Member Reviews

Jenna Bayley-Burke's Lust in Translation was amazing! It's so a fun, sexy and quirky book. I'm looking forward to reading whatever Jenna comes up with next!

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Very funny and entertaining! As always the writing was top-nocht and the characters really had me rooting for them to achieve their HEA! Highly recommended.
*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher*

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It took me awhile to be pulled into this book, it was kind of slow and did not pull me in right away.
However, I did like the fun road trip with Jamie & Xavier and how they both brought out a different side to each other. I felt that the ending was slightly rushed and more could be added. But that is me on most books I don’t want to end.
Thanks Netgalley for this fun read.

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Xavier Moreau is determined to have the vacation he wants and no-one is going to change his plans, especially not Jaime Cruz, even though all she wants to do is get back to her hometown quickly. Besides, driving across America gives him the chance to visit all the places his mother loved. Determined to show Jaime how to have fun, instead of sticking to her strict itinerary, Xavier never imagined he'd fall for a control freak that could make him rethink his future. Will the pair get their happy ever after, or will the fact that they live on different continents keep them apart?

What a fun and exciting adventure Ms. Burke has penned in this story where I adored Xavier from the start and couldn't get enough of him. Really, his wanting to drive across America is for a good reason and I liked that he didn't allow anyone to talk him out of it, no matter how hard they tried. The way this story started had me completely hooked, because the hero isn't looking forward to spending time with anyone that doesn't want in on the adventure he plans on taking to get to his friend's wedding. Will Jaime go along with Xavier's plans or will she drive him crazy?

As for the dialogue, it was entertaining due to the main characters back stories, what's happening between Xavier's sister and father that has them at odds; and I loved the way Jaime and Xavier interacted with the hero being totally charming and determined to make sure Jaime enjoys herself instead of believing she needs to follow the plan she had set for their journey. Moreover, I really liked the hero with his determination to see America like his mom always wanted to. I also liked that he opened up to the heroine and wasn't afraid to go after what he wanted, which was to have fun with Jaime and convince her that she doesn't always need to plan things. While Jaime, she's been through a lot lately, and I could understand why she was so determined to convince Xavier to get to their destination quicker than he was planning. Would she be able to sort out of her life when it came to a job and somewhere to live? Things she needs to prove to her family that she can get her life back on track again. Yet, what I liked most of all about the heroine was her reaction to the way Xavier pushes her buttons and gets her to let her hair down and have fun. At least, he made her life interesting, instead of her being so driven and determined to plan everything.

Overall, Ms. Burke has delivered a wonderful read in this book where there's plenty of chemistry between the main characters that spills over onto the pages to give readers a good dose of romance; and the ending had me liking the decision the heroine made in order to be with Xavier. Finally, she's taking charge of her life and going after what she wants most, instead of just settling for what she planned to do when it came to her future. I would recommend Lust in Translation by Jenna Bayley-Burke, if you enjoy the opposites attract trope or books by authors Hayson Manning, Cindi Madsen, Stefanie London and Kadie Scott.

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Let me first start with I did enjoy book, somewhat, so don't get me wrong. It had its funny parts, I guess you always do on a road trip, so they have their sexy adventure. We meet Xavier, who is a workaholic, but decides on a trip to complete his mothers checklist. He ends up with an unwanted companion, his future sister-in-law Jaime. When he meets her he is instantly attracted, and the fun, and chaos begin. So they are opposites, but start getting to know each other on their trip, he wants to get her out of her shell, and he falls hard for her. But they live in different continents, how will that work? I wont tell you the rest, my can't really say issue, it's just that it seems that this is the second or third book I have read from this author, and it seems similar, someone is always trying to get someone to have fun..Or maybe it is just me.

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Lust in Translation is a sweet, sexy adventure.

Xavier is a total workaholic who has decided to take some time off to go across the US from DC to Oregon to complete his deceased mother's checklist. He really doesn't want to bring along a companion, but the last thing he can do is tell his best friend no when he asks Xavier to bring his future sister-in-law along with him as he drives out there for their wedding. And when he sees the beautiful Jaime, he's glad he didn't say no. Falling into a sexy relationship while on their road trip may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that they're in Oregon for the wedding, and Xavier's all set to go back to France, can they make a long distance relationship work or will Jaime give up her life in Oregon to jet off to France with Xavier?

I like Lust in Translation. It's a case of opposites attract and I like seeing them bond during their trip. I like seeing Xavier rile Jaime up and bringing her out of her shell. And I like seeing Xavier fall, hard, for sweet Jaime. So give Lust in Translation a read. You won't regret it.

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So this one is a funny sweet story between french and american who is not. I loved this multi couture thing and that characters were speaking in they native language. The writing was great and so were the both POV Jamie and Xavier. I loved how Xavier call Jamie J’amie and their story is really different. They got stuck together on a road trip an because Xavier has his way they don’t get straight to finish but take a big detour. They have a great adventure; funny, scary and sizzling hot adventure. They have a great time and they come to a lot of conclusion about their lifes the only thing left unspoken are their true feeling toward each other. Really great story with two great develop characters. Both Jamie and Xavier interesting and very likable with amazing chemistry between. The end scene was the one who did not impressed me but is a great funny book.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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What a fantastic book by Jenna Bayley-Burke. Not read much by this author which I don't know why lol but definitely on the look out for future books by this amazing author. Such a pleasure to read and I really enjoyed this book. Would recommend to everyone

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Please note: I received a copy of LUST IN TRANSLATION from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the publisher and author.

Five stars and here’s why:

Hella-hot, sexy scenes and great writing! **fans herself** Jaime and Xavier are forced to travel to a wedding together and the end result is hilarious. Jaime is an organized and planned person whereas Xavier is taking a detour through life to see all the places his mom loved. When these two are forced to spend time in a car together, all hell breaks loose, sparks fly, and plans go by the wayside. If you enjoy sexy romance with a side of humor, this book is for you. Highly recommend.

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Great characters and engaging storyline, the chemistry between the two, Jaime and Xavier, was good, a really enjoyable romance, couldn't put it down

I received an ARC from Netgalley and voluntarily leave my own opinion

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Jaime is moving back home jobless, homeless & single but first she has to get through her sister's wedding.

Xavier is the groom's best friend & agrees to drive Jaime home for the wedding in 3 weeks time.

There is instant attraction on both sides but Jaime just wants to make the 3 day drive & get home safely. Xavier has other ideas, he wants to actually see some of the country he's driving through but first he has to convince Jaime to lighten up & relax.

This was a fab story, I really enjoyed reading about their adventures in each different place. I couldn't put it down & read it in a day. Very much looking forward to reading more from this author.

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lust in translation pits sightseeing-minded xavier moreau against destination-focused jaime cruz. she's tagging along with him on a cross-country drive to her sister's wedding in medford. they have two weeks to get there, but she's done the drive in three days. xavier who is visiting from france has no intention of driving through america without stopping to see it.

it's xavier's car so jaime really has no leg to stand on when he insists on stopping at a haunted house. when a ghostly presence has her end up in his bed, xavier presses his luck and soon things get pretty steamy between them. jaime continues to protest that she needs to get home, but she allows xavier to pull her from place to place.

but the end of their road trip means only one thing. he has a life he needs to return to in france. and her family and her future job is in america. it takes a special kind of charm to close that divide, but xavier is certainly up to the challenge.

jaime and xavier are both meant to be conversational in a number of languages, but jaime is supposed to be fluent in spanish and xavier in french. the french bits were fine, but the spanish seemed like it had been run through google translate and never once checked by a native speaker. i refuse to believe that someone who is actually fluent in spanish actually read and approved those phrases because it read like gibberish to me. and i am actually fluent in spanish with working knowledge of italian, french and portuguese. this is a nit i am constantly picking at, but it happens to be a pet peeve.

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Had never read a book by the author before and wasn't disappointed in the slightest. Strong story and likeable characters. Was a great read

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This is my first book by Jenna Bayley-Burke.

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters

I look forward to reading more from this author.

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This book has both cursing (including f-bombs) and a lot of on-screen sex. If those things will cause you to leave a bad review, this is definitely not the book for you.

The core of this story was really pretty sweet and I enjoyed watching Xavier and Jamie getting to know one another and having fun together, even when it was reluctant fun. I also liked that Xavier and Jaime, while they have a lot of sex, they also do a lot of talking and interacting. The amount of sex they had could easily have overwhelmed the personal connection, but it didn't and I appreciated that as a reader who enjoys a good plot to go along with the sexy times.

I do wish there had been an epilogue for this one because while the book came to a solid conclusion and a hopeful, happily-for-now ending, there were question I wanted answered that were left unresolved. ***Slight spoilers to the end of this paragraph*** Did Jaime ever stand up to her family or did she continue to be a total doormat where they were concerned? Did she get the family she wanted? Did they actually live happily ever after? Did she move to France and realize that Carla is totally a toxic, horribly judgmental excuse for a “friend” who should never have been consulted about what shoes to wear, let alone something important, personal, and meaningful and that she should lose her number and totally cut ties with her? These are things I really wanted answers to that kept this from being a five star book. (But seriously...Carla was the worst “friend” character I have read about in a book in a long time. She wasn't frank or honest, she was rude, insulting, and a bully. Just because Jaime's standards and values were different than Carla's didn't mean she needed 'deprogramming' or that she was wrong for feeling the way she did. With friends who openly insult you to your face for who you are, who needs enemies to make you feel awful about yourself? Ugh.)

If you enjoy a story with a sexy main male character, a fun plot and a lot of heat, you will enjoy this one. It definitely is a fun "beach read" kind of book.

I requested and was granted an ARC of this story via NetGalley and the publisher. I wasn't obligated to write this review, I did so because I enjoyed this story.

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What a great story this was riding along across the country with the uptight Jaime who is leaving her life in DC to head back to Oregon, not enthusiastically with no car, no job and no place to live.
She's going back for her sister's wedding and waiting for her ride, the groom to be's best friend Xavier. Xavier has his own cross country agenda, follows his own time schedule and after showing up half a day late to pick up Jaime, pushes her right out of her tightly maintained little boxes.
Once she starts to relax into this fly by the seat of his pants Xavier, who is crossing off things to see that he found in his recently deceased mother's journal. His family is wealthy, he's from France and the family owns a couture house. He left too in part to force his sister and father to try and get along, sick of playing the intermediary. Trent's wedding was a good excuse.
Both are multi-lingual and it's fun to watch these two banter much less steam up any location that Xavier can find and wow does he find them. He loves taking photos and his camera is never far away.
These two slowly develop feelings for each other that are good but come with some pieces of both their histories attached. My heart broke for Jaime at times. You'll see when you read the story.
There are some things that cannot be replaced. Her family is selfish, her mother is flipping insulting and the sister.... It's a wonderful thing Xavier did taking his time crossing the country slowly arriving only a few days before the wedding saving her from having to deal with some of the family things.
Lots of surprises for her when she arrives home. She's angry too that she doesn't want Xavier to go and meanwhile he's fending off phone calls from his sister because of his father. This book has some greta humor in it and the changing languages adds to the fun. His sister gives him some good advice when it comes to women though, one in particular and well.... will it work or won't it?
Loved this story and all the curves and touring the country with these two characters. Wow what a ride!

**arc from NetGalley and Entangled in exchange for a fair review**

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I received this book free from Netgalley. I really enjoyed this book. It was a nice light, fun, happy ending type of read. I always enjoy a good "enemies to lovers" type of story. Nothing that I was really not expecting, but fun none the less. I will definitely look for more by this author.

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Jaime Cruz finds herself stranded in DC after her car is stolen and is forced to accept a lift to her sister’s wedding in Oregon with the dashing Xavier Moreau, a French friend of her future brother in law. Jamie has planned 3 days to get there following her itinerary but Xavier has other ideas seemingly taking the slowest most off route way taking in the freakiest sights on the way. Somewhere along the way she realises this journey has the potential change everything.
I so enjoyed this story, the magnetic sparks flying and Xavier’s teasing sense of humour – I found myself smiling to myself whilst reading. Got to read some more of Jenna’s stories.

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I loved every second of this quirky story! What happens when you go on a cross country road trip with a guy who is friend's with the groom, who's marrying your sister? Well, Jaime Cruz is about to find out!
Jamie is moving home, so she hatches a ride with Xavier Morea. They are driving from DC to Oregon. Whole Jamie thinks this is going to be a fast drive, she doesn't realize Xavier is planning on stopping at all these crazy places along the way. He wants to have fun and have a memorable trip. Falling in love wasn't on with's road map, but then again, the stops weren't for Jamie either. Add in a sexy French man and this was a recipes for an unforgettable story!

I loved every second of this book. I loved Jamie and Xavier! I loved their banter and stops along the way! This was a fantastic read for me!

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I was given an arc from NetGalley in exchange for an honest and independent review.
I really enjoyed this sweet, engaging romance. Good characters with plenty of emotional connections and some steamy scenes. Loved the chemistry between the two main characters and the way their relationship devleops.
I like the way Jenna Bayley-Burke writes and having enjoyed all her books that I have read so far, look forward to the next one by her.

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