Member Reviews

WOW! I love this book so much! This will be one of my top favorite reads for this entire year. Roma Downey shows us the beauty of seeing God's hand in all circumstances of our lives. She shares stories from her own life, personal stories, and her memories from working on the set of Touched by an Angel.
Inspirational, deeply moving! I'm definitely recommending this book to my friends and family. Can't wait to read Roma's newest book for myself.

This has to be one of my favorite books of all time! Reading "Box of Butterflies" feels like reading personal letters from a very close friend, and I can see myself reading this book over and over again throughout the remainder of my life. This book is food for the soul.
Roma Downey has been inspiring me for many years through her works on and off screen, and now with this book... She poured her heart and soul into this book. Along with her story and touching words, "Box of Butterflies" is filled with amazing quotes, poems, prayers, and art images — all of which really speak to the heart and soul. A heavenly light shines bright in this book. I've really never read or looked at a more beautiful and inspirational novel, inside and out. The same can be said of its author, Roma, who is one of the most beautiful and inspirational people I have ever known or known of, inside and out.
This is a wonderful addition to any public, private, or home library!

Written from the soul. You will laugh and cry at this beautiful inspired book.

Roma Downey truly believes that when she sees a butterfly it is a special blessing or a reminder that someone she loved, who is no longer with her physically, is still with her in spirit. For me, the same is true of cardinals and others may have a different symbol that comes to them when they need it, but regardless of what it is, the idea of God's love and the love of others is the same.
Roma's faith is strong and every time she sees a butterfly, it strengthens it just a little more. This book is made up of poems, scriptures, song lyrics as well as stories from Roma Downey's personal life and from her well-known television series "Touched By an Angel." The graphics throughout and imagery of butterflies on most pages add to the spiritual quality of the book. The special relationship she shared with Della Reese and her friendship with Maya Angelou showed how special and inspirational both of those women were to her. The experiences Roma shares with her readers regarding the many times she has reached out in prayer for guidance from God is very encouraging. One example of Roma meeting a young woman with scars on both her wrists and her story of how the words from the television show saved her brought both tears and chills. I recommend this book to anyone exploring their faith, struggling with their faith, or strong believers as this book will inspire and motivate you to love yourself, love others and love your God.

I absolutely love butterflies, and when I read that Ms. Downey believes that butterflies are reminders of God’s presence, I wanted to read this book. While I don’t agree with everything theologically in this book, there is much here to enjoy.
You’ll not find deep theological discussions here. Rather, you will find a series of anecdotes, quotes, stories, and thoughts that flit in and out of different ideas, much like a butterfly flying through a garden. Sip this flower for a moment, flutter over to that one, rest here for a moment in the shade, then take a drink from the puddle. This book lifted my soul, and I’m glad I read it.
I gratefully received this book as an eARC from the author, publisher, and NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review.

I was looking forward to reading this book but it wouldn’t download no matter what format I tried. Too bad

As much as I wanted to read this galley it was a no go as a download to was not possible as I tried all possible scenarios
1. Kindle format not available.
2. File could not be opened when downloaded
3. Protected file
Being that the publisher makes it such difficult task I would NOT recommend this book

Box of Butterflies
Discovering the Unexpected Blessings All Around Us
by Roma Downey
Howard Books
Pub Date 06 Mar 2018
I am reviewing a copy of Box of Butterflies through Box of Butterflies through Howard Books and Netgalley:
Roma Downey has saw butterflies as a reminder of God's presence from the time she was a little girl in Ireland. They appeared at the moments when she most needed these reminders.
Like the story lines in the widely popular Touched by An Angel that skyrocketed her career, the stories in this book offer a central theme of God and Faith along with inspirational and motivational stories.
Roma Downey was born in Derry City Ireland, a beautiful border town in North West Ireland, but from the time she was about eight she grew up in the midst of a war.
At eighteen Roma Downey left Derry and went to Brighton College of the Arts in London. While away at school she lost her Father.
This book is a gentle reminder that through the good times and bad we are never alone, that we have someone watching out for us, helping us when we call out to him.
Roma Downey's Faith shines beautifully in this book.
I give Box of Butterflies five out of five stars, and yet it deserves so much more!
Happy Reading!

This book is quite possibly one of the most visually beautiful books that I have ever read. Downey writes with heartwarming sentiment and there are so many thought-provoking sections in this book.
It's an easy book to read because you hate to stop reading it -
This is a book that I plan to buy for my personal collection.
I received this book in return for my honest opinion.

What a beautiful collection of stories, poems, scripture and artwork. I loved this and hope this author will do more of the same in the future. I highly recommend this.

I have loved butterflies since I was a young bride, so when I saw this book on Netgalley, I just had to read it. Wow! I was blessed beyond measure by this book and all of the simple truths that it held. Roma Downey’s subtitle, “Discovering the Unexpected Blessings All Around Us” really describes the entire book. It is chapter after chapter of descriptions of blessings and love that the Heavenly Father has given us and continues to give us daily. Ms. Downey presents a beautiful word picture of the Lord’s love for us, no matter what we may be going through. I loved all of the chapters of the book, but the ones on Love, Stillness and Gratitude particularly spoke to me.. Ms. Downey encourages the reader to look for God in the small things and we will see Him at work in our lives, every day and in every way. The illustrations are absolutely stunning, and the poems and quotations throughout the book add to its inspirational tone. I cannot say enough about how great this book is, and I encourage everyone to buy a copy, read it and cherish its truths in your heart.

Would have loved to review this book. However, the format the publisher chose is not useful to consumers. I can't recommend the book. Publishers need to make their offerings available on a wide range of viewing formats.