends is not fun. This book can help a child see how new toys, even new friends, can make you very happy if you give them a chance.

I LOVED the illustrations but I found the story confusing. I've read a lot of children's books and this one seems to be unsure of where the story wants to go.