Member Reviews

I received an eARC of this book via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.
Seize Today by Pintip Dunn is an amazing end to a thrilling series! This time the story revolves around Olivia Dresden, the world’s only true precognitive and picks up about 6 months after the end of Remember Yesterday. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about switching POV again as I loved Jessa’s story, but I think I may have enjoyed Olivia more.
Olivia is a broken, lost character. Unlike Callie and Jessa, Olivia has had a horrible upbringing. How could she not?! Chairwoman Dresden is her mother *shivers* Yet she always chooses to believe the best in everyone. She sees all possible futures, all the timelines at one time when she reaches into one person’s future. It can be overwhelming and she asked to be secluded after Callie’s sacrifice in Forget Tomorrow. For 10 years she lived alone. Now she’s back in the world thanks to Jessa. She’s trying to fight the future that has haunted her most of her life. She’s an optimist and realist, all rolled into one.
Then there’s Ryder, Mikey’s adopted son and Jessa’s best friend. I’m not sure how I felt about him here. He’s very closed off and distrustful, though I don’t blame him in the slightest when you know why he was sent to Harmony in the first place. His backstory breaks my heart! Yet unlike the risk-taking, fun-loving, loyal friend from Remember Yesterday, Ryder is actually mean at times and his actions contradict his words. I hated, really hated the difference in his friendship with Jessa. I understand why he was so angry with her, but I wanted to throttle the stubborn boy at the same time.
Together, I loved Olivia and Ryder. Their relationship was either of the first two explored in the series. Olivia is the enemy in Ryder’s eyes, and Ryder’s future memory makes him Olivia’s enemy, though it’s the last thing she wants. I enjoyed reading as their opinion of one another changes and the relationship begins to bud. It’s achingly sweet and tenuous.
The series arc comes to a head in this final book. I loved how the loose ends and answers are tied up. The timeline is starting to unravel, and Jessa, Olivia, and Callie have to figure out why and stop it. If they can’t stop it, then they have to find a way to save those they care for. It’s exciting and suspenseful, and I found myself engrossed right to the last page. A warning though: if you don’t enjoy sci-fi, then you may not enjoy this final installment of the series. Unlike the first two books, Seize Today goes more into the science behind precog, future memory, time travel, and alternate dimensions. I enjoyed it, but I also love sci-fi.
Overall I really enjoyed this series. I felt the author did a fantastic job in concluding the series. My only complaint about this book (and it is why I dropped it from 5 to 4 stars) is the end. It felt rushed. A lot happens….I do mean A LOT! And then the book just ends. It’s an appropriate ending, but I do wish there was a little bit more of a resolution after the climax. Instead there’s an epilogue which I felt was appropriate but I also felt let down in a way. Note that this is only my opinion. It was still a fantastic read! If you’ve enjoyed the series so far, enjoy dystopia and time travel, I highly recommend you grab a copy ASAP!

I seriously couldn't be more satisfied with an ending to a trilogy like I am with this one. I mean, I'm just blown away at everything this book has to offer. The concept of time travel and realm traveling fit into a dystopian society. What more could you want in a book and in a series?
In this book, we follow Olivia, the Chairwoman's daughter. My poor poor Olivia. This child is the most broken of the three POVs we got during the series. She is a precognitive, which means she can see people's futures. The concept of her precog is really cool. She can't predict the future per se, but can see different paths people have the option to take.
Like I said before, Olivia is very broken. Her mother doesn't love her. She has no real friends and doesn't think she is worthy of any friends or family. She is basically a pawn in her mother's world. What a terrible existence for someone to grow up in. I can understand why she did the actions that she did during the course of the book. But I'm glad that she had character growth and started to understand what it means to have a family.
Ryder wasn't as involved in the book as the other love interests were, which was kind of upsetting. I liked Ryder and having known him from the previous books, it was nice to see him a bit more grown up. It just would have been nice for him and Olivia to have more conversations and things like that.
Overall, though, I really can't complain with this book and the series as a whole. It was tied up together very nicely. It set up for other books, if the author chooses, along with novellas. But nothing makes me more happy then a well done series with a crisp clean ending.

I was not happy with this book. It was not what I was expecting when I requested it

"Seize Today" was a great finale to a fantastic YA sci-fi/romance series. This third book wraps up all the plot lines we've been exposed to in the first two books as well as provides a new romantic couple for us to enjoy (but this is a much smaller part of this book). Here, we follow Olivia Dresden, the chairwoman's daughter, as she seeks to save the world she knows and loves as well as to find her own way. Being a precognitive and the daughter of a woman who has little to no interest in her, Olivia's life has been very isolating. Olivia clings to Jessa, now the chairwoman's assistant, whom she has seen in many of the possible futures as someone with whom she will work to save their world.
There is a new virus affecting people of all different walks of life with terrible symptoms- as they appear to be disappearing/degrading. Luckily (or maybe unluckily), the company that controls the government has developed a treatment for it, but the costs will be large. Olivia and team have a limited clock to figure out what it is and how to prevent the futures she saw as a young child. At the same time, Olivia finds herself connected through future memory to Ryder, who has some deep-seated trust issues. Despite her own issues, she connects with him in a way that she never has before, and together, they seek to help his family- and the rest of the world- as best they can.
The sci-fi dimensions of this series are really taken to another level in this third book- we've had future memory that ruled the dystopian society and time travel in the last two, and now we learn more about precognition (being able to see into the future) and potential realities. Jessa's precognition only goes a few seconds into the future, so she only sees futures that are set. Olivia sees all possible pathways that could occur, and this leads to the discussion of alternate timelines for paths that were not taken. Although she can try to predict which one will actually happen, she is often surprised by the results. Olivia is a fascinating character to follow and the perfect perspective for this thrilling conclusion to a brilliant series. Overall, I really enjoyed this book, and particularly how all the pieces of the puzzle we've been gathering since the first book came together so smoothly in this conclusion. For YA sci-fi/dystopian lovers, this series is a must read!
Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.