Member Reviews

This book was really weird. That doesn't mean it's bad, but for me it was a bit of a wtf blur, except for the post-apocalyptic environment, which I loved.

I was unable to review this book because of a conflict in my schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused the publisher or the author of the work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review for you and I look forward to reviewing for you in the future.

So this story reads as very fast, we're thrust right into the story, it's a short story nonetheless, but the story is very bland.
The writing isn't bad, the writing is good, just there is so much more left unanswered. The cover is far different from what I expected the story to be about. It only touched on the surface of things and didn't give us much insight, because of this I could make not a single connection with the characters at all. It's like the author just wrote out the plot and decided to publish it, without the necessary fillers a story needs to carry weight.
There isn't much of a plot twist or conflict, and conflict is important. It gives the story more juice. Anyways, I think there is so much more to be added to this story.

Gorgeous. A lush landscape of a changed world with deep mysteries and textures. I wanted more!

I received an ARC by NetGalley
That doesn't mean it's bad, but for me it was a bit of a wtf blur, except for the post-apocalyptic environment, which I loved.

This book got my attention when I was going through upcoming releases because of the cover. The blurb sounded really good. I have to say the book left me a bit at a loss. Not that it is bad written, that’s not the case, it’s more the fact that the story is starting in medias res, we don’t get any introduction, the bonding to the character is fast and the reader have to pretty soon decide if they like the character or not. I could connect with Tyler and Josh, still they have their secrets.
What I really liked about the book – unexpectedly – was the dystopian topic, the setting in which the people seem to live. It’s seems to be a kind of post-apocalyptic alternative world were resources like water are a rare thing and every single person has only limited access, regulated really strictly. Although it is a future world a lot of things are still like we know it but the differences are there, however shown in minor details, like the limitation of water or paper.
The fact that Josh is a transgender person is what interested me most and what was already mentioned in the blurb. Josh was former a woman and now transitioned to a man, and the topic is pretty openly displayed because of Josh’t honesty. I liked Tyler’s acceptance. Still I was pretty astonished that the concept of being trans isn’t a “matter” for the people in the society which gives a good clue how developed the world actually is. I honestly expected more hesitance but it’s pretty soon clear that Tyler don’t mind. And that’s a really wonderful thing because it give a positive feeling. Something you are sometimes missing in a book about a transgender character.
The intercourses between Tyler and Josh are pretty explicit, the act is displayed in the book, people who expect less or aren’t fond of Transgender (FTM) / F intercourses maybe shouldn’t pick this book. I liked the chemistry between the two different character. Very honest and without reluctance the sex is shown, Tyler is asking questions but isn’t noisy in her wish to learn more. And Josh is explaining it to her and the reader as well in a calm and understandable way. Thumbs up for this.
The book’s major topic is poetry and music, which makes the whole book pretty artistic. With Josh we have a translator who is working on a poem from an extinct group of society and Tyler is saying about herself she is a person who is highly influenced by synesthesia. The whole concept is pretty clear in the book still it demands a lot of thinking for the reader, which is amazing and surprising all in one for a short story like this.
Things could have been more elaborated, but the attempt is there, the character are charming and interesting. Therefore 4 out of 5 stars. 🙂
Review originally posted on my blog with added content on Mikku-chan / A world full of words

This was a surprising read! I didn't expect a SciFi/post-apocalyptic kind of story, but it made the story even better for me. Falling And Feedback is a very thoughtful, philosophical read with a romance between a transgender man and a woman who works in a library (sort of). I would have loved this story to be longer because there are so many pieces that would profit from more details.
There are two sex scenes in this shortstory which felt a bit awkward, but that might be just me. I don't like these scenes to be as graphical as they were depicted in this story. But you should still go on an read Falling And Feedback. It is full of music and a strange beautiful atmosphere.

Despite its short length, this book delivered insight and depth with a gently budding love story in this futuristic world where consent is at the forefront of a developing relationship.

This was much more sci-fi than I expected, and I wish that aspect had been fleshed out more, because it would have been a stronger novel. It also could have just been contemporary and been perfect without those aspects.
I'm also not sure how I feel about the love interest's reaction to being told the MC is trans.
I do love the way the cover was revealed in the book, though.