Member Reviews

I did not enjoy this series beyond book one or two, and I can't stand not reading series in order. Didn't realize this wouldn't be a good fit for me until I'd already requested.

I've been enjoying Sherrilyn Kenyon's Chronicles of Nick series. Nick has been thrown into some crazy adventures and Intensity is just one of them!

Omg! Intensity is the perfect name for this book. I look forward to going with Nick on his next journey and how he’s going to deal with the revelations he found out about in this book! Can’t wait for the next book as Sherrilyn Kenyon always leave you wanting more.

I requested this book as I had a boxset of the previous 7 books but after reading the first two it was clear I wasn't going to continue with this series.

Intensity was rather short in comparison to the other novels in the series, and I was left wanting more once I finished. Nick's story continues to be interesting, though, and the whole universe Kenyon has created always manages to bring on new surprises, with beings I hadn't expected.
Nick and his friends were in tight spots more than once, and the pace was fast, which made the book fly by.

3 adorable stars
Diana Palmer is one of those author that when i've read her books, i remembered them for being memorable and funny. None of the stories were similar as they all have something that makes them great, however, there was something with Wyoming Winter that made it very hard to connect with the story and the characters. I know Diana Palmer is a great author, but for me, Colie was too perfect and J.C., the kind of man that even through clearly suffers from PTSD from his tours overseas, seemed to brush it off as nothing at times.
I wish i could have connected more with this story, and maybe that's just because i was expecting something more upbeat with a twist of humor, but that doesn't mean that someone else won't appreciate or enjoy it, it simply means that this wasn't the book for me.
*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

I want to thank Netgalley, an Sherrilyn Kenyon for giving me the chance to review this book.
If I could give 10 stars I would! I LOVED it!! Once again Kenyon took us into Nick's world an threw him in the deep end to see if he could handle it, that cajun doesn't let anything get in his way!!

While reading the Chronicles of Nick I was always thinking – if Nick knew all these people before the crucial day, and his life has already changed so much, how can all those things happen in Dark-Hunter series, since Nick’s fist change, his relationship with Archeron and Atremis is such a big part of all of them? Well now I know.
So in this last book of Chronicles of Nick everything is turned upside down several times and I constantly had a feeling like I had skipped a book, or my lack of keeping up with other Hunter’s stories has robed me of some knowledge, since all the books are closely knitted with each other. But even if I am missing some information, one is for sure, the things that Ambrosius has always taken as inevitable, may actually been false memories, given to him by somebody who wants him to feel guilty.
The story was confusing at the beginning, but it will sort out pretty soon and it all gets pretty sensible conclusion. But this is not actually the end of the story, it’s just the end of Nick’s stories.
It was a good series, thrilling and enrapturing and the constant question – how does all of this does not affect other books? – has its answer.

As a long time reader of this series, I was glad to see all the usual action and character dynamics (especially Caleb - he's my favorute character in the whole DH series), but I had a lot of unanswered questions. A lot of major events were unclear (particularly Kody's death) and I think a fair amount of the confusion was due to the sheer amount of characters coming and going through out the series. There was so much going on, and honestly ending the series by erasing Nicks memories like nothing happened was unsatisfying.

I really enjoyed this and hope to read more from the author. I would also like some more dark-hunter novels.

3.5 Stars
I have to be honest. I struggled with following this story. It seemed to move around a little too much for me. However, that being said, I loved the emotion. Intense is definitely the word for this story. I also love the world that Sherrilyn creates and the characters continue to be some of my favorites in the paranormal world. I still can't wait to read more from Sherrilyn annd she continues to be one of my favorite paranormal authors.

Wow! This series is one of the best series I have ever read. (Dark hunters universe)
This isn't a series you can jump into anywhere, I did perhaps jump into Nicks series here though, but I am all up to date with everything else in the series. I was fine, I loved this book lot. Maybe too because Nick is a little a lot older now, then when we first meet him at the beginning of his own series, which I am now off to buy them all.
I love the way how Sherrilyn can pull you into her worlds, I love that she connects them all together the over all arc of the series is epic. I love the way she puts her words together and as always the adventure we go on.
I loved everything about this book, and I am excited for more. from Nicks and also the rest of the others.
I legit cannot wait for all the ADULT Nicks books, I feel like we have been waiting forever for this to happen. This book is filled with so many surprises and feelings.

I've been reading Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series since the beginning in 2002. I almost expect some hits and misses in a connected series with going on 30 books now, but in general they're enjoyable reads even if sometimes they get a bit confusing with regard to the timeline and how things interconnect.
The Chronicles of Nick series is a YA spin-off focusing on Nick Gautier, who has been a popular recurring character since Seize the Night (2004). A young Cajun who falls into the world of Dark-Hunters, becomes a Squire to Kyrian of Thrace, and general human assistant to Dark-Hunters in New Orleans. We see him grow up in that series, including some massive tragedy and a mysterious heritage even he didn't know about.
This series is not one you can jump into, and even having read everything that came before, I still feel like there needs to be a "refresher course" to bring everyone up to speed. I've been wondering how people who stumble upon the CON series and pick it up not having any of the backstory of another previous series feel about this series. This one uses manipulation of time as a major plot point, to make things even more confusing. In the future, Nick's adult self is playing around with history, trying to prevent a tragedy we already saw in the Dark-Hunters series. This causes a lot of confusion as you figure out who the characters and motivations are, then the reset button gets hit again and things change a bit.
My understanding is CON was intended to show Nick's past before he'd finally get his own book in the Dark-Hunter series. Now I'm not sure if that's still the plan or if things have changed, especially since this book is suddenly the final book in the series, is half the length of previous books, and appears to be going through a different publishing house. On top of that, we're introduced to Future Nick's son, Cyprian, who as part of his nature must kill his father, and there's supposed to be a trilogy focusing on him next. I know Kenyon can make utter bastards convert into decent guys, but suddenly dropping in a new character, then quickly ending the current series to focus on the new character no one has heard of before seems an odd choice. Especially since this last book essentially cancelled out everything that happened in the previous ones. Perhaps she's trying to get it back into sync with the main timeline in the Dark-Hunters series and used this series a way to explain more about the Malachi and how they work without having to delve into it in Nick's Dark-Hunter book (if that is truly in the works, which I'm starting to doubt).
I put up with the flip-flopping of the timeline because I thought there was a destination in mind, but now I feel like someone changed the GPS settings. It's made an already confusing series even more confusing. I don't have the time to reread 30+ books to get the "who's who and what's what" -- some characters are related but even they don't know it, and multiple characters, Nick included, are not as human as they appear. I knew one of the main characters was related to one of the Dark-Hunters, but couldn't remember who from previous books, leaving me questioning my memory until there a mention of it near the end of this novella. Even with that, I kept questioning my memory due to the timeline changing nature of the series.
I'm sad to see this series end, mainly because it felt ultimately pointless, with a throwaway novella to wrap things up before moving on to a new character and a new series. Cyprian didn't exactly make a good first impression, and I don't truly have much interest in his personal story, just how it relates to what is going to happen with Nick. And poor Nick's best idea is to literally wipe his own memory of everything that happened in this series, to prevent Cyprian from being able to inherit the same memories and use them against Nick. Yet there are others in the series whose memories aren't wiped, yet go on to do (or not do) things that totally conflict with what they should know when the time eventually comes (else there's more time tinkering involved). Even Cyprian's very existence is hinky, because as a Malachi, he could only have been conceived in violence as stated multiple times throughout both series, yet Nick had no idea he existed. We know Nick's mother was raped, so is the implication that Nick is raped at some point, perhaps given a date rape drug so he's unaware of what happened?
Will Nick ever get his adult Dark-Hunter story with a happy ending? Will it be with the girlfriend he had in the CON series, or will the reset cause that to not have happened in Nick's "real" timeline, so he'll be matched with someone else? Will the questions posed in this series eventually get an answer, either in Cyprian's series or the Dark-Hunter series? Or are they to be forgotten as if the reader got their mind wiped as well?
I've been waffling on the rating on this one. My disappointment says 2 stars, my love of Nick Gautier bumps it up to 3.

It’s a demon-eat-demon world for Nick Gautier. Just when he thinks he’s finally gotten a handle on how not to take over the world and destroy it, Death returns with an all-star cast that is determined to end the Malachai reign and lineage forever. Worse? Death and War have found the one, true enemy Nick can’t find, and even if he did, it’s one he could never bring himself to banish or kill.
Now framed for murders he hasn’t committed, and surrounded by new friends who might be turncoats, Nick is learning fast how his father went down in flames.
Intensity is the 8th in Kenyon's Chronicles of Nick YA series which connects in large part to her Dark Hunter universe. It remains terribly confusing to explain everything to a non-series reader; however, fans of Kenyon and her ability to map out a spectacularly detailed world and connected characters will enjoy Intensity for its place within the timeline as well as its humor and action.
This novel appears to map a shift in the series and what comes for the future of the Nick Gautier arc for both YA reads and adult fans. We'll just have to wait and see how all of it pans out. The new shift in publication seems to follow his son for now and hopefully undoing a lot of the negative impact Cyprian will have on the whole Dark Hunter universe.
Overall, good pacing but a little confusing at times. Readers will have to stay with it to truly get the point. Some good zingers, tears and a great cliffhanger.
Final rating: 4 out of 5 stars

I'm a huge fan of Sherrilyn and I absolutely adore Nick but this book for some reason couldn't keep my attention long. It wasn't for lack of good story or writing which was as usual for Sherrilyn top notch but more of a it just felt drawn out for some reason. There were certain parts that felt as if it could have been written in a different manner or shortened in length but over all it was a good read. Will I continue this series? Maybe not- it might just be that my tastes are starting to change but it wasn't due to her lack of material, imagination, or writing methods but more of a it feels weird to still be reading teen/ young adult books now that my own kids are old enough to start reading these.
Reviewed by Sarah of the GothicMoms Review Team

Review: INTENSITY (Chronicles of Nick Book 8) by Sherrilyn Kenyon http://wp.me/p3d0RZ-9Op
Publication Date: September 5, 2017
Genre: Sci Fi & Fantasy, Teens & YA
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Cori
Rated 5 Stars
INTENSITY is the perfect conclusion to an epic series. Sherrilyn Kenyon's Chronicles of Nick series is a Young Adult series featuring Nick who is in her Dark-Hunter Series. I don't usually pick up YA books, but this is a great series for teens as well as adults and there are a lot of characters from the Dark-Hunter series in the Chronicles of Nick series so I highly recommend reading it if you're a Dark-Hunter fan. Nick is one of my favorite characters in Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series and the Chronicles of Nick tells his story up to the beginning of his life shown in the Dark-Hunter series. It's emotional, funny, and packed full of action and suspense. I loved this series and can't wait for Nick's adult book in the Dark-Hunter series and the spin-off series, Shadows of Fire, that I think will pick up where INTENSITY ended. Sherrilyn Kenyon is a master storyteller and I'm always get swept up in the worlds she creates when I pick up her books. I love them!
*Review copy provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Kindle http://amzn.to/2xmD2v1 | Amazon HBK http://amzn.to/2yq73so
Amazon Series Link http://amzn.to/2ydBPnh
Amazon Series Link http://amzn.to/2ydBPnh
1. Infinity
2. Invincible
3. Infamous
4. Inferno
5. Illusion
6. Instinct
7. Invision
8. Intensity

The way of the Malachai - the father perished whenever the son came of age and killed his father to take his place. Stupid ideas were Nick Gautier's speciality. Kody was Nick’s girlfriend and he loved her no getting around that and Nick was willing to die to keep Kody safe. Kyrian was Nick’s Greek boss also there was the dark hunter Acheron and Nick’s demon bodyguard Caleb. Kosy felt Nick couldn’t outeat a Charonte demon - Simi but Nick thought he could so he said. Kody warned Nick not to come to her for sympathy later on. Caleb was also Nick’s best friend as well as his bodyguard. Caleb had some guests right now - three evil Celts- an unsupervised War God, Hellhound, and Banshee so Caleb had to,leave and make sure everything was okay at home. Without his human skin Caleb was an orange fanged demon. Simi was a Charonte demon who was thousands of years old. Simi looked more like someone Nick’s age. The Malachai could speak all languages with ease. According to Nick’s mom he should have a PHD in if there was a wrong thing to say at a wrong time Nick said it. Dr. Nick Dumb - but that was Nick. Nick was also the Malachai. Nick was trying his best to avoid ending the world as they knew it. Nick would really like to die centuries from now without causing the world to go with him on his was to the Pearly Gates. Nick missed the days when he’d looked forward to a normal future of routine college, wife, kids, nine to five job and growing fat, old, and complacent with the world. That was when he had been ignorant of his true destiny and future role in the large universe. It sucked to know that one day he would be the end of all living things or at least that was what Caleb and Kody had lead him to believe but now….they didn’t know. That was why Nick needed Simi to take him to Olympus so that he could meet with his half brother - Maydor- the sleep God - about time travel and consequences. Nick needed answers and didn’t want anyone to interfere with the real stupidity he was planning. But Simi took him to an old ancient demon who was like a super ripped Ninja with the kind of toned muscles that Kyrian, Caleb, and Acheron sported. The Malachai in Nick saw this being in kecko armor wielding a magenta sword in the midst of battle against a group of Dramonk demons. The next flash showed the being in the guise of a Zeitzager - the creepy demons who were in charge of monitoring time and anyone who would abuse it. Simi ran over and hiugged him and called him “ Akri - Tashi” and told the being she had someone for him to meet Then the demon introduced himself as Takeshi and in Nick’s future and meets Nick many times. Takeshi asks Nick what he had screwed up because they shouldn’t be meeting like this. At least not then. Then Nashira manifested in front of Nick his yokai grimoire who was married to Takeshi. Someone who shouldn’t have the ability to change anything in Nick’s life was shifting his future as he talked to Takeshi. Then the ancient Goddess Laguerre- ancient battle goddess [ she lived for blood, mayhem, utter and extreme violence] and her ex husband Grim were messing with Nicks life. Then Cyprian- Laguerre’s son- ( but also Nick’s son from the future) asked his mother if she didn't feel it and Grim said they had been discovered. Cyprian was also a Malachai and wanted to kill Nick and rule the world.Laguerre planned on binding Cyprian to them and ruling in his place. Nick had accidently bound a hellhound- Zavid to him when learning about his powers and as they grew. Nicks new powers- Necromancy-the ability to talk to the dead, Perspicacity- the ability to see the heart and truth of those around him. Teleportation- the ability to move through connected space in short bursts, Silkspeech- the ability to sway the minds of the weak and influence thought, Clairvoyance- the ability to see an ever changing future, Telekinesis- calling objects with his mind and they come to him especially his Malachai tools, Divination and Conjuring- using objects or tools in order to read signs or learn about the higher senses, Summoning- the ability to bring or summon any demon into his realm without any effort, Transformation- a Malachai can appear as anyone or anything he chose to. Then Nick tapped the very powers he mentioned and ended up over his mother's dead body. Daimons had attacked and killed Nick’s mom while Nick was out with the other squires patrolling to protect strangers.This was something Nick couldn’t change all roads lead him there.
Another excellent book on Nick. Also another excellent book by Sherrilyn Kenyon.I absolutely loved this book. I loved how Nick constantly fought his Malachai urges for death, blood, and destruction. I loved all those who stood by Nick to help him. I loved Nick’s relationship with his mom how she easily could have hated him by the way he was conceived but instead adored him so very special for them both. I especially loved someone so evil as Nick’s father could really love Cherie - Nick's mom- as well as Nick. I will say that you will probably be lost if you don’t read the other chronicles of Nick. I would suggest reading The Dark Hunters series first as you will meet everyone and when Nick comes into their lives and the roles they all play. The two series completely ties into each other and as far as I am concerned most definitely worth it. I have read almost everything Sherrilyn Kenyon has written as has my daughter as she introduced me to Ms Kenyons writing, There is so much to these books including this one: Gods. Goddesses, betrayal greed , backstabbing, good, evil, love friendship. Demons of many types, a very loveable Simi, action, gut wrenching pain, Nick’s quest, different planes and so very much more.as that is just the tip of the iceberg. I loved the characters and all the twists and turns of this book and I very highly recommend. Just try to read the others first at least the others to the series The Chronicles of Nick you won’t regret it. Another winner Sherrilyn Kenyon keep writing !!!

I loved the conclusion to this first arc of Nick's story. Kenyon continues to impress me with her world-building and sheer prowess at plotting. I can't wait for the next four books!

I received an ARC of this book for my honest review. I have read all the books in this series and have definitely enjoyed them.
Nick continues his battle to save not just his mother and close friend, but also the universe. In addition he has to try and save his son, plus come face to face with his father and past generations.
I felt really torn on how this book ended just when Nick took two steps in the right direction he gets knocked back about 50. I am definitely reading the next book in this series.

I have loved all of the nick series so far and was really bummed this one got pushed back. I was hoping that with the push it would be longer but I think this is the shortest one so far with only 138 pages. It was also the most confusing at some points starting a battle with the characters being attacked and then all of a sudden it's 2 weeks later with nothing in between. I was very disappointed with the length of the book and now the series is being drawn out for 4 more books about a character we are not even sure should exist. Then maybe we get adult nicks books.