Member Reviews

Seize Today has a new POV, that of Olivia Dresden, daughter of the evil chairwoman Dresden. She is a precognitive and can see into the future to varying degrees. Her upbringing has been horrific but is her own person and not her mother's daughter. In many ways, this was the best book of the series and a satisfying conclusion as we find out what happens to all the characters we have become so invested in. Definitely read this series in order, otherwise you will risk becoming quite lost.

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Kudos to Pintip Dunn for creating a great fantasy with memorable characters and interesting plotlines.

I’ve loved this series from the start, and this book was a great way to end it. Initially I was skeptical of reading from Olivia’s point of view, but she grew on me.

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Disclosure, the author came to our store to do a signing a few years back. This does not alter or shape my review of this book. My opinions are my own.

This book was, in my opinion, much better than the second book, which I didn't really need to understand this one. I LOVED the relationship between Olivia and Ryder. SOOOO slow burn.

This was the best of the 3.5 books I think. You do need a bit of the first one to understand this one and they do flow in chronological order, but the books do a good enough background info non-dump that you don't miss too much if you read the books spaced far apart.

I enjoyed seeing characters from the other books in this one, getting to see the "HEA" for a few of my fav couples was nice.

The ending was a bit...not sure why things worked out ok and why the Chairwoman thought she needed to do what she did in order to save the world, but I may have missed something, as I flew through this book MUCH faster than anticipated.

3.5 stars, rounded up, as I liked how this ended the trilogy, even if I didn't quite understand the how, lol. 4 stars, definitely something different. Recommended if you like sci-fi type dystopian YA with LURVE.

My thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC/Entangled: Teen for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.

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Loved Loved Loved this book. This series was definitely worth reading! I loved Olivia and I’m glad she got to have her own story. I’m so proud of her

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Seize Today was definitely my favorite book out of the Forget Tomorrow trilogy. It summed everything up, it blended all the characters perfectly together, it gave me the type of romance story I loved, and action/genius in the plotting. It also moved me in terms of family and the complication of relationships. It was the perfect end, and it wasn't even difficult getting to love the new characters. Highly recommend!
Pintip Dunn's books are full of action, twists, love, and risk.

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I have been lucky enough to read all the books in the series and although this third and final enstallment could be read and perfectly understood on its own, I do feel that you would be missing out on some brilliantly clever aspects.
I cannot hush about this series enough, I have loved each and everyone of the main character and feel completely invested in each and everyone of them.
In this book I loved the struggles between our new main character Olivia and her mother. It was a really interesting story line.
I adored how all the books were connected and interlinked, I’m utterly blown away by just how clever it was.
This was a brilliant series, with amazing character and an incredible world.
I am so glad I have read it but so sad that it’s over.

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Entangled: Teen and NetGalley provided me with an electronic copy of Seize Today. I was under no obligation to review this book and my opinion is freely given.

Seize Today is the third book in the Forget Tomorrow series, with seventeen-year-old Olivia Dresden as the main focus. As Chairwoman Dresden's daughter, and a precognitive who sees different versions of people's futures, Olivia had spent most of her life isolated for her own piece of mind. As it becomes increasingly obvious that her mother's agenda does not line up with her own, will Olivia be able to forge her own path and help others? Is the future that she sees for herself set in stone?

Author Pintip Dunn takes readers on a different journey with Seize Today, with the unique viewpoint of the world through Olivia Dresden's eyes. This book ties the rest of them together and it feels like the series is now complete. I did think that the conclusion was a bit too easy, that the resolution to the conflict came together with a whimper instead of a bang. The story had a smooth pace, with a well developed plot and good characterization. Readers new to the series should absolutely start with the first book, as each of the novels builds upon the one that came before. Those who like science fiction and dystopian will like Seize Today, as well as the other books in the series.

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More than a year has passed since I read Remember Yesterday and I’ve missed the characters so much. It was nice to see Callie and Logan again. Jessa and Tanner, too. Forget Tomorrow has become one of my favorite series and I can’t believe it’s over.

One of the things that I love about this series is the way everything’s connected. Details from the first and second books play important roles in Seize Today because the last book in the Forget Tomorrow series did not revolve around future memory.

At least, not entirely.

Seize Today presented a seemingly new problem – one that poses a greater threat than the previous concerns about future memory in the first two books.

I said “seemingly new” because the problem was only declared in the third book, but if you reread parts of Forget Tomorrow and Remember Yesterday, you’ll realize that the *problem* was there all along.

And it’s true – this not-really-new problem posed the greatest threat not only to North Amerie but to their whole world.

I skimmed through the first two books before writing this review and realized that Callie is not the heroine of the series.

It’s Olivia.

Sure, Callie, Jessa, and Olivia became the heroine in their respective books. But you see, Callie’s decision to kill herself was influenced by Olivia’s vision. Jessa’s decision to betray her family was also influenced by Olivia’s vision. And the more I think about it, the more I believe that the entire series depended on Olivia’s precognition.

As the revelations unfold in Seize Today, I learned how important the visions truly are. The history of how they came to be was also explained and it’s when it hit me that Chairwoman Dresden is not as evil as I thought she was. Olivia has always believed that her mother has some good in her, and I’m glad how it manifested in the third book.

I thought I’d hate Marigold Dresden forever, but nope. I’ve forgiven her. She’s just a woman who tried so hard to make things right. Maybe the pressure consumed her and that’s what drove her to be cruel, but she’s still human – capable of feeling. And as you read Seize Today, you’ll understand my reasons.

I feel so much love for the characters in the series because it’s in this book that you find out who they really are and why they had to do certain things. You also realize why certain characters appear throughout the series, because a seemingly minor character who’s been there since book one might turn out to be an important character in the last book – more important than you can ever imagine.

I also love the romance in this book. Because it hits me that Olivia and Ryder are…friendzoned hearts that found each other.

Ryder was technically friendzoned by Jessa, and Olivia was technically friendzoned by Tanner. Jessa and Tanner got together, and I find it cute that Olivia ended up with Ryder.

Tanner has always loved Olivia, though. Just not in the way he loves Jessa. Because to him, Olivia is like a sister. And you have no idea how much that means to me. You have no idea how much one scene tore my heart because I’ve always believed that family is more about the emotional bond than the biological one.

Take Ryder Russell as another example. Ryder is not a Russell by blood, but he’s a Russell by heart. That’s what mattered more to Mikey, Logan, and the rest of the Russell family.

It was hard for Olivia to earn Ryder’s trust because of what happened with his biological family, but love got through his walls and I think that’s beautiful.

Seize Today ended the Forget Tomorrow series with so much love. This series will stay in my heart. ❤

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I am blown away by the absolute splendour of this engrossing novel! At the beginning, Olivia Dresden is an understated heroine, but her epic journey from that shadow self is magnificent! While I read this as a stand-alone, I cannot wait to go back!

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I can’t think of a better way to end a fantastic series! Seize Today was so much fun to was fast-paced, full of adventure and all about the characters. What I absolutely loved about it was how it wrapped up all of the major storylines but also featured a new a fresh plot that kept me interested from start to finish.

This book focused on Olivia, which provides us with a different look at the world. The previous two books were told from the perspectives of Callie and her sister Jessa, but here things are not so straightforward. Callie and Jessa were all about saving each other, fighting the system, etc. Olivia is complicated and unsure. She’s been through so much emotional trauma that she’s not really sure who to trust. I loved getting to know more about her.

This book is shorter than its predecessors but it didn’t hurt the way that the story unfolded. The pacing was quick and there never was a dull moment. Absolutely no filler here! Ahh….it’s so difficult to write about a third book in a series because I don’t want to give anything about the plot away. But trust me when I say that this book was good, really good!

Now that the complete series is out, I really hope more people decide to pick it up. It should get a lot more love than it has been given so far! I’m so sad to see it end but can’t wait to see what Pintip Dunn has planned next!

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Review: 4 out of 5 stars

Seize Today is the third book in the Forget Tomorrow series by Pintip Dunn and takes place six months after Remember Yesterday ends. This is a series which needs to be read in order to fully understand and appreciate what has happened.

Seize Today is seventeen year-old precognitive Olivia’s book, she is the daughter of Chairwoman Dresden and can see different pathways a person can take in their future; after being in hiding she has emerged to try to stop her mother from creating mass genocide. Olivia was an interesting character and one who I really felt for, she has been isolated for a majority of her life and hasn’t felt love or had any real friendships until Jessa and Tanner.

In this book, the fast paced plot progresses as we continue to learn about the follow on effects from the first two books and future memories and learn of a new virus causing people to more or less disappear; it is essentially a race for Olivia, Jessa and their team to stop a vision that she had as a small child as well as a more recent memory which saw Ryder Russell from the rebel underground kill her.

Ryder is Jessa’s best friend and someone who doesn’t easily trust, he has felt loss and betrayal and doesn’t let anyone close but after Olivia saves him from her mother he sees something in her and slowly begins to let her into his world. The romance wasn’t at the forefront of this book as it has been in the others but it was one that I enjoyed as it bought Olivia closer to someone and form more than a friendship; she yearned for someone that would love her, I enjoyed their interactions and the way he came to care for her.

I have to admit the sci-fi components of this book were a little lost on me at times and I did find myself skimming; other than this I couldn’t fault it. Pintip Dunn’s writing is engaging, the creative world that she has written is unique and the characters were all amazing! Chairwoman Dresden was crazy but as the villain was perfectly written.

Everything was tied up neatly in the conclusion to this series and I am saddened that it has come to an end; getting to know each of these wonderful characters and delving into this creative world has been an amazing experience and I look forward to reading more books by this fabulous author.

Thank you to Entangled Teen via Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review Seize Today.

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Another 5 stars for the 3rd book. I like how each of these books were told from someone else. Olivia told the story in this one. I truly felt bad for her throughout the book. It seemed like everything was against her no matter what path she picked. The outcome usually showed she is the bad guy. But we also get more of Jessa's Best Friend Ryder. When Ryder gets captured by Olivia's mom she forces his future memory out of him.
But what few people see changes some things. Because Ryder is now linked to Olivia in a way that most didn't forsee.
Time is running out for everyone and they must work together to figure out how to stop Olivia's future memory from coming true.
They must build a realm machine to take them to an alternate version of the world they live in. Because people are fading away, talking to people who aren't there. Because their minds and some of their bodies are in a different universe.
I like how Olivia and Ryder start getting along and realize they actually do have a lot in common.
We really do need another book,
I just love this series.

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The books in this trilogy just got progressively better and better! I really enjoyed the first book, but I had some qualms that held me back from loving it. Then the second book came along, and I couldn’t think of much to say in the negatives section of my review. I’m fairly certain that this book was my favorite of the three (maybe it’s just because it’s fresher than book 2, though?) I loved it, and Dunn even managed to get me to ignore a trope that typically bugs the heck out of me…

What Fed My Addiction:

Possible futures.
Olivia can’t really see the future, but she can see all of the different paths that the future might take. I found this endlessly interesting because she’s constantly playing a numbers game—what has the best odds of working in any given situation? What is so-and-so most likely to do? But no matter what, she can always be wrong. Even if there’s only a 1% chance of something happening, it can still happen. Then, there are a few instances of things where Olivia can only see one outcome—things she’s sure of. But even those things have possibilities that she may be blinded to. I basically just loved this concept and continued to love it throughout the book. (Plus, if you mention the idea of parallel universes to me in a book—I’m all in!)

Shades of gray.
If you read my reviews regularly, you know I love it when the villains come with a hefty amount of gray area. At first glance, the villain in these books is pure evil, but we do get to see how she ended up being the person she is, and we actually end up feeling sorry for her. A little. But not enough to make up for who she becomes.

Longing for family.
Both Olivia and Ryder struggle with loss and abandonment when it comes to their families. Olivia is desperate for love because she’s never experienced it. Ryder has love in his life but he has trouble trusting it because he’s been hurt so many times in the past. I loved the theme of family being the people you choose and not always your flesh and blood.

What Left Me Hungry for More:

A bit of instalove?
So, here’s the thing: in my head, I was telling myself that this was pretty much instalove, but honestly, somehow Dunn managed to make me completely invested in the romance anyway. I occasionally thought about the fact that Olivia and Ryder had just met, but the relationship itself took enough time to develop (as far as the length of the book went) that I was mostly okay with it. Maybe even completely fine?

Guessed (part of) the ending.
I figured out really early on what was going to happen in one of the major climactic scenes at the end, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying it!

Pintip Dunn has blown me away with this trilogy, and I’m really sad it’s over! (Though, I feel like she left some possible doors open for a companion?). If you’re a fan of uniquely twisty time travel stories, you don’t want to miss out on these. I give this final installment an easy 4.5/5 Stars.

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley and Chapter by Chapter Blog Tours in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***

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"The future, after all, is yours to embrace or defy."

I can't say that I ever expected this book to revolve around Olivia Dresden, but it was definitely one of the most interesting POVs to conclude the series with. I think it turned out to be an excellent decision. While I'm sad to see this trilogy come to a close, I've certainly enjoyed this wild ride Pintip Dunn has taken us on.
Olivia Dresden has always been a shadow of a person. She's never been the daughter her mother, the Chairwoman, wanted, nor is she brave or strong like Callie or Jessa; instead, as a precognitive, she sees a million pathways spread out before her, a world of possibilities at her feet, but is always unsure of what path to take. Not many people know, however, that her visions of the future come with an expiration date: May 4th, which is just a few weeks away. Faced with the looming fate of uncertainty, Olivia decides that it's time to finally act and rebel against her mother's genocidal scheme. She teams up with Ryder, an alluring boy from the Underground with a mountain of trust issues to try to help the people she's admired all her life to save the world she's only seen from the outside. Together, they face the biggest enemy of all--Fate--in a race to keep their timeline from unraveling for good.
While I wasn't expecting this to be Olivia's book, I ended up being so glad it was! I felt like I gained such a deeper understanding of this rich and complex world that Dunn has created by getting to experience it through her eyes. The ending wasn't what I was expecting, nothing about this book was really, but it had substance and I have a feeling it will be staying with me for days to come. I do wish that there had been a little more romance between Ryder and Olivia like there was with characters in the first two books, but I understand that that wasn't the main priority while they were trying to save the human race. I also loved getting to watch Olivia getting to grow as a person; going from an unsure girl into a true heroine who can stand up for what's right no matter what it costs her. She did have to make some awful tough decisions along the way, though. When you see all the directions, all the possible moves on the board, it can be difficult to keep from getting distracted. So, will Olivia be too caught up in trying to predict the outcomes to remember to play the game, or will she challenge fate by just trying to Seize Today?

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I received a review copy from Netgalley.

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

This was excellent! A well-crafted story. I absolutely loved how the author pulled in elements from book 1 to this book. I loved the complex nature of the plot. I loved all the "Oh, now I get it!" moments when earlier things started to make sense. I couldn't predict the book at all, which made for a really good reading experience. The characters are really interesting and endearing for the most part. Olivia is a great protagonist, and I like how the villain is multi-layered.

A few small critiques:
1. I really liked the romance and both of the characters involved, but it felt oddly paced at times, almost like we were skipping steps. I wanted to see more of their interactions.
2. I wanted to know more about what Jessa was up to, even though she wasn't the main character in this book.
3. The world is so intricate that some things had to be explained quickly, and I understand that. I think the intricate world is awesome. But there's so much I want to know more about, and there wasn't space to delve into all of it. But when a book leaves you wanting more, that's good. I'll just have to go read a physics textbook about time travel. (Ha.)

If you like time travel, time manipulation, time loops, etc., I think you should give this trilogy a try.

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3.5/5 I actually liked this book better than the others. I just found the people more interesting in this book and I connected with Olivia and Ryder more than the others. Glad I got sent an arc because I Did get more out of this book than the others.

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“Would you rather live a long, uneventful life, or seize the moment and leave this world in flames?”

Wow! Seize Today is a thrilling ending to this outstanding sci-fi, dystopian trilogy, and each book got better and better and exceeded my imagination and expectations! I can’t even explain how intense and exciting this book was to read. I was constantly doing whatever I could to get back to reading and I am positive I could have read this non-stop if life wasn’t so pesky.

Each installment has ended on quite a cliffhanger and each new book starts with a different narrator. At first, I was unsure of these other narrators, but now it is exactly what makes each book so much more exciting than the last. Each book is intrinsically connected to the last and all of the characters play extremely important roles in every book. So even though the narrator is changing the story is very much progressing forward and you feel connected to each and every character you meet throughout the series.

Olivia is a character I think everyone can connect with on some level. Her life has been filled with pain and yet she still has faith and hope in the people whom she encounters. Olivia is the only true precognitive in this world, she can see and feel other people’s future pathways, which means she can also experience them. Each person has many paths depending on which actions they choose to take and Olivia can see and predict the most logical end points. Olivia is also Chairwoman Dresden’s daughter, and she hates what her mother has done. She can see that there are always good choices within her mother, but she never seems to follow those paths.

Olivia believes that Jessa is the key to saving the world, and stopping her mother, so in the previous book, she convinces her to leave her family and the Underground resistance, to be her mother’s assistant to help dismantle FuMA from the inside. What Olivia doesn’t know is how important she is in these world ending events. Olivia feels that she is a shadow and she is only there to help observe and see which paths bring them to the end. Until Ryder is captured. Ryder is from the Underground and was Jessa’s best friend growing up. He is forced to receive his future memory and then he is forever entangled with Olivia’s path.

I don’t know how Pintip does it, but the romance literally made my heart flutter. And don’t take that the wrong way, it is a very clean romance. Just the anticipation and the emotions, I could literally feel them! Her writing gets better and more engaging with every book I have read & I can’t wait to read what she is working on next. I am sad to leave this world behind, but I am completely satisfied with how it ends. This book has so many emotions within these pages, and I had so many feelings. Like seriously, I think my eyes teared up on more than a few occasions.

All of our questions are answered and even though some aspects we are expecting (because we have seen these future memories before), and other events that unfold are completely shocking, I absolutely loved putting it all together for a thrilling conclusion to this series. Seize Today is action packed, captivating, emotional, and satisfying…highly recommend for sci-fi dystopian fans!

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Pintip Dunn gave us the perfect conclusion to the breathtaking series. Seize Today provides all the answers while presenting an interesting and unexpected plot. It was a joy to read, it was really intriguing, and I was unable to put it down. Mrs. Dunn’s writing style is consistent, and as always, her characters simply shine.
For a decent chunk of the 00s and 10s (good) YA standalones were hard to find. Every kind of successful release got a sequel. So actually getting an organized, well-developed series that has one invested on every page, a series with memorable characters and an original plot behind it feels like a blessing. That’s what Pintip Dunn brought to the table with this series, it’s why you should pick it up if you haven’t. I doubt that you’ll be disappointed

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Seize Today is the thrilling conclusion to a fantastic dystopian series. I’ve been a huge fan of this series since the beginning, Pintip writes such compelling characters that you can’t help but love them and want to follow them everywhere. I was dubious when I found out that each book would feature a different character, to me Callie and Logan were perfect characters but I worried for nothing. Remember Yesterday featured Jessa and Tanner who are by far my favourites characters of the whole series. Pintip has made sure to grab readers from the first page and from there the rest is history.

Seize Today is about Olivia, Chairwoman Dresden’s daughter and she is the world’s one true precognitive; meaning she can look into the future and see all the possible outcomes that can come with just one simple action. Due to her ability, Olivia has isolated herself for ten years until she joins Jessa in her plan to save the future and meets Ryder, the boy who in every future, kills her.

Olivia was such an adorable character, she’s so broken and vulnerable that you can’t help but be immediately protective of her. Ryder is Jessa’s best friend and Mikey’s adopted son, he's a very private character and distrustful of almost everyone outside of his close friends and family. Ryder has a harrowing back-story that broke my heart but what I loved most about him was his interactions with Olivia. Olivia is a broken bird but he never treated her as such, he knew she had the capabilities to be strong and fearless. Their relationship is such a slow burn as each character slowly begins to trust each other.

The Forget Tomorrow series has been fast paced and action packed since the very beginning but all of this comes to a head in Seize Today. Pintip has clearly known where she wanted this series to go from the the very beginning, decisions made in book one cleverly become clear in Seize Today, so many plot twists, so many answers to questions I had forgotten and so many moments that had me on the edge of my seat. Fans of the series will thoroughly enjoy this conclusion and I can’t wait to see what Pintip comes up with next!

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The thing about the Forget Tomorrow series that makes it so great is not only the awesome writing (I love the writing) but that we get to see the plot from different perspectives per book. We started with Callie, then her sister Jenna and now the own chairwoman’s daughter Olivia. Seize Today really pulls everything together.

I found Olivia’s story to be the most intriguing because the way your perspective of her changes throughout the other books as well. So the Olivia we meet in Forget Tomorrow is not the same girl we see in Seize Today. Each story I’m always surprised how much I bond with the character. I was a loyal Callie girl but I think Olivia is my favorite character. She has so much in her that nobody sees and it makes me sad. She is also very very strong to have put up with the things she has and you just can’t help but root for her. Her decisions are not purposely cruel and are sometimes the only option she sees. She wants to save everyone because she sits on this line between the world and her mother.

I can’t remember what I thought of Ryder in Remember Yesterday but I did like him now. Even with his trust issues, unlike his father Mickey he can see beyond himself. I think he starts to understand that in order to get trust you have to put a little of yourself out there too. I love love how he sees Olivia for who she is. Not just what she is expected to be. There blooming friendship/relationship is very cute and heartwarming.

Did I hate Mickey before? I can’t remember I think I might have but if I didn’t I really hate him in this book. He shouldn’t be in charge of anything, he doesn’t have a clear enough head. He is also too bias. Maybe I am too hard on him but he just gets to me.

So the plot ahh the plot. I don’t want to give anything away and now that all three books are out I think it’s a perfect series to binge. I just kept thinking, no how can this turn this way or that way or upside down. So many things so many things. Also so much action. You never feel a lull just a need to know how they are going to get out their situations.

I loved this series. I think it’s a great lighter Sci-fi for someone who might be hesitant with the genre. I also loved all of the relationships the characters develop. Not just with their significant others but with each other. It was interesting to see it through the whole series. The perfect binge series.

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