Member Reviews
Grace and her boyfriend Ander have died 41 times now by the hand of Finn but every time the event comes Grace finds herself awakening in another body, another version of Grace. The trio have been falling from parallel world to parallel world over and over again with the same outcome every time. Ander always finds Grace but withing five days they find themselves in danger again.
The trio seemed to be locked together in this horrible eternity until now, now things are different in this fall. Grace awakened to another version of herself as usual but Ander hasn’t found her. And in this life Grace’s family is together again including her twin who had been missing in all of her universe jumps. But Finn and Ander are here so what is different this time with the trio that events have changed?
Never Apart by Romily Bernard is a young adult suspenseful fantasy read featuring the idea of traveling from one dimension to another alternate reality over and over again. The story in the book is told by following Grace in her current reality trying to figure things out and by alternating back to the beginning of her story to see how the trio had come to begin their journey through dimensions.
The best part of this book was mixing a thriller element of Grace and Ander immediately being attacked and killed in the opening pages before their fall to another reality with the fantasy side of them continuing this nightmare over and over again. There were twists and turns as the story unfolded that lead up to the final conclusion engaged all the way in the story.
I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.
This was my first ever read by Romily Bernard. I had never heard of her or this book before when I found it on NetGalley. What first attracted me to the book was of course the cover and title so I clicked on it and I read the blurb. And I was super intrigued, specially since it was not what I was expecting it to be from that title. I had to give this book a go because it sounded very intriguing and mysterious and I just had to find out what it was all about.
And guys, this book was FREAKING AMAZING!! I seriously wasn't expecting it, not that I had any expectations really but you get nothing of what this book really is from reading the blurb! I mean, of course you get a feel of it but NO, this book is so much more than what ever you expect it's going to be from reading those few lines of the synopsis.
I actually would advise to not read anything and just jump into this book completely blind, don't read any reviews, don't get any ANY spoilers because that might ruin the amazing-ness that is this book! You're good to read the blurb, because like I said, it doesn't really give you anything of what this book IS. So yeah, blurb okay, reviews are a no go!!
I'm not gonna go into the plot, not even the characters, nothing because I don't want to spoil ANYTHING for you. Just know that this book is truly amazing, prepare yourself to be sucked into the story, to not want to put the book down until you know what's happening and until you know the freaking truth. Also, you're going to be frustrated, you're gonna want to take sides and question everything, and you will probably cry. MARK MY WORDS. I know I did. It hurt in the end, like seriously, even though it had been one of my theories, I did not want it to happen. I was literally shook. After I finished the book, I just had to lay down for a while crying and running over everything that happened, in my head. Despite that, all the hurt and the crying, I truly loved this book and what got me even more is that was not expecting it, I literally was not expecting this book at all! As I've said, it shook me and I cannot wait for this to be released so I can get myself a physical copy because this book deserves a place in my shelves.
Please give this beauty a read, I don't think you will regret it, ever.
Never Apart was gifted to be by NetGalley for review. I feel I have to say that first because obviously I've given this 5 stars, I rarely give a book 5 stars. But the rating has nothing to do with getting this book for free. In fact I've not felt this way about a YA book since I read Hotel Ruby (And boy I loved that book, so much I own in on both kindle and hardback!).
Never Apart isn't the first book I've read by Romily. I loved her writing style in Find Me series so knew that I would probably enjoy this one. But I was so not prepared for my feelings after reading it. This book was rad over 2 days, I read till 51% last night and only put the light out then as my eyes were beginning to see lines rather than words from being tired. This morning I've done minimal housework just so I could sit and finish it. I had to know what happened, how it would end.
Grace is a twin to Gem her brother, they live with their parents in Boone. The book centres around Grace, Ander and Finn. She keeps reliving the same 6 days and the only constants are Grace (Who remembers her Falls which happen on the 6th day), Ander and Finn. I don't want to talk more about the story than that, I can't. I had feelings till about 60% in on what was happening. What caused the Fall. Why things were like they were. I was wrong. I liked reading about the Now and the Then. The book is told solely from Grace's point of view but you have the Now timeline (Fall) and the Then of what really happened. Confused yet?
Never Apart sucked me in completely. I fell in love. Not with Ander, never Ander. I think I fell in love with Grace in a maternal friend way. I worried for her. I wanted to guide her. At times shake her, shake sense into her. Finn.... no I'm not telling you about Finn.
I rarely struggle for words with a review. I don't give spoilers but generally I can tell you how I felt about a book. This book cause so many emotions in me. Turmoil, hurt, love, fear, happiness, sadness... I've felt it all. Never Apart is a book of families, life, friends, living in a 'nowhere town'. Its about daily struggles, pain and growing up. This book covers so much. It is a YA and I feel mid/late teen would be best suited to it, just to understand it. I also think adults like myself would enjoy it too. Never Apart strengthens my feelings on Romily's writing. I cannot wait to read more of her work in the future and also recommend this book whole heartedly. 5 stars (And when its released I also will buy this one on hardback so it has a place on my book shelf as well as my kindle).
First, thank you to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC for allowing me to read and review this book.
Never Apart by Romily Bernard took me a little by surprise. I love her series "Find Me" and thought that I would jump right into this novel. Well...that didn't exactly happen. Her writing has improved so much over that series that I must give her a shout out! It is haunting and lovely novel that really surprised me. I am not going to give a huge synopsis on this book because that is one of the main reasons why I enjoyed it. I knew just enough about the novel to find it intriguing to pick up. If I hadn’t read the other books by Romily Bernard, I may have skipped over it. I am sooo glad that I didn’t though. This is a must read! PLEASE DON’T PASS IT UP!
Wow. This was so different from what I expected, in a good way! I didn't see the story going the way it did and that makes me happy! Well written and fast paced, told in "then" and "now" alternating times, Bernard keeps her reader on their toes! The story of Grace and her love, Ander, who are continuing to "fall" every five days, after Ander's death by the hand of their friend Finn. Each "fall" changes the way Grace is and she is trying to figure out what and why this keeps happening to her. The "then" part of the story gives the reader the backstory of Grace, Ander, Finn and Jem (twin brother to Grace). Both timeline in the story are equally important. I thought this was going to be a fully romantic mystery but it was full of depth and action. I really enjoyed it and I look forward to more from this author.
I am really disappointed with my reaction to this book.. the idea behind the books is really good and the majority of others who I know have read it like it.. therefore I feel slightly weird in saying that I just did not get into this book at all!
I didn't really feel like I connected with the characters, which is a big thing for me, I feel like the characters could of been developed a bit more.
I also feel like the ending was very anticlimactic. I feel that after around 2/3 of the book, the story just gets rushed! Grace has this epiphany, which isn't explored and developed as well as it could of been, then boom.. the ending happens (I won't spoil things for anyone reading this) which ended up leaving me feeling really let down..
BUT.. if your debating whether to read this book or not, I would definitely give it a go!! Since like I said I feel like the odd one out for not liking it 😂💜
Tissues anyone. After reading this amazing, emotional book I wondered why I waited so long to read it. I had been putting off reading this book because it was so different than what I usually read and boy am I sorry that I did. This book was a true masterpiece of love, regret, loss, confusion, and destiny. I am definitely going to read all the books written by Romily Bernard. Thank you NetGalley and Romily Bernard for allowing me to read this book and write a honest review.
This was a past and present story. The author did a good job keeping the two separate and easy to read. Jem and Grace are twins and been best friends with Ander since they were little. We don't see much of the development of Grace and Ander's personal relationship, it just seems to happen and is not prevalent in the book. We do see Grace and Finn's relationship grow and I really enjoyed it. Finn was my favorite character in the book. Grace had a level head on her shoulders and looked at things logically. I was confused for a good part of the book but it was a good confused. I kept trying to figure out what was going on and when it was finally revealed I was floored. What a great twist. The boy she ended up with had some pretty swoony dialogue at the end. Looking forward to reading more by this author. I received a free ebook in exchange for an honest review.
5 stars! The book review was posted on Goodreads and was given 5 stars out of 5. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read and review this novel. Looking forward to more novels by this author!
Never Apart sucked me in from the first chapter and I couldn't put it down. I had so many different emotions while reading it and I was disappointed when it ended. I like reading books that are different and not your typical romance and this one was amazing.
Received an Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for a fair review from Entangled Publishing, LLC via NetGalley.
This book had me hooked from the very first page and I couldn’t put it down! There were so many twists and turns that I didn’t see coming and I loved every second of it. The book was told in alternating then and now chapters that really helped me understand where the characters were coming from and how they ended up where they did. I loved the close relationship she had with her brother Jem, he tried to push Grace out of her comfort zone even if she didn’t want it. Her relationships with Ander and Finn were complicated and heartbreaking in their own way. This book is a hauntingly beautiful story of love, heartache, and finding out who you are when you are honest about what you truly want.